def cancel_move_base(): print("canceled move base") #cancel action pubCancelAction = rospy.Publisher('/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=0) answerCancel = GoalID() answerCancel.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() = "map" pubCancelAction.publish(answerCancel) #cancel movement pubCancelMove = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = 0.0 twist.linear.y = 0.0 twist.linear.z = 0.0 twist.angular.x = 0.0 twist.angular.y = 0.0 twist.angular.z = 0.0 pubCancelMove.publish(twist)
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._startTime = self._failed = False self._reached = False goal_id = GoalID() = 'abcd' goal_id.stamp = action_goal = MoveBaseGoal() action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint action_goal.speed = userdata.speed if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "": action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world" try: self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) resp = self.set_tolerance(goal_id, 0.2, 1.55) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % { 'err': str(e), 'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x, 'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y }) self._failed = True Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')
def click_cancel_cb(self, msg): if print "clicked cancel" for i in range(3): cancel_msg = GoalID() = self.last_goal_id cancel_msg.stamp = self.mb_cancel_pub.publish(cancel_msg)
def new_goal_id(self): now = rospy.get_rostime() new_id = "%s_%i_%i_%i" % (rospy.get_name(), self.count, now.secs, now.nsecs) self.count += 1 goal_id = GoalID() goal_id.stamp = now = new_id return goal_id
def prepare_and_publish_actionlib_msg(self): ''' Fill and publish action lib message ''' goal_id_msg = GoalID() now = rospy.get_rostime() goal_id_msg.stamp = now = "ACTIVE"
def prepare_actionlib_msg(self): ''' Fill action lib message ''' goal_id_msg = GoalID() now = rospy.get_rostime() goal_id_msg.stamp = now = "ACTIVE"
def PrepareToStop(self, data): if self.object_x and self.object_y and self.moving and np.sqrt( np.square(self.object_x - data.pose.pose.position.x) + np.square(self.object_y - data.pose.pose.position.y)) < 0.5: cancel_msg = GoalID() = "" cancel_msg.stamp = self.cancel_publisher.publish(cancel_msg) self.moving = False self.object_x = None self.object_y = None
def stop_movement(self, timeout=5.0): ''' description: cancels the goal currently being pursued needs: mir_move_base_safe and mbot_actions move_base_server input: tdouble timeout, max time to allow to reach the location before returning output: bool success, whether the cancelation was successful or not ''' cancel_msg = GoalID() cancel_msg.stamp = if self.__goals_status: for goal in self.__goals_status: if goal.status == 0 or goal.status == 1: goal_id = goal.goal_id = goal_id self.__cancel_pub.publish(cancel_msg) return True return False
def generate_ID(self): """ * \brief Generates a unique ID * \return A unique GoalID for this action """ id = GoalID() cur_time = ss = + "-" global s_goalcount_lock global s_goalcount with s_goalcount_lock: s_goalcount += 1 ss += str(s_goalcount) + "-" ss += str(cur_time.secs) + "." + str(cur_time.nsecs) = ss id.stamp = cur_time return id
def generate_ID(self): """ * \brief Generates a unique ID * \return A unique GoalID for this action """ id = GoalID(); cur_time =; ss = + "-"; global s_goalcount_lock global s_goalcount with s_goalcount_lock: s_goalcount += 1 ss += str(s_goalcount) + "-"; ss += str(cur_time.secs) + "." + str(cur_time.nsecs); = ss; id.stamp = cur_time; return id;
def cancel_current_cartesian_path_execution(self): cancel_goal_id = GoalID() cancel_goal_id.stamp = = self.current_goal_id self.cancel_execution_publisher.publish(cancel_goal_id)
def resolveCMD(self): buffer_len = self.device.inWaiting() # if # self.ID = 0 # self.content = [0] * 20 if buffer_len >= (pack_len * 3): print("need to empty buffer") self.device.flushInput() elif buffer_len == 0: # print("time out occur!") # self.ID = [0] # self.content[-1] = 1 # cmd_serial = [9] + self.ID + self.content # cs = checksum(self.header + [9] + self.ID + self.content) # cmdstr_start = array("B", self.header + cmd_serial + cs).tostring() # time.sleep(0.2) # self.device.write(cmdstr_start) return # read data from serial port header1 = ord( if header1 == self.header[0]: header2 = ord( if header2 == self.header[1]: data_len = ord( data = [ord(b) for b in] cs_read_high = ord( cs_read_low = ord( cs_read = cs_read_high * 256 + cs_read_low cs_check = checksum(data) print(data_len, cs_read, cs_check) if cs_check == cs_read: print("checksum pass") else: print("checksum wrong!") self.ID = 0 self.content[0:data_len] = data self.content[7] = 3 cmd_serial = [self.sendSize] + [self.ID] + self.content cs = checksum([self.ID] + self.content) cmdstr_start = array("B", self.header + cmd_serial + [cs]).tostring() time.sleep(0.2) self.device.write(cmdstr_start) return else: print("header 2 wrong!") self.ID = 0 self.content[7] = 2 cmd_serial = [self.sendSize] + [self.ID] + self.content cs = checksum([self.ID] + self.content) cmdstr_start = array("B", self.header + cmd_serial + [cs]).tostring() time.sleep(0.2) self.device.write(cmdstr_start) return else: print("header 1 wrong!") self.ID = 0 self.content[7] = 2 cmd_serial = [self.sendSize] + [self.ID] + self.content cs = checksum([self.ID] + self.content) cmdstr_start = array("B", self.header + cmd_serial + [cs]).tostring() time.sleep(0.2) self.device.write(cmdstr_start) return # resolve data after get one full packet self.ID = data[0] if self.ID == 1: # TODO velocity command self.vx = data[1] + data[2] / 100.0 if data[3] > 127: self.wz = (data[3] - 255) - (data[4] / 100.0) else: self.wz = data[3] + data[4] / 100.0 self.dir = data[6] print("vx = %s, wz=%s, dir=%s" % (self.vx, self.wz, self.dir)) rospy.loginfo("sending velocity commands") vel_msg = Twist() vx = (self.dir - 1) * self.vx wz = self.wz vel_msg.linear.x = vx vel_msg.angular.z = wz t0 = time.time() while (time.time() - t0) < 0.2: self.velPub.publish(vel_msg) time.sleep(0.01) vel_msg = Twist() self.velPub.publish(vel_msg) elif self.ID == 2: # TODO move goal command, stop current move base action no matter what self.moveStatus = 0 goal = GoalID() goal.stamp = = "" self.cancelPub.publish(goal) if data[1] > 127: self.posx = (data[1] - 255) - (data[2] / 100.0) else: self.posx = data[1] + (data[2] / 100.0) if data[3] > 127: self.posy = (data[3] - 255) - (data[4] / 100.0) else: self.posy = data[3] + (data[4] / 100.0) self.posz = (data[5] * 256 + data[6]) / 10000.0 print("goal pose is %s, %s, %s" % (self.posx, self.posy, self.posz)) print("sending move goal command") goal_msg = PoseStamped() goal_msg.header.frame_id = "/map" goal_msg.header.stamp = px, py, pz = self.posx, self.posy, self.posz goal_msg.pose.position.x = px goal_msg.pose.position.y = py [qw, qx, qy, qz] = eul2quat([pz, 0, 0]) goal_msg.pose.orientation.w = qw goal_msg.pose.orientation.x = qx goal_msg.pose.orientation.y = qy goal_msg.pose.orientation.z = qz self.moveGoalPub.publish(goal_msg) elif self.ID == 3: # TODO initial pose command, should check if amcl is turned on if data[1] > 127: self.posx = (data[1] - 255) - (data[2] / 100.0) else: self.posx = data[1] + (data[2] / 100.0) if data[3] > 127: self.posy = (data[3] - 255) - (data[4] / 100.0) else: self.posy = data[3] + (data[4] / 100.0) self.posz = (data[5] * 256 + data[6]) / 10000.0 print("initial pose is %s, %s, %s" % (self.posx, self.posy, self.posz)) init_msg = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() init_msg.header.stamp = init_msg.header.frame_id = '/map' px, py, pz = self.posx, self.posy, self.posz init_msg.pose.pose.position.x = px init_msg.pose.pose.position.y = py [qw, qx, qy, qz] = eul2quat([pz, 0, 0]) init_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = qw init_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = qx init_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = qy init_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = qz self.initialPub.publish(init_msg) elif self.ID == 4: # TODO gmapping related commands cmd_srv = data[7] arg_srv = data[8] * 256 + data[9] req = cmdRequest() req.cmd = cmd_srv if cmd_srv == 1: rospy.loginfo("start gmapping") elif cmd_srv == 2: rospy.loginfo("stop gmapping") elif cmd_srv == 3: rospy.loginfo("pause gmapping") elif cmd_srv == 4: rospy.loginfo("resume gmapping") else: rospy.logwarn("invalid command") return response = self.gmapService(req) self.moveStatus = response.result self.cmd_srv = cmd_srv self.arg_srv = arg_srv elif self.ID == 5: # TODO map saver related commands, map filename should base on argument value cmd_srv = data[7] arg_srv = data[8] * 256 + data[9] req = cmdRequest() req.cmd = cmd_srv req.str = '/home/tongsky/test' if cmd_srv == 1: rospy.loginfo("save map") elif cmd_srv == 2: rospy.loginfo("stop save map") else: rospy.logwarn("invalid command") return response = self.saverService(req) self.moveStatus = response.result self.cmd_srv = cmd_srv self.arg_srv = arg_srv elif self.ID == 6: # TODO map server related commands, map filename should base on argument value cmd_srv = data[7] arg_srv = data[8] * 256 + data[9] req = cmdRequest() req.cmd = cmd_srv req.str = '/home/tongsky/test.yaml' if cmd_srv == 1: rospy.loginfo("import map") else: rospy.logwarn("invalid command") return response = self.serverService(req) self.moveStatus = response.result self.cmd_srv = cmd_srv self.arg_srv = arg_srv elif self.ID == 7: # TODO map server related commands, start amcl should check map imported/ gmapping stop? cmd_srv = data[7] arg_srv = data[8] * 256 + data[9] req = cmdRequest() req.cmd = cmd_srv if cmd_srv == 1: rospy.loginfo("start amcl") elif cmd_srv == 2: rospy.loginfo("stop amcl") else: rospy.logwarn("invalid command") return response = self.amclService(req) self.moveStatus = response.result self.cmd_srv = cmd_srv self.arg_srv = arg_srv = True
def katana_traject_ctrl(): global read_joint_names rospy.loginfo(str(read_joint_names)) pub = rospy.Publisher('/katana_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action/goal', jtag, queue_size=10) h = std_msgs.msg.Header() h.stamp = # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work g = GoalID() g.stamp = = 'SimpleKatana trajectory test - ' + str(h.stamp.secs) + ' . ' + str(h.stamp.nsecs) jtag_msg = jtag() jtag_msg.header = h jtag_msg.goal_id = g # Create points p0 = jtp() p0.positions = joint_pos; joint_pos_original=joint_pos p0.time_from_start = p1 = jtp() p1.positions = [0,2,0,0,0] p1.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(5) p2 = jtp() p2.positions = joint_pos_original p2.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(10) # Create the Trajectory Goal traject = jt() ''' 0: katana_motor1_pan_joint 1: katana_motor2_lift_joint 2: katana_motor3_lift_joint 3: katana_motor4_lift_joint 4: katana_motor5_wrist_roll_joint ''' traject.joint_names = read_joint_names # ['katana_motor1_pan_joint','katana_motor2_lift_joint','katana_motor3_lift_joint','katana_motor4_lift_joint','katana_motor5_wrist_roll_joint'] traject.points = [p0,p1] goal = jtag_goal() goal.trajectory=traject jtag_msg.goal = goal rate = rospy.Rate(0.05) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): p0 = jtp() p0.positions = joint_pos[0:5]; joint_pos_original=joint_pos[0:5] p0.time_from_start = p1 = jtp() p1.positions = [0,2,0,0,0] p1.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(8) p2 = jtp() p2.positions = joint_pos_original p2.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(16) traject.joint_names = read_joint_names[0:5] traject.points = [p0,p1,p2] h.stamp = # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work g.stamp = = 'SimpleKatana trajectory test - ' + str(h.stamp.secs) + ' . ' + str(h.stamp.nsecs) rospy.loginfo(jtag_msg) pub.publish(jtag_msg) rate.sleep()