예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ceflavour=['ARC-CE']):

        # Get agent name from /path/to/aCTAgent.py
        self.name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])[:-3]

        # logger
        self.logger = aCTLogger.aCTLogger(self.name)
        self.log = self.logger()
        self.criticallogger = aCTLogger.aCTLogger('aCTCritical', arclog=False)
        self.criticallog = self.criticallogger()

        # config
        self.conf = aCTConfig.aCTConfigAPP()
        self.arcconf = aCTConfig.aCTConfigARC()
        self.tmpdir = str(self.arcconf.get(['tmp', 'dir']))
        # database
        self.dbarc = aCTDBArc.aCTDBArc(self.log)
        self.dbcondor = aCTDBCondor.aCTDBCondor(self.log)
        self.dbpanda = aCTDBPanda.aCTDBPanda(self.log)

        # APFMon
        self.apfmon = aCTAPFMon.aCTAPFMon(self.conf)

        # CRIC info
        self.flavour = ceflavour
        self.cricparser = aCTCRICParser.aCTCRICParser(self.log)
        self.sites = {}
        self.osmap = {}
        self.sitesselect = ''

        # start time for periodic restart
        self.starttime = time.time()
        self.log.info("Started %s", self.name)
예제 #2
 def reconnectDB(self):
     Reconnect DB
         del self.dbarc
         del self.dbcondor
     except AttributeError:  # Already deleted
     self.dbarc = aCTDBArc.aCTDBArc(self.log)
     self.dbcondor = aCTDBCondor.aCTDBCondor(self.log)
예제 #3
def bootstrap_db():
    '''Set up the ARC and Condor DB tables'''
    logger = aCTLogger('aCTBootstrap')
    log = logger()
    dbarc = aCTDBArc(log)
    dbcondor = aCTDBCondor(log)
    print('Setting up ARC tables...')
    if not dbarc.createTables():
        print('Error creating arc tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
    print('Setting up Condor tables...')
    if not dbcondor.createTables():
        print('Error creating condor tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, log, conf, appconf):

        # logger
        self.log = log
        self.actlocation = conf.get(["actlocation", "dir"])
        self.logdir = conf.get(["logger", "logdir"])
        # DB connection
        self.dbarc = aCTDBArc.aCTDBArc(self.log)
        self.dbcondor = aCTDBCondor.aCTDBCondor(self.log)
        # list of processes to run per cluster
        self.arcprocesses = [
            'act/arc/aCTStatus', 'act/arc/aCTFetcher', 'act/arc/aCTCleaner'
        self.condorprocesses = [
            'act/condor/aCTStatus', 'act/condor/aCTFetcher',
        # submitter process
        self.arcsubmitter = 'act/arc/aCTSubmitter'
        self.condorsubmitter = 'act/condor/aCTSubmitter'
        # dictionary of processes:aCTProcessHandler of which to run a single instance
        self.processes_single = {'act/common/aCTProxyHandler': None}
        apps = appconf.getList(["modules", "app"])
        for app in apps:
                ap = importlib.import_module(app).app_processes
                    {f'{app.replace(".", "/")}/{p}': None
                     for p in ap})
            except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
                self.log.critical(f'No such module {app}')
                raise e
            except AttributeError:
                self.log.info(f'No app-specific processes found in {app}')
                self.log.info(f'Loaded {", ".join(ap)} processes from {app}')

        # dictionary of cluster to list of aCTProcessHandlers
        self.running = {}
        # dictionary of cluster to Submitter processes handlers, there should
        # be one per unique cluster in clusterlist
        self.submitters = {}

        # Start single instance processes
        for process in self.processes_single:
            proc = self.aCTProcessHandler(process,
            self.processes_single[process] = proc
예제 #5
def bootstrap_db():
    '''Set up the DB tables'''
    # TODO: setup only what is needed based on config and app
    logger = aCTLogger('aCTBootstrap')
    log = logger()
    dbarc = aCTDBArc(log)
    dbclient = ClientDB(log)
    dbcondor = aCTDBCondor(log)
    dbpanda = aCTDBPanda(log)
    if not dbarc.createTables():
        print('Error creating arc tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
    if not dbclient.createTables():
        print('Error creating client tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
    if not dbcondor.createTables():
        print('Error creating condor tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
    if not dbpanda.createTables():
        print('Error creating panda tables, see aCTBootstrap.log for details')
예제 #6
    def __init__(self):

        # Get agent name from /path/to/aCTAgent.py
        self.name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])[:-3]
        self.cluster = ''
        clusterhost = ''
        if len(sys.argv) == 2:
            self.cluster = sys.argv[1]
            url = urlparse(self.cluster)
            clusterhost = url.netloc.split(':')[0] if url.netloc else url.path

        # logger
        logname = '%s-%s' % (self.name,
                             clusterhost) if clusterhost else self.name
        self.logger = aCTLogger.aCTLogger(logname, cluster=self.cluster)
        self.log = self.logger()
        self.criticallogger = aCTLogger.aCTLogger('aCTCritical',
        self.criticallog = self.criticallogger()

        # config
        self.conf = aCTConfig.aCTConfigARC()
        self.tmpdir = str(self.conf.get(['tmp', 'dir']))
        # database
        # TODO: subclasses for arc and condor with respective DBs defined there
        self.db = aCTDBArc.aCTDBArc(self.log)
        self.dbcondor = aCTDBCondor(self.log)

        # ARC Configuration
        # Credentials will be set by ARC agents for each job or set of jobs
        # but for now set default credential in config to keep ARC happy
        cred_type = arc.initializeCredentialsType(
        self.uc = arc.UserConfig(cred_type)
        self.uc.ProxyPath(str(self.conf.get(['voms', 'proxypath'])))
            str(self.conf.get(["voms", "cacertdir"])))
        timeout = int(self.conf.get(['atlasgiis', 'timeout']))

        # start time for periodic restart
        self.starttime = time.time()
        self.log.info("Started %s for cluster %s", self.name, self.cluster)
예제 #7

import classad
import logging
from act.arc.aCTDBArc import aCTDBArc
from act.condor.aCTDBCondor import aCTDBCondor
from act.common.aCTProxy import aCTProxy
from act.common.aCTLogger import aCTLogger

logger = aCTLogger('acttest', cluster='test')
log = logger()

db = aCTDBArc(log)
dbcondor = aCTDBCondor(log)

xrsl = '''&(executable=/bin/sleep)
           (inputfiles = ("runpilot2-wrapper.sh" "/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/PandaPilotWrapper/latest/runpilot2-wrapper.sh"))
           (runtimeenvironment = "ENV/PROXY")

cad = classad.ClassAd('''\n
            UserLog = "/tmp/log/test.$(ClusterId).log"; \n
            Out = "/tmp/output/test.$(ClusterId).out"; \n
            Err = "/tmp/error/test.$(ClusterId).err"; \n
            JobUniverse = 9; \n
            X509UserProxy = "/tmp/x509up_u100780"; \n