예제 #1
def fit(trace_fpath, num_topics, alpha_zh, beta_zs, kernel, \
        residency_priors, num_iter, num_batches, mpi_mode, from_=0, to=np.inf):
    Learns the latent topics from a temporal hypergraph trace. Here we do a
    asynchronous learning of the topics similar to AD-LDA, as well as the 
    dynamic topic expansion/pruing.

    trace_fpath : str
        The path of the trace. Each line should be a \
                (timestamp, hypernode, source, destination) where the \
                timestamp is a long (seconds or milliseconds from epoch).

    num_topics : int
        The number of latent spaces to learn

    alpha_zh : float
        The value of the alpha_zh hyperparameter

    beta_zs : float
        The value of the beta_zs (beta) hyperaparameter

    kernel : Kernel object
        The kernel to use

    residency_priors : array of float
        The kernel hyper parameters

    num_iter : int
        The number of iterations to learn the model from
    num_batches : int
        Defines the number of batches of size num_iter 

    A dictionary with the results.
    assert num_batches >= 2 
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    num_workers = comm.size - 1

    Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, Count_sz, \
            count_h, count_z, prob_topics_aux, Theta_zh, Psi_sz, \
            hyper2id, source2id = \
            dataio.initialize_trace(trace_fpath, num_topics, num_iter, \
            from_, to)
    if mpi_mode:
        workloads = generate_workload(Count_zh.shape[1], num_workers, Trace)
    all_idx = np.arange(Trace.shape[0], dtype='i4')
    for batch in xrange(num_batches):
        print('Now at batch', batch)
        if mpi_mode:
            for worker_id in xrange(1, num_workers + 1):
                comm.send(num_iter, dest=worker_id, tag=Msg.LEARN.value)

            dispatch_jobs(Dts, Trace, Count_zh, Count_sz, \
                    count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, kernel, \
                    residency_priors, workloads, num_workers, comm)
            manage(comm, num_workers)
            fetch_results(comm, num_workers, workloads, Dts, Trace, \
                    previous_stamps, Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, \
                    count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, Theta_zh, Psi_sz, \
            prob_topics_aux = np.zeros(Count_zh.shape[0], dtype='f8')
            _learn.em(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, Count_sz, \
                    count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
                    prob_topics_aux, Theta_zh, Psi_sz, num_iter, \
                    num_iter * 2, kernel, False)
        ll_per_z = np.zeros(count_z.shape[0], dtype='f8')
        _eval.quality_estimate(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, \
                Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, \
                beta_zs, ll_per_z, all_idx, kernel)
        Trace, Count_zh, Count_sz, count_z, previous_stamps, \
                P = split(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, \
                Count_sz, count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
                ll_per_z, kernel)
        kernel = kernel.__class__()
        kernel.build(Trace.shape[0], Count_zh.shape[0], residency_priors)
        if residency_priors.shape[0] > 0:

        ll_per_z = np.zeros(count_z.shape[0], dtype='f8')
        _eval.quality_estimate(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, \
                Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, \
                beta_zs, ll_per_z, all_idx, kernel)
        Trace, Count_zh, Count_sz, count_z, previous_stamps, \
                P = merge(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, \
                Count_sz, count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
                ll_per_z, kernel)
        kernel = kernel.__class__()
        kernel.build(Trace.shape[0], Count_zh.shape[0], residency_priors)
        if residency_priors.shape[0] > 0:
	Theta_zh = np.zeros(shape=Count_zh.shape, dtype='f8')
	Psi_sz = np.zeros(shape=Count_sz.shape, dtype='f8')
	if batch == num_batches - 1:
            print('Computing probs')
    	    _learn._aggregate(Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, count_z, \
                alpha_zh, beta_zs, Theta_zh, Psi_sz)
        print('New nz', Count_zh.shape[0]) 
    if mpi_mode:
        for worker_id in xrange(1, num_workers + 1):
            comm.send(num_iter, dest=worker_id, tag=Msg.STOP.value)
    rv = prepare_results(trace_fpath, num_topics, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
            kernel, residency_priors, num_iter, -1, Dts, Trace, \
            Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, count_z, prob_topics_aux, Theta_zh, \
            Psi_sz, hyper2id, source2id, from_, to)

    rv['num_workers'] = np.asarray([num_workers])
    rv['num_batches'] = np.asarray([num_batches])
    rv['algorithm'] = np.asarray(['parallel dynamic'])
    return rv
예제 #2
def split(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, Count_sz, \
        count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, ll_per_z, kernel, \
        perc=0.05, min_stamps=50):
    nz = Count_zh.shape[0]
    nh = Count_zh.shape[1]
    ns = Count_sz.shape[0]
    assert nz == ll_per_z.shape[0]
    idx_int_all = np.arange(Trace.shape[0], dtype='i4')
    #Initiate auxiliary matrices
    Count_zh_spl = np.zeros(shape=(nz + 1, nh), dtype='i4')
    Count_sz_spl = np.zeros(shape=(ns, nz + 1), dtype='i4')
    count_z_spl = np.zeros(nz + 1, dtype='i4')

    Count_zh_spl[:-1, :] = Count_zh
    Count_sz_spl[:, :-1] = Count_sz
    count_z_spl[:-1] = count_z

    ll_per_z_new = np.zeros(nz + 1, dtype='f8')
    ll_per_z_new[:-1] = ll_per_z

    new_stamps = StampLists(nz + 1) 
    for z in xrange(nz):
        new_stamps._extend(z, previous_stamps._get_all(z))
    splitted = Trace[:, -1].copy()
    shift = 0

    #Do the splits per topic
    for z in xrange(nz):
        #Candidates for removal
        topic_stamps = np.asanyarray(previous_stamps._get_all(z))
        idx = Trace[:, -1] == z
        assert topic_stamps.shape[0] == idx.sum()
        argsrt = topic_stamps.argsort()
        top = int(np.ceil(perc * topic_stamps.shape[0]))
        #If not at least min stamps, exit, not enough for a CCDF estimation
        if top < min_stamps:
        #Populate stamps
        new_stamps._extend(z, topic_stamps[:-top])
        new_stamps._extend(nz, topic_stamps[-top:])
        #Split topic on the Trace. The trace has to be sorted by timestamp!!
        old_assign = Trace[:, -1][idx].copy()
        new_assign = Trace[:, -1][idx].copy()
        new_assign[-top:] = nz
        Trace[:, -1][idx] = new_assign
        #Update matrices. Can't really vectorize this :(
        for line in Trace[idx][-top:]:
            h = line[0]

            Count_zh_spl[z, h] -= 1
            for o in line[1:-1]:
                Count_sz_spl[o, z] -= 1
                count_z_spl[z] -= 1
            Count_zh_spl[nz, h] += 1
            for o in line[1:-1]:
                Count_sz_spl[o, nz] += 1
                count_z_spl[nz] += 1

        #New LL
        ll_per_z_new[z] = 0
        ll_per_z_new[-1] = 0
        idx_int = idx_int_all[idx]
        _eval.quality_estimate(Dts, Trace, \
                new_stamps, Count_zh_spl, Count_sz_spl, count_h, \
                count_z_spl, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
                ll_per_z_new, idx_int, kernel)
        if ll_per_z_new.sum() > ll_per_z.sum():
            new_assign[-top:] = nz + shift
            splitted[idx] = new_assign
            shift += 1

        #Revert trace
        new_stamps._extend(z, previous_stamps._get_all(z))

        Count_zh_spl[:-1, :] = Count_zh
        Count_sz_spl[:, :-1] = Count_sz
        count_z_spl[:-1] = count_z

        Count_zh_spl[-1, :] = 0
        Count_sz_spl[:, -1] = 0
        count_z_spl[-1] = 0
        ll_per_z_new[z] = ll_per_z[z]
        ll_per_z_new[-1] = 0
        Trace[:, -1][idx] = old_assign
    return finalize_splits(nz, shift, splitted, Dts, Trace, nh, ns, kernel)
예제 #3
def merge(Dts, Trace, previous_stamps, Count_zh, Count_sz, \
        count_h, count_z, alpha_zh, beta_zs, ll_per_z, kernel):

    nz = Count_zh.shape[0]
    nh = Count_zh.shape[1]
    ns = Count_sz.shape[0]
    idx_int_all = np.arange(Trace.shape[0], dtype='i4')

    #Get the nz most similar
    C = correlate_counts(Count_zh, Count_sz, count_h, count_z, \
            alpha_zh, beta_zs)
    #k = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nz)))
    idx_dim1, idx_dim2 = \
            np.unravel_index(C.flatten().argsort()[-nz:][::-1], C.shape)
    top_sims = zip(idx_dim1, idx_dim2)

    #New info
    new_stamps = previous_stamps.copy()
    Count_zh_mrg = Count_zh.copy()
    Count_sz_mrg = Count_sz.copy()
    count_z_mrg = count_z.copy()

    #Test merges
    merged = set()
    accepted = set()

    for z1, z2 in top_sims:
        if z1 in merged or z2 in merged:
        if C[z1, z2] <= 0: #already at nonsimilar
        Count_zh_mrg[:] = Count_zh
        Count_sz_mrg[:] = Count_sz
        count_z_mrg[:] = count_z
        #Merge z1 and z2
        Count_zh_mrg[z1] += Count_zh[z2]
        Count_sz_mrg[:, z1] += Count_sz[:, z2]
        count_z_mrg[z1] += count_z[z2]

        #Remove z2
        Count_zh_mrg[z2] = 0
        Count_sz_mrg[:, z2] = 0
        count_z_mrg[z2] = 0
        idx = Trace[:, -1] == z2
        Trace[:, -1][idx] = z1
	#get stamps for llhood
        idx_int = idx_int_all[idx]
        new_stamps._extend(z1, previous_stamps._get_all(z2))

        #New likelihood
        ll_per_z_new = ll_per_z.copy()
        ll_per_z_new[z2] = 0

        _eval.quality_estimate(Dts, Trace, \
                new_stamps, Count_zh_mrg, Count_sz_mrg, count_h, \
                count_z_mrg, alpha_zh, beta_zs, \
                ll_per_z_new, idx_int, kernel)
        if ll_per_z_new.sum() > ll_per_z.sum():
            accepted.add((z1, z2))
        #Revert trace
        Trace[:, -1][idx] = z2
        new_stamps._extend(z1, previous_stamps._get_all(z1))
        new_stamps._extend(z2, previous_stamps._get_all(z2))
    return finalize_merge(nz, accepted, Dts, Trace, nh, ns, kernel)