예제 #1
def _play_to_pin(tune, base_tone, min_freq, duration, octave, tempo):
    """Using the prepared input send the notes to the pin
    pwm = isinstance(base_tone, pulseio.PWMOut)
    for note in tune.split(","):
        piano_note, note_duration = _parse_note(note, duration, octave)
        if piano_note in PIANO:
            if pwm:
                base_tone.frequency = int(PIANO[piano_note])
                base_tone.duty_cycle = 2**15
                # AudioOut interface changed in CP 3.x
                if sys.implementation.version[0] >= 3:
                    pitch = int(PIANO[piano_note])
                    sine_wave = sine.sine_wave(16000, pitch)
                    sine_wave_sample = audioio.RawSample(sine_wave)
                    base_tone.play(sine_wave_sample, loop=True)
                    base_tone.frequency = int(16000 *
                                              (PIANO[piano_note] / min_freq))

        time.sleep(4 / note_duration * 60 / tempo)
        if pwm:
            base_tone.duty_cycle = 0
예제 #2
def _play_to_pin(tune, base_tone, min_freq, duration, octave, tempo):
    """Using the prepared input send the notes to the pin
    pwm = isinstance(base_tone, pulseio.PWMOut)
    for note in tune.split(","):
        piano_note, note_duration = _parse_note(note, duration, octave)
        if piano_note in PIANO:
            if pwm:
                base_tone.frequency = int(PIANO[piano_note])
                base_tone.duty_cycle = 2 ** 15
                # AudioOut interface changed in CP 3.x
                if sys.implementation.version[0] >= 3:
                    pitch = int(PIANO[piano_note])
                    sine_wave = sine.sine_wave(16000, pitch)
                    sine_wave_sample = audioio.RawSample(sine_wave)
                    base_tone.play(sine_wave_sample, loop=True)
                    base_tone.frequency = int(
                        16000 * (PIANO[piano_note] / min_freq))

        time.sleep(4 / note_duration * 60 / tempo)
        if pwm:
            base_tone.duty_cycle = 0
def play(pin, rtttl, octave=None, duration=None, tempo=None):
    _, defaults, tune = rtttl.split(":")
    for default in defaults.split(","):
        if default[0] == "d" and not duration:
            duration = int(default[2:])
        elif default[0] == "o" and not octave:
            octave = default[2:]
        elif default[0] == "b" and not tempo:
            tempo = int(default[2:])
    if not octave:
        octave = 6
    if not duration:
        duration = 4
    if not tempo:
        tempo = 63
    print("tempo", tempo, "octave", octave, "duration", duration)

    min_freq = 13000

    for note in tune.split(","):
        p = None
        if note[0].isdigit():
            p = note[1]
            p = note[0]
        if "#" in note:
            p += "#"
        o = octave
        if note[-1].isdigit():
            o = note[-1]
        p = o + p
        if p[-1] != "p" and piano[p] < min_freq:
            min_freq = piano[p]
    wave = sine.sine_wave(16000, min_freq)
    base_tone = audioio.AudioOut(pin, wave)
    for note in tune.split(","):
        p = None
        d = duration
        if note[0].isdigit():
            d = int(note[0])
            p = note[1]
            p = note[0]
        if "." in note:
            d *= 1.5
        if "#" in note:
            p += "#"
        o = octave
        if note[-1].isdigit():
            o = note[-1]
        p = o + p
        if p in piano:
            base_tone.frequency = int(16000 * (piano[p] / min_freq))
        print(p, d)
        time.sleep(4 / d * 60 / tempo)
예제 #4
def _get_wave(tune, octave):
    """Returns the proper waveform to play the song along with the minimum
    frequency in the song.
    min_freq = 13000

    for note in tune.split(","):
        piano_note, _ = _parse_note(note, octave=octave)
        if piano_note[-1] != "p" and PIANO[piano_note] < min_freq:
            min_freq = PIANO[piano_note]
    return sine.sine_wave(16000, min_freq), min_freq
예제 #5
def _get_wave(tune, octave):
    """Returns the proper waveform to play the song along with the minimum
    frequency in the song.
    min_freq = 13000

    for note in tune.split(","):
        piano_note, _ = _parse_note(note, octave=octave)
        if piano_note[-1] != "p" and PIANO[piano_note] < min_freq:
            min_freq = PIANO[piano_note]
    return sine.sine_wave(16000, min_freq), min_freq
def _get_wave(tune, octave):
    """Returns the proper waveform to play the song along with the minimum
    frequency in the song.
    min_freq = 13000

    for note in tune.split(","):
        piano_note = None
        if note[0].isdigit():
            piano_note = note[1]
            piano_note = note[0]
        if "#" in note:
            piano_note += "#"
        note_octave = octave
        if note[-1].isdigit():
            note_octave = note[-1]
        piano_note = note_octave + piano_note
        if piano_note[-1] != "p" and PIANO[piano_note] < min_freq:
            min_freq = PIANO[piano_note]
    return sine.sine_wave(16000, min_freq), min_freq
예제 #7

toggles the builtin LED using a sine wave
import time
import board
import digitalio
from adafruit_waveform import sine

LED = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)

SINE_SAMPLE = sine.sine_wave(150, 50)

while True:
    for i in range(len(SINE_SAMPLE)):
        LED.value = i
예제 #8
# Old Crow's MIDICV with CC in CircuitPython
# 20 FEB 2018 21:46

import digitalio
import audioio
import board
import time
import busio
import adafruit_ssd1306
import analogio
from adafruit_waveform import sine

# Create 440Hz sine tone sample and assign to feather's DAC
FREQUENCY = 440  # 440 Hz middle 'A'
SAMPLERATE = 8000  # 8000 samples/second, recommended!
wave = sine.sine_wave(SAMPLERATE, FREQUENCY)
a440 = audioio.AudioOut(board.A0, wave)
a440.frequency = SAMPLERATE

# Initialize MIDI engine states
midiRunningStatus = 0
midiState = 0
midiNoteBufferIndex = 0
midiNoteBuffer = [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128]
midiNoteToRemove = 255

# Set up MCP4922 dual DAC
daccs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A5)  # A5 is DAC CS
spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI)
from adafruit_bus_device.spi_device import SPIDevice
mcp4922 = SPIDevice(spi, daccs, baudrate=8000000, polarity=0, phase=0)