예제 #1
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Hanson model for conical indentation

H = Hanson(F=1., E=1., nu=0.3, half_angle=70.29)
Ne = 20

mesh = RegularQuadMesh(N1=Ne, N2=Ne, l1=H.a * 2., l2=H.a * 2., dtf='d')
mesh.nodes.translate(H.a / 20., H.a / 20.)
S = mesh.nodes.eval_tensorFunction(H.sigma)
R, Z, T, tri = mesh.dump2triplot()
R, Z = np.array(R), np.array(Z)
# Some fields
srr = S.get_component(11)
szz = S.get_component(22)
stt = S.get_component(33)
srz = S.get_component(12)
smises = S.vonmises()
s1, s2, s3, v1, v2, v3 = S.eigen()  # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
data = smises.data

N = 20
levels = np.linspace(0., max(data), N)
a = H.a
plt.tricontourf(R / a, Z / a, tri, data, levels)
예제 #2
def function(x, y, z, labels):
  r0 = 1.
  theta = 2 * pi * x
  r = y + r0
  ux = -x + r * cos(theta)
  uy = -y + r * sin(theta)
  uz = 0. * z
  return ux, uy, uz
N1, N2 = 100, 25
l1, l2 = .75, 1.
Ncolor = 20
mesh = RegularQuadMesh(N1 = N1, N2 = N2, l1 = l1, l2 = l2)
vectorField = mesh.nodes.eval_vectorFunction(function)
field = vectorField.get_coord(2) # we chose to plot coordinate 2
field2 = vectorField.get_coord(2) # we chose to plot coordinate 2
x,y,z = mesh.get_edges() # Mesh edges
X,Y,Z,tri = mesh.dump2triplot()
xb,yb,zb = mesh.get_border() # mesh borders
xe, ye, ze = mesh.get_edges()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
plt.plot(xb,yb,'k-', linewidth = 2.)
plt.plot(xe, ye,'k-', linewidth = .5)
plt.tricontour(X,Y,tri,field.data, Ncolor, colors = 'black')
color = plt.tricontourf(X,Y,tri,field.data, Ncolor)

예제 #3
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np

Hanson model for conical indentation
H = Hanson(F = 1., E=1., nu = 0.3, half_angle = 70.29)
Ne = 20

mesh = RegularQuadMesh(N1 = Ne, N2 = Ne, l1 = H.a * 2., l2 = H.a * 2., dtf = 'd') 
mesh.nodes.translate(H.a/20., H.a/20.)
S = mesh.nodes.eval_tensorFunction(H.sigma)
R,Z,T,tri = mesh.dump2triplot()
R, Z = np.array(R), np.array(Z)
# Some fields
srr = S.get_component(11)
szz = S.get_component(22)
stt = S.get_component(33)
srz = S.get_component(12)
smises = S.vonmises()
s1, s2, s3, v1, v2, v3 = S.eigen() # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
data = smises.data

N = 20
levels = np.linspace(0., max(data), N)
a = H.a
plt.tricontourf(R/a, Z/a, tri, data, levels)