class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(1, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(3, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(4, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Lp1') self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Ll2') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Lu3') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'Le4') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'Lf5') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'Lw6') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'Lr7') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(12, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Rp1') self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Rl2') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Ru3') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'Re4') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'Rf5') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'Rw6') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'Rr7') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def add_action(self, action, index = None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index = None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert(source_index >=0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert(destination_index >=0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: return 1 + len(self._joint_columns) else: return 1 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len(self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].to_string() elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration(value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif not self._editable and section == 1: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData; def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) else: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)
class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(3, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(4, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'LSpan') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'LSlift') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'LUArmRoll') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'LElbFlex') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'LFArmRoll') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'LWrstFlex') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'LWrstRoll') self._add_joint(12, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'RSpan') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'RSlift') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'RUArmRoll') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'RElbFlex') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'RFArmRoll') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'RWrstFlex') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'RWrstRoll') self._add_joint(20, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def editable(self): return self._editable def add_action(self, action, index = None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index = None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert(source_index >=0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert(destination_index >=0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: # Time, speech, and all the joints: return 2 + len(self._joint_columns) else: # Time, speech, and the single column for all the joints: return 2 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len(self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: # duration column return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif index.column() == 1: # speech column: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] try: waitTillDone = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('waitForSpeechDone') utterance = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('text') except KeyError: return (None,None) if not self._editable: res = ('WaitForDone,' if waitTillDone else "NoWaiting,") + "'" + utterance + "'" else: res = (waitTillDone, utterance) return res elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].to_string() elif not self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): # For displaying, put all joint values into column 2: valString = "" # Joints run from 2 to number of joints. The offset # is to make room for time and speech columns: for jointIndex in range(2, 2 + len(self._joint_columns)): joint_info = self._joint_columns[jointIndex] jointLabel = joint_info['label'] jointAbbreviation = joint_info['header'] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(jointLabel) except KeyError: # For rows that have speech instead of a pose, # the above value seek fails: continue if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) valString += "%s:%d;" % (jointAbbreviation,value) return valString elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif index.column() == 1: # speech column: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] try: waitTillDone = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('waitForSpeechDone') utterance = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('text') except KeyError: return (None,None) res = (waitTillDone, utterance) return res elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: # duration value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration(value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif index.column() == 1: # speech try: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] actionSetAtIndex._actions[0].update_value('waitForSpeechDone', value[0]) # Wait/Don't Wait actionSetAtIndex._actions[0].update_value('text', value[1]) # Utterance except Exception as e: return False return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: # Duration is editable: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif index.column() == 1: # Speech column is editable: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif section == 1: return 'Speech' elif not self._editable and section == 2: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData; def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is None: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() else: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)
from actions.ActionSet import ActionSet from actions.Pr2MoveHeadAction import Pr2MoveHeadAction from actions.Pr2MoveLeftArmAction import Pr2MoveLeftArmAction from actions.Pr2MoveLeftGripperAction import Pr2MoveLeftGripperAction from actions.Pr2MoveRightArmAction import Pr2MoveRightArmAction from actions.Pr2MoveTorsoAction import Pr2MoveTorsoAction from actions.WaitAction import WaitAction import rospy rospy.init_node('test_actions') seq = ActionSequence() action1 = Pr2MoveLeftArmAction() action1.set_values([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) seq.add_action(action1) action2 = Pr2MoveLeftArmAction() action2.set_values([0, 88, 0, -90, 0, 0, 90]) seq.add_action(action2) action3 = Pr2MoveRightArmAction() action3.set_values([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) seq.add_action(action3) action4 = Pr2MoveRightArmAction() action4.set_values([0, 88, 0, -90, 0, 0, 90]) seq.add_action(action4) action5 = WaitAction(3.0) seq.add_action(action5)
class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(1, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(3, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(4, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Lp1') self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Ll2') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Lu3') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'Le4') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'Lf5') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'Lw6') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'Lr7') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(12, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Rp1') self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Rl2') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Ru3') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'Re4') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'Rf5') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'Rw6') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'Rr7') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def add_action(self, action, index=None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index=None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert (index >= 0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert (source_index >= 0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert (destination_index >= 0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert (index >= 0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: return 1 + len(self._joint_columns) else: return 1 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len( self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_duration() elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].to_string() elif self._editable and index.column( ) in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_duration() elif self._editable and index.column( ) in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration( value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value( self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys( ): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value( self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif not self._editable and section == 1: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) else: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)