def imagenet_inception_v4(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s/Classify -n inception_v4 "%(target_dir,target_dir,target_dir)) #pdb.set_trace() print(res[0]) assert "0.7556 - \"n02123159" in res[0]
def imagenet_vgg16(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s/Classify -n vgg16 -i %s/tests/images/bike.jpg"%(target_dir,target_dir,target_dir,target_dir)) #pdb.set_trace() print(res[0]) assert "0.4998 - \"n03792782" in res[0]
def push(ip_addr): a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(ip_addr) #pdb.set_trace() a.device = ip_addr a.root() res ="ls -al %s" % (TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD + 'android_pack/')) res ="rm -rf %s" % (TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD + 'android_pack/*')) print res print 'push to board' a.push(ROOT_DIR, TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD, timeout=3600) print 'push ok' print(res[0]) res ="\'cd %s && chmod u+x Classify\' " % (TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD + 'android_pack/')) res ="ls -al %s" % (TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD + 'android_pack/')) #pdb.set_trace() print(res[0])
def mobilenet_Int8_4xA7(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export KERNEL_MODE=2;export TENGINE_CPU_LIST=0,1,2,3;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.;./Classify -n mobilenet -r 100"%(target_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() global mobilenet_Int8_4xA7 a=time_arr(arr) mobilenet_Int8_4xA7=a[1]
def squeezenet_FP32_1xA53(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export KERNEL_MODE=0;export TENGINE_CPU_LIST=2;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.;./Classify -n squeezenet -r 100"%(target_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() global squeezenet_FP32_1xA53 a=time_arr(arr) squeezenet_FP32_1xA53=a[1]
def faster_rcnn(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' test_dir=target_dir+'/build/faster_rcnn/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s./FASTER_RCNN"%(target_dir,target_dir,test_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() for char in arr: if "car" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() carNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "bicycle" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() bicycleNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "dog" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() dogNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 #check the car a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[carNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=436),"car x0 more than 436" assert(x0>=426),"car x0 less than 426" assert(y0<=84),"car y0 more than 84" assert(y0>=74),"car y0 less than 74" assert(x1<=696),"car x1 more than 696" assert(x1>=686),"car x1 less than 686" assert(y1<=166),"car y1 more than 166" assert(y1>=156),"car y1 less than 156" #check the dog a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[dogNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=102),"dog x0 more than 102" assert(x0>=92),"dog x0 less than 92" assert(y0<=228),"dog y0 more than 228" assert(y0>=218),"dog y0 less than 218" assert(x1<=363),"dog x1 more than 363" assert(x1>=353),"dog x1 less than 353" assert(y1<=551),"dog y1 more than 551" assert(y1>=541),"dog y1 less than 541"
def lighten_cnn(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' test_dir=target_dir+'/build/lighten_cnn/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s./LIGHTEN_CNN"%(target_dir,target_dir,test_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() for char in arr: if "maxError" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() Number=arr.index(char_arr[0]) #check the car a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[Number]) x0=float(a[0]) assert(x0>=0.00001),"car x0 less than 0.00001"
def mtcnn(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' test_dir=target_dir+'/build/mtcnn/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s./MTCNN"%(target_dir,target_dir,test_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() for char in arr: if "face" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() firstBoxNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 secondBoxNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+2 thirdBoxNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+3 fourBoxNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+4 #check the first BOX a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[firstBoxNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=174),"firstBox x0 more than 174" assert(x0>=164),"firstBox x0 less than 164" assert(y0<=86),"firstBox more than 86" assert(y0>=76),"firstBox less than 76" assert(x1<=211),"firstBoxN more than 211" assert(x1>=201),"firstBox less than 201" assert(y1<=140),"firstBoxN more than 140" assert(y1>=130),"firstBox less than 130" #check the second BOX a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[secondBoxNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=48),"secondBoxN x0 more than 48" assert(x0>=38),"secondBox x0 less than 38" assert(y0<=91),"secondBox y0 more than 91" assert(y0>=81),"secondBox y0 less than 81" assert(x1<=90),"secondBox x1 more than 90" assert(x1>=80),"secondBox x1 less than 80" assert(y1<=154),"secondBox y1 more than 154" assert(y1>=144),"secondBox y1 less than 144" #check the third BOX a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[thirdBoxNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=297),"thirdBox x0 more than 297" assert(x0>=287),"thirdBox x0 less than 287" assert(y0<=108),"thirdBox y0 more than 108" assert(y0>=98),"thirdBox y0 less than 98" assert(x1<=329),"thirdBox x1 more than 329" assert(x1>=319),"thirdBox x1 less than 319" assert(y1<=155),"thirdBox y1 more than 155" assert(y1>=145),"thirdBox y1 less than 145" #check the four BOX a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[fourBoxNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=384),"fourBox x0 more than 384" assert(x0>=374),"fourBox x0 less than 374" assert(y0<=61),"fourBox y0 more than 61" assert(y0>=51),"fourBox y0 less than 51" assert(x1<=465),"fourBox x1 more than 465" assert(x1>=455),"fourBox x1 less than 455" assert(y1<=150),"fourBox y1 more than 150" assert(y1>=140),"fourBox y1 less than 140"
def yolov2(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' test_dir=target_dir+'/build/yolov2/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s./YOLOV2 "%(target_dir,target_dir,test_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() for char in arr: if "car" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() carNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "bicycle" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() bicycleNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "dog" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() dogNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 #check the car a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[carNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<450),"car x0 more than 450" assert(x0>440),"car x0 less than 440" assert(y0<78),"car y0 more than 78" assert(y0>68),"car y0 less than 68" assert(x1<680),"car x1 more than 680" assert(x1>670),"car x1 less than 670" assert(y1<181),"car y1 more than 181" assert(y1>171),"car y1 less than 171" #check the bicycle a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[bicycleNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<126),"bicycle x0 more than 126" assert(x0>116),"bicycle x0 less than 116" assert(y0<148),"bicycle y0 more than 148" assert(y0>138),"bicycle y0 less than 138" assert(x1<562),"bicycle x1 more than 562" assert(x1>552),"bicycle x1 less than 552" assert(y1<445),"bicycle y1 more than 445" assert(y1>435),"bicycle y1 less than 435" #check the dog a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[dogNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<124),"dog x0 more than 124" assert(x0>114),"dog x0 less than 114" assert(y0<184),"dog y0 more than 184" assert(y0>174),"dog y0 less than 174" assert(x1<328),"dog x1 more than 328" assert(x1>318),"dog x1 less than 318" assert(y1<550),"dog y1 more than 550" assert(y1>540),"dog y1 less than 540"
def mssd(android_ip): target_dir=TARGET_DIR_ON_BOARD+'android_pack' test_dir=target_dir+'/build/mobilenet_ssd/' a = AdbWrapper() # Auto Find adb in system PATH or Environment a.connect(android_ip) #pdb.set_trace() a.device=android_ip"cd %s;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s; %s./MSSD "%(target_dir,target_dir,test_dir)) print(res[0]) arr=res[0].splitlines() for char in arr: if "car" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() carNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "bicycle" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() bicycleNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 if "dog" in char: char_arr=char.splitlines() dogNumber=arr.index(char_arr[0])+1 #check the car a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[carNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=475),"car x0 more than 475" assert(x0>=465),"car x0 less than 465" assert(y0<=77),"car y0 more than 77" assert(y0>=67),"car y0 less than 67" assert(x1<=693),"car x1 more than 693" assert(x1>=683),"car x1 less than 683" assert(y1<=176),"car y1 more than 176" assert(y1>=166),"car y1 less than 166" #check the bicycle a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[bicycleNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=111),"bicycle x0 more than 111" assert(x0>=101),"bicycle x0 less than 101" assert(y0<=143),"bicycle y0 more than 143" assert(y0>=133),"bicycle y0 less than 133" assert(x1<=580),"bicycle x1 more than 580" assert(x1>=570),"bicycle x1 less than 570" assert(y1<=420),"bicycle y1 more than 420" assert(y1>=411),"bicycle y1 less than 411" #check the dog a=re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", arr[dogNumber]) x0=float(a[0]) y0=float(a[1]) x1=float(a[2]) y1=float(a[3]) assert(x0<=143),"dog x0 more than 143" assert(x0>=133),"dog x0 less than 133" assert(y0<=214),"dog y0 more than 214" assert(y0>=204),"dog y0 less than 204" assert(x1<=329),"dog x1 more than 329" assert(x1>=320),"dog x1 less than 320" assert(y1<=548),"dog y1 more than 548" assert(y1>=538),"dog y1 less than 538"