class SimpleActionClient: ## @brief Constructs a SimpleActionClient and opens connections to an ActionServer. ## ## @param ns The namespace in which to access the action. For ## example, the "goal" topic should occur under ns/goal ## ## @param ActionSpec The *Action message type. The SimpleActionClient ## will grab the other message types from this type. def __init__(self, ns, ActionSpec): self.action_client = ActionClient(ns, ActionSpec) self.simple_state = SimpleGoalState.DONE = None self.done_condition = threading.Condition() ## @brief Blocks until the action server connects to this client ## ## @param timeout Max time to block before returning. A zero ## timeout is interpreted as an infinite timeout. ## ## @return True if the server connected in the allocated time. False on timeout def wait_for_server(self, timeout=rospy.Duration()): return self.action_client.wait_for_server(timeout) ## @brief Sends a goal to the ActionServer, and also registers callbacks ## ## If a previous goal is already active when this is called. We simply forget ## about that goal and start tracking the new goal. No cancel requests are made. ## ## @param done_cb Callback that gets called on transitions to ## Done. The callback should take two parameters: the terminal ## state (as an integer from actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus) and the ## result. ## ## @param active_cb No-parameter callback that gets called on transitions to Active. ## ## @param feedback_cb Callback that gets called whenever feedback ## for this goal is received. Takes one parameter: the feedback. def send_goal(self, goal, done_cb=None, active_cb=None, feedback_cb=None): # destroys the old goal handle self.stop_tracking_goal() self.done_cb = done_cb self.active_cb = active_cb self.feedback_cb = feedback_cb self.simple_state = SimpleGoalState.PENDING = self.action_client.send_goal(goal, self._handle_transition, self._handle_feedback) ## @brief Sends a goal to the ActionServer, waits for the goal to complete, and preempts goal is necessary ## ## If a previous goal is already active when this is called. We simply forget ## about that goal and start tracking the new goal. No cancel requests are made. ## ## If the goal does not complete within the execute_timeout, the goal gets preempted ## ## If preemption of the goal does not complete withing the preempt_timeout, this ## method simply returns ## ## @param execute_timeout The time to wait for the goal to complete ## ## @param preempt_timeout The time to wait for preemption to complete ## ## @return The goal's state. def send_goal_and_wait(self, goal, execute_timeout=rospy.Duration(), preempt_timeout=rospy.Duration()): self.send_goal(goal) if not self.wait_for_result(execute_timeout): # preempt action rospy.logdebug("Canceling goal") self.cancel_goal() if self.wait_for_result(preempt_timeout): rospy.logdebug( "Preempt finished within specified preempt_timeout [%.2f]", preempt_timeout.to_sec()) else: rospy.logdebug( "Preempt didn't finish specified preempt_timeout [%.2f]", preempt_timeout.to_sec()) return self.get_state() ## @brief Blocks until this goal transitions to done ## @param timeout Max time to block before returning. A zero timeout is interpreted as an infinite timeout. ## @return True if the goal finished. False if the goal didn't finish within the allocated timeout def wait_for_result(self, timeout=rospy.Duration()): if not rospy.logerr("Called wait_for_goal_to_finish when no goal exists") return False timeout_time = rospy.get_rostime() + timeout loop_period = rospy.Duration(0.1) with self.done_condition: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): time_left = timeout_time - rospy.get_rostime() if timeout > rospy.Duration( 0.0) and time_left <= rospy.Duration(0.0): break if self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE: break if time_left > loop_period or timeout == rospy.Duration(): time_left = loop_period self.done_condition.wait(time_left.to_sec()) return self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE ## @brief Gets the Result of the current goal def get_result(self): if not rospy.logerr("Called get_result when no goal is running") return None return ## @brief Get the state information for this goal ## ## Possible States Are: PENDING, ACTIVE, RECALLED, REJECTED, ## PREEMPTED, ABORTED, SUCCEEDED, LOST. ## ## @return The goal's state. Returns LOST if this ## SimpleActionClient isn't tracking a goal. def get_state(self): if not rospy.logerr("Called get_state when no goal is running") return GoalStatus.LOST status = if status == GoalStatus.RECALLING: status = GoalStatus.PENDING elif status == GoalStatus.PREEMPTING: status = GoalStatus.ACTIVE return status ## @brief Returns the current status text of the goal. ## ## The text is sent by the action server. It is designed to ## help debugging issues on the server side. ## ## @return The current status text of the goal. def get_goal_status_text(self): if not rospy.logerr("Called get_goal_status_text when no goal is running") return "ERROR: Called get_goal_status_text when no goal is running" return ## @brief Cancels all goals currently running on the action server ## ## This preempts all goals running on the action server at the point that ## this message is serviced by the ActionServer. def cancel_all_goals(self): self.action_client.cancel_all_goals() ## @brief Cancels all goals prior to a given timestamp ## ## This preempts all goals running on the action server for which the ## time stamp is earlier than the specified time stamp ## this message is serviced by the ActionServer. def cancel_goals_at_and_before_time(self, time): self.action_client.cancel_goals_at_and_before_time(time) ## @brief Cancels the goal that we are currently pursuing def cancel_goal(self): if ## @brief Stops tracking the state of the current goal. Unregisters this goal's callbacks ## ## This is useful if we want to make sure we stop calling our callbacks before sending a new goal. ## Note that this does not cancel the goal, it simply stops looking for status info about this goal. def stop_tracking_goal(self): = None def _handle_transition(self, gh): comm_state = gh.get_comm_state() error_msg = "Received comm state %s when in simple state %s with SimpleActionClient in NS %s" % \ (CommState.to_string(comm_state), SimpleGoalState.to_string(self.simple_state), rospy.resolve_name(self.action_client.ns)) if comm_state == CommState.ACTIVE: if self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.PENDING: self._set_simple_state(SimpleGoalState.ACTIVE) if self.active_cb: self.active_cb() elif self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.RECALLING: if self.simple_state != SimpleGoalState.PENDING: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.PREEMPTING: if self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.PENDING: self._set_simple_state(SimpleGoalState.ACTIVE) if self.active_cb: self.active_cb() elif self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.DONE: if self.simple_state in [ SimpleGoalState.PENDING, SimpleGoalState.ACTIVE ]: self._set_simple_state(SimpleGoalState.DONE) if self.done_cb: self.done_cb(gh.get_goal_status(), gh.get_result()) with self.done_condition: self.done_condition.notifyAll() elif self.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr("SimpleActionClient received DONE twice") def _handle_feedback(self, gh, feedback): if not rospy.logerr("Got a feedback callback when we're not tracking a goal. (id: %s)" % \ return if gh != rospy.logerr("Got a feedback callback on a goal handle that we're not tracking. %s vs %s" % \ (, return if self.feedback_cb: self.feedback_cb(feedback) def _set_simple_state(self, state): self.simple_state = state
class EnhancedActionClient(object): def __init__(self, ns, actionMsg): self.action_client = ActionClient(ns, actionMsg) self.ghDict = dict() self.lock = threading.Lock() self.done_condition = threading.Condition() def wait_for_server(self, timeout=rospy.Duration()): """ :param timeout: rospy duration to wait for server """ return self.action_client.wait_for_server(timeout) def send_goal(self, goal, done_cb=None, active_cb=None, feedback_cb=None): """ :param goal: goal for the server :param done_cb: callback function for this goal when done :param active_cb: callback function for this goal when goal is set to active :param feedback_cb: callback function for this goal when feedback from server :return name: ID of the goal if necessary """ self.lock.acquire() newGh = self.action_client.send_goal(goal, self._handle_transition, self._handle_feedback) name = self.ghDict[name] = [newGh, GoalState.PENDING, done_cb, active_cb, feedback_cb, threading.current_thread().ident] self.lock.release() return name def get_threads(self): L = dict() self.lock.acquire() for name, params in self.ghDict.items(): L[params[5]] = name self.lock.release() return L def send_goal_and_wait(self, goal): _ = self.send_goal(goal) if self.wait_for_result(): return self.get_state() else: return None def wait_for_result(self): L = self.get_threads() cur_thread = threading.current_thread().ident if L.get(cur_thread) is None: rospy.logerr("Called wait_for_result when this goal doesn't exist") return False isReceived = False with self.done_condition: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not isReceived: if L.get(cur_thread) is None: rospy.logerr("Called wait_for_result when this goal doesn't exist") return False elif self.ghDict[L[cur_thread]][1] == GoalState.DONE: isReceived = True else: self.done_condition.wait() L = self.get_threads() return isReceived def get_state(self): L = self.get_threads() cur_thread = threading.current_thread().ident if L.get(cur_thread) is None: rospy.logerr("Called get_state when this goal doesn't exist") return False return self.ghDict[L[cur_thread]][0].get_goal_status() def get_result(self): L = self.get_threads() cur_thread = threading.current_thread().ident if L.get(cur_thread) is None: rospy.logerr("Called get_result when this goal doesn't exist") return None result = self.ghDict[L[cur_thread]][0].get_result() self.removeDone(L[cur_thread]) return result def removeDone(self, ID): """ :param ID: remove a goal when Done """ self.lock.acquire() del self.ghDict[ID] self.lock.release() def _handle_transition(self, curGh): """ :param curGh: handle transition for a GoalHandler """ comm_state = curGh.get_comm_state() name = if name in self.ghDict.keys(): dicGh = self.ghDict[name] if curGh.comm_state_machine.latest_result is not None: dicGh[0].comm_state_machine.latest_result = curGh.comm_state_machine.latest_result # update result oldStatus = dicGh[1] done_cb = dicGh[2] active_cb = dicGh[3] error_msg = "Received comm state {} when in state {}".format(comm_state,[oldStatus]) if comm_state == CommState.ACTIVE: if oldStatus == GoalState.PENDING: self._set_state(GoalState.ACTIVE, name) if active_cb: active_cb() elif oldStatus == GoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.RECALLING: if oldStatus != GoalState.PENDING: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.PREEMPTING: if oldStatus == GoalState.PENDING: self._set_state(GoalState.ACTIVE, name) if active_cb: active_cb() elif oldStatus == GoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr(error_msg) elif comm_state == CommState.DONE: if oldStatus in [GoalState.PENDING, GoalState.ACTIVE]: self._set_state(GoalState.DONE, name) if done_cb: done_cb(curGh.get_goal_status(), curGh.get_result(), name) self.removeDone(name) else: with self.done_condition: self.done_condition.notifyAll() elif oldStatus == GoalState.DONE: rospy.logerr("ActionClientCustom received DONE twice") def _handle_feedback(self, curGh, feedback): """ :param curGh: GoalHandler :param feedback: feedback message received from server """ name = self.lock.acquire() if name in self.ghDict.keys(): feedback_cb = self.ghDict[name][4] feedback_cb(feedback) self.lock.release() def _set_state(self, state, name): """ :param state: new state received :param name: name of the goal to change """ self.lock.acquire() self.ghDict[name][1] = state self.lock.release()