def get_tree(): """ Will build an object tree with attributes in each object :return: """ tenant = Tenant('tenant') tenant.dn = '/tn-tenant' app1 = AppProfile('app1', tenant) app1.dn = app1._parent.dn + '/app-app1' app2 = AppProfile('app2', tenant) app2.dn = app2._parent.dn + '/app-app2' epg11 = EPG('epg11', app1) epg11.dn = epg11._parent.dn + '/epg-epg11' epg12 = EPG('epg12', app1) epg12.dn = epg12._parent.dn + '/epg-epg12' epg21 = EPG('epg21', app2) epg21.dn = epg21._parent.dn + '/epg-epg21' epg22 = EPG('epg22', app2) epg22.dn = epg22._parent.dn + '/epg-epg22' bd1 = BridgeDomain('bd1', tenant) bd1.dn = bd1._parent.dn + '/bd-bd1' bd2 = BridgeDomain('bd2', tenant) bd2.dn = bd2._parent.dn + '/bd-bd2' epg11.add_bd(bd1) epg12.add_bd(bd2) epg21.add_bd(bd1) epg22.add_bd(bd2) context = Context('ctx', tenant) context.dn = context._parent.dn + '/ctx-ctx' bd1.add_context(context) bd2.add_context(context) contract1 = Contract('contract-1', tenant) contract1.dn = contract1._parent.dn + '/con-contract1' entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='80', dToPort='80', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) subjects = contract1.get_children(ContractSubject) for subject in subjects: subject.dn = subject._parent.dn + '/subj-' + filters = tenant.get_children(Filter) for atk_filter in filters: atk_filter.dn = atk_filter._parent.dn + '/flt-' + entry1.dn = entry1._parent.dn + '/flte-entry1' epg11.provide(contract1) epg11.consume(contract1) epg12.consume(contract1) epg11.value1 = 'value2' bd1.value2 = 'value1' return tenant
def main(): """ Main execution routine :return: None """ # Create a tenant tenant = Tenant('Coke') # Create a Context and a BridgeDomain context = Context('VRF-1', tenant) context.set_allow_all() bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant) bd.add_context(context) # Create an App Profile and an EPG app = AppProfile('sap', tenant) epg = EPG('sapepg', app) # Attach the EPG to 2 interfaces using VLAN 5 as the encap if1 = Interface('eth', '1', '101', '1', '62') if2 = Interface('eth', '1', '101', '1', '63') vlan5_on_if1 = L2Interface('vlan5_on_if1', 'vlan', '5') vlan5_on_if2 = L2Interface('vlan5_on_if2', 'vlan', '5') vlan5_on_if1.attach(if1) vlan5_on_if2.attach(if2) epg.attach(vlan5_on_if1) epg.attach(vlan5_on_if2) # Dump the necessary configuration print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json())) send_to_apic(tenant)
def main(): """ Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have 1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG. """ description = ('Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have' '1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant('aci-toolkit-demo') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) db_epg = EPG('database-backend', app) web_epg.set_intra_epg_isolation(False) db_epg.set_intra_epg_isolation(True) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) db_epg.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other db_epg.provide(contract) web_epg.consume(contract) # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) #tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC') print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def main(): """ Main execution routine """ creds = Credentials('apic') args = creds.get() session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() tenant = Tenant('ATX16_l3Out') context = Context('vrf', tenant) outside_l3 = OutsideL3('out-1', tenant) outside_l3.add_context(context) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '104', '1', '41') phyif.speed = '1G' l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/104/1/41', 'vlan', '1330') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') #l3if.set_l3if_type('l3-port') l3if.set_l3if_type('sub-interface') l3if.set_mtu('1500') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-1') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('101') ifpol = OSPFInterfacePolicy('myospf-pol', tenant) ifpol.set_nw_type('p2p') ospfif = OSPFInterface('ospfif-1', router=rtr, area_id='1') ospfif.set_area_type('nssa') ospfif.auth_key = 'password' ospfif.int_policy_name = ospfif.auth_keyid = '1' ospfif.auth_type = 'simple' tenant.attach(ospfif) ospfif.networks.append('') ospfif.attach(l3if) contract1 = Contract('contract-1') outside_epg = OutsideEPG('outepg', outside_l3) outside_epg.provide(contract1) contract2 = Contract('contract-2') outside_epg.consume(contract2) outside_l3.attach(ospfif) print(tenant.get_json()) resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json()) if not resp.ok: print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.text)
def create_base(): global theTenant, theBD # This creates the tenant, vrf, and bridge domain theTenant = Tenant(tenant) theVRF = Context(vrf, theTenant) theBD = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, theTenant) theBD.add_context(theVRF) for ipSubnet in ipSubnets: aSubnet = Subnet('VLAN', theBD) aSubnet.set_addr(ipSubnet) aSubnet.set_scope(subnet_scope) theBD.add_subnet(aSubnet) return
def main(): """ Main execution routine :return: None """ creds = Credentials('apic') creds.add_argument('--tenant', help='The name of Tenant') creds.add_argument('--vrf', help='The name of VRF') creds.add_argument('--bd', help='The name of BridgeDomain') creds.add_argument('--address', help='Subnet IPv4 Address') creds.add_argument('--scope', help='The scope of subnet ("public", "private", "shared", "public,shared", "private,shared", "shared,public", "shared,private")') creds.add_argument('--json', const='false', nargs='?', help='Json output only') args = creds.get() session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() tenant = Tenant(args.tenant) vrf = Context(args.vrf) bd = BridgeDomain(, tenant) bd.add_context(vrf) if args.address is None: bd.set_arp_flood('yes') bd.set_unicast_route('no') else: bd.set_arp_flood('no') bd.set_unicast_route('yes') subnet = Subnet('', bd) subnet.addr = args.address if args.scope is None: subnet.set_scope("private") else: subnet.set_scope(args.scope) if args.json: print(tenant.get_json()) else: resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json()) if not resp.ok: print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.text)
def create_interface(tenant, session, epgs): ''' The epgs are in the form of a dictionary with provide and consume. There can be only one of each. ''' context = Context('{}_VRF'.format(tenant), tenant) outside_l3 = OutsideL3('Campus_Connection', tenant) outside_l3.add_context(context) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '201', '1', '6') phyif.speed = '1G' l2if = L2Interface('eth 201/1/6', 'vlan', '40') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('l3-port') # l3if.set_mtu('1500') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-2') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('201') ifpol = OSPFInterfacePolicy('1G_OSPF', tenant) #ifpol.set_nw_type('p2p') ospfif = OSPFInterface('Campus_IF', router=rtr, area_id='42') ospfif.auth_key = '' ospfif.int_policy_name = ospfif.auth_keyid = '1' ospfif.auth_type = 'simple' tenant.attach(ospfif) ospfif.networks.append('') ospfif.attach(l3if) contract1 = Contract(epgs['provide']) outside_epg = OutsideEPG('Campus_Gateway-EPG', outside_l3) outside_epg.provide(contract1) contract2 = Contract(epgs['consume']) outside_epg.consume(contract2) outside_l3.attach(ospfif) resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json()) if not resp.ok: print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.text)
def build_base(): global theTenant, pushing_svi, pushcount count = 0 pushcount = 0 # This creates the tenant, vrf, and bridge domain theTenant = Tenant(tenant) theVRF = Context(tenant + vrf_extension, theTenant) for svi in all_svi: pushing_svi = svi if svi.ip == None: continue if == None: current_svi.set_name("vlan_" + svi.number) theBD = BridgeDomain( + bd_extension, theTenant) theBD.add_context(theVRF) aSubnet = Subnet('VLAN', theBD) subnet = svi.ip + svi.mask aSubnet.set_addr(subnet) aSubnet.set_scope(subnet_scope) theBD.add_subnet(aSubnet) # push_to_APIC() aApp = AppProfile(appProfile, theTenant) # push_to_APIC() theEPG = EPG(, aApp) theEPG.add_bd(theBD) theEPG.add_infradomain(theVmmDomain) push_to_APIC() pushcount += 1 count += 1 rand = random.randint(10, 18) if count >= rand: print("--Number of SVIs created so far: {0}".format( str(pushcount))) count = 0
def main(): """ Main execution routine :return: None """ creds = Credentials('apic') args = creds.get() session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() tenant = Tenant('cisco') context = Context('ctx1', tenant) outside_l3 = OutsideL3('out-1', tenant) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '101', '1', '46') phyif.speed = '1G' l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/101/1/46', 'vlan', '1') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('l3-port') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) bgpif = BGPSession('test', peer_ip='', node_id='101') bgpif.router_id = '' bgpif.attach(l3if) bgpif.options = 'send-ext-com' bgpif.networks.append('') contract1 = Contract('icmp') outside_epg = OutsideEPG('outepg', outside_l3) outside_epg.provide(contract1) outside_l3.add_context(context) outside_epg.consume(contract1) outside_l3.attach(bgpif) bgp_json = bgpif.get_json() resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json()) if not resp.ok: print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.text)
def main(): # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 3 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume contracts and attach them to ' 'a vmm domain.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session, vmmdomain) # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(this_tenant) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating the FilterEntry Push to APIC after each FilterEntry if it is not the last ''' contract1 = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('SQL', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) contract2 = Contract('app-contract', tenant) contract2.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('Flask', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5000', dToPort='5000', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) tenant.push_to_apic(session) entry2 = FilterEntry('Flask2', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5050', dToPort='5050', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) contract3 = Contract('web-contract', tenant) contract3.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('HTTPS', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='443', dToPort='443', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract3) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other t3_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract2) t1_epg.consume(contract2) t1_epg.provide(contract3) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.')
def setup_multisite_test(printonly=False, delete=False): # Create the Tenant tenant1 = Tenant('multisite') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant1) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) db_epg = EPG('database-backend', app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant1) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant1) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) db_epg.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('multisite_mysqlcontract', tenant1) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other db_epg.provide(contract) web_epg.consume(contract) context = Context('ctx0', tenant1) #contract = Contract('contract', tenant) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '102', '1', '25') l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/102/1/25', 'vlan', '500') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('ext-svi') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) #l3if.networks.append('') #outside.provide(contract) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-1') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('102') # net1 = OutsideNetwork('') # = '' # net1.provide(contract) ospfif = OSPFInterface('ospfif-1', router=rtr, area_id='') ospfif.attach(l3if) # ospfif.networks.append(net1) outside = OutsideEPG('multisite-l3out', tenant1) outside.attach(ospfif) #outside.add_context(context) # Create the Tenant tenant2 = Tenant('multisite') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant2) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant2) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant2) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) context = Context('ctx0', tenant2) #contract = Contract('contract', tenant) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '102', '1', '25') l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/102/1/25', 'vlan', '500') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('ext-svi') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) #outside.provide(contract) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-1') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('102') ospfif = OSPFInterface('ospfif-1', router=rtr, area_id='') ospfif.attach(l3if) #ospfif.networks.append('') #ospfif.networks.append('') outside = OutsideEPG('multisite-l3out', tenant2) outside.attach(ospfif) if not printonly: # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(SITE1_URL, SITE1_LOGIN, SITE1_PASSWORD) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) if delete: print 'Deleting...' tenant1.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant1.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC', resp.text) else: print resp, resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant1.get_url())) print('JSON:') print json.dumps(tenant1.get_json(), indent=4, separators=(',',':')) if not printonly: # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(SITE2_URL, SITE2_LOGIN, SITE2_PASSWORD) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) if delete: tenant2.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant2.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC', resp.text) else: print resp, resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant2.get_url())) print('JSON:') print json.dumps(tenant2.get_json(), indent=4, separators=(',',':'))
def main(): description = ('Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have' '1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() for line in data: line = line.strip("\n") tnt = line.split(",")[0] appro = line.split(",")[1] epg1 = line.split(",")[2] epg2 = line.split(",")[3] contractn = line.split(",")[4] bd1 = line.split(",")[5] vrf1 = line.split(",")[6] # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(tnt) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(appro, tenant) # Create the EPGs epg_obj1 = EPG(epg1, app) epg_obj2 = EPG(epg2, app) epg_obj1.set_intra_epg_isolation(False) epg_obj2.set_intra_epg_isolation(True) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(vrf1, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bd1, tenant) bd.add_context(context) epg_obj1.add_bd(bd) epg_obj2.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract(contractn, tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other epg_obj2.provide(contract) epg_obj1.consume(contract) # Login to APIC and push the config # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC') print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def main(): """ Main create tenant routine :return: None """ # Get all the arguments description = 'It logs in to the APIC and will create the tenant.' creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description) creds.add_argument('-t', '--tenant', help='The name of tenant', default=TENANT_NAME) args = creds.get() # Login to the APIC session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password, subscription_enabled=False) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print('%% Could not login to APIC') # Create the Tenant tenant = aci.Tenant(TENANT_NAME) app = aci.AppProfile(APP_NAME, tenant) epg = aci.EPG(EPG_NAME, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant) bd.add_context(context) epg.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG epg.provide(contract) # Create the physical interface object intf = aci.Interface(INTERFACE['type'], INTERFACE['pod'], INTERFACE['node'], INTERFACE['module'], INTERFACE['port']) # Create a VLAN interface and attach to the physical interface vlan_intf = aci.L2Interface(VLAN['name'], VLAN['encap_type'], VLAN['encap_id']) vlan_intf.attach(intf) # Attach the EPG to the VLAN interface epg.attach(vlan_intf) # Create the Endpoint mac = '00:11:11:11:11:11' ip = '' # Assign it to the L2Interface #ep.attach(vlan_intf) # Push the tenant to the APIC resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json()) # Download all of the tenants print("-------------------------") print("LIST OF AVAILABLE TENANTS") print("-------------------------") tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session) for tenant in tenants: print( if not resp.ok: print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.text)
def main(): required = collect_required() # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 5 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume the same contract so that they ' 'can communicate between eachother.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use try: vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session, required[1]) except: print "There was an error using " + required[ 1] + " as the VMMDomain. Are you sure it exists?" exit() # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(required[0]) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) t4_epg = EPG(tier4_epg, app) t5_epg = EPG(tier5_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) # Add all the IP Addresses to the bridge domain bd_subnet5 = Subnet(tier1_epg, bd) bd_subnet5.set_addr(tier1_subnet) bd_subnet5.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet5) bd_subnet6 = Subnet(tier2_epg, bd) bd_subnet6.set_addr(tier2_subnet) bd_subnet6.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet6) bd_subnet7 = Subnet(tier3_epg, bd) bd_subnet7.set_addr(tier3_subnet) bd_subnet7.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet7) bd_subnet8 = Subnet(tier4_epg, bd) bd_subnet8.set_addr(tier4_subnet) bd_subnet8.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet8) bd_subnet9 = Subnet(tier5_epg, bd) bd_subnet9.set_addr(tier5_subnet) bd_subnet9.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet9) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) t3_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t4_epg.add_bd(bd) t4_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t5_epg.add_bd(bd) t5_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating "entry1" ''' contract1 = Contract('allow_all', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('all', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='unspecified', dToPort='unspecified', etherT='unspecified', prot='unspecified', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) # All the EPGs provide and consume the contract t1_epg.consume(contract1) t1_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract1) t3_epg.consume(contract1) t3_epg.provide(contract1) t4_epg.consume(contract1) t4_epg.provide(contract1) t5_epg.consume(contract1) t5_epg.provide(contract1) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.') # Uncomment the next lines if you want to see the configuration # print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) # print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json())) else: print resp print resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))