예제 #1
    def feedforward(self, s_inst, s_trans):

        y_r = act.sigmoid(s_inst, self.V_r)
        if self.H_r != 0:
            y_h_r = act.sigmoid(y_r, self.W_r)
            y_h_r = None

        y_m, self.cumulative_memory = act.sigmoid_acc_leaky(
            s_trans, self.V_m, self.cumulative_memory, self.memory_leak)
        if self.H_m != 0:
            y_h_m = act.sigmoid(y_m, self.W_m)
            y_h_m = None

        if self.H_r != 0 and self.H_m != 0:
            y_tot = np.concatenate((y_h_r, y_h_m), axis=1)
            W_tot = np.concatenate((self.W_h_r, self.W_h_m), axis=0)
        elif self.H_r == 0 and self.H_m != 0:
            y_tot = np.concatenate((y_r, y_h_m), axis=1)
            W_tot = np.concatenate((self.W_r, self.W_h_m), axis=0)
        elif self.H_r != 0 and self.H_m == 0:
            y_tot = np.concatenate((y_h_r, y_m), axis=1)
            W_tot = np.concatenate((self.W_h_r, self.W_m), axis=0)
            y_tot = np.concatenate((y_r, y_m), axis=1)
            W_tot = np.concatenate((self.W_r, self.W_m), axis=0)
        Q = act.linear(y_tot, W_tot)

        return y_r, y_m, Q, y_h_r, y_h_m
예제 #2
    def step(self, input_: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

        # update gate
        update_gate_input = np.dot(self.params["Wz"], input_)
        update_gate_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Uz"], self.hidden_state)
        update_gate = sigmoid(update_gate_input + update_gate_hidden +

        # reset gate
        reset_gate_input = np.dot(self.params["Wr"], input_)
        reset_gate_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Ur"], self.hidden_state)
        reset_gate = sigmoid(reset_gate_input + reset_gate_hidden +

        # hidden state proposal
        proposal_input = np.dot(self.params["Wh"], input_)
        proposal_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Uh"],
                                 (self.hidden_state * reset_gate))
        proposal = tanh(proposal_input + proposal_hidden + self.params["bh"])

        # new hidden state
        self.hidden_state = (
            (1 - update_gate) * proposal) + (update_gate * self.hidden_state)

        return self.hidden_state
예제 #3
def predict(layers, df):
    for idx, row in df.iterrows():
        for i, neuron in zip(range(row.count() - 1), layers[0]):

        for neuron in layers[1]:
            sigmoid_ = 0
            for n, weight in neuron.get_prev_layer().items():
                sigmoid_ += n.get_val() * weight
            neuron.set_val(sigmoid(sigmoid_, 2))

        for neuron in layers[2]:
            sigmoid_ = 0
            for n, weight in neuron.get_prev_layer().items():
                sigmoid_ += n.get_val() * weight
            neuron.set_val(sigmoid(sigmoid_, 2))

        highest, val = -1, 0
        i = 0
        for neuron in layers[3]:
            sigmoid_ = 0
            for n, weight in neuron.get_prev_layer().items():
                sigmoid_ += n.get_val() * weight
            observed = sigmoid(sigmoid_, 2)
            if observed > highest:
                highest = observed
                val = i
            i += 1

        print("Prediction: " + str(val))
        print("Actual: " + str(row["dr"]))
예제 #4
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # init first hidden state
        h = np.zeros((self.W_f.shape[0], 1))
        # store inputs for reference
        self.last_inputs = inputs
        # history of hiddent states
        self.last_hs = {0: h}

        for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
            # concatenate inputs and last hidden state
            z = np.hstack((h, x))
            # forget gate
            f_t = sigmoid(self.W_f @ z + self.b_f)
            i_t = sigmoid(self.W_i @ z + self.b_i)
            c_t = np.tanh(self.W_c @ z + self.b_c)

            self.C_t = f_t * self.C_t + i_t * c_t

            o_t = sigmoid(self.W_o @ z + self.b_o)
            h = o_t * np.tanh(self.C_t) # calculate new hidden state
            self.last_hs[i + 1] = h # save the hidden state

        # logits
        y = h @ self.W_y + self.b_y

        return y, h
예제 #5
파일: lstm.py 프로젝트: aew61/mlpy
    def compute_layer_and_cache(self, X):
        X = self._assert_numpy(X)
        # forward propagate, saving information as we go
        F_arg = numpy.dot(self.W_f, X) + numpy.dot(self.U_f,
                                                   self.h_t) + self.b_f
        F = af.sigmoid(F_arg)

        I_arg = numpy.dot(self.W_i, X) + numpy.dot(self.U_i,
                                                   self.h_t) + self.b_i
        I = af.sigmoid(I_arg)

        C_arg = numpy.dot(self.W_c, X) + numpy.dot(self.U_c,
                                                   self.h_t) + self.b_c
        C = self.afuncs[0](C_arg)

        self.S = numpy.multiply(F, self.S) + numpy.multiply(I, C)

        Hf_arg = numpy.dot(self.W_hf, X) + numpy.dot(self.U_hf,
                                                     self.h_t) + self.b_hf
        Hf = af.sigmoid(Hf_arg)

        self.h_t = numpy.multiply(Hf, self.afuncs[1](self.S))

        O_arg = numpy.dot(self.W_o, self.h_t) + self.b_o
        O = self.afuncs[2](O_arg)
        return F_arg, F, I_arg, I, C_arg, C, Hf_arg, Hf,\
               numpy.array(self.h_t), O_arg, O, numpy.array(self.S)
예제 #6
    def step(self, input_: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

        # forget gate
        forget_gate_input = np.dot(self.params["Wf"], input_)
        forget_gate_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Uf"], self.hidden_state)
        forget_gate = sigmoid(forget_gate_input + forget_gate_hidden +

        # input gate
        input_gate_input = np.dot(self.params["Wi"], input_)
        input_gate_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Ui"], self.hidden_state)
        input_gate = sigmoid(input_gate_input + input_gate_hidden +

        # output gate
        output_gate_input = np.dot(self.params["Wo"], input_)
        output_gate_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Uo"], self.hidden_state)
        output_gate = sigmoid(output_gate_input + output_gate_hidden +

        # cell state
        cell_state_input = np.dot(self.params["Wc"], input_)
        cell_state_hidden = np.dot(self.params["Uc"], self.hidden_state)
        cell_state = tanh(cell_state_input + cell_state_hidden +

        self.cell_state = (forget_gate * self.cell_state) + (input_gate *

        self.hidden_state = output_gate * tanh(self.cell_state)

        return self.hidden_state, self.cell_state
예제 #7
    def test_sigmoid(self):
        self.assertEqual(sigmoid(0), 0.5)
        self.assertGreater(sigmoid(100), .99)
        self.assertLess(sigmoid(-100), .01)

        Z = np.array([1, 2, 3])
        expected = np.array([0.73105858, 0.88079708, 0.95257413])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(sigmoid(Z), expected))
 def forward(self, x, a_prev, c_prev):
     self.gamma_f = sigmoid(np.dot(self.w_f, np.concatenate([a_prev, x])) + self.b_f)
     self.gamma_u = sigmoid(np.dot(self.w_u, np.concatenate([a_prev, x])) + self.b_u)
     self.gamma_o = sigmoid(np.dot(self.w_o, np.concatenate([a_prev, x])) + self.b_o)
     self.c_ = np.tanh(self.w_c * np.concatenate([a_prev, x]) + self.b_c)
     self.c = self.gamma_f * c_prev + self.gamma_u * self.c_
     self.a = self.gamma_o * np.tanh(self.c)
     self.y = softmax(np.dot())
예제 #9
	def decode(self, y_m):

		y_h = act.sigmoid(y_m,self.hidden_weights)

		decode_output = act.sigmoid(y_h, self.W_dec)
		#decode_output = act.softmax(y_output)

		return decode_output, y_h
def predict(network, x):
    W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3']
    b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3']

    a1 = np.dot(x, W1) + b1
    z1 = sigmoid(a1)

    a2 = np.dot(z1, W2) + b2
    z2 = sigmoid(a2)

    a3 = np.dot(z2, W3) + b3
    y = softmax(a3)

    return y
def linear_activation_forward_with_dropout(A_prev,
    # Linear forward step
    Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)

    # Activation forward step
    if activation == 'relu':
        A, activation_cache = relu(Z)

        # Implementing dropout
        D = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], A.shape[1])
        D = (D < keep_prob).astype(
        )  # convert entries of D to 0 or 1 (using keep_prob as the threshold)
        A = A * D  # shut down some neurons of A
        A = np.divide(
            A, keep_prob
        )  # scale the value of neurons that haven't been shut down

        cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache, D)
    elif activation == 'sigmoid':
        A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
        cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache, None)

    return A, cache
예제 #12
def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation_function):
    Implement the forward propagation for the LINEAR->ACTIVATION layer

    A_prev -- activations from previous layer (or input data): (size of previous layer, number of examples)
    W -- weights matrix: numpy array of shape (size of current layer, size of previous layer)
    b -- bias vector, numpy array of shape (size of the current layer, 1)
    activation -- the activation to be used in this layer, stored as a text string: "sigmoid" or "relu"

    A -- the output of the activation function, also called the post-activation value
    cache -- a python dictionary containing "linear_cache" and "activation_cache";
             stored for computing the backward pass efficiently

    if activation_function == "sigmoid":
        # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
        Z, linear_cache = linear_forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)

    elif activation_function == "relu":
        # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
        Z, linear_cache = linear_forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activation_cache = relu(Z)

    assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0], A_prev.shape[1]))
    cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)

    return A, cache
예제 #13
    def memory_dynamics(self, k_r, k_w, w_r, w_u, w_w):

        r = np.zeros((self.M, self.n))

        # still from previous time step
        w_u_threshold = np.sort(w_u, axis=None)[self.n - 1]

        if np.sum(np.where(w_u <= w_u_threshold, 1, 0)) == self.n:

            w_lu = np.where(w_u <= w_u_threshold, 1, 0)

            w_lu = np.where(w_u < w_u_threshold, 1, 0)
            missed = self.n - np.sum(np.where(w_u < w_u_threshold, 1, 0))
            pos = np.where(w_u == w_u_threshold)

            for m in np.arange(missed):
                w_lu[pos[0][m]] = 1

        if np.sum(np.where(w_lu == 1, 1, 0)) != self.n:
            print('ERROR in least usage vector')

        # current time step
        interp_value = act.sigmoid(self.alpha)

        for head in np.arange(self.n):

            #print('-- HEAD ',head)

            w_lu_head = np.zeros((self.N, 1))
            w_lu_head[np.where(w_lu == 1)[0][head], 0] = 1

            w_w[:, head:(head + 1)] = interp_value * w_r[:, head:(
                head + 1)] + (1 - interp_value) * w_lu_head

            w_r[:, head:(head + 1)] = self.read_weights(k_r[:,
                                                            head:(head + 1)])
            r[:, head:(head + 1)] = np.dot(np.transpose(self.MEMORY),
                                           w_r[:, head:(head + 1)])

        for head in np.arange(self.n):

            # write key to memory according to write weights
            self.MEMORY += np.dot(w_w[:, head:(head + 1)],
                                  np.transpose(k_w[:, head:(head + 1)]))

        w_u = self.gamma * w_u + np.reshape(np.sum(w_r, axis=1),
                                            (-1, 1)) + np.reshape(
                                                np.sum(w_w, axis=1), (-1, 1))

        #print('Write weights:\n',np.transpose(w_w))
        #print('Read weights:\n',np.transpose(w_r))
        #print('Usage weights:\n',np.transpose(w_u))

        return r, w_r, w_u, w_w
예제 #14
 def output_gate(self, x: np.ndarray):
     output gate of the LSTM layer
     :param x:
     return sigmoid(np.dot(self.W_output.value, x) + self.b_output.value)
예제 #15
 def forward(self, inputs):
     assert inputs.shape == (inputs, 1)
     s = np.matmul(np.transpose(weights), inputs)
     if activationf == 'Relu':
         self.activation = act.relu(s)
         self.activation = act.sigmoid(s)
예제 #16
파일: model.py 프로젝트: Darvaron/ML
def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation):
    Implementa la propagación hacia adelante Linear->Activación de una capa
    A_prev -- Activación de la capa anterior, de dimensiones (tamaño de la capa anterior, número de ejemplos)
    W -- Pesos de la capa actual, de dimensiones (tamaño de la capa actual, tamaño de la capa anterior)
    b -- sesgos de la capa actual, de dimensiones (tamaño de la capa actual, 1)
    activation -- string con el nombre de la activación que será usada en esta capa: "Relu", "Sigmoid"
    A -- Activación de la capa actual, de dimensiones (tamaño de la capa actual, número de ejemplos)
    cache -- python tupla que contiene el cache linear y de la activación

    if activation == "Sigmoid":
        Z, linear_c = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activacion_c = sigmoid(Z)

    elif activation == "Relu":
        Z, linear_c = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activacion_c = relu(Z)

    cache = (linear_c, activacion_c)

    return A, cache
예제 #17
 def _forward_prop(self, x):
     self._activations[0] = x
     for i in range(1, self.num_layers):
         self._zs[i] = (
             self.weights[i].dot(self._activations[i - 1]) + self.biases[i]
         self._activations[i] = sigmoid(self._zs[i])
예제 #18
 def _x_given_h(self, h):
     Gives the probability vector of each x being 1 given h
         :param h: batch x hidden_dim: The observed h
         :return x: batch x in_dim: The probability of each x = 1 given h
     return A.sigmoid(np.dot(h, self.W.data.transpose()) + self.c.data)
예제 #19
 def _h_given_x(self, x):
     Gives the probability vector of each hidden being 1 given x
         :param x: batch x in_dim: The observed x
         :return h: batch x hidden_dim: The probability of each h = 1 given x
     return A.sigmoid(np.dot(x, self.W.data) + self.b.data)
예제 #20
 def activation_forward(self, Z, activation="tanh"):
     if activation is "tanh":
         return [Z, tanh(Z)]
     if activation is "relu":
         return [Z, relu(Z)]
     if activation is "sigmoid":
         return [Z, sigmoid(Z)]
예제 #21
파일: gradients.py 프로젝트: asalik13/Genie
def softmax(self, input):
    input = sigmoid(self, input)
    result = []
    for i in input:
        result.append(np.exp(i) / np.sum(np.exp(i)))

    return np.array(result)
예제 #22
    def forward_propagation(self):
                Z1 - result of linear function with input X
                A1 - result of applying tanh activation function to Z1
                Z2 - result of linear function with input A1
                A2 - result of applying sigmoid activation function to Z2
                (Used for backward propagation/gradient descent)

                cache - dict
                    contains Z1, A1, Z2, A2
        #Hidden Layer
        Z1 = np.dot(self.W1, self.X) + self.b1
        A1 = np.tanh(Z1)
        #Output Layer
        Z2 = np.dot(self.W2, A1) + self.b2
        A2 = sigmoid(Z2)
        #Check Dimensions
        assert Z1.shape == (self.n_h, self.m)
        assert A1.shape == (self.n_h, self.m)
        assert Z2.shape == (self.n_y, self.m)
        assert A2.shape == (self.n_y, self.m)
        #Cache dictionary
        cache = {"Z1": Z1, "A1": A1, "Z2": Z2, "A2": A2}
        return cache
예제 #23
파일: net.py 프로젝트: eclin/scratch
  def backprop(self, x, y):
    # initialize empty arrays to represent the change in the weights and biases
    delta_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
    delta_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]

    # Feedforward
    a = x
    activations = [x]
    products = []
    for i in range(self.num_layers - 1):
      # z^l = w^l a^l-1 + b^l
      z = np.dot(self.weights[i], a) + self.biases
      a = act.sigmoid(z)

    # Output Error
    delta = (activations[-1] - y) * act.sigmoid_derivative(products[-1])
    delta_b[-1] = delta
    delta_w[-1] = np.dot(delta, activations[-2].transpose())

    # Backprop Error
    errors = []
    for l in range(self.num_layers - 2, 0):
      delta = np.dot(self.weights[l + 1].transpose(), delta) * act.sigmoid_derivative(products[l])
      delta_b[l] = delta
      delta_w[l] = np.dot(delta, activations[l - 1])

    return (delta_b, delta_w)
예제 #24
    def linear_activation_forward(self, A_prev, W, b, activation):

        if activation == "sigmoid":
            # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache"
            Z, linear_cache = self.linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
            A, activation_cache = activations.sigmoid(Z)

        elif activation == "relu":
            # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
            Z, linear_cache = self.linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
            A, activation_cache = activations.relu(Z)

        elif activation == "softmax":
            # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
            Z, linear_cache = self.linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
            A, activation_cache = activations.softmax(Z)

        elif activation == "euler":
            Z, linear_cache = self.linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
            A, activation_cache = activations.euler(Z)

        assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0], A_prev.shape[1]))
        cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)

        return A, cache
예제 #25
 def forget_gate(self, x: np.ndarray):
     froget gate of the LSTM layer
     :param x:
     return sigmoid(np.dot(self.W_forget.value, x) + self.b_forget.value)
예제 #26
	def partial_fit(self, x, y):
		# activation
		A = [x] 

		# feedforward
		out = A[-1]
		for i in range(0, len(self.layers) - 1):
			out = sigmoid(out.dot(self.W[i]) + (self.B[i].T))

		# backpropagation
		dA = [-(y/A[-1] - (1 - y)/(1 - A[-1]))]
		dW = []
		dB = []
		for i in reversed(range(0, len(self.layers) - 1)):
			dw = A[i].T.dot(dA[-1] * sigmoid_derivative(A[i+1]))
			db = (np.sum(dA[-1] * sigmoid_derivative(A[i+1]), 0)).reshape(-1, 1) 
			da = dA[-1] * sigmoid_derivative(A[i+1]).dot(self.W[i].T)

		# reverse
		dW = dW[::-1]
		dB = dB[::-1]

		# gradient descent
		for i in range(0, len(self.layers) - 1):
			self.W[i] -= self.alpha * dW[i]
			self.B[i] -= self.alpha * dB[i]
예제 #27
    def feedforward(self, s_inst, s_trans):

        y_r = act.sigmoid(s_inst, self.V_r)

        g = act.softmax(s_inst, self.W_g, self.g_strength, self.level_bias)
        g = np.transpose(g)
        l_sel = self.select_level(g)

        y_m = np.zeros((self.L, 1, self.M))
        for l in np.arange(self.L):
            if l == l_sel:
                y_m[l, :, :], self.cumulative_memory[
                    l, :, :] = act.sigmoid_acc_leaky(
                        s_trans, self.V_m[l, :, :],
                        self.cumulative_memory[l, :, :], self.LEAK[l, 0,
                                                                   0], g[l, 0])
                self.cumulative_memory[l, :, :] *= self.LEAK[l, 0, 0]
                y_m[l, :, :] = act.sigmoidal(self.cumulative_memory[l, :, :])
            print('\t\t\t\t MEMORY_LEVEL ', l, '\t ', y_m[l, :, :])

        inp_h = np.zeros((1, self.H))
        for l in np.arange(self.L):
            inp_h = act.linear(y_m[l, :, :], self.W_m[l, :, :])
        y_h = act.sigmoidal(inp_h)

        Q = act.linear(y_r, self.W_r) + act.linear(y_h, self.W_h)

        return y_r, y_m, y_h, g, l_sel, Q
예제 #28
def predict_lg_labels(weights, data):
    """generates class predictions given weights, and a test data matrix."""
    y_pred = sigmoid(np.dot(data, weights))
    y_pred[np.where(y_pred <= 0.5)] = 0
    y_pred[np.where(y_pred > 0.5)] = 1

    return y_pred
예제 #29
 def classify(self, X):
     prediction = np.dot(X, self.weights).T
     prediction = sigmoid(prediction)
     actual_predictions = np.zeros((1, X.shape[0]))
     for i in range(prediction.shape[1]):
         if prediction[0][i] > 0.5:
             actual_predictions[0][i] = 1
     return actual_predictions
예제 #30
 def activationFunction(self, z):
     if self.activ == Activations.SIGMOID.value:
         return actvtn.sigmoid(z)
     elif self.activ == Activations.SOFTMAX.value:
         return actvtn.softmax(z)
     elif self.activ == Activations.TANH.value:
         return actvtn.tanh(z)
         return z
예제 #31
    def backpropagate(self,z, train_out):
        z_list = []
        activations_list = []
        del_bias = [numpy.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.bias]
        del_weights = [numpy.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]
        #print 'feed forwarding in back propagation.....'
        for w, b in zip(self.weights, self.bias):
            z = numpy.dot(w, z) + b
            activation = sigmoid(z)
        #print 'feed forwarding done.....'

        #print 'calculating gradient and rho.....'
        #print activations_list[-1] - train_out
        gradient_c_wrt_a = activations_list[-1] - train_out
        #'sd:' , sigmoid_derivative(z_list[-1])
        rho = gradient_c_wrt_a * sigmoid_derivative(z_list[-1])
        #print 'calculated gradient and rho.....'

        #print activations_list
        #print 'rho:', rho
        del_bias[-1] = rho
        del_weights[-1] = numpy.dot(rho, activations_list[-2].transpose())

         #   print 'back propagating the error.....'
        for l in range(2, self.layers):
            k = z_list[-l]
            sd = sigmoid_derivative(k)
            rho = numpy.dot(self.weights[-l+1].transpose(), rho) * sd
            del_bias[-l] = rho
            del_weights[-l] = numpy.dot(rho, activations_list[-l-1].transpose())

        #print 'back propagation completed.....'
        #print ' debug:',del_bias
        #print 'debug2', del_weights
        #print 'done'
        return del_bias, del_weights
예제 #32
파일: gru.py 프로젝트: saromanov/generate
	def _forward(self, x_t, h_prev, activations=None):
		""" activations - list of activations for wach step( all is three steps) """
		z = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, self.Wh) + self.bh + T.dot(h_prev, self.Uh))
		r = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, self.Wx) + self.bx + T.dot(h_prev, self.Ux))
		h = T.tanh(T.dot(x_t, self.Wz) + self.bz + T.dot(r * h_prev, self.Uz))
		return (1 - z) * h_prev + z * h
예제 #33
 def feedingforward(self, A):
     for w, b in zip(self.weights, self.bias):
         A = numpy.dot(w, A) + b
         A = sigmoid(A)
     return A