def setUp(self): # Traits (Trait, Food-value) self.carnivore = TraitCard(CARNIVORE, 3) self.burrowing = TraitCard(BURROWING, 2) self.fattissue = TraitCard(FATTISSUE, 4) self.foraging = TraitCard(FORAGING, 2) self.horns = TraitCard(HORNS, 6) self.cooperation = TraitCard(COOPERATION, 1) self.scavenger = TraitCard(SCAVENGER, 2) # Species (Population, Food, Body, Traits, Fat-Storage) self.species1 = Species(1, 0, 2, [self.cooperation]) self.species2 = Species(6, 2, 1, [self.carnivore]) self.species3 = Species(3, 3, 3, [self.fattissue], 0) self.species4 = Species(5, 5, 5, [self.burrowing]) self.species5 = Species(5, 3, 4, [self.foraging]) self.species6 = Species( 2, 1, 7, [self.carnivore, self.fattissue, self.scavenger], 0) self.species7 = Species(7, 1, 6, [self.horns]) self.player1_species = [self.species1, self.species2] self.player2_species = [self.species3, self.species4, self.species5] self.player3_species = [self.species6, self.species7] # Players (Name, Bag, Hand, Species) self.player1 = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.fattissue], self.player1_species) self.player2 = PlayerState(2, 3, [self.fattissue, self.carnivore], self.player2_species) self.player3 = PlayerState(3, 6, [self.burrowing], self.player3_species) self.public_player1 = PlayerState(1, False, False, self.player1_species) self.public_player2 = PlayerState(2, False, False, self.player2_species) self.public_player3 = PlayerState(3, False, False, self.player3_species) self.list_of_players = [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3] # Dealer (List of Players, Watering Hole, Deck) self.dealer1 = Dealer(self.list_of_players, 10, []) # Actions self.food_card_action1 = FoodCardAction(0) self.food_card_action2 = FoodCardAction(1) self.grow_action_pop = GrowAction(POPULATION, 0, 0) self.grow_action_body = GrowAction(BODY, 1, 1) self.add_species_action1 = AddSpeciesAction(0, [1]) self.add_species_action2 = AddSpeciesAction(0, []) self.replace_trait_action1 = ReplaceTraitAction(0, 0, 0) self.replace_trait_action2 = ReplaceTraitAction(2, 0, 1) self.replace_trait_action3 = ReplaceTraitAction(0, 2, 0) # Action4 self.action4_1 = Action4(self.player1, [self.food_card_action1]) self.action4_2 = Action4( self.player2, [self.food_card_action2, self.grow_action_pop])
def setUp(self): # Traits (Trait, Food-value) self.carnivore = TraitCard(CARNIVORE, 3) self.burrowing = TraitCard(BURROWING, 2) self.fattissue = TraitCard(FATTISSUE, 2) self.foraging = TraitCard(FORAGING, 2) self.horns = TraitCard(HORNS, 0) self.cooperation = TraitCard(COOPERATION, 1) self.scavenger = TraitCard(SCAVENGER, 2) # Species (Population, Food, Body, Traits, Fat-Storage) self.species1 = Species(1, 0, 2, [self.cooperation]) self.species2 = Species(6, 2, 1, [self.carnivore]) self.species3 = Species(3, 3, 3, [self.fattissue], 0) self.species4 = Species(5, 5, 5, [self.burrowing]) self.species5 = Species(5, 3, 4, [self.foraging]) self.species6 = Species( 2, 1, 7, [self.carnivore, self.fattissue, self.scavenger], 0) self.species7 = Species(7, 1, 6, [self.horns]) self.player1_species = [self.species1, self.species2] self.player2_species = [self.species3, self.species4, self.species5] self.player3_species = [self.species6, self.species7] # Players (Name, Bag, Hand, Species) self.player1 = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.horns, self.foraging], self.player1_species, ext_player=Player()) self.player2 = PlayerState(2, 3, [self.carnivore, self.fattissue], self.player2_species, ext_player=Player()) self.player3 = PlayerState(3, 6, [self.burrowing], self.player3_species, ext_player=Player()) self.public_player1 = PlayerState(1, False, False, self.player1_species) self.public_player2 = PlayerState(2, False, False, self.player2_species) self.public_player3 = PlayerState(3, False, False, self.player3_species) self.list_of_players = [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3] # Dealer (List of Players, Watering Hole, Deck) self.dealer1 = Dealer(self.list_of_players, 10, []) # Action self.action4_1 = Action4(FoodCardAction(1), [GrowAction(POPULATION, 0, 0)], [], [], []) self.action4_2 = Action4(FoodCardAction(0), [], [], [], [ReplaceTraitAction(1, 0, 1)]) self.action4_3 = Action4(FoodCardAction(0), [], [], [], []) self.action4_list = [self.action4_1, self.action4_2, self.action4_3]
def choose(self, befores, afters): cheat = (random.random() > 0.5) cardsWIdx = [(i, self.state.hand[i]) for i in range(len(self.state.hand))] cards = sorted(cardsWIdx, key=lambda x: x[1], maxCardIdx = len(cards) - 1 newSpecIdx = len(self.state.species) curCardIdx = 3 if cheat: print "cheating with double-spending and card replacement!" gp = [GainPopulation(newSpecIdx, maxCardIdx)] gb = [GainBodySize(newSpecIdx, maxCardIdx)] # double-spend rt = [ ReplaceTrait(newSpecIdx, 1, curCardIdx) ] # try to place on a non-placed trait card with a legal card else: gp = [GainPopulation(newSpecIdx, cards[curCardIdx][0]) ] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] curCardIdx += 1 gb = [GainBodySize(newSpecIdx, cards[curCardIdx][0]) ] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] curCardIdx += 1 rt = [ReplaceTrait(newSpecIdx, 0, cards[curCardIdx][0]) ] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] return Action4(cards[0][0], gp, gb, [BuySpeciesBoard(cards[1][0], [cards[2][0]])], rt)
def choose(self, left_players, right_players): """ Determines the actions the this player wants to perform for this turn. :param left_players: the players to the left of this player. :param right_players: the players to the right of this player. :return: Action4 for the actions they want to perform """ hand = self.player_state.hand cards_in_order = sorted(hand, key=lambda card: (card.trait, card.food_points)) food_action = FoodCardAction(hand.index(cards_in_order[0])) add_species_actions = [ AddSpeciesAction(hand.index(cards_in_order[1]), [hand.index(cards_in_order[2])]) ] grow_pop_actions = [] grow_body_actions = [] replace_trait_actions = [] new_spec_index = len(self.player_state.species) if len(hand) > 3: grow_pop_actions.append( GrowAction(POPULATION, new_spec_index, hand.index(cards_in_order[3]))) if len(hand) > 4: grow_body_actions.append( GrowAction(BODY, new_spec_index, hand.index(cards_in_order[4]))) if len(hand) > 5: replace_trait_actions.append( ReplaceTraitAction(new_spec_index, 0, hand.index(cards_in_order[5]))) return Action4(food_action, grow_pop_actions, grow_body_actions, add_species_actions, replace_trait_actions)
def choose(self, befores, afters): befores = [[Species.speciesToJson(spec) for spec in player] for player in befores] afters = [[Species.speciesToJson(spec) for spec in player] for player in afters] time.sleep(.01) self.sock.sendall(json.dumps([befores, afters])) resp = self.getResponse() if resp != constants.KICK_ME: return Action4.actionFromJson(resp) else: return False
def choose(self, befores, afters): cardsWIdx = [(i, self.state.hand[i]) for i in range(len(self.state.hand))] cards = sorted(cardsWIdx, key=lambda x: x[1], maxCardIdx = len(cards) - 1 newSpecIdx = len(self.state.species) curCardIdx = 3 gp = [GainPopulation(newSpecIdx, cards[curCardIdx][0])] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] curCardIdx += 1 gb = [GainBodySize(newSpecIdx, cards[curCardIdx][0])] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] curCardIdx += 1 rt = [ReplaceTrait(newSpecIdx, 0, cards[curCardIdx][0])] if curCardIdx <= maxCardIdx else [] return Action4(cards[0][0], gp, gb, [BuySpeciesBoard(cards[1][0], [cards[2][0]])], rt)
def setUp(self): self.t1 = TraitCard("horns", 3) self.t2 = TraitCard("ambush", 1) self.t3 = TraitCard("carnivore", 2) self.t4 = TraitCard("fat-tissue", 0) self.t5 = TraitCard("foraging", 3) self.vegHorns = Species(1, 2, 3, [TraitCard("horns")], 0) self.vegCoop = Species(1, 2, 3, [TraitCard("cooperation")], 0) self.fat = Species(4, 3, 4, [TraitCard("fat-tissue")], 3) self.fatScav = Species( 2, 3, 4, [TraitCard("fat-tissue"), TraitCard("scavenger")], 1) self.fatFor = Species(4, 3, 4, [TraitCard("fat-tissue"), TraitCard("foraging")], 1) self.carnCoop = Species( 3, 4, 5, [TraitCard("carnivore"), TraitCard("cooperation")], 0) self.carnForage = Species( 3, 4, 5, [TraitCard("carnivore"), TraitCard("foraging")], 0) self.carnForage1 = Species( 3, 4, 5, [TraitCard("carnivore"), TraitCard("foraging")], 0) self.extinct = Species(0, 0, 0, [], 0) self.p1 = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.vegCoop, self.fat, self.carnForage], []) self.p2 = PlayerState(2, 0, [self.vegHorns, self.fatScav, self.carnCoop], []) self.p3 = PlayerState(3, 0, [self.vegCoop, self.carnCoop, self.carnForage1], []) self.p4 = PlayerState(4, 0, [self.vegCoop], []) self.p5 = PlayerState(5, 0, [self.vegHorns], []) self.p6 = PlayerState(6, 0, [self.carnCoop], []) self.p7 = PlayerState(7, 0, [self.fatScav], []) self.p8 = PlayerState(8, 0, [self.fatFor, self.extinct], []) = Dealer([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3], 3, [self.t1, self.t2, self.t3, self.t4, self.t5]) self.p2dealer = Dealer([self.p6, self.p5], 3, []) self.p3dealer = Dealer([self.p8], 3, [self.t1, self.t2, self.t3, self.t4, self.t5]) self.xstep3spec = Species(0, 5, 2, [TraitCard("foraging")], 0) self.xstep3p = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.xstep3spec], []) self.xstep3deal = Dealer([self.xstep3p], 5, []) # 8949-0357-4 self.pCFS1 = PlayerState(1, 3, [ Species(4, 2, 5, [TraitCard("carnivore"), TraitCard("cooperation")], 0), Species(1, 3, 4, [ TraitCard("foraging"), TraitCard("carnivore"), TraitCard("scavenger") ], 0) ], []) self.pCFS2 = PlayerState( 2, 4, [Species(2, 3, 3, [TraitCard("burrowing")], 0)], []) self.pCFS3 = PlayerState(3, 5, [], []) self.dCFS = Dealer([self.pCFS1, self.pCFS2, self.pCFS3], 10, []) # for step4 self.t6 = TraitCard("herding", 0) self.defSpec = Species(0, 0, 1, [], 0) self.specWGrownBody = Species(0, 1, 1, [], 0) self.specW3t = Species(0, 0, 1, [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5], 0) self.specWAll = Species(2, 1, 2, [self.t4], 1) self.playerWithManyCards = PlayerState( 1, 0, [], [self.t1, self.t2, self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6]) self.playerForAll = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.specWAll], []) self.playerFor3t = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.specW3t], [self.t6]) self.playerForDefSpec = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.defSpec], [self.t5, self.t6]) self.playerForBodyNewSpec = PlayerState( 1, 0, [self.specWGrownBody], [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6]) self.noAct = Action4(0, [], [], [], []) self.actGP = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(0, 0)], [], [], []) self.actGB = Action4(0, [], [GainBodySize(0, 1)], [], []) self.actRT = Action4(0, [], [], [], [ReplaceTrait(0, 1, 1)]) self.actBT0t = Action4(0, [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [])], []) self.actBT1t = Action4(0, [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2])], []) self.actBT2t = Action4(0, [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3])], []) self.actBT3t = Action4(0, [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3, 4])], []) self.actBT4t = Action4(0, [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3, 4, 5])], []) self.addBodyToNewSpec = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(1, 1)], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(2, [3])], []) self.actAll = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(0, 1)], [GainBodySize(0, 2)], [BuySpeciesBoard(4, [5])], [ReplaceTrait(0, 0, 3)]) self.simpleDealerForStep4 = Dealer([self.playerWithManyCards], 0, []) self.dealerForRevokingCards = Dealer([ PlayerState(1, 0, [], [self.t1, self.t2]), PlayerState(2, 0, [], [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5]), PlayerState(3, 0, [], [self.t6]) ], 0, []) self.dealerManyActions = Dealer([ PlayerState(1, 0, [self.defSpec], [self.t1, self.t2]), PlayerState(2, 0, [self.vegHorns, self.fatScav, self.carnCoop], [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6, self.t1]), PlayerState(3, 0, [self.vegCoop, self.carnCoop, self.carnForage1], [self.t6]) ], 0, [])
def setUp(self): self.t1 = TraitCard("horns", 3) self.t2 = TraitCard("ambush", 1) self.t3 = TraitCard("carnivore", 2) self.t4 = TraitCard("fat-tissue", 0) self.t5 = TraitCard("foraging", 3) self.t6 = TraitCard("herding", 0) self.defSpec = Species(0, 0, 1, [], 0) self.specWGrownBody = Species(0, 1, 1, [], 0) self.specW3t = Species(0, 0, 1, [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5], 0) self.specWAll = Species(0, 1, 2, [self.t4], 0) self.playerWithManyCards = PlayerState( 1, 0, [], [self.t1, self.t2, self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6]) self.playerForAll = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.specWAll], []) self.playerFor3t = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.specW3t], [self.t6]) self.playerForDefSpec = PlayerState(1, 0, [self.defSpec], [self.t5, self.t6]) self.playerForBodyNewspec = PlayerState( 1, 0, [self.specWGrownBody], [self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6]) self.noAct = Action4(0, [], [], [], []) self.actGP = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(0, 1)], [], [], []) self.actGB = Action4(0, [], [GainBodySize(0, 1)], [], []) self.actRT = Action4(0, [], [], [ReplaceTrait(0, 1, 1)], []) self.actBT0t = Action4(0, [], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [])]) self.actBT1t = Action4(0, [], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2])]) self.actBT2t = Action4(0, [], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3])]) self.actBT3t = Action4(0, [], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3, 4])]) self.actBT4t = Action4(0, [], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(1, [2, 3, 4, 5])]) self.addBodyToNewSpec = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(1, 1)], [], [], [BuySpeciesBoard(2, [3])]) self.actAll = Action4(0, [GainPopulation(0, 1)], [GainBodySize(0, 2)], [ReplaceTrait(0, 0, 3)], [BuySpeciesBoard(4, [5])])