예제 #1
 def __init__(self, etree):
     @param etree: An ElementTree that is the data of a
     single user on last.fm
     AbstractType.__init__(self, int_types=["age", "playcount", "playlists",
                           bool_types=["subscriber", "bootstrap"])
     self.id = None
     """Last.fm unique id"""
     self.name = None
     self.realname = None
     self.url = None
     self.image = None
     self.country = None
     self.age = None
     self.gender = None
     """one of 'M' or 'F'"""
     self.subscriber = None
     self.playcount = None
     """How many tracks this user has scrobbled"""
     self.playlists = None
     self.bootstrap = None
     """Not sure what this is but this it is a boolean"""
     self.registered_unixtime = None
     self.registered = None
     """Date string in the form of 2002-11-20 11:50"""
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, etree):
     A Last.fm event object.
     @param etree: An ElementTree for this event
     AbstractType.__init__(self, int_types=["reviews", "attendance"],
         float_types=["longitude", "latitude"])
     self.id = None
     """Unique id of this event"""
     self.title = None
     """The name of this event"""
     self.artists = []
     """A list of artists playing at this event"""
     self.headliner = []
     """The main artist(s) playing at this event"""
     self.venue = None
     """The venue where the event is taking place"""
     self.city = None
     """The city where the event is taking place"""
     self.country = None
     """The country where the event is taking place"""
     self.street = None
     """The street the venue is on"""
     self.postalcode = None
     """The postcode of the venue"""
     self.longitude = None
     """The longitude coordinates of the venue"""
     self.latitude = None
     """The latitude coordinates of the venue"""
     self.timezone = None
     """The 3 letter timezone code"""
     self.venue_url = None
     """The last.fm page for this venue"""
     self.start_date = None
     """When this event takes place"""
     self.description = None
     """A description of the event"""
     self.image_small = None
     """A small thumbnail for this event"""
     self.image_medium = None
     """A medium thumbnail for this event"""
     self.image_large = None
     """A large thumbnail for this event"""
     self.attendance = None
     """The number of people planning to attend this event"""
     self.reviews = None
     """The number of reviews of this event made by last.fm users"""
     self.tag = None
     """Not sure what this is"""
     self.url = None
     """Link to event page on last.fm"""
     self.website = None
     """Link to external band/event webpage"""
     self.tickets = []
     """A list of urls where tickets for this event can be purchased"""
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, etree):
     AbstractType.__init__(self, int_types=["listeners", "playcount"])
     self.album_rank = None
     """How this album ranks against others"""
     self.id = None
     self.name = None
     self.playcount = None
     """How many times tracks from this album have been played (this can
     refer to a single user or many)"""
     self.release_date = None
     self.listeners = None
     self.playcount = None
     self.mbid = None
     self.top_tags = None
     self.url = None
     self.artist = None
     self.artist_url = None
     self.image_small = None
     self.image_medium = None
     self.image_large = None
     self.image_xlarge = None
     self.wiki = None
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, etree):
     AbstractType.__init__(self, int_types=[])
     #init properties