예제 #1
파일: word_.py 프로젝트: o11c/oil
def DetectAssocPair(w):
    # type: (compound_word) -> Optional[Tuple[compound_word, compound_word]]
  Like DetectShAssignment, but for A=(['k']=v ['k2']=v)

  The key and the value are both strings.  So we just pick out word_part.
  Unlike a[k]=v, A=([k]=v) is NOT ambiguous, because the [k] syntax is only used
  for associative array literals, as opposed to indexed array literals.
    parts = w.parts
    if _LiteralId(parts[0]) != Id.Lit_LBracket:
        return None

    n = len(parts)
    for i in xrange(n):
        id_ = _LiteralId(parts[i])
        if id_ == Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose:  # ]=
            # e.g. if we have [$x$y]=$a$b
            key = compound_word(parts[1:i])  # $x$y
            value = compound_word(parts[i + 1:])  # $a$b from

            # Type-annotated intermediate value for mycpp translation
            ret = key, value  # type: Optional[Tuple[compound_word, compound_word]]
            return ret

    return None
예제 #2
  def _ReadExtGlob(self):
    # type: () -> word_part__ExtGlob
      Item         = compound_word | EPSILON  # important: @(foo|) is allowed
      LEFT         = '@(' | '*(' | '+(' | '?(' | '!('
      RIGHT        = ')'
      ExtGlob      = LEFT (Item '|')* Item RIGHT  # ITEM may be empty
      Compound includes ExtGlob
    left_token = self.cur_token
    arms = []  # type: List[word_t]
    spids = []  # type: List[int]

    self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_ExtGlob)
    self._Next(lex_mode_e.ExtGlob)  # advance past LEFT

    read_word = False  # did we just a read a word?  To handle @(||).

    while True:

      if self.token_type == Id.Right_ExtGlob:
        if not read_word:

      elif self.token_type == Id.Op_Pipe:
        if not read_word:
        read_word = False

      # lex mode EXTGLOB should only produce these 4 kinds of tokens
      elif self.token_kind in (Kind.Lit, Kind.Left, Kind.VSub, Kind.ExtGlob):
        w = self._ReadCompoundWord(lex_mode_e.ExtGlob)
        read_word = True

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Eof:
        p_die('Unexpected EOF reading extended glob that began here',

        raise AssertionError(self.cur_token)

    part = word_part.ExtGlob(left_token, arms)
    return part
예제 #3
def TildeDetect(UP_w):
    # type: (word_t) -> Optional[compound_word]
    """Detect tilde expansion in a word.

  It might begin with  Literal that needs to be turned into a TildeSub.
  (It depends on whether the second token begins with slash).

  If so, it return a new word.  Otherwise return None.

  - The regex for Lit_TildeLike could be expanded.  Right now it's
    conservative, like Lit_Chars without the /.
  - It's possible to write this in a mutating style, since only the first token
    is changed.  But note that we CANNOT know this during lexing.
    # NOTE: BracedTree, Empty, etc. can't be tilde expanded
    if UP_w.tag_() != word_e.Compound:
        return None

    w = cast(compound_word, UP_w)
    if len(w.parts) == 0:  # ${a-} has no parts
        return None

    part0 = w.parts[0]
    if LiteralId(part0) != Id.Lit_TildeLike:
        return None

    tok0 = cast(Token, part0)
    new_parts = [word_part.TildeSub(tok0)]  # type: List[word_part_t]

    if len(w.parts) == 1:  # can't be zero
        return compound_word(new_parts)

    part1 = w.parts[1]
    id_ = LiteralId(part1)

    # Lit_Slash is for ${x-~/foo}
    if id_ == Id.Lit_Slash:  # we handled ${x//~/} delimiter earlier,
        return compound_word(new_parts)

    # Lit_Chars is for ~/foo,
    if id_ == Id.Lit_Chars and cast(Token, part1).val.startswith('/'):
        return compound_word(new_parts)

    # It could be something like '~foo:bar', which doesn't have a slash.
    return None
예제 #4
  def testVarOps(self):
    ev = InitEvaluator()  # initializes x=xxx and y=yyy
    unset_sub = braced_var_sub(Tok(Id.VSub_Name, 'unset'))
    part_vals = []
    ev._EvalWordPart(unset_sub, part_vals)

    set_sub = braced_var_sub(Tok(Id.VSub_Name, 'x'))
    part_vals = []
    ev._EvalWordPart(set_sub, part_vals)

    # Now add some ops
    part = Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'default')
    arg_word = compound_word([part])
    test_op = suffix_op.Unary(Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, arg_word)
    unset_sub.suffix_op = test_op
    set_sub.suffix_op = test_op

    part_vals = []
    ev._EvalWordPart(unset_sub, part_vals)

    part_vals = []
    ev._EvalWordPart(set_sub, part_vals)
예제 #5
파일: executor.py 프로젝트: coizioc/oil
    def RunCommandSub(self, node):
        # type: (command_t) -> str

        # Hack for weird $(<file) construct
        if node.tag_() == command_e.Simple:
            simple = cast(command__Simple, node)
            # Detect '< file'
            if (len(simple.words) == 0 and len(simple.redirects) == 1
                    and simple.redirects[0].op.id == Id.Redir_Less):
                # change it to __cat < file
                # note: cmd_eval.py _Dispatch works around lack of spid
                tok = Token(Id.Lit_Chars, runtime.NO_SPID, '__cat')
                cat_word = compound_word([tok])
                # MUTATE the command.Simple node.  This will only be done the first
                # time in the parent process.

        p = self._MakeProcess(node,

        r, w = posix.pipe()
        p.AddStateChange(process.StdoutToPipe(r, w))
        _ = p.Start()
        #log('Command sub started %d', pid)

        chunks = []  # type: List[str]
        posix.close(w)  # not going to write
        while True:
            byte_str = posix.read(r, 4096)
            if len(byte_str) == 0:

        status = p.Wait(self.waiter)

        # OSH has the concept of aborting in the middle of a WORD.  We're not
        # waiting until the command is over!
        if self.exec_opts.more_errexit():
            if self.exec_opts.errexit() and status != 0:
                raise error.ErrExit('Command sub exited with status %d (%r)',
                                    status, NewStr(command_str(node.tag_())))
            # Set a flag so we check errexit at the same time as bash.  Example:
            # a=$(false)
            # echo foo  # no matter what comes here, the flag is reset
            # Set ONLY until this command node has finished executing.

            # HACK: move this
            self.cmd_ev.check_command_sub_status = True

        # Runtime errors test case: # $("echo foo > $@")
        # Why rstrip()?
        # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17747/why-does-shell-command-substitution-gobble-up-a-trailing-newline-char
        return ''.join(chunks).rstrip('\n')
예제 #6
파일: word_.py 프로젝트: o11c/oil
def TildeDetect(UP_w):
    # type: (word_t) -> Optional[compound_word]
    """Detect tilde expansion in a word.

  It might begin with  Literal that needs to be turned into a TildeSub.
  (It depends on whether the second token begins with slash).

  If so, it return a new word.  Otherwise return None.

  - The regex for Lit_TildeLike could be expanded.  Right now it's
    conservative, like Lit_Chars without the /.
  - It's possible to write this in a mutating style, since only the first token
    is changed.  But note that we CANNOT know this during lexing.
    # NOTE: BracedTree, Empty, etc. can't be tilde expanded
    if UP_w.tag_() != word_e.Compound:
        return None

    w = cast(compound_word, UP_w)
    assert w.parts, w

    UP_part0 = w.parts[0]
    if _LiteralId(UP_part0) != Id.Lit_TildeLike:
        return None
    tok0 = cast(Token, UP_part0)

    if len(w.parts) == 1:  # can't be zero
        tilde_part = word_part.TildeSub(tok0)
        return compound_word([tilde_part])

    UP_part1 = w.parts[1]
    # NOTE: We could inspect the raw tokens.
    if _LiteralId(UP_part1) == Id.Lit_Chars:
        tok = cast(Token, UP_part1)
        if tok.val.startswith('/'):
            tilde_part_ = word_part.TildeSub(tok0)  # type: word_part_t

            parts = [tilde_part_]
            return compound_word(parts)

    # It could be something like '~foo:bar', which doesn't have a slash.
    return None
예제 #7
  def ReadForPlugin(self):
    # type: () -> compound_word
    """For $PS1, $PS4, etc.

    This is just like reading a here doc line.  "\n" is allowed, as well as the
    typical substitutions ${x} $(echo hi) $((1 + 2)).
    w = compound_word()
    self._ReadLikeDQ(None, w.parts)
    return w
예제 #8
    def testBraceExpand(self):
        w = _assertReadWord(self, 'hi')
        results = braces._BraceExpand(w.parts)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))
        for parts in results:

        w = _assertReadWord(self, 'B-{a,b}-E')
        tree = braces._BraceDetect(w)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(tree.parts))

        results = braces._BraceExpand(tree.parts)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(results))
        for parts in results:

        w = _assertReadWord(self, 'B-{a,={b,c,d}=,e}-E')
        tree = braces._BraceDetect(w)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(tree.parts))

        results = braces._BraceExpand(tree.parts)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(results))
        for parts in results:

        w = _assertReadWord(self, 'B-{a,b}-{c,d}-E')
        tree = braces._BraceDetect(w)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(tree.parts))

        results = braces._BraceExpand(tree.parts)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(results))
        for parts in results:
예제 #9
    def testHereDoc(self):
        w_parser = test_lib.InitWordParser("""\
ls foo

# Multiple newlines and comments should be ignored

ls bar
        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        parts = [Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'ls')]
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, compound_word(parts), w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        parts = [Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'foo')]
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, compound_word(parts), w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        t = Tok(Id.Op_Newline, None)
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, t, w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        parts = [Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'ls')]
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, compound_word(parts), w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        parts = [Tok(Id.Lit_Chars, 'bar')]
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, compound_word(parts), w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        t = Tok(Id.Op_Newline, None)
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, t, w)

        w = w_parser.ReadWord(lex_mode_e.ShCommand)
        t = Tok(Id.Eof_Real, '')
        test_lib.AssertAsdlEqual(self, t, w)
예제 #10
def BraceExpandWords(words):
    # type: (List[word_t]) -> List[compound_word]
    out = []  # type: List[compound_word]
    for w in words:
        UP_w = w
        with tagswitch(w) as case:
            if case(word_e.BracedTree):
                w = cast(word__BracedTree, UP_w)
                parts_list = _BraceExpand(w.parts)
                tmp = [compound_word(p) for p in parts_list]

            elif case(word_e.Compound):
                w = cast(compound_word, UP_w)

                raise AssertionError(w.tag_())

    return out
예제 #11
파일: word_.py 프로젝트: o11c/oil
def ErrorWord(error_str):
    # type: (str) -> compound_word
    t = Token(Id.Lit_Chars, runtime.NO_SPID, error_str)
    return compound_word([t])
예제 #12
 def ErrorWord(fmt, err):
     # type: (str, _ErrorWithLocation) -> compound_word
     error_str = fmt % err.UserErrorString()
     t = Token(Id.Lit_Chars, runtime.NO_SPID, error_str)
     return compound_word([t])
예제 #13
def _BraceDetect(w):
    # type: (compound_word) -> Optional[word__BracedTree]
    """Return a new word if the input word looks like a brace expansion.

  e.g. {a,b} or {1..10..2} (TODO)
  Do we want to accept {01..02} ?  zsh does make some attempt to do this too.

  NOTE: This is an iterative algorithm that uses a stack.  The grammar-based
  approach didn't seem natural.

  It's not LL(1) because of 'part*'.  And not LL(k) even?  Maybe it be handled
  with an LR parser?  In any case the imperative algorithm with 'early return'
  for a couple cases is fairly simple.

    # an alternative is a literal, possibly empty, or another brace_expr

    part = <any part except Literal>
    alt = part* | brace_expr

    # a brace_expr is group of at least 2 braced and comma-separated
    # alternatives, with optional prefix and suffix.
    brace_expr = part* '{' alt ',' alt (',' alt)* '}' part*
    # Errors:
    # }a{    - stack depth dips below 0
    # {a,b}{ - Stack depth doesn't end at 0
    # {a}    - no comma, and also not an numeric range

    cur_parts = []  # type: List[word_part_t]
    stack = []  # type: List[_StackFrame]

    found = False

    for i, part in enumerate(w.parts):
        append = True
        UP_part = part
        if part.tag_() == word_part_e.Literal:
            part = cast(Token, UP_part)
            id_ = part.id
            if id_ == Id.Lit_LBrace:
                # Save prefix parts.  Start new parts list.
                new_frame = _StackFrame(cur_parts)
                cur_parts = []  # clear
                append = False
                found = True  # assume found, but can early exit with None later

            elif id_ == Id.Lit_Comma:  # Append a new alternative.
                # NOTE: Should we allow this:
                # ,{a,b}
                # or force this:
                # \,{a,b}
                # ?  We're forcing braces right now but not commas.
                if len(stack):
                    stack[-1].saw_comma = True
                    cur_parts = []  # clear
                    append = False

            elif id_ == Id.Lit_RBrace:
                if len(stack) == 0:  # e.g. echo {a,b}{  -- unbalanced {
                    return None  # do not expand ANYTHING because of invalid syntax

                # Detect {1..10} and {1..10..2}

                #log('stack[-1]: %s', stack[-1])
                #log('cur_parts: %s', cur_parts)

                range_part = None  # type: Optional[word_part_t]
                # only allow {1..3}, not {a,1..3}
                if not stack[-1].saw_comma and len(cur_parts) == 1:
                    # It must be ONE part.  For example, -1..-100..-2 is initially
                    # lexed as a single Lit_Chars token.
                    part2 = cur_parts[0]
                    if part2.tag_() == word_part_e.Literal:
                        tok = cast(Token, part2)
                        if tok.id == Id.Lit_Chars:
                            range_part = _RangePartDetect(tok)
                            if range_part:
                                frame = stack.pop()
                                cur_parts = frame.cur_parts
                                append = False

                # It doesn't look like a range -- process it as the last element in
                # {a,b,c}

                if not range_part:
                    if not stack[
                            -1].saw_comma:  # {foo} is not a real alternative
                        return None  # early return


                    frame = stack.pop()
                    cur_parts = frame.cur_parts
                    append = False

        if append:

    if len(stack) != 0:
        return None

    if found:
        return word.BracedTree(cur_parts)
        return None
예제 #14
  def _ReadCompoundWord3(self, lex_mode, eof_type, empty_ok):
    # type: (lex_mode_t, Id_t, bool) -> compound_word
    Precondition: Looking at the first token of the first word part
    Postcondition: Looking at the token after, e.g. space or operator

    NOTE: eof_type is necessary because / is a literal, i.e. Lit_Slash, but it
    could be an operator delimiting a compound word.  Can we change lexer modes
    and remove this special case?
    w = compound_word()
    num_parts = 0
    brace_count = 0
    done = False
    while not done:

      allow_done = empty_ok or num_parts != 0
      if allow_done and self.token_type == eof_type:
        done = True  # e.g. for ${foo//pat/replace}

      # Keywords like "for" are treated like literals
      elif self.token_kind in (
          Kind.Lit, Kind.History, Kind.KW, Kind.ControlFlow,
          Kind.BoolUnary, Kind.BoolBinary):
        if self.token_type == Id.Lit_EscapedChar:
          part = word_part.EscapedLiteral(self.cur_token)  # type: word_part_t
          part = self.cur_token

        if self.token_type == Id.Lit_VarLike and num_parts == 0:  # foo=
          # Unfortunately it's awkward to pull the check for a=(1 2) up to
          # _ReadWord.
          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:
            self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_ShArrayLiteral)
            part2 = self._ReadArrayLiteral()

            # Array literal must be the last part of the word.
            # EOF, whitespace, newline, Right_Subshell
            if self.token_kind not in KINDS_THAT_END_WORDS:
              p_die('Unexpected token after array literal',
            done = True

        elif (self.parse_opts.parse_at() and self.token_type == Id.Lit_Splice and
              num_parts == 0):

          splice_token = self.cur_token

          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:  # @arrayfunc(x)
            arglist = arg_list()
            part = word_part.FuncCall(splice_token, arglist)
            part = word_part.Splice(splice_token)


          # @words or @arrayfunc() must be the last part of the word
          # EOF, whitespace, newline, Right_Subshell
          if self.token_kind not in KINDS_THAT_END_WORDS:
            p_die('Unexpected token after array splice',
          done = True

          # Syntax error for { and }
          if self.token_type == Id.Lit_LBrace:
            brace_count += 1
          elif self.token_type == Id.Lit_RBrace:
            brace_count -= 1

          # not a literal with lookahead; append it

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.VSub:
        vsub_token = self.cur_token

        part = simple_var_sub(vsub_token)
        if self.token_type == Id.VSub_DollarName:
          # Look ahead for $strfunc(x)
          #   $f(x) or --name=$f(x) is allowed
          #   but "--name=$f(x)" not allowed?  This would BREAK EXISTING CODE.
          #   It would need a parse option.

          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:
            arglist = arg_list()
            part = word_part.FuncCall(vsub_token, arglist)

            # Unlike @arrayfunc(x), it makes sense to allow $f(1)$f(2)
            # var a = f(1); var b = f(2); echo $a$b
            # It's consistent with other uses of $.


      elif self.token_kind == Kind.ExtGlob:
        part = self._ReadExtGlob()

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Left:
        part = self._ReadLeftParts()

      # NOT done yet, will advance below
      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Right:
        # Still part of the word; will be done on the next iter.
        if self.token_type == Id.Right_DoubleQuote:
        # Never happens, no PushHint for this case.
        #elif self.token_type == Id.Right_DollarParen:
        #  pass
        elif self.token_type == Id.Right_Subshell:
          # LEXER HACK for (case x in x) ;; esac )
          # Rewind before it's used
          assert self.next_lex_mode == lex_mode_e.Undefined
          if self.lexer.MaybeUnreadOne():
            self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_Subshell)
          done = True
          done = True

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Ignored:
        done = True

        # LEXER HACK for unbalanced case clause.  'case foo in esac' is valid,
        # so to test for ESAC, we can read ) before getting a chance to
        # PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_CasePat).  So here we unread one
        # token and do it again.

        # We get Id.Op_RParen at top level:      case x in x) ;; esac
        # We get Id.Eof_RParen inside ComSub:  $(case x in x) ;; esac )
        if self.token_type in (Id.Op_RParen, Id.Eof_RParen):
          # Rewind before it's used
          assert self.next_lex_mode == lex_mode_e.Undefined
          if self.lexer.MaybeUnreadOne():
            if self.token_type == Id.Eof_RParen:
              # Redo translation
              self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Eof_RParen)

        done = True  # anything we don't recognize means we're done

      if not done:
        num_parts += 1

    if self.parse_opts.parse_brace() and num_parts > 1 and brace_count != 0:
      # accept { and }, but not foo{
          'Word has unbalanced { }.  Maybe add a space or quote it like \{',

    return w
예제 #15
    def RunCommandSub(self, cs_part):
        # type: (command_sub) -> str

        if not self.exec_opts.allow_command_sub():
            # TODO:
            # - Add spid of $(
            # - Better hints.  Use 'run' for 'if myfunc', and 2 lines like local x;
            #   x=$(false) fo assignment builtins.
            # - Maybe we should have an error message ID that links somewhere?

                "Command subs not allowed here because status wouldn't be checked (strict_errexit)."

        node = cs_part.child

        # Hack for weird $(<file) construct
        if node.tag_() == command_e.Simple:
            simple = cast(command__Simple, node)
            # Detect '< file'
            if (len(simple.words) == 0 and len(simple.redirects) == 1
                    and simple.redirects[0].op.id == Id.Redir_Less):
                # change it to __cat < file
                # note: cmd_eval.py _Dispatch works around lack of spid
                tok = Token(Id.Lit_Chars, runtime.NO_SPID, '__cat')
                cat_word = compound_word([tok])
                # MUTATE the command.Simple node.  This will only be done the first
                # time in the parent process.

        p = self._MakeProcess(node,

        r, w = posix.pipe()
        p.AddStateChange(process.StdoutToPipe(r, w))
        _ = p.Start()
        #log('Command sub started %d', pid)

        chunks = []  # type: List[str]
        posix.close(w)  # not going to write
        while True:
            byte_str = posix.read(r, 4096)
            if len(byte_str) == 0:

        status = p.Wait(self.waiter)

        # OSH has the concept of aborting in the middle of a WORD.  We're not
        # waiting until the command is over!
        if self.exec_opts.command_sub_errexit():
            if status != 0:
                raise error.ErrExit('Command sub exited with status %d (%s)' %
                                    (status, ui.CommandType(node)),

            # Set a flag so we check errexit at the same time as bash.  Example:
            # a=$(false)
            # echo foo  # no matter what comes here, the flag is reset
            # Set ONLY until this command node has finished executing.

            # HACK: move this
            self.cmd_ev.check_command_sub_status = True

        # Runtime errors test case: # $("echo foo > $@")
        # Why rstrip()?
        # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17747/why-does-shell-command-substitution-gobble-up-a-trailing-newline-char
        return ''.join(chunks).rstrip('\n')