def i2c_bitrate(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("invalid I2C bitrate value: %s" % value) if value > 800: raise AardvarkError("unsupported I2C bitrate: %d" % value) i2c_bitrate = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_bitrate(self._aardvark_handle, value) _validate_status(i2c_bitrate)
def i2c_bitrate(self): """Set the I2C bit rate in kHz. Maximum bit rate is 800kHz. Minimum bit rate for I2C master is 1kHz. """ i2c_bitrate = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_bitrate(self._aardvark_handle, 0) _validate_status(i2c_bitrate) return i2c_bitrate
def open(self, port_index=0): "Connect to bus adapter" # TODO, need to support multiple instances of bus_aadvark_i2c with single adapter. # This way it is possible to connect multiple i2c slaves to same bus. self._handle = aa.aa_open(port_index) if self._handle < 0: if (self._handle == -7): raise BusException( ' failed with error code %d (Aardvark disconnected)' % self._handle) else: raise BusException( ' failed with error code %d' % self._handle) # IO direction now all input, do this before AA_CONFIG_GPIO_I2C aa.aa_gpio_direction( self._handle, int(evkit_config.get('aardvark_i2c', 'aa_gpio_direction'), 16)) ## select pullup or floating #aa.aa_gpio_pullup(self._handle, aa.AA_GPIO_SCK | aa.AA_GPIO_MOSI) # pullup for gpio lines aa.aa_gpio_pullup( self._handle, int(evkit_config.get('aardvark_i2c', 'aa_gpio_pullup'), 16)) #todo slave address selection GPIO to output # Ensure that the I2C subsystem is enabled aa.aa_configure(self._handle, aa.AA_CONFIG_GPIO_I2C) # Enable the I2C bus pullup resistors (2.2k resistors). # This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater. # The pullup resistors on the v1.02 hardware are enabled by default. aa.aa_i2c_pullup( self._handle, self.aa_i2c_pullup[evkit_config.get('aardvark_i2c', 'aa_i2c_pullup')]) # Power the board using the Aardvark adapter's power supply. # This command is only effective on v2.0 hardware or greater. # The power pins on the v1.02 hardware are not enabled by default. aa.aa_target_power( self._handle, self.aa_target_power[evkit_config.get('aardvark_i2c', 'aa_target_power')]) # Set the bitrate requested = self._bitrate self._bitrate = aa.aa_i2c_bitrate(self._handle, self._bitrate) if requested != self._bitrate: logger.warning('Bitrate set to %d kHz. Wanted to set %d kHz' % (self._bitrate, requested))
def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance of the Bus class. This will access the Aardvark API and open the first available Aardvark USB device. If no device is available, an exception will be raised. """ self._port = _find_aardvark() self._open = False self._handle = _check_result(api.aa_open(self._port)) self._open = True _check_result(api.aa_configure(self._handle, api.AA_CONFIG_GPIO_I2C)) # AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C _check_result(api.aa_i2c_pullup(self._handle, api.AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH)) _check_result(api.aa_i2c_bitrate(self._handle, 100)) _check_result(api.aa_gpio_set(self._handle, 0x00)) # Initialize to zeros _check_result(api.aa_gpio_direction(self._handle, 0xFF)) # All outputs
def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance of the Bus class. This will access the Aardvark API and open the first available Aardvark USB device. If no device is available, an exception will be raised. """ self._port = _find_aardvark() self._open = False self._handle = _check_result(api.aa_open(self._port)) self._open = True _check_result(api.aa_configure( self._handle, api.AA_CONFIG_GPIO_I2C)) # AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C _check_result(api.aa_i2c_pullup(self._handle, api.AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH)) _check_result(api.aa_i2c_bitrate(self._handle, 100)) _check_result(api.aa_gpio_set(self._handle, 0x00)) # Initialize to zeros _check_result(api.aa_gpio_direction(self._handle, 0xFF)) # All outputs
def configure_aardvark(): """ Function to configure the aardvark for pySCPI operation if there is one available. @return (aardvark_py.aardvark) The handle of the aardvark to be used 'None' if there is not one available """ # define the handle to return Aardvark_in_use = None # find all connected aardvarks AA_Devices = aardvark_py.aa_find_devices(1) # define a port mask Aardvark_port = 8<<7 # assume that an aardvark can be found until proved otherwise Aardvark_free = True # Check if there is an Aardvark present if (AA_Devices[0] < 1): # there is no aardvark to be found print '*** No Aardvark is present ***' Aardvark_free = False else: # there is an aardvark connected to select the first one if there # are many Aardvark_port = AA_Devices[1][0] # end if # If there is an Aardvark there is it free? if Aardvark_port >= 8<<7 and Aardvark_free: # the aardvark is not free print '*** Aardvark is being used, '\ 'disconnect other application or Aardvark device ***' # close the aardvark aardvark_py.aa_close(Aardvark_port) Aardvark_free = False elif Aardvark_free: # Aardvark is available so configure it # open the connection with the aardvark Aardvark_in_use = aardvark_py.aa_open(Aardvark_port) # set it up in teh mode we need for pumpkin modules aardvark_py.aa_configure(Aardvark_in_use, aardvark_py.AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C) # default to both pullups on aardvark_py.aa_i2c_pullup(Aardvark_in_use, aardvark_py.AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH) # set the bit rate to be the default aardvark_py.aa_i2c_bitrate(Aardvark_in_use, Bitrate) # free the bus aardvark_py.aa_i2c_free_bus(Aardvark_in_use) # delay to allow the config to be registered aardvark_py.aa_sleep_ms(200) print "Starting Aardvark communications\n" # end if return Aardvark_in_use
def update_aardvark(command, address, Aardvark_in_use): """ Perform the configureation requested by a config command @param[in] command: The configuration command requested (string). @param[in] address: The current I2C slave address in use (int). @param[in] AArdvark_in_use: The aardvark port in use (aardvark_py.Aardvark). @return (int) The new I2C address to use (potentially unchanged). """ new_address = address # determine the appropriate action to take if 'DELAY ' in command: delay_time = query_delay_command(command) aardvark_py.aa_sleep_ms(delay_time) elif 'ADDRESS ' in command: # strip out the number address_list = command.split(' ') address_hex = address_list[1][0:-1] # verify that it is a number and that the beginning of the # command was correct if address_hex.startswith('0x') and (len(address_hex) == 4) and \ pySCPI_config.is_hex(address_hex[2:]) and \ (address_list[0] == '<ADDRESS'): # is a good address new_address = int(address_hex,16) print 'Changed slave I2C address to ' + address_hex + '.' else: # the adderss is invlaid print '*** The requested ADDRESS command is not valid. '\ 'Use <ADDRESS 0xYY>***' # end if elif 'BITRATE ' in command: # strip out the number speed_list = command.split(' ') speed_num = speed_list[1][0:-1] if speed_num.isdigit() and (speed_list[0] == '<BITRATE'): # is a good bitrate bitrate = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_bitrate(Aardvark_in_use, int(speed_num)) aardvark_py.aa_sleep_ms(200) print 'Changed I2C bitrate to ' + str(bitrate) + 'kHz.' else: # the bitrate is invlaid print '*** The requested BITRATE command is not valid. '\ 'Use <BITRATE x>***' # end if elif 'PULLUPS ' in command: # check command if command == '<PULLUPS ON>': # turn pullups on aardvark_py.aa_i2c_pullup(Aardvark_in_use, aardvark_py.AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH) aardvark_py.aa_sleep_ms(200) print 'Turned I2C pullups on.' elif command == '<PULLUPS OFF>': # turn pullups off aardvark_py.aa_i2c_pullup(Aardvark_in_use, aardvark_py.AA_I2C_PULLUP_NONE) aardvark_py.aa_sleep_ms(200) print 'Turned I2C pullups off.' else: print '*** Invalid Pullup Command, use either '\ '<PULLUPS ON> or <PULLUPS OFF>***' #end if else: print '*** The configuration command requested in not valid, '\ 'refer to Read Me***' # end if return new_address
if (handle <= 0): print "Unable to open Aardvark device on port %d" % port print "Error code = %d" % handle sys.exit() # Enable I2C subsystem. aa_configure(handle, AA_CONFIG_SPI_I2C) # Enable the I2C bus pullup resistors (2.2k resistors). #aa_i2c_pullup(handle, AA_I2C_PULLUP_BOTH) # Power the board using the Aardvark adapter's power supply. aa_target_power(handle, AA_TARGET_POWER_BOTH) # Set the bitrate. aa_i2c_bitrate(handle, I2C_BITRATE) # positive tests if get_version(handle) <= 0: exit() exit() if dev_rev(handle) <= 0: exit() if write_config(handle) <= 0: exit() if read_config(handle) <= 0: exit()