def calendars(request): template = 'obj_act/calendars.html' role = get_role(request.user) agency = [] if role['dobr']: agency.append('dobrodij') if role['br']: agency.append('broker') users = User.objects.filter(groups__name__in=agency).exclude( Q(username='******') | Q(username='******')).order_by('username') events = [] if role['admin'] or role['of_man']: for user in users: events.append([user, user_calendar(user,]) if role['manager']: events.append([ request.user, user_calendar(request.user, ]) print(events) context = { 'events': events, } return render(request, template, context)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(SuggestionList, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) obj_id = self.kwargs['pk'] role = get_role(self.request.user) usr = User.objects.get(username=self.request.user.username) obj = Objs.objects.get(pk=obj_id) if role['admin']: qs = ObjSuggestions.objects.filter(obj=obj).order_by('date') if role['of_man']: qs = ObjSuggestions.objects.filter( obj=obj, manager__in=role['users']).order_by('date') if role['manager']: qs = ObjSuggestions.objects.filter(obj=obj, manager=usr).order_by('date') context = { 'object_list': qs, 'obj_id': obj_id, } return context
def change_list(request): """ A view of Mail Job change list. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect(reverse('login')) context = {'tips': [], 'df': None} show_history = request.GET.get('show_history', '') == 'true' try: response_show = sp_show_mail_job_2() df = pandas.DataFrame(tuple(row) for row in response_show) df.columns = [ 'result', # 查詢結果 'seq', # 項次 'mode_send', # 寄送模式 'department', # 部門 'event_class', # 事件類型 'event', # 事件 'note_date', # 通知起始日 'period', # 週期 'weekend_flag', # 假日除外 'subject', # 郵件主旨 'body', # 郵件內容 'recipient_add', # 額外內容 'recipient', # 收件人 'start_date', # 建立時間 'stop_date', # 規則終止日 'create_by', # 建立者 'update_by', # 修改者 'update_date', # 修改日期 'mail_count', # 寄件次數 ] departments = [get_role(request)] # Filter of department. df = df[df['department'].isin(departments)] # Filter of show_history. if not show_history: df = df[df['stop_date'].isin(['']) | (df['stop_date'] > str( timezone.localtime(] df.fillna('', inplace=True) df = df.sort_values(by=['start_date'], ascending=False) for index, row in df.iterrows(): # mode_send readable choices choices_mode_send = { 0: _('General'), 1: _('Special'), } df.loc[index, 'mode_send_readable'] = choices_mode_send.get( row['mode_send'], 'Unknown') # period, weekend_flag() readable choices if row['period'] == '每日' and row['weekend_flag'] == 'T': df.loc[index, 'period_readable'] = _('Each weekday') else: choices_period = { '單次': _('Once'), '每日': _('Daily'), '平日': _('Each weekday'), '每週一': _('Each Monday'), '每週二': _('Each Tuesday'), '每週三': _('Each Wednesday '), '每週四': _('Each Thursday '), '每週五': _('Each Friday '), '每週六': _('Each Saturday '), '每週日': _('Each Sunday'), '每月1號': _('1st of every month'), '每月2號': _('2nd of every month'), '每月3號': _('3rd of every month'), '每月4號': _('4th of every month'), '每月5號': _('5th of every month'), '每月6號': _('6th of every month'), '每月7號': _('7th of every month'), '每月8號': _('8th of every month'), '每月9號': _('9th of every month'), '每月10號': _('10th of every month'), '每月11號': _('11th of every month'), '每月12號': _('12th of every month'), '每月13號': _('13th of every month'), '每月14號': _('14th of every month'), '每月15號': _('15th of every month'), '每月16號': _('16th of every month'), '每月17號': _('17th of every month'), '每月18號': _('18th of every month'), '每月19號': _('19th of every month'), '每月20號': _('20th of every month'), '每月21號': _('21th of every month'), '每月22號': _('22th of every month'), '每月23號': _('23th of every month'), '每月24號': _('24th of every month'), '每月25號': _('25th of every month'), '每月26號': _('26th of every month'), '每月27號': _('27th of every month'), '每月28號': _('28th of every month'), '每月29號': _('29th of every month'), '每月30號': _('30th of every month'), '每月31號': _('31th of every month'), } df.loc[index, 'period_readable'] = choices_period.get( row['period'], _('Unknown')) # Cut the body longer than 50. if len(row['body']) > 50: df.loc[index, 'body'] = row['body'][:50] + '...' # Cut the recipient longer than 50. if len(row['recipient']) > 50: df.loc[index, 'recipient'] = row['recipient'][:50] + '...' context['df'] = df except Exception as e: print(e) context['tips'] += [_('Unknown error. The data cannot be returned.')] return render(request, 'mail_job/change_list.html', context)
def change(request, seq): """ A view of changing Mail Job. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect(reverse('login')) context = { 'tips': [], 'seq': seq, 'form': None, } if request.method == 'POST': form = MailJobUpdateForm(request.POST) context['form'] = form if form.is_valid(): department = get_role(request) event_class = form.cleaned_data['event_class'] event = form.cleaned_data['event'] note_date = form.cleaned_data['note_date'] stop_date = form.cleaned_data['stop_date'] period = form.cleaned_data['period'] subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] body = form.cleaned_data['body'] recipient = form.cleaned_data['recipient'] updated_by = request.user if period == '平日': period = '每日' weekend_flag = 'T' else: weekend_flag = 'F' try: response_update = sp_update_mail_job_1( seq=seq, department=department, event_class=event_class, event=event, note_date=note_date, period=period, weekend_flag=weekend_flag, subject=subject, body=body, recipient=recipient, stop_date=stop_date, updated_by=updated_by, mail_count='', mode_send='', recipient_add='', ) if response_update[0][0] == '修改成功': messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Changed successfully.')) except Exception as e: print(e) messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, _('Unknown error. The format of the return value is not correct.' )) return redirect(reverse('mail_job:change_list')) else: try: response_show = sp_show_mail_job(seq=seq) except Exception as e: print(e) messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, _('Unknown error. The data cannot be returned.')) try: df = pandas.DataFrame(tuple(row) for row in response_show) if len(response_show) == 1 and response_show[0][0] == '查詢成功': df.columns = [ '查詢結果', '項次', '部門', '事件類型', '事件描述', '通知起始日', '週期', '假日除外', '郵件主旨', '郵件內容', '收件人', '建立時間', '規則終止日', '建立者', '修改者', '修改日期', ] for index, row in df.iterrows(): try: if not str( request.user ) == row['建立者'] and not request.user.is_staff: messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, _('You can only change the mail job created by you.' )) return redirect(reverse('mail_job:change_list')) except Exception as e: print(e) if row['週期'] == '每日' and row['假日除外'] == 'T': df.loc[index, '週期'] = '平日' df = df.sort_values(by=['建立時間'], ascending=False) form = MailJobUpdateForm(initial={ 'department': df.loc[0, '部門'], 'event_class': df.loc[0, '事件類型'], 'event': df.loc[0, '事件描述'], 'note_date': df.loc[0, '通知起始日'], 'period': df.loc[0, '週期'], 'subject': df.loc[0, '郵件主旨'], 'body': df.loc[0, '郵件內容'], 'recipient': df.loc[0, '收件人'], }, ) context['form'] = form context['tips'] += [ _('The following is the current setting. Please fill in the part you want to modify and then submit.' ) ] else: context['tips'] += [ _('The mail job is not available. Please confirm whether it has been deleted.' ) ] except Exception as e: print(e) context['tips'] += [_('Unknown error, data cannot return.')] return render(request, 'mail_job/change.html', context)
def add(request): """ A view of adding Mail Job. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect(reverse('login')) context = { 'tips': [], 'form': None, } if request.method != 'POST': form = MailJobAddForm() context['tips'] += [ _('Fill in the following form to create a new mail job.') ] context['form'] = form return render(request, 'mail_job/add.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': form = MailJobAddForm(request.POST) context['form'] = form if form.is_valid(): department = get_role(request) event_class = form.cleaned_data['event_class'] event = form.cleaned_data['event'] note_date = form.cleaned_data['note_date'] period = form.cleaned_data['period'] subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] body = form.cleaned_data['body'] recipient = form.cleaned_data['recipient'] if request.user.is_authenticated: created_by = request.user else: created_by = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') if period == '平日': period = '每日' weekend_flag = 'T' else: weekend_flag = 'F' try: response_insert = sp_insert_mail_job( department=department, event_class=event_class, event=event, note_date=note_date, period=period, weekend_flag=weekend_flag, subject=subject, body=body, recipient=recipient, created_by=created_by, ) if response_insert[0][0] == '新增成功': messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('Added successfully.')) return redirect(reverse('mail_job:change_list')) elif response_insert[0][0] == '新增失敗,資料重覆,請確認': messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, _('Failed to add. The data is duplicate with the existing.' )) else: messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, _('Unknown error. The format of the return value is not correct.' )) except Exception as e: print(e) context['tips'] += [ _('Unknown error. The format of the return value is not correct.' ) ] return render(request, 'mail_job/add.html', context)