def request_to_borrow(lenderID, itemCopyID): emailText = [] emailText.append("You have received the following message from " + current_user().name + ", a Sharing Commons user.\n----\n\n") emailText.append( emailText.append("\n\n----\nReply to this message to send an email to " + current_user().name + " and set up the exchange. Once you've lent the item, visit to confirm lending the item. " + current_user().name + " will receive an email when the item is due") emailBody = ''.join(emailText) # Request item try: borrower = current_user() lender = UserAccount.getuser(int(lenderID)) itemCopy = ItemCopy.get_by_id(int(itemCopyID)) rtb1 = RequestToBorrow() rtb1.useraccount = lender.key rtb1.connection = borrower.key rtb1.item = itemCopy.key rtb1.put() wtb1 = WaitingToBorrow() wtb1.useraccount = borrower.key wtb1.connection = lender.key wtb1.item = itemCopy.key wtb1.put() except: return jsonify({"result":"error"}) # Send email mail.send_mail(sender="Sharing Commons <*****@*****.**>", + " <" + + ">", + " <" + + ">", subject='Sharing Commons: Request to Borrow "' + Item.query(Item.key == itemCopy.item).get().title + '"', body=emailBody) return jsonify({"result":"success"})
def setup_item_borrow_actions(lenderID, itemCopyID): borrower = current_user() lender = UserAccount.getuser(int(lenderID)) itemCopy = ItemCopy.get_by_id(int(itemCopyID)) rtb1 = RequestToBorrow() rtb1.useraccount = lender.key rtb1.connection = borrower.key rtb1.item = itemCopy.key rtb1.put() wtb1 = WaitingToBorrow() wtb1.useraccount = borrower.key wtb1.connection = lender.key wtb1.item = itemCopy.key wtb1.put() return jsonify({"Message":"OK"})