def test_saving_of_balancing_learner(learner_type, f, learner_kwargs): f = generate_random_parametrization(f) learner = BalancingLearner([learner_type(f, **learner_kwargs)]) control = BalancingLearner([learner_type(f, **learner_kwargs)]) if learner_type is Learner1D: for l, c in zip(learner.learners, control.learners): l._recompute_losses_factor = 1 c._recompute_losses_factor = 1 simple(learner, lambda l: l.learners[0].npoints > 100) folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() def fname(learner): return folder + "test" try: control.load(fname=fname) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(learner.loss(), control.loss()) # Try if the control is runnable simple(control, lambda l: l.learners[0].npoints > 200) finally: shutil.rmtree(folder)
def test_balancing_learner(learner_type, f, learner_kwargs): """Test if the BalancingLearner works with the different types of learners.""" learners = [ learner_type(generate_random_parametrization(f), **learner_kwargs) for i in range(4) ] learner = BalancingLearner(learners) # Emulate parallel execution stash = [] for i in range(100): n = random.randint(1, 10) m = random.randint(0, n) xs, _ = learner.ask(n, tell_pending=False) # Save 'm' random points out of `xs` for later random.shuffle(xs) for _ in range(m): stash.append(xs.pop()) for x in xs: learner.tell(x, learner.function(x)) # Evaluate and add 'm' random points from `stash` random.shuffle(stash) for _ in range(m): x = stash.pop() learner.tell(x, learner.function(x)) assert all(l.npoints > 10 for l in learner.learners), [ l.npoints for l in learner.learners ]
def test_balancing_learner_loss_cache(): learner = Learner1D(lambda x: x, bounds=(-1, 1)) learner.tell(-1, -1) learner.tell(1, 1) learner.tell_pending(0) real_loss = learner.loss(real=True) pending_loss = learner.loss(real=False) # Test if the real and pending loss are cached correctly bl = BalancingLearner([learner]) assert bl.loss(real=True) == real_loss assert bl.loss(real=False) == pending_loss # Test if everything is still fine when executed in the reverse order bl = BalancingLearner([learner]) assert bl.loss(real=False) == pending_loss assert bl.loss(real=True) == real_loss
def test_distribute_first_points_over_learners(strategy): for initial_points in [0, 3]: learners = [Learner1D(lambda x: x, bounds=(-1, 1)) for i in range(10)] learner = BalancingLearner(learners, strategy=strategy) points = learner.ask(initial_points)[0] learner.tell_many(points, points) points, _ = learner.ask(100) i_learner, xs = zip(*points) # assert that are all learners in the suggested points assert len(set(i_learner)) == len(learners)
def test_strategies(strategy, goal): learners = [Learner1D(lambda x: x, bounds=(-1, 1)) for i in range(10)] learner = BalancingLearner(learners, strategy=strategy) simple(learner, goal=goal)
def test_ask_0(strategy): learners = [Learner1D(lambda x: x, bounds=(-1, 1)) for i in range(10)] learner = BalancingLearner(learners, strategy=strategy) points, _ = learner.ask(0) assert len(points) == 0
def balancing_learner(f, learner_type, learner_kwargs): learner_1 = learner_type(f, **learner_kwargs) learner_2 = learner_type(f, **learner_kwargs) return BalancingLearner([learner_1, learner_2])