def users(self) -> list: """Lists users in the database.""" with session_scope() as session: return [ result for result in session.query(Results.user_name).distinct() ]
def onItemActivated(self, event: wx.ListEvent) -> None: """Handles clicks on the test results list.""" index = event.GetIndex() id = event.GetData() with session_scope() as session: for result in session.query(Results).filter( == id): SingleResultDialog(self, result).ShowModal()
def __init__(self, parent: wx.Window) -> None: """Initialize the dialog for reviewing sentences to be typed in tests.""" super().__init__(parent, name="testsPanel") sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sentence_list = wx.ListCtrl(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, name="sentence_list", style=wx.LC_LIST) with session_scope() as session: for index, sentence in enumerate(session.query(Sentences)): sentence_list.InsertItem(index, sentence.sentence) sentence_list.SetItemData(index, sizer.Add(sentence_list, proportion=10, flag=wx.EXPAND) self.sentence_list = sentence_list add_button = wx.Button(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="&Add") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onAddSentence, add_button) button_sizer.Add(add_button) edit_button = wx.Button(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="E&dit") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onEditSentence, edit_button) button_sizer.Add(edit_button) remove_button = wx.Button(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="&Remove") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onRemoveSentence, remove_button) button_sizer.Add(remove_button) search_button = wx.Button(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="&Search") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSearchSentence, search_button) button_sizer.Add(search_button) sizer.Add(button_sizer, proportion=1) self.SetSizerAndFit(sizer)
def onRemoveSentence(self, event: wx.CommandEvent = None) -> bool: """Removes a sentence from the wx.ListCtrl on the TestsPanel.""" with session_scope() as session: query = session.query(Sentences) sentence_list = self.sentence_list sentence = sentence_list.GetItem( sentence_list.GetFirstSelected()).GetText() for found_record in query.filter(Sentences.sentence == sentence): record = found_record session.delete(record)
def onRemoveResult(self, event: wx.CommandEvent = None) -> bool: """Removes a test result from the wx.ListCtrl on the ResultsPanel.""" with session_scope() as session: query = session.query(Results) test_list = self.test_list id = test_list.GetItem(test_list.GetFirstSelected()).GetData() for found_record in query.filter( == id): record = found_record if wx.MessageBox( f"Are you sure you want to remove the result of the test taken by {record.user_name} on {record.timestamp}?", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) == wx.YES: session.delete(record)
def onStart(self, event: wx.CommandEvent) -> None: """Handles the Start button. Opens a TypingDialog to run the test and updates the status bar of the TypingFrame when the test finishes. """ logging.debug("Starting test...") dlg = TypingDialog(self) dlg.ShowModal() with session_scope() as session: self.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText( f"{self.results_panel.test_list.GetItemCount()} test results recorded." )
def onItemActivated(self, event: wx.ListEvent) -> None: """Updates the user data shown when a user name is activated in the list.""" from sqlalchemy.sql import func user = self.user_list.GetItem(event.GetIndex()).GetText() with session_scope() as session: count = session.query(Results).filter( Results.user_name == user).count() average_accuracy = session.query(func.avg( Results.accuracy)).filter(Results.user_name == user).scalar() average_speed = session.query(func.avg( Results.speed)).filter(Results.user_name == user).scalar() self.user_data.SetValue( f"{user} has taken {count} tests with an average accuracy of {average_accuracy:.1f}% and an average typing speed of {average_speed:.0f} words per minute" )
def onSearchSentence(self, event: wx.CommandEvent) -> None: """Filters the sentence list by a search phrase.""" search = wx.GetTextFromUser(message="Search", caption="Search for Sentence", parent=self) if search == "": return with session_scope() as session: search_query = session.query(Sentences) search_column = Sentences.sentence.contains(search) self.sentence_list.ClearAll() for index, result in enumerate(search_query.filter(search_column)): self.sentence_list.SetItemData( self.sentence_list.InsertItem(index, result.sentence),
def onAddSentence(self, event: wx.CommandEvent = None) -> bool: """Adds a sentence to the wx.ListCtrl on the TestsPanel.""" with session_scope() as session: query = session.query(Sentences) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, message="Type the sentence to add.", caption="ADD Sentence") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sentence = dlg.GetValue() else: return False for duplicate in query.filter(Sentences.sentence == sentence): return False record = Sentences(sentence=sentence) session.add(record) return True
def onEditSentence(self, event: wx.CommandEvent) -> None: """Edit the selected sentence without changing its id.""" sentence_list = self.sentence_list id = sentence_list.GetItemData(sentence_list.GetFirstSelected()) sentence = sentence_list.GetItemText(sentence_list.GetFirstSelected()) new_sentence = wx.GetTextFromUser(message="New sentence", caption="Edit Sentence", default_value=sentence, parent=self) if new_sentence == "": return with session_scope() as session: record = session.query(Sentences).filter( == id).one() if record.sentence != new_sentence: record.sentence = new_sentence sentence_list.SetItemText(sentence_list.GetFirstSelected(), new_sentence)
def fillTestList(self): """Populate the test_list with results from the database.""" test_list = self.test_list test_list.ClearAll() test_list.InsertColumn(0, "Accuracy") test_list.InsertColumn(1, "Speed") test_list.InsertColumn(2, "Duration") test_list.InsertColumn(3, "Words") test_list.InsertColumn(4, "User") test_list.InsertColumn(5, "Timestamp") index = test_list.GetItemCount() with session_scope() as session: for results in session.query(Results): test_list.InsertItem(index, f"{results.accuracy}%") test_list.SetItem(index, 1, f"{results.speed} WPM") test_list.SetItem(index, 2, f"{results.duration} seconds") test_list.SetItem(index, 3, f"{results.words}") test_list.SetItem(index, 4, f"{results.user_name}") test_list.SetItem(index, 5, str(results.timestamp)) test_list.SetItemData(index, index += 1