def _push_sample(self, sample): # Calculate whether we need to draw any annotations on the output video. now = sample.time annotations = [] with self.annotations_lock: # Remove expired annotations self.text_annotations = [ x for x in self.text_annotations if now < x.end_time ] current_texts = [x for x in self.text_annotations if x.time <= now] for annotation in list(self.annotations): if annotation.time == now: annotations.append(annotation) if now >= annotation.time: self.annotations.remove(annotation) sample = gst_sample_make_writable(sample) img = array_from_sample(sample, readwrite=True) # Text: _draw_text(img,"%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-4], (10, 30), (255, 255, 255)) for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_texts)): origin = (10, (i + 2) * 30) age = float(now - x.time) / 3 color = (int(255 * max([1 - age, 0.5])), ) * 3 _draw_text(img, x.text, origin, color) # Regions: for annotation in annotations: annotation.draw(img) self.appsrc.props.caps = sample.get_caps() self.appsrc.emit("push-buffer", sample.get_buffer()) self._sample_count += 1
def _push_sample(self, sample): # Calculate whether we need to draw any annotations on the output video. now = sample.time annotations = [] with self.annotations_lock: # Remove expired annotations self.text_annotations = [x for x in self.text_annotations if now < x.end_time] current_texts = [x for x in self.text_annotations if x.time <= now] for annotation in list(self.annotations): if annotation.time == now: annotations.append(annotation) if now >= annotation.time: self.annotations.remove(annotation) sample = gst_sample_make_writable(sample) img = array_from_sample(sample, readwrite=True) # Text: _draw_text( img,"%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-4], (10, 30), (255, 255, 255)) for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_texts)): origin = (10, (i + 2) * 30) age = float(now - x.time) / 3 color = (int(255 * max([1 - age, 0.5])),) * 3 _draw_text(img, x.text, origin, color) # Regions: for annotation in annotations: annotation.draw(img) self.appsrc.props.caps = sample.get_caps() self.appsrc.emit("push-buffer", sample.get_buffer()) self._sample_count += 1
def svg_to_array(svg): from _stbt.gst_utils import array_from_sample pipeline = Gst.parse_launch( 'appsrc name="src" caps="image/svg" ! rsvgdec ! ' 'videoconvert ! appsink caps="video/x-raw,format=BGR" name="sink"') src = pipeline.get_by_name('src') sink = pipeline.get_by_name('sink') pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) buf = Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped(svg) src.emit('push-buffer', buf) sample = sink.emit('pull-sample') src.emit("end-of-stream") pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) pipeline.get_state(0) return array_from_sample(sample)
def _push_sample(self, sample): # Calculate whether we need to draw any annotations on the output video. now = sample.time annotations = [] with self.annotations_lock: # Remove expired annotations self.text_annotations = [x for x in self.text_annotations if now < x.end_time] current_texts = [x for x in self.text_annotations if x.time <= now] for annotation in list(self.annotations): if annotation.time == now: annotations.append(annotation) if now >= annotation.time: self.annotations.remove(annotation) sample = gst_sample_make_writable(sample) img = array_from_sample(sample, readwrite=True) # Text: _draw_text( img, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-4], (10, 30), (255, 255, 255)) for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_texts)): origin = (10, (i + 2) * 30) age = float(now - x.time) / 3 color = (native(int(255 * max([1 - age, 0.5]))).__int__(),) * 3 _draw_text(img, x.text, origin, color) # Regions: for annotation in annotations: _draw_annotation(img, annotation) APPSRC_LIMIT_BYTES = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB if self.appsrc.props.current_level_bytes > APPSRC_LIMIT_BYTES: # appsrc is backed-up, perhaps something's gone wrong. We don't # want to use up all RAM, so let's drop the buffer on the floor. if not self._appsrc_was_full: warn("sink pipeline appsrc is full, dropping buffers from now " "on") self._appsrc_was_full = True return elif self._appsrc_was_full: debug("sink pipeline appsrc no longer full, pushing buffers again") self._appsrc_was_full = False self.appsrc.props.caps = sample.get_caps() self.appsrc.emit("push-buffer", sample.get_buffer()) self._sample_count += 1
def svg_to_array(svg): from _stbt.gst_utils import array_from_sample pipeline = Gst.parse_launch( 'appsrc name="src" caps="image/svg" ! rsvgdec ! ' 'videoconvert ! appsink caps="video/x-raw,format=BGR" name="sink"' ) src = pipeline.get_by_name("src") sink = pipeline.get_by_name("sink") pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) buf = Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped(svg) src.emit("push-buffer", buf) sample = sink.emit("pull-sample") src.emit("end-of-stream") pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) pipeline.get_state(0) return array_from_sample(sample)
def on_new_sample(self, appsink): sample = appsink.emit("pull-sample") running_time = sample.get_segment().to_running_time( Gst.Format.TIME, sample.get_buffer().pts) sample.time = float(appsink.base_time + running_time) / 1e9 if (sample.time > self.init_time + 31536000 or sample.time < self.init_time - 31536000): # 1 year warn("Received frame with suspicious timestamp: %f. Check your " "source-pipeline configuration." % sample.time) frame = array_from_sample(sample) frame.flags.writeable = False # See also: logging.draw_on frame._draw_sink = weakref.ref(self._sink_pipeline) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.tell_user_thread(frame) self._sink_pipeline.on_sample(sample) return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
def chessboard_calibration(dut, timeout=10): from _stbt.gst_utils import array_from_sample undistorted_appsink = \ dut._display.source_pipeline.get_by_name('undistorted_appsink') sys.stderr.write("Searching for chessboard\n") endtime = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < endtime: sample = undistorted_appsink.emit('pull-sample') try: input_image = array_from_sample(sample) params = chessboard.calculate_calibration_params(input_image) break except chessboard.NoChessboardError: if time.time() > endtime: raise geometriccorrection = dut._display.source_pipeline.get_by_name( 'geometric_correction') geometriccorrection_params = { 'camera-matrix': ('{fx} 0 {cx}' ' 0 {fy} {cy}' ' 0 0 1').format(**params), 'distortion-coefficients': '{k1} {k2} {p1} {p2} {k3}'.format(**params), 'inv-homography-matrix': ( '{ihm11} {ihm21} {ihm31} ' '{ihm12} {ihm22} {ihm32} ' '{ihm13} {ihm23} {ihm33}').format(**params), } for key, value in geometriccorrection_params.items(): geometriccorrection.set_property(key, value) print_error_map( sys.stderr, *chessboard.find_corrected_corners(params, input_image)) set_config( 'global', 'geometriccorrection_params', ' '.join('%s="%s"' % v for v in geometriccorrection_params.items()))
def chessboard_calibration(timeout=10): from _stbt.gst_utils import array_from_sample undistorted_appsink = \ stbt._dut._display.source_pipeline.get_by_name('undistorted_appsink') sys.stderr.write("Searching for chessboard\n") endtime = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < endtime: sample = undistorted_appsink.emit('pull-sample') try: input_image = array_from_sample(sample) params = chessboard.calculate_calibration_params(input_image) break except chessboard.NoChessboardError: if time.time() > endtime: raise geometriccorrection = stbt._dut._display.source_pipeline.get_by_name( 'geometric_correction') geometriccorrection_params = { 'camera-matrix': ('{fx} 0 {cx}' ' 0 {fy} {cy}' ' 0 0 1').format(**params), 'distortion-coefficients': '{k1} {k2} {p1} {p2} {k3}'.format(**params), 'inv-homography-matrix': ( '{ihm11} {ihm21} {ihm31} ' '{ihm12} {ihm22} {ihm32} ' '{ihm13} {ihm23} {ihm33}').format(**params), } for key, value in geometriccorrection_params.items(): geometriccorrection.set_property(key, value) print_error_map( sys.stderr, *chessboard.find_corrected_corners(params, input_image)) set_config( 'global', 'geometriccorrection_params', ' '.join('%s="%s"' % v for v in geometriccorrection_params.items()))
def on_new_sample(self, appsink): sample = appsink.emit("pull-sample") running_time = sample.get_segment().to_running_time( Gst.Format.TIME, sample.get_buffer().pts) sample.time = ( float(appsink.base_time + running_time) / 1e9) if (sample.time > self.init_time + 31536000 or sample.time < self.init_time - 31536000): # 1 year warn("Received frame with suspicious timestamp: %f. Check your " "source-pipeline configuration." % sample.time) frame = array_from_sample(sample) frame.flags.writeable = False # See also: logging.draw_on frame._draw_sink = weakref.ref(self._sink_pipeline) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.tell_user_thread(frame) self._sink_pipeline.on_sample(sample) return Gst.FlowReturn.OK