예제 #1
def b16decode(todecode, casefold=False):
    """Decode a Base16 encoded byte string.

    todecode is the byte string to decode.  Optional casefold is a flag
    specifying whether a lowercase alphabet is acceptable as input.
    For security purposes, the default is False.

    The decoded byte string is returned.  binascii.Error is raised if
    todecode were incorrectly padded or if there are non-alphabet characters
    present in the string.
    todecode = _bytes_from_decode_data(todecode)
    if casefold:
        todecode = todecode.upper()
    if re.search(b"[^0-9A-F]", todecode):
        raise binascii.Error("Non-base16 digit found")
    return binascii.unhexlify(todecode)
예제 #2
def parse_keycmd(keycmd, Keycode, buttons):
    if len(keycmd) < 2:
        raise ValueError("key command not long enough: {}".format(keycmd))

    name = keycmd[0]
    value = keycmd[1:]
    # s = sleep, k = keys, w = write
    if name == "s":
        return name, float(value)
    elif name == "k":
            return name, [getattr(Keycode, part) for part in value.split("|")]
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise ValueError("invalid keycode {}".format(e))
    elif name == "w":
        return name, unhexlify(value).decode('utf8')
    elif name == "l":
        return name, (buttons, parse_rgb(value))
        raise ValueError("unknown key command {}".format(keycmd))
예제 #3
def b32decode(todecode, casefold=False, map01=None):
    """Decode a Base32 encoded byte string.

    todecode is the byte string to decode.  Optional casefold is a flag
    specifying whether a lowercase alphabet is acceptable as input.
    For security purposes, the default is False.

    RFC 3548 allows for optional mapping of the digit 0 (zero) to the
    letter O (oh), and for optional mapping of the digit 1 (one) to
    either the letter I (eye) or letter L (el).  The optional argument
    map01 when not None, specifies which letter the digit 1 should be
    mapped to (when map01 is not None, the digit 0 is always mapped to
    the letter O).  For security purposes the default is None, so that
    0 and 1 are not allowed in the input.

    The decoded byte string is returned.  binascii.Error is raised if
    the input is incorrectly padded or if there are non-alphabet
    characters present in the input.
    todecode = _bytes_from_decode_data(todecode)
    _, leftover = divmod(len(todecode), 8)
    if leftover:
        raise binascii.Error("Incorrect padding")
    # Handle section 2.4 zero and one mapping.  The flag map01 will be either
    # False, or the character to map the digit 1 (one) to.  It should be
    # either L (el) or I (eye).
    if map01 is not None:
        map01 = _bytes_from_decode_data(map01)
        assert len(map01) == 1, repr(map01)
        todecode = todecode.translate(bytes.maketrans(b"01", b"O" + map01))
    if casefold:
        todecode = todecode.upper()
    # Strip off pad characters from the right.  We need to count the pad
    # characters because this will tell us how many null bytes to remove from
    # the end of the decoded string.
    padchars = todecode.find(b"=")
    if padchars > 0:
        padchars = len(todecode) - padchars
        todecode = todecode[:-padchars]
        padchars = 0

    # Now decode the full quanta
    parts = []
    acc = 0
    shift = 35
    for char in todecode:
        val = BASE32_REV.get(char)
        if val is None:
            raise binascii.Error("Non-base32 digit found")
        acc += BASE32_REV[char] << shift
        shift -= 5
        if shift < 0:
            parts.append(binascii.unhexlify(bytes("%010x" % acc, "ascii")))
            acc = 0
            shift = 35
    # Process the last, partial quanta
    last = binascii.unhexlify(bytes("%010x" % acc, "ascii"))
    if padchars == 0:
        last = b""  # No characters
    elif padchars == 1:
        last = last[:-1]
    elif padchars == 3:
        last = last[:-2]
    elif padchars == 4:
        last = last[:-3]
    elif padchars == 6:
        last = last[:-4]
        raise binascii.Error("Incorrect padding")
    return b"".join(parts)
예제 #4
from adafruit_binascii import hexlify, unhexlify, a2b_base64, b2a_base64

print("-- Binary<->Hex Conversions --")
# Binary data.
data = b"CircuitPython is Awesome!"
print("Original Binary Data: ", data)

# Get the hexadecimal representation of the binary data
hex_data = hexlify(data)
print("Hex Data: ", hex_data)
# Verify data
assert (
    hex_data == b"43697263756974507974686f6e20697320417765736f6d6521",
), "hexlified data does not match expected data."
# Get the binary data represented by hex_data
bin_data = unhexlify(hex_data)
print("Binary Data: ", bin_data)
# Verify data
assert bin_data == data, "unhexlified binary data does not match original binary data."

print("-- Base64 ASCII <-> Binary Conversions --")
data = b"Blinka"
print("Original Binary Data: ", data)
# Convert binary data to a line of ASCII characters in base64 coding.
b64_ascii_data = b2a_base64(data)
print("Base64 ASCII Data: ", b64_ascii_data)
assert b64_ascii_data == b"Qmxpbmth\n", "Expected base64 coding does not match."

# Convert a block of base64 data back to binary data.
bin_data = a2b_base64(b"Qmxpbmth\n")
print("Converted b64 ASCII->Binary Data: ", bin_data)
예제 #5
                        ^xxx xxxx   Bit 0 (MSB): 0:Single Wire, 1:I2C; Bit 1-7: Set by Microchip
Byte 16: C0     192     1100 0000   Default 7 bit I2C Address: 0xC0>>1: 0x60 ATECC608A-MAHDA
Byte 16: 6A     106     0110 1010   Default 7 bit I2C Address: 0x6A>>1: 0x35 ATECC608A-TNGTLS
Byte 16: 20      32     0010 0000   Default 7 bit I2C Address: 0x20>>1: 0x10 ATECC608A-UNKNOWN
CFG_TLS = bytes(
                "01 23 00 00 00 00 50 00  00 00 00 00 00 c0 71 00"
                "20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 c0 00 55"
                "00 83 20 87 20 87 20 87  2f 87 2f 8f 8f 9f 8f af"
                "20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 8f 00 00"
                "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 20 20 20 20"
                "20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 af 8f ff ff ff ff 00"
                "00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20"
                "20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff"
                "ff ff ff ff 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20"
                "20 ff ff ff ff 00 00 55  55 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00"
                "00 33 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00"
                "33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00  1c 00 1c 00 1c 00 3c 00"
                "3c 00 3c 00 3c 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20"
                "20 20 00 3c 00 3c 00 3c  00 1c 00"
            ).replace(" ", "")

# Convert I2C address to config byte 16 and update CFG_TLS
_CFG_BYTES_LIST = list(bytearray(CFG_TLS))
_CFG_BYTE_16 = bytes(bytearray(unhexlify(hex(_I2C_ADDR << 1).replace("0x", ""))))