예제 #1
def PSNR(f, g, max_val=None):
    ~ Calculates peak signal-to-noise ratio of an array and its noisy approximation
    f : Input noise-free array
    g : Input noisy approximation array
    max_val : Maximum pixel value
    psnr : PSNR

    f = tl.array(f)
    g = tl.array(g)

    if (tl.shape(f) != tl.shape(g)):
        raise TypeError('f and g must be arrays of equal shape')

    if (max_val == None): max_val = tl.maxx([f, g])

    if ((f == g).all()):
        psnr = tl.inf
        mse = tl.mean(tl.abss(f - g)**2)
        psnr = 10 * tl.log10(max_val**2 / mse)

    return psnr
예제 #2
def ImportImage(path, normalize=True):
    ~ Imports image as a real 2D array

    path : Image load path
    normalize : Normalize output array (default value for linear normalization to [0,1])
    OSError: If path doesn't exist
    f : 2D array containing the image information

    if (tl.isfile(path) == False):
        raise OSError('File not found')

    f = tl.Image.open(path).convert('L')
    f = tl.array(f, dtype='float')

    if (normalize):
        f = LinearNormal(f)

    return f
예제 #3
def ErrDiffBin(f,
               b=[[1 / 16., 5 / 16., 3 / 16.], [7 / 16., 0., 0.], [0., 0.,
    ~ Binarizes input 2D array using the Error-Diffusion algorithm.
    Barnard E. Optimal error diffusion for computer-generated holograms. J Opt Soc Am A 1988;5:1803-17.
    f : Real input 2D array 
    T : Binarization threshold (default value for input array with [0,1] dynamic range)
    b : 3x3 2D real array with the diffusion coefficients (default given by paper; see paper for details)
    TypeError : If b isn't a 3x3 2D real array
    ValueError : If b doesn't meet the convergence conditions (see paper for details)
    h[1:-1,1:-1] : Binarized input array


    b = tl.array(b)

    if (tl.shape(b) != (3, 3) or tl.isreal(b).all() == False):
        raise TypeError('b has to be a 3x3 2D array')

    if (tl.summ(abs(b)) > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            'The diffusion coefficients don\'t meet the convergence conditions'

    n, m = f.shape
    g = tl.zeros((n + 2, m + 2))
    h = tl.zeros((n + 2, m + 2))
    s = tl.zeros((n + 2, m + 2))

    g[1:-1, 1:-1] = f

    for i in range(1, n - 1):
        for j in range(1, m - 1):

            g[i, j] += tl.summ(b * s[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2])
            h[i, j] = (g[i, j] > T) * 1.
            s[i, j] = g[i, j] - h[i, j]

    return h[1:-1, 1:-1]
예제 #4
def CC(f, g):
    ~ Calculates correlation coefficient between two arrays
    ~ Works similar to corr2 MATLAB function
    f : Input array 1
    g : Input array 2
    cc : Correlation coefficient

    f = tl.array(f)
    g = tl.array(g)

    cr = tl.summ(abs((f - tl.mean(f)) * (g - tl.mean(g))))
    cc = cr / tl.sqrt(
        (tl.summ(abs(f - tl.mean(f))**2)) * (tl.summ(abs(g - tl.mean(g))**2)))
    return cc
예제 #5
def Resize(f, shape):
    ~ Resizes f to shape

    f :     Input 2D array
    shape : New shape
    g : Resized f 2D array


    f = LinearNormal(f)
    f = tl.Image.fromarray(f * 255)
    g = f.resize(shape)  # i'm sorry about this
    g = tl.array(g, dtype=float)
    g = LinearNormal(g)

    return g