def start_bayspec(): print("Hello! Here is BaySpec!") print("") avgs = [] for i in range(20): model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=4, max_objects=4, min_temp_nodes=5, max_temp_nodes=5, min_states=2, max_states=2) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=2, max_edges_per_object=2, min_percent_inter=0.8, max_percent_inter=0.8) tscbn = model_generator.new_tscbn() bn = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn) paths = bn.path_computation(min_prob_threshold=0.85) if paths: validation_bn = MaxAverageMiningGraph( model_generator.get_validation_model_rel(tscbn, 0.25)) start = time.time() miner = CBMiner(bn, validation_bn) specs = miner.start() end = time.time() print("Time %s" % str(end - start)) avgs += [end - start] #print("{} found specifications".format(len(specs))) #for spec in specs: # print(spec) print(np.mean(avgs))
def start(): model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=4, max_objects=5, min_temp_nodes=4, max_temp_nodes=5, min_states=2, max_states=2) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=3, max_edges_per_object=3, min_percent_inter=0.8, max_percent_inter=0.8) threshold = 0.8 edge_remove_ratio = 0.3 model_pool_size = 50 model_pool = [] bayspec_fps_per_model = [[0,0] for _ in range(model_pool_size)] for i in range(model_pool_size): print("generate network {} of {}".format(i+1,model_pool_size)) tscbn1 = model_generator.new_tscbn() model_pool.append(tscbn1) tscbn2 = model_generator.get_validation_model_rel(tscbn1, edge_remove_ratio) bn1 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn1) bn2 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn2) bn1.path_computation(threshold) miner = CBMiner(bn1, bn2) fps, specs = miner.start(evaluation=True) bayspec_fps_per_model[i] = [fps, len(specs)] min_models = 2 max_models = 5 n_models_list = list(range(min_models, max_models + 1)) n_loops = 10 traces_per_log = list(range(2, 5 + 1)) samples_per_trace = list(range(2, 5 + 1)) log_combinations = len(traces_per_log) * len(samples_per_trace) synoptic_fps = {n: [0, 0] for n in n_models_list} bayspec_fps = {n: [0, 0] for n in n_models_list} for n_models in n_models_list: print("n_models: {}".format(n_models)) for loop in range(n_loops): print(" loop: {} / {}".format(loop+1,n_loops)) index_tscbns = random.sample(list(enumerate(model_pool)), n_models) indices = [index for index, tscbn in index_tscbns] tscbn_subset = [tscbn for index, tscbn in index_tscbns] for index in indices: bayspec_fps[n_models][0] += (bayspec_fps_per_model[index][0] / n_loops) bayspec_fps[n_models][1] += (bayspec_fps_per_model[index][1] / n_loops) for traces in traces_per_log: for samples in samples_per_trace: log = tg.multi_BN_log_interleaving(tscbn_subset, traces, samples) # Synoptic invariants = synoptic.execute(log, threshold) syn_fp = synoptic.false_positive_invariants(invariants) if syn_fp[1] > 0: synoptic_fps[n_models][0] += (syn_fp[0] / (n_loops * log_combinations)) synoptic_fps[n_models][1] += (syn_fp[1] / (n_loops * log_combinations)) bar_width = 0.9 for i, n_nets in enumerate(n_models_list): if synoptic_fps[n_nets][1] > 0:[2 * i + 0], [100 * synoptic_fps[n_nets][0] / synoptic_fps[n_nets][1]], color='#96b7c1', width=bar_width) if bayspec_fps[n_nets][1] > 0:[2 * i + 1], [100 * bayspec_fps[n_nets][0] / bayspec_fps[n_nets][1]], color='#335151', width=bar_width)
def start(): with open("blinker_model/blinker_tscbn1.tscbn", "rb") as in_stream: tscbn1 = dill.load(in_stream) with open("blinker_model/blinker_mining_graph_1.tscbn", "rb") as in_stream: bn1 = dill.load(in_stream) with open("blinker_model/blinker_mining_graph_2.tscbn", "rb") as in_stream: bn2 = dill.load(in_stream) threshold = 0.8 bayspec_total = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) synoptic_total = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) traces_per_log = [t for t in range(2, 5 + 1)] samples_per_trace = [s for s in range(2, 5 + 1)] log_combinations = len(traces_per_log) * len(samples_per_trace) scatter_max_x = [] scatter_max_y = [] bn1.path_computation(threshold) if bn1.paths: miner = CBMiner(bn1, bn2) # miner = SingleBnSpecMiner(bn1) specs = miner.start() if specs: bayspec = utility.metrics_from_LTL_specs(specs) specs_x = [ x for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] specs_y = [ y for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] specs_s = [ size for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for h, u, size in zip(specs_x, specs_y, specs_s): bayspec_total[h][u] += size i = 1 print("Executing Synoptic and Perracotta:") for traces in traces_per_log: for samples in samples_per_trace: print("Trace set {} / {}".format(i, log_combinations)) # print("Traces: {}, Samples: {}".format(traces, samples)) i += 1 # create Log log = tg.single_BN_log(tscbn1, traces_per_log=traces, samples_per_trace=samples) # Synoptic invariants = synoptic.execute(log, threshold) syn = synoptic.metrics_from_invariants(invariants) _x = [x for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items()] _y = [y for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items()] _s = [ size for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for h, u, size in zip(_x, _y, _s): synoptic_total[h][u] += (size / log_combinations) # RESULTS def process_results(total_dict, histogram, color): plot_x = [ x for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] plot_y = [ y for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] plot_s = [ size for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for height, unique, _s in zip(plot_x, plot_y, plot_s): histogram[height] += _s if plot_x: plt.scatter(x=plot_x, y=plot_y, s=[utility.scatter_size(_s) for _s in plot_s], alpha=0.7, c=color) scatter_max_x.append(max(plot_x)) scatter_max_y.append(max(plot_y)) # BaySpec bayspec_histogram = [0 for _ in range(1000)] process_results(bayspec_total, bayspec_histogram, color='#335151') # Synoptic synoptic_histogram = [0 for _ in range(1000)] process_results(synoptic_total, synoptic_histogram, color='#96b7c1') max_height = max(scatter_max_x) max_y = max(scatter_max_y) plt.xlabel("Spec Height") plt.ylabel("Unique Events") plt.xlim(0, max_height + 1) plt.ylim(0, max_y + 1) # BAR PLOT # Barplot bar_width = 0.9 bins = list(range(max_height + 1)), bayspec_histogram[:max_height + 1], color='#335151', width=bar_width, alpha=0.6), synoptic_histogram[:max_height + 1], color='#96b7c1', width=bar_width, alpha=0.6) plt.xlim(0, max_height + 1) plt.xlabel("Spec Height")
def start(): model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=4, max_objects=5, min_temp_nodes=4, max_temp_nodes=5, min_states=2, max_states=2) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=3, max_edges_per_object=3, min_percent_inter=0.8, max_percent_inter=0.8) rel_remove_list = [r / 10 for r in range(1, 5 + 1, 1)] threshold_list = [t / 100 for t in range(80, 100 + 1, 1)] n_models = 50 bn1_paths_list = [] runtimes = { removed: {th: 0 for th in threshold_list} for removed in rel_remove_list } for j in range(n_models): print("Model {} of {}".format(j + 1, n_models)) tscbn1 = model_generator.new_tscbn() _start = timer() bn1 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn1) setup_1 = timer() - _start bn1_paths_list.append(bn1.n_paths) for rel_remove in rel_remove_list: print(" remove {}".format(rel_remove)) tscbn2 = model_generator.get_validation_model_rel( tscbn1, rel_remove) bn2 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn2) for th in threshold_list: _start = timer() bn1.path_computation(min_prob_threshold=th) if bn1.paths: miner = CBMiner(bn1, bn2) miner.start() _end = timer() t = _end - _start runtimes[rel_remove][th] += (setup_1 + t) / (bn1.n_paths * n_models) normalization_factor = np.average(bn1_paths_list) for rel_remove, data in runtimes.items(): y = [runtime * normalization_factor for th, runtime in data.items()] plt.plot(threshold_list, y, label=rel_remove) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.legend()
def start(): max_remove = 75 rel_remove = list(range(max_remove + 1)) thresholds = [th / 100 for th in [84, 86, 88, 90]] n_models = 50 model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=4, max_objects=5, min_temp_nodes=4, max_temp_nodes=5, min_states=2, max_states=2) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=3, max_edges_per_object=3, min_percent_inter=0.8, max_percent_inter=0.8) cummulative_paths = {th: [0 for _ in rel_remove] for th in thresholds} cummulative_specs = {th: [0 for _ in rel_remove] for th in thresholds} for i in range(n_models): print("Model {} of {}".format(i + 1, n_models)) tscbn1 = model_generator.new_tscbn() mining_graph = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn1) n_cross_edges = model_utility.get_n_cross_edges(tscbn1) all_paths = mining_graph.path_computation(thresholds[0]) for th in thresholds: paths = [p for p in all_paths if p["metric"] <= (1 - th)] mining_graph.paths = paths print(" p_min={} ({} paths)".format(th, len(mining_graph.paths))) if mining_graph.paths: tscbn2 = copy.deepcopy(tscbn1) last_specs = 0 for r in rel_remove: # if round(remove) > last_removed: if r == 0 or round(n_cross_edges * r / 100) > round(n_cross_edges * (r - 1) / 100): delta = round(n_cross_edges * r / 100) - round(n_cross_edges * (r - 1) / 100) tscbn2 = model_generator.get_validation_model_abs(tscbn2, abs_remove=delta) validation_graph = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn2) miner = CBMiner(mining_graph, validation_graph) specs = miner.start() cummulative_paths[th][r] += len(mining_graph.paths) cummulative_specs[th][r] += len(specs) last_specs = len(specs) else: cummulative_paths[th][r] += len(mining_graph.paths) cummulative_specs[th][r] += last_specs # print("remove: {}% ({}) - specs: {}".format(r, round(n_cross_edges * r / 100),last_specs)) data = {th: [cummulative_specs[th][r] / n_models for r in rel_remove] for th in thresholds} for threshold, ys in data.items(): plt.plot(rel_remove, ys, label=threshold) plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.legend() plt.grid()
def start(): n_models = 2 objects = [4, 5] nodes_per_object = [4, 5] states_per_node = 2 edges_per_object = 3 percentage_inter = 0.8 edge_remove_ratio = 0.20 min_th = 80 thresholds = [t / 100 for t in range(min_th, 100 + 1)] n_eval_models = 50 sizes = ["(4,4)", "(5,5)"] MG_list = [] for i in range(n_models): model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=objects[i], max_objects=objects[i], min_temp_nodes=nodes_per_object[i], max_temp_nodes=nodes_per_object[i], min_states=states_per_node, max_states=states_per_node) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=edges_per_object, max_edges_per_object=edges_per_object, min_percent_inter=percentage_inter, max_percent_inter=percentage_inter) MG_list.append(model_generator) mb_cummulative = {size: {th: 0 for th in thresholds} for size in range(n_models)} cb_cummulative = {size: {th: 0 for th in thresholds} for size in range(n_models)} for j in range(n_eval_models): print("Model {} of {}".format(j + 1, n_eval_models)) for i in range(n_models): print(" size:{}".format(sizes[i])) tscbn1 = MG_list[i].new_tscbn() bn1 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn1) tscbn2 = MG_list[i].get_validation_model_rel(tscbn1, edge_remove_ratio) bn2 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn2) # all paths for the minimal threshold all_paths = bn1.path_computation(min_th / 100) for th in thresholds: print(" threshold:{}".format(th)) paths = [p for p in all_paths if p["metric"] <= (1 - th)] bn1.paths = paths metric_based_miner = MBMiner(bn1) comparison_based_miner = CBMiner(bn1, bn2) mb_specs = metric_based_miner.start() cb_specs = comparison_based_miner.start() mb_cummulative[i][th] += len(mb_specs) cb_cummulative[i][th] += len(cb_specs) colors = ["#0065BD", "#E37222"] for i in range(n_models): mb_data = [mb_cummulative[i][th] / n_eval_models for th in thresholds] plt.plot(thresholds, mb_data, label="mb {}".format(sizes[i]), linestyle="dashed", color=colors[i]) cb_data = [cb_cummulative[i][th] / n_eval_models for th in thresholds] plt.plot(thresholds, cb_data, label="cb {}".format(sizes[i]), linestyle="solid", color=colors[i]) plt.legend()
def start(): model_generator = ModelGenerator() # Nodes model_generator.set_node_range(min_objects=4, max_objects=5, min_temp_nodes=4, max_temp_nodes=5, min_states=2, max_states=2) # Edges model_generator.set_connection_ranges(min_edges_per_object=3, max_edges_per_object=3, min_percent_inter=0.8, max_percent_inter=0.8) edge_remove_ratio = 0.2 threshold = 0.8 n_models = 50 tscbn = model_generator.new_tscbn() scatter_max_x = [] scatter_max_y = [] bayspec_total = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) synoptic_total = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) traces_per_log = [t for t in range(2, 5 + 1)] samples_per_trace = [s for s in range(2, 5 + 1)] log_combinations = len(traces_per_log) * len(samples_per_trace) for i in range(n_models): print("Model {} / {}".format(i + 1, n_models)) tscbn1 = model_generator.new_tscbn() bn1 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn1) tscbn2 = model_generator.get_validation_model_rel( tscbn1, edge_remove_ratio) bn2 = MaxAverageMiningGraph(tscbn2) bn1.path_computation(threshold) if bn1.paths: miner = CBMiner(bn1, bn2) specs = miner.start() if specs: bayspec = utility.metrics_from_LTL_specs(specs) specs_x = [ x for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] specs_y = [ y for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] specs_s = [ size for x, ydict in bayspec.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for h, u, size in zip(specs_x, specs_y, specs_s): bayspec_total[h][u] += (size / n_models) j = 1 for traces in traces_per_log: for samples in samples_per_trace: # print(" Trace set {} / {}".format(j, log_combinations)) j += 1 # create Log log = tg.single_BN_log(tscbn, traces_per_log=traces, samples_per_trace=samples) # Synoptic invariants = synoptic.execute(log, threshold) syn = synoptic.metrics_from_invariants(invariants) x = [ x for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] y = [ y for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] s = [ size for x, ydict in syn.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for h, u, size in zip(x, y, s): synoptic_total[h][u] += (size / (n_models * log_combinations)) def process_results(total_dict, histogram, color): plot_x = [ x for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] plot_y = [ y for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] plot_s = [ size for x, ydict in total_dict.items() for y, size in ydict.items() ] for height, unique, s in zip(plot_x, plot_y, plot_s): histogram[height] += s if plot_x: plt.scatter(x=plot_x, y=plot_y, s=[utility.scatter_size(_s) for _s in plot_s], alpha=0.7, c=color) scatter_max_x.append(max(plot_x)) scatter_max_y.append(max(plot_y)) # BaySpec bayspec_histogram = [0 for _ in range(1000)] process_results(bayspec_total, bayspec_histogram, color='#335151') # Synoptic synoptic_histogram = [0 for _ in range(1000)] process_results(synoptic_total, synoptic_histogram, color='#96b7c1') max_height = max(scatter_max_x) max_y = max(scatter_max_y) plt.xlabel("Spec Height") plt.ylabel("Unique Events") plt.xlim(0, max_height + 1) plt.ylim(0, max_y + 1) # BAR PLOT # Barplot bar_width = 0.9 bins = list(range(max_height + 1)), bayspec_histogram[:max_height + 1], color='#335151', width=bar_width, alpha=0.6), synoptic_histogram[:max_height + 1], color='#96b7c1', width=bar_width, alpha=0.6) plt.xlim(0, max_height + 1) plt.xlabel("Spec Height")