except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Exit" GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on CTRL+C exit GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on normal exit if __name__ == '__main__': #Riferimento ai GPIO per numero pin GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #GPIO.setwarnings(False) RED = "J4.40" YELLOW = "J4.38" GREEN = "J4.36" GPIO.setup(RED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(YELLOW, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GREEN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(RED, 0) GPIO.output(YELLOW, 0) GPIO.output(GREEN, 0) GPIO.pwm_export(0) GPIO.pwm_period(0, 20000000) main()
def echo(bot, update): print "----> Mittente: : [" + update.message.from_user.username + "]" print " Testo : [" + update.message.text + "]" if update.message.text: if update.message.text == "RED ON": GPIO.output(RED, 1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso ON") if update.message.text == "RED OFF": GPIO.output(RED, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso OFF") if update.message.text == "YELLOW ON": GPIO.output(YELLOW, 1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo ON") if update.message.text == "YELLOW OFF": GPIO.output(YELLOW, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo OFF") if update.message.text == "GREEN ON": GPIO.output(GREEN, 1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde ON") if update.message.text == "GREEN OFF": GPIO.output(GREEN, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde OFF") if update.message.text == "LEFT": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo a sinistra") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0, 570000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0) if update.message.text == "CENTER": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo al centro") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0, 1490000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0) if update.message.text == "RIGHT": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo a destra") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0, 2410000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0)
def echo(bot, update): print "----> Mittente: : [" + update.message.from_user.username + "]" print " Testo : [" + update.message.text + "]" if update.message.text: if update.message.text=="RED ON": GPIO.output(RED, 1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso ON") if update.message.text=="RED OFF": GPIO.output(RED, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso OFF") if update.message.text=="YELLOW ON": GPIO.output(YELLOW,1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo ON") if update.message.text=="YELLOW OFF": GPIO.output(YELLOW, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo OFF") if update.message.text=="GREEN ON": GPIO.output(GREEN,1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde ON") if update.message.text=="GREEN OFF": GPIO.output(GREEN, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde OFF")
# Run the bot until the you presses Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully. updater.idle() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Exit" GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on CTRL+C exit GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on normal exit if __name__ == '__main__': #Riferimento ai GPIO per numero pin GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #GPIO.setwarnings(False) RED="J4.40" YELLOW="J4.38" GREEN="J4.36" GPIO.setup(RED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(YELLOW, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GREEN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(RED, 0) GPIO.output(YELLOW, 0) GPIO.output(GREEN, 0) main()
def echo(bot, update): print "----> Mittente: : [" + update.message.from_user.username + "]" print " Testo : [" + update.message.text + "]" if update.message.text: if update.message.text=="RED ON": GPIO.output(RED, 1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso ON") if update.message.text=="RED OFF": GPIO.output(RED, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led rosso OFF") if update.message.text=="YELLOW ON": GPIO.output(YELLOW,1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo ON") if update.message.text=="YELLOW OFF": GPIO.output(YELLOW, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led giallo OFF") if update.message.text=="GREEN ON": GPIO.output(GREEN,1) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde ON") if update.message.text=="GREEN OFF": GPIO.output(GREEN, 0) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Led verde OFF") if update.message.text=="LEFT": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo a sinistra") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0,570000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0) if update.message.text=="CENTER": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo al centro") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0,1490000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0) if update.message.text=="RIGHT": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Servo a destra") GPIO.pwm_duty_cycle(0,2410000) GPIO.pwm_enable(0) time.sleep(1) GPIO.pwm_disable(0)
# Test GPIO #*********************************************************************** print "Test GPIO" # Ciclo di scansione e test dei GPIO error_counter=0 for test in testlistPE20PE26: acmepins.setup(test[0],acmepins.OUT,0) acmepins.setup(test[1],acmepins.IN,0) if step == 1: print "%s -> %s" % (test[0],test[1]) print "test0=1" acmepins.output(test[0],1) if step == 1: raw_input("Press Enter") if acmepins.input(test[1])==0: print (color_warning + "%s=1 --> %s==1 ?" + color_normal) % (test[0],test[1]), print (color_warning + "Errore ! %s in corto verso massa oppure %s o %s a circuito aperto" + color_normal) % (test[1]) error_counter = error_counter + 1 if step == 1: raw_input(" Press Enter") acmepins.output(test[0],0) if step == 1: print "test0=0" raw_input("Press Enter") if acmepins.input(test[1])==1: print (color_warning + "%s=0 --> %s==0 ? " + color_normal) % (test[0],test[1]), print (color_warning + "Errore ! %s in corto verso 3V3 oppure %s o %s a circuito aperto" + color_normal) % (test[1], test[0], test[1])
def __send_and_sleep(self, output, sleep): GPIO.output(self.__pin, output) time.sleep(sleep)