예제 #1
def _match_error_to_data_set(x, ex):
    Inflates ex to match the dimensionality of x, "intelligently". 
    x is assumed to be a 2D array.
    # Simplest case, ex is None or a number
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ex):

        # Just make a matched list of Nones
        if ex is None: ex = [ex] * len(x)

        # Make arrays of numbers
        if _fun.is_a_number(ex):
            value = ex  # temporary storage
            ex = []
            for n in range(len(x)):
                ex.append([value] * len(x[n]))

    # Otherwise, ex is iterable

    # Default behavior: If the elements are all numbers and the length matches
    # that of the first x-array, assume this is meant to match all the x
    # data sets
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(ex) and len(ex) == len(x[0]):
        ex = [ex] * len(x)

    # The user may specify a list of some iterable and some not. Assume
    # in this case that at least the lists are the same length
    for n in range(len(x)):
        # do nothing to the None's
        # Inflate single numbers to match
        if _fun.is_a_number(ex[n]): ex[n] = [ex[n]] * len(x[n])

    return ex
예제 #2
    def execute_script(self, script, g={}):
        Runs a script, returning the result.

        Scripts are of the form:

        "3.0 + x/y - self[0] where x=3.0*c('my_column')+h('setting'); y=c(1)"

        "self" refers to the data object, giving access to everything, enabling
        complete control over the universe. c() and h() give quick reference
        to self.c() and self.h() to get columns and header lines

        Additionally, these scripts can see all of the numpy functions like sin,
        cos, sqrt, etc.

        Finally, if you would like access to additional globals, set
        self.extra_globals to the appropriate globals dictionary or add globals
        using insert_global(). Setting g=globals() will automatically insert
        your globals into this databox instance.

        There are a few shorthand scripts available as well. You can simply type
        a column name such as "my_column" or a column number like 2. However, I
        only added this functionality as a shortcut, and something like
        "2.0*a where a=F" will not work unless F is defined somehow. I figure
        since you're already writing a complicated script, you don't want to
        accidentally shortcut your way into using a column instead of a constant!
        Use "2.0*a where a=c('F')" instead.

        NOTE: You shouldn't try to use variables like 'c=...' or 'h=...' because
        they are already column and header functions!

        if self.debug: print "Generating column '"+str(name)+"' = "+str(script)+"..."

        # add any extra user-supplied global variables for the eventual eval() call.
        g = {} # clear out the existing dictionary

        # If the script is not a list of scripts, return the script value. 
        # This is the termination of a recursive call.
        if not _fun.is_iterable(script):

            if script == None: return None

            # get the expression and variables
            [expression, v] = self._parse_script(script)
            # if there was a problem parsing the script            
            if v == None: 
                print "ERROR: Could not parse '"+script+"'"                
                return None  
            # otherwise, evaluate the script using python's eval command
            return eval(expression, v)
        # Otherwise, this is a list of scripts. Make the recursive call.
        output = []
        for s in script: output.append(self.execute_script(s))

        return output
예제 #3
def _match_data_sets(x,y):
    Makes sure everything is the same shape. "Intelligently".
    # Handle the None for x or y
    if x is None or len(x) == 0: 
        # If x is none, y can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]]
        if _fun.is_iterable(y[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            x = []
            for n in range(len(y)):
        else: x = list(range(len(y)))
    if y is None or len(y) == 0: 
        # If y is none, x can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]]
        if _fun.is_iterable(x[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            y = []
            for n in range(len(x)):
        else: y = list(range(len(x)))
    # At this point they should be matched, but may still be 1D
    # Default behavior: if all elements are numbers in both, assume they match
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x): x=[x]
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(y): y=[y]

    # Make sure they are both lists (so append works!)
    if not type(x) == list: x = list(x)
    if not type(y) == list: y = list(y)

    # Make sure they're the same length
    while len(x) > len(y): y.append(y[-1])
    while len(y) > len(x): x.append(x[-1])

    # Second default behavior: shared array [1,2,3], [[1,2,1],[1,2,1]] or vis versa
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(y): x = [x]*len(y)
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(y) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(x): y = [y]*len(x)

    # Clean up any remaining Nones
    for n in range(len(x)):
        if x[n] is None: x[n] = list(range(len(y[n])))
        if y[n] is None: y[n] = list(range(len(x[n])))
    return x, y
예제 #4
def _match_data_sets(x, y):
    Makes sure everything is the same shape. "Intelligently".
    # Handle the None for x or y
    if x is None:
        # If x is none, y can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]]
        if _fun.is_iterable(y[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            x = []
            for n in range(len(y)):
            x = list(range(len(y)))

    if y is None:
        # If x is none, y can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]]
        if _fun.is_iterable(x[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            y = []
            for n in range(len(x)):
            y = list(range(len(x)))

    # At this point they should be matched, but may still be 1D
    # Default behavior: if all elements are numbers in both, assume they match
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x) and _fun.elements_are_numbers(y):
        x = [x]
        y = [y]

    # Second default behavior: shared array [1,2,3], [[1,2,1],[1,2,1]] or vis versa
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(y):
        x = [x] * len(y)
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(y) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(x):
        y = [y] * len(x)

    # Clean up any remaining Nones
    for n in range(len(x)):
        if x[n] is None: x[n] = list(range(len(y[n])))
        if y[n] is None: y[n] = list(range(len(x[n])))

    return x, y
예제 #5
def _match_error_to_data_set(x, ex):
    Inflates ex to match the dimensionality of x, "intelligently". 
    x is assumed to be a 2D array.
    # Simplest case, ex is None or a number
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ex):
        # Just make a matched list of Nones
        if ex is None: ex = [ex]*len(x)
        # Make arrays of numbers
        if _fun.is_a_number(ex): 
            value = ex # temporary storage
            ex    = []
            for n in range(len(x)): 
    # At this point, ex is iterable
    # Default behavior: If the elements are all numbers and the length matches
    # that of the first x-array, assume this is meant to match all the x
    # data sets
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(ex) and len(ex) == len(x[0]): ex = [ex]*len(x)

    # Make sure it's a list (for appending)
    if not type(ex) == list: ex = list(ex)

    # The user may specify a list of some iterable and some not. 
    # The list length may not match
    while len(ex) < len(x): ex.append(ex[-1])
    # Now they are the same length
    for n in range(len(x)):
        # do nothing to the None's
        # Inflate single numbers to match
        if _fun.is_a_number(ex[n]): ex[n] = [ex[n]]*len(x[n])
    return ex    
예제 #6
def databoxes(ds,
    Plots the listed databox objects with the specified scripts.

    ds        list of databoxes
    xscript   script for x data
    yscript   script for y data
    eyscript  script for y error
    exscript  script for x error
    plotter   function used to do the plotting

    **kwargs are sent to plotter()
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ds): ds = [ds]

    if not kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): kwargs['xlabel'] = str(xscript)
    if not kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): kwargs['ylabel'] = str(yscript)

    # First make sure everything is a list of scripts (or None's)
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xscript): xscript = [xscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(yscript): yscript = [yscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exscript): exscript = [exscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eyscript): eyscript = [eyscript]

    # make sure exscript matches shape with xscript (and the same for y)
    if len(exscript) < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript) - 1):
    if len(eyscript) < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript) - 1):

    # Make xscript and exscript match in shape with yscript and eyscript
    if len(xscript) < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript) - 1):

    # check for the reverse possibility
    if len(yscript) < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript) - 1):

    # now check for None's (counting scripts)
    for n in range(len(xscript)):
        if xscript[n] == None and yscript[n] == None:
            print "Two None scripts? But why?"
        if xscript[n] == None:
            if type(yscript[n]) == str:
                xscript[n] = 'range(len(' + yscript[n] + '))'
                xscript[n] = 'range(len(c(' + str(yscript[n]) + ')))'
        if yscript[n] == None:
            if type(xscript[n]) == str:
                yscript[n] = 'range(len(' + xscript[n] + '))'
                yscript[n] = 'range(len(c(' + str(xscript[n]) + ')))'

    xdatas = []
    ydatas = []
    exdatas = []
    eydatas = []
    labels = []

    for d in ds:

        xdata = d(xscript)
        for n in range(len(xdata)):
            if len(xdata) > 1:
                labels.append(str(n) + ": " + _os.path.split(d.path)[-1])

        for y in d(yscript):
        for x in d(exscript):
        for y in d(eyscript):

    if kwargs.has_key("label"): labels = kwargs.pop("label")

    plotter(xdatas, ydatas, eydatas, exdatas, label=labels, **kwargs)
예제 #7
def xy_data(xdata, ydata, eydata=None, exdata=None, label=None, xlabel='', ylabel='',               \
            title='', shell_history=1, xshift=0, yshift=0, xshift_every=1, yshift_every=1,        \
            coarsen=0, style=None,  clear=True, axes=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False,       \
            legend='best', legend_max=20, autoformat=True, tall=False, draw=True, **kwargs):
    Plots specified data.

    xdata, ydata        Arrays (or arrays of arrays) of data to plot
    eydata, exdata      Arrays of x and y errorbar values
    label               string or array of strings for the line labels
    xlabel=''           label for the x-axis
    ylabel=''           label for the y-axis
    title=''            title for the axes; set to None to have nothing.
    shell_history=1     how many commands from the pyshell history to include
                        with the title
    xshift=0, yshift=0  progressive shifts on the data, to make waterfall plots
    xshift_every=1      perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
    yshift_every=1      perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
    style               style cycle object.
    clear=True          if no axes are specified, clear the figure, otherwise
                        clear just the axes.
    axes=None           which axes to use, or "gca" for the current axes
    xscale,yscale       'linear' by default. Set either to 'log' for log axes
    grid=False          Should we draw a grid on the axes?
    legend='best'       where to place the legend (see pylab.legend())
                        Set this to None to ignore the legend.
    legend_max=20       number of legend entries before it's truncated with '...'
    autoformat=True     Should we format the figure for printing?
    False               Should the format be tall?
    draw=True           whether or not to draw the plot after plotting

    **kwargs are sent to pylab.errorbar()


    # make sure everything is at least iterable.
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xdata): xdata = [xdata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exdata): exdata = [exdata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ydata): ydata = [ydata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eydata): eydata = [eydata]

    # make sure at least xdata and ydata are 2-D
    if _fun.is_a_number(xdata[0]): xdata = [xdata]
    if _fun.is_a_number(ydata[0]): ydata = [ydata]

    # make sure the number of data sets agrees
    N = max(len(xdata), len(ydata))
    for n in range(N - len(xdata)):
    for n in range(N - len(ydata)):
    for n in range(N - len(exdata)):
    for n in range(N - len(eydata)):

    # loop over each x and y data set, making sure None's are all converted
    # to counting arrays
    for n in range(N):

        # clean up the [None]'s
        if _fun.is_iterable(xdata[n]) and xdata[n][0] == None: xdata[n] = None
        if _fun.is_iterable(ydata[n]) and ydata[n][0] == None: ydata[n] = None

        if xdata[n] == None and ydata[n] == None:
            print "ERROR: " + str(n) + "'th data set is (None, None)."

        if xdata[n] == None: xdata[n] = _n.arange(len(ydata[n]))
        if ydata[n] == None: ydata[n] = _n.arange(len(xdata[n]))

    # check that the labels is a list of strings of the same length
    if not _fun.is_iterable(label): label = [label] * N
    while len(label) < len(ydata):

    # concatenate if necessary
    if len(label) > legend_max:
        label[legend_max - 2] = '...'
        for n in range(legend_max - 1, len(label) - 1):
            label[n] = "_nolegend_"

    # clear the figure?
    if clear and not axes: _pylab.gcf().clear()  # axes cleared later

    # setup axes
    if axes == "gca" or axes == None: axes = _pylab.gca()

    # if we're clearing the axes
    if clear: axes.clear()

    # set the current axes

    # now loop over the list of data in xdata and ydata
    for n in range(0, len(xdata)):
        # get the label
        if label: l = str(label[n])
        else: l = str(n)

        # calculate the x an y progressive shifts
        dx = xshift * (n / xshift_every)
        dy = yshift * (n / yshift_every)

        # if we're supposed to coarsen the data, do so.
        x = _fun.coarsen_array(xdata[n], coarsen)
        y = _fun.coarsen_array(ydata[n], coarsen)
        ey = _fun.coarsen_array(eydata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')
        ex = _fun.coarsen_array(exdata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')

        # update the style
        if not style == None: kwargs.update(style.next())
        axes.errorbar(x + dx, y + dy, label=l, yerr=ey, xerr=ex, **kwargs)

    if legend: axes.legend(loc=legend)

    # for some arguments there should be no title.
    if title in [None, False, 0]:

    # add the commands to the title
        title = str(title)
        history = _fun.get_shell_history()
        for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))):
            title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip()

        title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime()

    if grid: _pylab.grid(True)

    if autoformat:
        _pt.auto_zoom(axes=axes, draw=False)

    # update the canvas
    if draw:

    return axes
예제 #8
def databoxes(ds, xscript=0, yscript=1, eyscript=None, exscript=None, plotter=xy_data, **kwargs):
    Plots the listed databox objects with the specified scripts.

    ds        list of databoxes
    xscript   script for x data
    yscript   script for y data
    eyscript  script for y error
    exscript  script for x error
    plotter   function used to do the plotting

    **kwargs are sent to plotter()
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ds): ds = [ds]

    if not kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): kwargs['xlabel'] = str(xscript)
    if not kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): kwargs['ylabel'] = str(yscript)

    # First make sure everything is a list of scripts (or None's)
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xscript): xscript = [xscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(yscript): yscript = [yscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exscript): exscript = [exscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eyscript): eyscript = [eyscript]

    # make sure exscript matches shape with xscript (and the same for y)
    if len(exscript)   < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript)-1): exscript.append(exscript[0])
    if len(eyscript)   < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript)-1): eyscript.append(eyscript[0])

    # Make xscript and exscript match in shape with yscript and eyscript
    if len(xscript)    < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript)-1):

    # check for the reverse possibility
    if len(yscript)    < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript)-1):

    # now check for None's (counting scripts)
    for n in range(len(xscript)):
        if xscript[n] is None and yscript[n] is None:
            print "Two None scripts? But why?"
        if xscript[n] is None:
            if type(yscript[n])==str: xscript[n] = 'range(len('+yscript[n]+'))'
            else:                     xscript[n] = 'range(len(c('+str(yscript[n])+')))'
        if yscript[n] is None:
            if type(xscript[n])==str: yscript[n] = 'range(len('+xscript[n]+'))'
            else:                     yscript[n] = 'range(len(c('+str(xscript[n])+')))'

    xdatas  = []
    ydatas  = []
    exdatas = []
    eydatas = []
    labels  = []

    for d in ds:

        xdata = d(xscript)
        for n in range(len(xdata)):
            if len(xdata)>1: labels.append(str(n)+": "+_os.path.split(d.path)[-1])
            else:            labels.append(_os.path.split(d.path)[-1])

        for y in d(yscript):  ydatas.append(y)
        for x in d(exscript): exdatas.append(x)
        for y in d(eyscript): eydatas.append(y)

    if kwargs.has_key("label"): labels = kwargs.pop("label")

    plotter(xdatas, ydatas, eydatas, exdatas, label=labels, **kwargs)
예제 #9
def xy_data(xdata, ydata, eydata=None, exdata=None, label=None, xlabel='', ylabel='',               \
            title='', shell_history=1, xshift=0, yshift=0, xshift_every=1, yshift_every=1,        \
            coarsen=0, style=None,  clear=True, axes=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False,       \
            legend='best', legend_max=20, autoformat=True, tall=False, draw=True, **kwargs):
    Plots specified data.

    xdata, ydata        Arrays (or arrays of arrays) of data to plot
    eydata, exdata      Arrays of x and y errorbar values
    label               string or array of strings for the line labels
    xlabel=''           label for the x-axis
    ylabel=''           label for the y-axis
    title=''            title for the axes; set to None to have nothing.
    shell_history=1     how many commands from the pyshell history to include
                        with the title
    xshift=0, yshift=0  progressive shifts on the data, to make waterfall plots
    xshift_every=1      perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
    yshift_every=1      perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
    style               style cycle object.
    clear=True          if no axes are specified, clear the figure, otherwise
                        clear just the axes.
    axes=None           which axes to use, or "gca" for the current axes
    xscale,yscale       'linear' by default. Set either to 'log' for log axes
    grid=False          Should we draw a grid on the axes?
    legend='best'       where to place the legend (see pylab.legend())
                        Set this to None to ignore the legend.
    legend_max=20       number of legend entries before it's truncated with '...'
    autoformat=True     Should we format the figure for printing?
    False               Should the format be tall?
    draw=True           whether or not to draw the plot after plotting

    **kwargs are sent to pylab.errorbar()


    # make sure everything is at least iterable.
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xdata):  xdata  = [xdata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exdata): exdata = [exdata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ydata):  ydata  = [ydata]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eydata): eydata = [eydata]

    # make sure at least xdata and ydata are 2-D
    if _fun.is_a_number(xdata[0]): xdata = [xdata]
    if _fun.is_a_number(ydata[0]): ydata = [ydata]

    # make sure the number of data sets agrees
    N = max(len(xdata),len(ydata))
    for n in range(N-len( xdata)):  xdata.append( xdata[0])
    for n in range(N-len( ydata)):  ydata.append( ydata[0])
    for n in range(N-len(exdata)): exdata.append(exdata[0])
    for n in range(N-len(eydata)): eydata.append(eydata[0])

    # loop over each x and y data set, making sure None's are all converted
    # to counting arrays
    for n in range(N):

        # clean up the [None]'s
        if _fun.is_iterable(xdata[n]) and xdata[n][0] is None: xdata[n] = None
        if _fun.is_iterable(ydata[n]) and ydata[n][0] is None: ydata[n] = None

        if xdata[n] is None and ydata[n] is None:
            print "ERROR: "+str(n)+"'th data set is (None, None)."

        if xdata[n] is None: xdata[n] = _n.arange(len(ydata[n]))
        if ydata[n] is None: ydata[n] = _n.arange(len(xdata[n]))

    # check that the labels is a list of strings of the same length
    if not _fun.is_iterable(label): label = [label]*N
    while len(label) < len(ydata):  label.append(label[0])

    # concatenate if necessary
    if len(label) > legend_max:
        label[legend_max-2] = '...'
        for n in range(legend_max-1,len(label)-1): label[n] = "_nolegend_"

    # clear the figure?
    if clear and not axes: _pylab.gcf().clear() # axes cleared later

    # setup axes
    if axes=="gca" or axes is None: axes = _pylab.gca()

    # if we're clearing the axes
    if clear: axes.clear()

    # set the current axes

    # now loop over the list of data in xdata and ydata
    for n in range(0,len(xdata)):
        # get the label
        if label: l = str(label[n])
        else:     l = str(n)

        # calculate the x an y progressive shifts
        dx = xshift*(n/xshift_every)
        dy = yshift*(n/yshift_every)
        # if we're supposed to coarsen the data, do so.
        x  = _fun.coarsen_array(xdata[n],  coarsen)
        y  = _fun.coarsen_array(ydata[n],  coarsen)
        ey = _fun.coarsen_array(eydata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')
        ex = _fun.coarsen_array(exdata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')

        # update the style
        if not style is None: kwargs.update(style.next())
        axes.errorbar(x+dx, y+dy, label=l, yerr=ey, xerr=ex, **kwargs)

    if legend: axes.legend(loc=legend)

    # for some arguments there should be no title.
    if title in [None, False, 0]:

    # add the commands to the title
        title = str(title)
        history = _fun.get_shell_history()
        for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))):
            title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip()

        title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime()

    if grid: _pylab.grid(True)

    if autoformat:
        _pt.auto_zoom(axes=axes, draw=False)

    # update the canvas
    if draw:

    return axes
예제 #10
def xy_data(xdata, ydata, eydata=None, exdata=None, label=None, xlabel='', ylabel='',               \
            title='', shell_history=0, xshift=0, yshift=0, xshift_every=1, yshift_every=1,        \
            coarsen=0, style=None,  clear=True, axes=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False,       \
            legend='best', legend_max=20, autoformat=True, autoformat_window=True, tall=False, draw=True, **kwargs):
    Plots specified data.

    xdata, ydata        
        Arrays (or arrays of arrays) of data to plot
    eydata=None, exdata=None     
        Arrays of x and y errorbar values
        String or array of strings for the line labels
        Label for the x-axis
        Label for the y-axis
        Title for the axes; set to None to have nothing.
        How many commands from the pyshell history to include with the title
    xshift=0, yshift=0  
        Progressive shifts on the data, to make waterfall plots
        Perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
        perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
        style cycle object.
        If no axes are specified (see below), clear the figure, otherwise clear just the axes.
        Which matplotlib axes to use, or "gca" for the current axes
    xscale='linear', yscale='linear'      
        'linear' or 'log' x and y axis scales.
        Should we draw a grid on the axes?
        Where to place the legend (see pylab.legend() for options)
        Set this to None to ignore the legend.
        Number of legend entries before it's truncated with '...'
        Should we format the figure for printing?
        Should we resize and reposition the window when autoformatting?
        Should the format be tall?
        Whether or not to draw the plot after plotting.

    See matplotlib's errorbar() function for additional optional keyword arguments.

    # Make sure the dimensionality of the data sets matches
    xdata, ydata = _match_data_sets(xdata, ydata)
    exdata = _match_error_to_data_set(xdata, exdata)
    eydata = _match_error_to_data_set(ydata, eydata)

    # check that the labels is a list of strings of the same length
    if not _fun.is_iterable(label): label = [label] * len(xdata)
    while len(label) < len(ydata):

    # concatenate if necessary
    if len(label) > legend_max:
        label[legend_max - 2] = '...'
        for n in range(legend_max - 1, len(label) - 1):
            label[n] = "_nolegend_"

    # clear the figure?
    if clear and not axes: _pylab.gcf().clear()  # axes cleared later

    # setup axes
    if axes == "gca" or axes is None: axes = _pylab.gca()

    # if we're clearing the axes
    if clear: axes.clear()

    # set the current axes

    # now loop over the list of data in xdata and ydata
    for n in range(0, len(xdata)):
        # get the label
        l = str(n) + ": " + str(label[n])

        # calculate the x an y progressive shifts
        dx = xshift * (n / xshift_every)
        dy = yshift * (n / yshift_every)

        # if we're supposed to coarsen the data, do so.
        x = _fun.coarsen_array(xdata[n], coarsen)
        y = _fun.coarsen_array(ydata[n], coarsen)
        ey = _fun.coarsen_array(eydata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')
        ex = _fun.coarsen_array(exdata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')

        # update the style
        if not style is None: kwargs.update(next(style))
        axes.errorbar(x + dx, y + dy, label=l, yerr=ey, xerr=ex, **kwargs)

    if legend: axes.legend(loc=legend)

    # for some arguments there should be no title.
    if title in [None, False, 0]:

    # add the commands to the title
        title = str(title)
        history = _fun.get_shell_history()
        for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))):
            title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip()

        title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime()

    if grid: _pylab.grid(True)

    if autoformat:
        _pt.format_figure(draw=False, modify_geometry=autoformat_window)
        _pt.auto_zoom(axes=axes, draw=False)

    # update the canvas
    if draw:

    return axes
예제 #11
def databoxes(ds,
    Plots the listed databox objects with the specified scripts.

    ds        list of databoxes
    xscript   script for x data
    yscript   script for y data
    eyscript  script for y error
    exscript  script for x error
    plotter   function used to do the plotting
    transpose applies databox.transpose() prior to plotting
    g         optional dictionary of globals for the supplied scripts

    **kwargs are sent to plotter()
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ds): ds = [ds]

    if 'xlabel' not in kwargs: kwargs['xlabel'] = str(xscript)
    if 'ylabel' not in kwargs: kwargs['ylabel'] = str(yscript)

    # First make sure everything is a list of scripts (or None's)
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xscript): xscript = [xscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(yscript): yscript = [yscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exscript): exscript = [exscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eyscript): eyscript = [eyscript]

    # make sure exscript matches shape with xscript (and the same for y)
    if len(exscript) < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript) - 1):
    if len(eyscript) < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript) - 1):

    # Make xscript and exscript match in shape with yscript and eyscript
    if len(xscript) < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript) - 1):

    # check for the reverse possibility
    if len(yscript) < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript) - 1):

    # now check for None's (counting scripts)
    for n in range(len(xscript)):
        if xscript[n] is None and yscript[n] is None:
            print("Two None scripts? But why?")
        if xscript[n] is None:
            if type(yscript[n]) == str:
                xscript[n] = 'range(len(' + yscript[n] + '))'
                xscript[n] = 'range(len(c(' + str(yscript[n]) + ')))'
        if yscript[n] is None:
            if type(xscript[n]) == str:
                yscript[n] = 'range(len(' + xscript[n] + '))'
                yscript[n] = 'range(len(c(' + str(xscript[n]) + ')))'

    xdatas = []
    ydatas = []
    exdatas = []
    eydatas = []
    labels = []

    # Loop over all the data boxes
    for i in range(len(ds)):

        # Reset the default globals
        all_globals = dict(n=i, m=len(ds) - 1 - i)

        # Update them with the user-specified globals
        if not g == None: all_globals.update(g)

        # For ease of coding
        d = ds[i]

        # Take the transpose if necessary
        if transpose: d = d.transpose()

        # Generate the x-data; returns a list of outputs, one for each xscript
        xdata = d(xscript, all_globals)

        # Loop over each xdata, appending to the master list, and generating a label
        for n in range(len(xdata)):
            if len(xdata) > 1:
                labels.append(str(n) + ": " + _os.path.split(d.path)[-1])

        # Append the other data sets to their master lists
        for y in d(yscript, all_globals):
        for x in d(exscript, all_globals):
        for y in d(eyscript, all_globals):

    if "label" in kwargs: labels = kwargs.pop("label")

    plotter(xdatas, ydatas, eydatas, exdatas, label=labels, **kwargs)
예제 #12
def databoxes(ds, xscript=0, yscript=1, eyscript=None, exscript=None, g=None, plotter=xy_data, transpose=False, **kwargs):
    Plots the listed databox objects with the specified scripts.

    ds        list of databoxes
    xscript   script for x data
    yscript   script for y data
    eyscript  script for y error
    exscript  script for x error
    plotter   function used to do the plotting
    transpose applies databox.transpose() prior to plotting
    g         optional dictionary of globals for the supplied scripts

    **kwargs are sent to plotter()
    if not _fun.is_iterable(ds): ds = [ds]

    if 'xlabel' not in kwargs: kwargs['xlabel'] = str(xscript)
    if 'ylabel' not in kwargs: kwargs['ylabel'] = str(yscript)

    # First make sure everything is a list of scripts (or None's)
    if not _fun.is_iterable(xscript): xscript = [xscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(yscript): yscript = [yscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(exscript): exscript = [exscript]
    if not _fun.is_iterable(eyscript): eyscript = [eyscript]

    # make sure exscript matches shape with xscript (and the same for y)
    if len(exscript)   < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript)-1): exscript.append(exscript[0])
    if len(eyscript)   < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript)-1): eyscript.append(eyscript[0])

    # Make xscript and exscript match in shape with yscript and eyscript
    if len(xscript)    < len(yscript):
        for n in range(len(yscript)-1):

    # check for the reverse possibility
    if len(yscript)    < len(xscript):
        for n in range(len(xscript)-1):

    # now check for None's (counting scripts)
    for n in range(len(xscript)):
        if xscript[n] is None and yscript[n] is None:
            print("Two None scripts? But why?")
        if xscript[n] is None:
            if type(yscript[n])==str: xscript[n] = 'range(len('+yscript[n]+'))'
            else:                     xscript[n] = 'range(len(c('+str(yscript[n])+')))'
        if yscript[n] is None:
            if type(xscript[n])==str: yscript[n] = 'range(len('+xscript[n]+'))'
            else:                     yscript[n] = 'range(len(c('+str(xscript[n])+')))'

    xdatas  = []
    ydatas  = []
    exdatas = []
    eydatas = []
    labels  = []

    # Loop over all the data boxes
    for i in range(len(ds)):
        # Reset the default globals
        all_globals = dict(n=i,m=len(ds)-1-i)
        # Update them with the user-specified globals
        if not g==None: all_globals.update(g)
        # For ease of coding
        d = ds[i]
        # Take the transpose if necessary
        if transpose: d = d.transpose()
        # Generate the x-data; returns a list of outputs, one for each xscript
        xdata = d(xscript, all_globals)
        # Loop over each xdata, appending to the master list, and generating a label
        for n in range(len(xdata)):
            if len(xdata)>1: labels.append(str(n)+": "+_os.path.split(d.path)[-1])
            else:            labels.append(_os.path.split(d.path)[-1])

        # Append the other data sets to their master lists
        for y in d( yscript, all_globals):  ydatas.append(y)
        for x in d(exscript, all_globals): exdatas.append(x)
        for y in d(eyscript, all_globals): eydatas.append(y)

    if "label" in kwargs: labels = kwargs.pop("label")

    plotter(xdatas, ydatas, eydatas, exdatas, label=labels, **kwargs)
예제 #13
def xy_data(xdata, ydata, eydata=None, exdata=None, label=None, xlabel='', ylabel='',               \
            title='', shell_history=0, xshift=0, yshift=0, xshift_every=1, yshift_every=1,        \
            coarsen=0, style=None,  clear=True, axes=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False,       \
            legend='best', legend_max=20, autoformat=True, autoformat_window=True, tall=False, draw=True, **kwargs):
    Plots specified data.

    xdata, ydata        
        Arrays (or arrays of arrays) of data to plot
    eydata=None, exdata=None     
        Arrays of x and y errorbar values
        String or array of strings for the line labels
        Label for the x-axis
        Label for the y-axis
        Title for the axes; set to None to have nothing.
        How many commands from the pyshell history to include with the title
    xshift=0, yshift=0  
        Progressive shifts on the data, to make waterfall plots
        Perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
        perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line.
        style cycle object.
        If no axes are specified (see below), clear the figure, otherwise clear just the axes.
        Which matplotlib axes to use, or "gca" for the current axes
    xscale='linear', yscale='linear'      
        'linear' or 'log' x and y axis scales.
        Should we draw a grid on the axes?
        Where to place the legend (see pylab.legend() for options)
        Set this to None to ignore the legend.
        Number of legend entries before it's truncated with '...'
        Should we format the figure for printing?
        Should we resize and reposition the window when autoformatting?
        Should the format be tall?
        Whether or not to draw the plot after plotting.

    See matplotlib's errorbar() function for additional optional keyword arguments.
    # Make sure the dimensionality of the data sets matches
    xdata, ydata = _match_data_sets(xdata, ydata)
    exdata = _match_error_to_data_set(xdata, exdata)
    eydata = _match_error_to_data_set(ydata, eydata)
    # check that the labels is a list of strings of the same length
    if not _fun.is_iterable(label): label = [label]*len(xdata)
    while len(label) < len(ydata):  label.append(label[0])
    # concatenate if necessary
    if len(label) > legend_max:
        label[legend_max-2] = '...'
        for n in range(legend_max-1,len(label)-1): label[n] = "_nolegend_"

    # clear the figure?
    if clear and not axes: _pylab.gcf().clear() # axes cleared later

    # setup axes
    if axes=="gca" or axes is None: axes = _pylab.gca()

    # if we're clearing the axes
    if clear: axes.clear()

    # set the current axes

    # now loop over the list of data in xdata and ydata
    for n in range(0,len(xdata)):
        # get the label
        if label[n]=='_nolegend_':
            l = '_nolegend_'
            l = str(n)+": "+str(label[n])
        # calculate the x an y progressive shifts
        dx = xshift*(n/xshift_every)
        dy = yshift*(n/yshift_every)
        # if we're supposed to coarsen the data, do so.
        x  = _fun.coarsen_array(xdata[n],  coarsen)
        y  = _fun.coarsen_array(ydata[n],  coarsen)
        ey = _fun.coarsen_array(eydata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')
        ex = _fun.coarsen_array(exdata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature')

        # update the style
        if not style is None: kwargs.update(next(style))
        axes.errorbar(x+dx, y+dy, label=l, yerr=ey, xerr=ex, **kwargs)

    if legend: axes.legend(loc=legend)

    # for some arguments there should be no title.
    if title in [None, False, 0]:

    # add the commands to the title
        title = str(title)
        history = _fun.get_shell_history()
        for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))):
            title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip()

        title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime()

    if grid: _pylab.grid(True)

    if autoformat:
        _pt.format_figure(draw=False, modify_geometry=autoformat_window)
        _pt.auto_zoom(axes=axes, draw=False)

    # update the canvas
    if draw:

    return axes
예제 #14
def _match_data_sets(x,y):
    Makes sure everything is the same shape. "Intelligently".
    # If x is a value, use this for the step size.
    dx = 1.0
    if _fun.is_a_number(x): 
        dx = x
        x  = None
    # Handle the None for x or y
    if x is None or len(x) == 0: 
        # If x is None, y can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]] or []
        if len(y) == 0: x = []
        elif _fun.is_iterable(y[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            x = []
            for n in range(len(y)):
        else: x = list(range(len(y)))
    # If y is a value, use this for the step size.
    dy = 1.0
    if _fun.is_a_number(y): 
        dy = y
        y  = None

    if y is None or len(y) == 0: 
        # If y is none, x can be either [1,2] or [[1,2],[1,2]] or []
        if len(x) == 0: y = []
        elif _fun.is_iterable(x[0]):
            # make an array of arrays to match
            y = []
            for n in range(len(x)):
        else: y = list(range(len(x)))
    # At this point they should be matched, but may still be 1D
    # Default behavior: if all elements are numbers in both, assume they match
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x): x=[x]
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(y): y=[y]

    # Make sure they are both lists (so append works!)
    if not type(x) == list: x = list(x)
    if not type(y) == list: y = list(y)

    # Make sure they're the same length
    while len(x) > len(y): y.append(y[-1])
    while len(y) > len(x): x.append(x[-1])

    # Second default behavior: shared array [1,2,3], [[1,2,1],[1,2,1]] or vis versa
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(x) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(y): x = [x]*len(y)
    if _fun.elements_are_numbers(y) and not _fun.elements_are_numbers(x): y = [y]*len(x)

    # Clean up any remaining Nones
    for n in range(len(x)):
        if x[n] is None: x[n] = list(range(len(y[n])))
        if y[n] is None: y[n] = list(range(len(x[n])))
    return x, y
예제 #15
    def execute_script(self, script, g={}):
        Runs a script, returning the result.

        Scripts are of the form:

        "3.0 + x/y - self[0] where x=3.0*c('my_column')+h('setting'); y=c(1)"

        "self" refers to the data object, giving access to everything, enabling
        complete control over the universe. c() and h() give quick reference
        to self.c() and self.h() to get columns and header lines

        Additionally, these scripts can see all of the numpy functions like sin,
        cos, sqrt, etc.

        Finally, if you would like access to additional globals, set
        self.extra_globals to the appropriate globals dictionary or add globals
        using insert_global(). Setting g=globals() will automatically insert
        your globals into this databox instance.

        There are a few shorthand scripts available as well. You can simply type
        a column name such as "my_column" or a column number like 2. However, I
        only added this functionality as a shortcut, and something like
        "2.0*a where a=F" will not work unless F is defined somehow. I figure
        since you're already writing a complicated script, you don't want to
        accidentally shortcut your way into using a column instead of a constant!
        Use "2.0*a where a=c('F')" instead.

        NOTE: You shouldn't try to use variables like 'c=...' or 'h=...' because
        they are already column and header functions!

        if self.debug:
            print "Generating column '" + str(name) + "' = " + str(
                script) + "..."

        # add any extra user-supplied global variables for the eventual eval() call.
        g = {}  # clear out the existing dictionary

        # If the script is not a list of scripts, return the script value.
        # This is the termination of a recursive call.
        if not _fun.is_iterable(script):

            if script == None: return None

            # get the expression and variables
            [expression, v] = self._parse_script(script)

            # if there was a problem parsing the script
            if v == None:
                print "ERROR: Could not parse '" + script + "'"
                return None

            # otherwise, evaluate the script using python's eval command
            return eval(expression, v)

        # Otherwise, this is a list of scripts. Make the recursive call.
        output = []
        for s in script:

        return output