def convert(self, devkit_dir, has_background=True): """ Args: devkit_dir: path to VOC2007 devkit dir (e.g. .../VOCdevkit/VOC2007) has_background: allows to add background label to label map """ if isinstance(has_background, str): has_background = string_to_bool(has_background) class_to_ind = prepare_detection_labels(has_background) devkit_dir = get_path(devkit_dir, is_directory=True) annotation_directory = get_path(devkit_dir / 'Annotations', is_directory=True) images_directory = get_path(devkit_dir / 'JPEGImages', is_directory=True) detections = [] image_set_file = devkit_dir / 'ImageSets' / 'Main' / 'test.txt' for image in tqdm(read_txt(image_set_file, sep=None)): file_path = annotation_directory / '{}.xml'.format(image) tree = ET.parse(str(file_path)) identifier = tree.find('.//filename').text image_path = images_directory / identifier if not image_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("{}: {}".format( os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), image_path)) labels, x_mins, y_mins, x_maxs, y_maxs = [], [], [], [], [] difficult_indices = [] for entry in tree.getroot(): if not entry.tag.startswith('object'): continue bbox = entry.find('bndbox') difficult = int(entry.find('difficult').text) if difficult == 1: difficult_indices.append(len(labels)) labels.append(class_to_ind[entry.find('name').text]) x_mins.append(float(bbox.find('xmin').text) - 1) y_mins.append(float(bbox.find('ymin').text) - 1) x_maxs.append(float(bbox.find('xmax').text) - 1) y_maxs.append(float(bbox.find('ymax').text) - 1) image_annotation = DetectionAnnotation(identifier, labels, x_mins, y_mins, x_maxs, y_maxs) image_annotation.metadata['difficult_boxes'] = difficult_indices detections.append(image_annotation) meta = {'label_map': reverse_label_map(class_to_ind)} if has_background: meta['background_label'] = 0 return detections, meta
def convert(self, check_content=False, progress_callback=None, progress_interval=100, **kwargs): """ This method is executed automatically when is started. All arguments are automatically got from command line arguments or config file in method configure Returns: annotations: list of annotation representation objects. meta: dictionary with additional dataset level metadata (if provided) """ dataset_directory = get_path(self.data_dir, is_directory=True) # read and convert annotation image_list_file = dataset_directory / 'labels/val_list_small.txt' images_dir = dataset_directory / 'images' image_names = [] labels = [] annotations = [] with open(image_list_file, "r") as f: for line in f: items = line.split() image_name = items[0] label = items[1:] label = [int(i) for i in label] annotations.append( MultiLabelRecognitionAnnotation(image_name, label)) image_names.append(image_name) labels.append(label) return ConverterReturn(annotations, self.generate_meta(CLASS_NAMES), None)
def convert(self, devkit_dir): """ Args: devkit_dir: path to VOC2012 devkit dir (e.g. VOCdevkit/VOC2012) """ devkit_dir = get_path(devkit_dir, is_directory=True) image_set_file = devkit_dir / 'ImageSets' / 'Segmentation' / 'test.txt' mask_dir = Path('SegmentationClass') image_dir = Path('JPEGImages') annotations = [] for image in read_txt(image_set_file): annotation = SegmentationAnnotation( str(image_dir / '{}.jpg'.format(image)), str(mask_dir / '{}.png'.format(image)), mask_loader=GTMaskLoader.SCIPY) annotations.append(annotation) meta = { 'label_map': dict(enumerate(_VOC_CLASSES_SEGMENTATION)), 'background_label': 0, 'segmentation_colors': _SEGMENTATION_COLORS } return annotations, meta
def mock_filesystem(hierarchy: List[str]): with TemporaryDirectory() as prefix: for entry in hierarchy: path = Path(prefix) / entry if entry.endswith("/"): path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: parent = path.parent if parent != Path("."): parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create file'w').close() yield get_path(prefix, is_directory=True)
def convert(self, data_dir): data_dir = get_path(data_dir, is_directory=True).resolve() gallery = data_dir / 'bounding_box_test' query = data_dir / 'query' check_dirs((gallery, query), data_dir) gallery_images, gallery_pids = read_directory( gallery, query=False, image_pattern=MARKET_IMAGE_PATTERN) query_images, query_pids = read_directory( query, query=True, image_pattern=MARKET_IMAGE_PATTERN) annotation = gallery_images + query_images meta = {'num_identities': len(gallery_pids | query_pids)} return annotation, meta
def convert(self, wider_annotation: str, label_start=1): """ Args: wider_annotation: path to wider validation file label_start: start index for labels """ wider_annotation = get_path(wider_annotation) image_annotations = read_txt(wider_annotation) image_ids = [] for image_id, line in enumerate(image_annotations): if '.jpg' in line: image_ids.append(image_id) annotations = [] for image_id in image_ids: identifier = image_annotations[image_id] bbox_count = image_annotations[image_id + 1] bbox_lines = image_annotations[image_id + 2:image_id + 2 + int(bbox_count)] x_mins, y_mins, x_maxs, y_maxs = [], [], [], [] for bbox in bbox_lines: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = convert_bboxes_xywh_to_x1y1x2y2( *(map(float, (bbox.split(' ')[0:4])))) x_mins.append(x_min) y_mins.append(y_min) x_maxs.append(x_max) y_maxs.append(y_max) annotations.append( DetectionAnnotation(identifier, [int(label_start)] * len(x_mins), x_mins, y_mins, x_maxs, y_maxs)) return annotations, { 'label_map': { 0: '__background__', int(label_start): 'face' }, 'background_label': 0 }
def convert(self, dataset_directory: str): """ This method is executed automatically when is started. All arguments are automatically forwarded from command line arguments Args: dataset_directory: path to sample dataset Returns: annotations: list of annotation representation objects. meta: dictionary with additional dataset level metadata """ dataset_directory = get_path(dataset_directory, is_directory=True) # read and convert annotation labels = self._read_labels(dataset_directory / 'labels.txt') annotations = self._convert_annotations(dataset_directory / 'test', labels) # convert label list to label map label_map = {i: labels[i] for i in range(len(labels))} metadata = {'label_map': label_map} return annotations, metadata