예제 #1
 def findPath(self, start, goal) :
     """ start : (float,float), goal : (float,float,float) or (float,float)
         uses the AStar class to find the shortest path between 'start' and 'goal'
         then simplifies the path to obtain straight lines as long as possible
     if len(goal) == 2 :
         goal = goal + (0,)  # default value of 'goalRadius' is 0
     a = AStar(start, goal, self.thresholdMap)
     print "Résultat de A*: " + str(a.aStar())
     p = a.buildPath()
     if p == None :
         self.path == None
     else :
         l = len(p)
         current = l-1
         self.path = [p[current]]
         while current > 0:
             i = 0
             while i+1 < current and not self.isLineClear(p[current], p[i]) :
                 i += 1
             current = i
예제 #2
 def findPath(self, start, goal):
     """ start : (float,float), goal : (float,float,float) or (float,float)
         uses the AStar class to find the shortest path between 'start' and 'goal'
         then simplifies the path to obtain straight lines as long as possible
     if len(goal) == 2:
         goal = goal + (0, )  # default value of 'goalRadius' is 0
     a = AStar(start, goal, self.thresholdMap)
     print "Résultat de A*: " + str(a.aStar())
     p = a.buildPath()
     if p == None:
         self.path == None
         l = len(p)
         current = l - 1
         self.path = [p[current]]
         while current > 0:
             i = 0
             while i + 1 < current and not self.isLineClear(
                     p[current], p[i]):
                 i += 1
             current = i
             self.path.insert(0, p[current])