예제 #1
 def onLittleGroup(self, event):
     """Show a table with the character table of the little group."""
     kpoint = self.klist_ctrl.getSelectedKpoint()
     if kpoint is None: return
     ltk = self.structure.abi_spacegroup.find_little_group(kpoint)
     table, header = ltk.bilbao_character_table()
     awx.SimpleGridFrame(self, table, title=header, labels_from_table=True).Show()
예제 #2
    def onShowQPTable(self, event):
        """Show a table with the QP results for the selected spin, kpoint, band."""
        spin, kpoint, band = event.skb
        qplist = self.sigres.get_qplist(spin, kpoint)
        table = qplist.to_table()
        title = "spin: %d, kpoint: %s" % (spin, kpoint)

        awx.SimpleGridFrame(self, table, labels_from_table=True, title=title).Show()