def acorr_peaks_old(fs, maxlag, mask=None, lookahead=5, smooth=18, return_acorr=False, days=True): """Returns positions of acorr peaks, with corresponding local heights. """ fs = np.atleast_1d(fs) if mask is None: mask = self.mask fs[mask] = 0 corr = acor.function(fs,maxlag) lag = np.arange(maxlag) logging.debug('ac: {}'.format(corr)) #lag, corr = acorr(fs, mask=mask, maxlag=maxlag) maxes, mins = peakdetect(corr, lag, lookahead=lookahead) maxes = np.array(maxes) mins = np.array(mins) logging.debug('maxes: {}'.format(maxes)) #calculate "local heights". First will always be a minimum. try: #this if maxes and mins are same length lphs = np.concatenate([((maxes[:-1,1] - mins[:-1,1]) + (maxes[:-1,1] - mins[1:,1]))/2., np.array([maxes[-1,1]-mins[-1,1]])]) except ValueError: #this if mins have one more lphs = ((maxes[:,1] - mins[:-1,1]) + (maxes[:,1] - mins[1:,1]))/2. if return_acorr: return corr, maxes[:-1,0], lphs[:-1] #leaving off the last one, just in case weirdness... else: return maxes[:-1,0], lphs[:-1] #leaving off the last one, just in case weirdness...
def acf(x, y, maxlag=100): """Assumes regular sampling, zero-filled """ cadence = np.median(np.diff(x)) maxlag_cad = int(maxlag/cadence) ac = acor.function(y, maxlag_cad) lags = np.arange(len(ac))*cadence return lags, ac
def autocorrelation_acor(self, paramIndex, walker=None): """ Returns the autocorrelation fucntion for paramIndex. walker = None or int. If int, return the autocorrelation function for paramIndex for walker. Uses acor """ import acor if walker: acor.function(self.chains[walker, :, paramIndex]) else: mean = 0 walkers = len(self.chains) for i in range(walkers): mean += acor.function(self.chains[i, :, paramIndex]) return mean/float(walkers)
def test_IAC(): """ Test the un-metropolized XY model sampler and get the ACF and IAC. Nsteps is the number of MCMC steps. """ L = 25 # Lattice size beta = 0.1 # Inverse temperature h = 0.05 # Step size n = 5 # Number of velocity verlet steps. Nsteps = int(1E4) # Number of MCMC steps metropolize = False # Do metropolize or not. if metropolize: [xy, rej_rate, mags] = HybridMC(L, beta, h, n, Nsteps, True, True) print("\nMetropolized Scheme") print("\nRejection Rate = {:.2f}%".format(100 * rej_rate)) else: print("\nUn-Metropolized Scheme") [xy, mags] = HybridMC(L, beta, h, n, Nsteps, False, True) acf = acor.function(mags) # Time for the correlation to first reach 0 (within the tolerance). cor_time = np.where(acf <= 1E-6)[0][0] plt.figure(3) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.xlabel('Lag') plt.ylabel('Autocorrelation') if metropolize: plt.title('ACF of the Metropolized Scheme') else: plt.title('ACF of the Un-Metropolized Scheme') plt.plot(np.arange(cor_time + 1), acf[:cor_time + 1], 'b-') tau = acor.acor(mags, maxlag=cor_time)[0] print("\nIAC = {:.1f}\n".format(tau))
def acorr(self, maxlag=None, smooth=18, days=True, recalc=False): if maxlag is None: maxlag = self.default_maxlag #don't recalculate the same thing if not necessary if self._ac is not None and not recalc: lag = self._lag ac = self._ac else: x = self.f.copy() x[self.mask] = 0 #logging.debug('{} nans in x'.format((np.isnan(x)).sum())) ac = acor.function(x, maxlag) lag = np.arange(maxlag) #fit and subtract out quadratic if self.flatten_order is not None: c = np.polyfit(lag, ac, self.flatten_order) ac -= np.polyval(c, lag) self._ac_poly_coeffs = c #smooth AC function ac = gaussian_filter(ac, smooth) #set private variables for cached calculation self._ac = ac self._lag = lag self._maxlag = maxlag self._smooth = smooth if days: return lag*self.cadence,ac else: return lag,ac
## N = int(1E7) # Length of the chain. mags = IsingSamplers.IsingSampler(N, L, beta, 'Gibbs', method='random')[1] magSweep = IsingSamplers.IsingSampler(N, L, beta, 'Gibbs', method='sweep')[1] tau = acor.acor(mags, maxlag=700)[0] tauSweep = acor.acor(magSweep, maxlag=700)[0] print("\n") print("Estimated IAC of Gibbs Sampler (random): ", tau) print("Estimated IAC of Gibbs Sampler (sweeping): ", tauSweep) print("\n") autocorr = acor.function(mags, maxt=800) autocorrSweep = acor.function(magSweep, maxt=800) plt.figure(3) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.plot(autocorr, c='b', label='Gibbs') plt.plot(autocorrSweep, c='r', label='Metroplis Hastings') plt.xlabel('Lag') plt.ylabel('Correlation') plt.title('Autocorrelation of Magnetization ($L = 10$, $\\beta=0.05$)') plt.legend() ## ## Now change the temperature for beta = 1. ##
def autocorrelation(chain, index=0, limit=None, fig=None, figsize=None): """ Plot the autocorrelation function for each parameter of a sampler chain. :param chain: The sampled parameter values. :type chain: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param index: [optional] Index to calculate the autocorrelation from. :type index: int :param limit: [optional] Maximum number of MCMC steps to display. By default half of the chain will be shown. :type limit: int :param fig: [optional] Figure class to use. :type fig: :class:`matplotlib.Figure` or None :param figsize: [optional] The figure size (x-dimension, y-dimension) in inches. :type figsize: tuple or None """ factor = 2.0 lbdim = 0.2 * factor trdim = 0.2 * factor whspace = 0.10 dimy = lbdim + factor + trdim dimx = lbdim + factor + trdim if fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: ax = fig.axes[0] lm = lbdim / dimx bm = lbdim / dimy trm = (lbdim + factor) / dimy fig.subplots_adjust(left=lm, bottom=bm, right=trm, top=trm, wspace=whspace, hspace=whspace) # Calculate the autocorrelation function for each parameter num_parameters = chain.shape[2] for i in xrange(num_parameters): try: rho = acor.function(np.mean(chain[:, index:, i], axis=0)) except RuntimeError: logger.exception("Error in calculating auto-correlation function "\ "for parameter index {}".format(i)) else: ax.plot(rho, "k", lw=2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0]) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] ax.axhline(0, color="k") ax.set_xlim(0, limit if limit is not None else chain.shape[1] / 2) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 1) ax.set_ylabel("$\\rho$") ax.set_xlabel("Step") return fig
def autocorrelation(xs, burn_in, labels=None, fig=None): """ Create a plot showing the autocorrelation in each parameter. :param xs: The sampled values. This should be a three dimensional array of size ``(n_walkers, n_steps, n_parameters)`` :type xs: :class:`numpy.array` :param burn_in: [optional] The number of steps used for burn-in. :type burn_in: int :param labels: [optional] The labels for each parameter. :type labels: tuple of str :param fig: [optional] Figure class to use for the plotting. :type fig: :class:`matplotlib.Figure` :returns: A figure showing the autocorrelation in each parameter at every MCMC step. :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.Figure` """ n_walkers, n_steps, K = xs.shape factor = 2.0 lbdim = 0.5 * factor trdim = 0.2 * factor whspace = 0.10 width = 15. height = factor*K + factor * (K - 1.) * whspace dimy = lbdim + height + trdim dimx = lbdim + width + trdim if fig is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(K, 1, figsize=(dimx, dimy)) else: try: axes = np.array(fig.axes).reshape((1, K)) except: raise ValueError("Provided figure has {0} axes, but data has " "parameters K={1}".format(len(fig.axes), K)) lm = lbdim / dimx bm = lbdim / dimy trm = (lbdim + height) / dimy fig.subplots_adjust(left=lm, bottom=bm, right=trm, top=trm, wspace=whspace, hspace=whspace) for k, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.plot(acor.function(np.mean(xs[:, burn_in:, k], axis=0)), color="k") if burn_in is not None: ax.axvline(burn_in, color="k", linestyle=":") ax.set_xlim(0, n_steps) if k < K - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xlabel("Step") ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] if labels is not None: ax.set_ylabel(labels[k]) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5) return fig
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt N = int(1E6) # Length of the chain. L = 10 beta = 0.05 mags = IsingSamplers.IsingSampler(N, L, beta, 'Gibbs', method='random')[1] magMH = IsingSamplers.IsingSampler(N, L, beta, 'Metroplis', method='random')[1] tau = acor.acor(mags, maxlag=700)[0] tauMH = acor.acor(magMH, maxlag=700)[0] print("\n") print("Estimated IAC of Gibbs Sampler : ", tau) print("Estimated IAC of Metroplis Sampler: ", tauMH) print("\n") autocorr = acor.function(mags, maxt=800) autocorrMH = acor.function(magMH, maxt=800) plt.figure(1) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.plot(autocorr, c='b', label='Gibbs') plt.plot(autocorrMH, c='r', label='Metroplis Hastings') plt.xlabel('Lag') plt.ylabel('Correlation') plt.title('Autocorrelation of Magnetization ($L = 10$, $\\beta=0.05$)') plt.legend()