class Add( QMainWindow ): def __init__( self, parent = None ): QWidget.__init__( self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_AddDive() self.ui.setupUi( self ) self.ui.IDate.setDateTime( QDateTime.currentDateTime() ) try: if db.query( "SELECT MAX( number ) FROM dive").fetchall()[0][0] == None: number = 1 else: number = db.query( "SELECT MAX( number ) FROM dive").fetchall()[0][0]+1 self.ui.INumber.setText( str( number ) ) except sqlite3.Error, e: QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", str( e ).capitalize() ) QObject.connect( self.ui.Add, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.add ) QObject.connect( self.ui.Cancel, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.close )
def __init__( self, parent = None ): QWidget.__init__( self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_AddDive() self.ui.setupUi( self ) self.ui.IDate.setDateTime( QDateTime.currentDateTime() ) try: if db.query( "SELECT MAX( number ) FROM dive").fetchall()[0][0] == None: number = 1 else: number = db.query( "SELECT MAX( number ) FROM dive").fetchall()[0][0]+1 self.ui.INumber.setText( str( number ) ) except sqlite3.Error, e: QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", str( e ).capitalize() )
def __init__( self, parent = None ): QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_AddDive() self.ui.setupUi( self ) #Connect buttons QObject.connect( self.ui.Add, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.edit ) QObject.connect( self.ui.Cancel, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.close ) #Edit the add window to edit stuff self.ui.Add.setText( "Edit" ) self.setWindowTitle( "Edit dive" ) if not hasattr( self.parent, "dive"): QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Please select a dive first." ) self.close() return #Set Values self.ui.INumber.setText( str( self.parent.dive['number'] ) ) self.ui.ILocation.setText( str( self.parent.dive['location'] ) ) self.ui.IDate.setDateTime( QDateTime( QDate( int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[0]), int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[1]), int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[1])), QTime(0, 0, 0) ) ) if self.parent.dive['time_in'] != 0: self.ui.ITimeIn.setTime( QTime( int( self.parent.dive['time_in'].split(":")[0] ), int( self.parent.dive['time_in'].split(":")[1] ), 0 ) ) else: self.ui.ITimeIn.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) if self.parent.dive['time_out'] != 0: self.ui.ITimeOut.setTime( QTime( int( self.parent.dive['time_out'].split(":")[0] ), int( self.parent.dive['time_out'].split(":")[1] ), 0 ) ) else: self.ui.ITimeOut.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.ui.IBarIn.setValue( self.parent.dive['bar_in'] ) self.ui.IBarOut.setValue( self.parent.dive['bar_out'] ) self.ui.ITemperature.setValue( self.parent.dive['temperature'] ) self.ui.ISight.setValue( self.parent.dive['sight'] ) self.ui.ILead.setValue( self.parent.dive['lead'] ) self.ui.IDepth.setValue( self.parent.dive['depth'] ) self.ui.ITime.setText( str( self.parent.dive['time'] ) ) self.ui.INotes.setPlainText( str( self.parent.dive['notes'] ) )
class Edit( QMainWindow ): def __init__( self, parent = None ): QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_AddDive() self.ui.setupUi( self ) #Connect buttons QObject.connect( self.ui.Add, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.edit ) QObject.connect( self.ui.Cancel, SIGNAL( "clicked()"), self.close ) #Edit the add window to edit stuff self.ui.Add.setText( "Edit" ) self.setWindowTitle( "Edit dive" ) if not hasattr( self.parent, "dive"): QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Please select a dive first." ) self.close() return #Set Values self.ui.INumber.setText( str( self.parent.dive['number'] ) ) self.ui.ILocation.setText( str( self.parent.dive['location'] ) ) self.ui.IDate.setDateTime( QDateTime( QDate( int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[0]), int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[1]), int( self.parent.dive['divedate'].split("-")[1])), QTime(0, 0, 0) ) ) if self.parent.dive['time_in'] != 0: self.ui.ITimeIn.setTime( QTime( int( self.parent.dive['time_in'].split(":")[0] ), int( self.parent.dive['time_in'].split(":")[1] ), 0 ) ) else: self.ui.ITimeIn.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) if self.parent.dive['time_out'] != 0: self.ui.ITimeOut.setTime( QTime( int( self.parent.dive['time_out'].split(":")[0] ), int( self.parent.dive['time_out'].split(":")[1] ), 0 ) ) else: self.ui.ITimeOut.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.ui.IBarIn.setValue( self.parent.dive['bar_in'] ) self.ui.IBarOut.setValue( self.parent.dive['bar_out'] ) self.ui.ITemperature.setValue( self.parent.dive['temperature'] ) self.ui.ISight.setValue( self.parent.dive['sight'] ) self.ui.ILead.setValue( self.parent.dive['lead'] ) self.ui.IDepth.setValue( self.parent.dive['depth'] ) self.ui.ITime.setText( str( self.parent.dive['time'] ) ) self.ui.INotes.setPlainText( str( self.parent.dive['notes'] ) ) def edit( self ): # Set error to None error = None # Check some requirements if self.ui.INumber.displayText() == "": error = True QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Dive number is required." ) if self.ui.IDepth.value() == 0.0: error = True QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Depth is required." ) if ( self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm" ) == "00:00" and self.ui.ITimeOut.time().toString( "HH:mm" ) == "00:00" ) and self.ui.ITime.displayText() == "": error = True QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Time in/out or dive time is required." ) if self.ui.ILocation.displayText() == "": error = True QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", "Location is required." ) if not error: try: if self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm" ) == "00:00" and self.ui.ITimeOut.time().toString( "HH:mm" ) == "00:00": db.query( """UPDATE dive SET number='"""+str(self.ui.INumber.displayText() )+"""', depth='"""+str( float( self.ui.IDepth.value()) )+"""', divedate='"""+str( self.ui.IDate.dateTime().toString( "yyyy-MM-dd") )+"""', time_in='0', time_out='0', time='"""+str( float( self.ui.ITime.displayText() ) )+"""', bar_in='"""+str( self.ui.IBarIn.value() )+"""', bar_out='"""+str( self.ui.IBarOut.value() )+"""', lead='"""+str( self.ui.ILead.value() )+"""', temperature='"""+str( self.ui.ITemperature.value() )+"""', sight ='"""+str( self.ui.ISight.value() )+"""', location='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.ILocation.displayText() ) )+"""', notes='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.INotes.toPlainText() ) )+"""' WHERE number = """+str( self.parent.dive['number'] ) ) self.parent.updateListDives() QMessageBox.information( self, "Succes", "The dive has succesfully been edited" ) self.close() else: if self.ui.ITimeOut.time().toString( "HH:mm" ) == "00:00": db.query( """UPDATE dive SET number='"""+str(self.ui.INumber.displayText() )+"""', depth='"""+str( float( self.ui.IDepth.value()) )+"""', divedate='"""+str( self.ui.IDate.dateTime().toString( "yyyy-MM-dd") )+"""', time_in='"""+str( self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""', time_out='24:00', time=round(strftime('%s', '24:00') - strftime('%s', '"""+str( self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""'))/3600*60, bar_in='"""+str( self.ui.IBarIn.value() )+"""', bar_out='"""+str( self.ui.IBarOut.value() )+"""', lead='"""+str( self.ui.ILead.value() )+"""', temperature='"""+str( self.ui.ITemperature.value() )+"""', sight ='"""+str( self.ui.ISight.value() )+"""', location='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.ILocation.displayText() ) )+"""', notes='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.INotes.toPlainText() ) )+"""' WHERE number = """+str( self.parent.dive['number'] ) ) self.parent.updateListDives() QMessageBox.information( self, "Succes", "The dive has succesfully been edited" ) self.close() else: db.query( """UPDATE dive SET number='"""+str(self.ui.INumber.displayText() )+"""', depth='"""+str( float( self.ui.IDepth.value()) )+"""', divedate='"""+str( self.ui.IDate.dateTime().toString( "yyyy-MM-dd") )+"""', time_in='"""+str( self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""', time_out='"""+str( self.ui.ITimeOut.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""', time=round(strftime('%s', '"""+str( self.ui.ITimeOut.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""') - strftime('%s', '"""+str( self.ui.ITimeIn.time().toString( "HH:mm") )+"""'))/3600*60, bar_in='"""+str( self.ui.IBarIn.value() )+"""', bar_out='"""+str( self.ui.IBarOut.value() )+"""', lead='"""+str( self.ui.ILead.value() )+"""', temperature='"""+str( self.ui.ITemperature.value() )+"""', sight ='"""+str( self.ui.ISight.value() )+"""', location='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.ILocation.displayText() ) )+"""', notes='"""+db.escaped( str( self.ui.INotes.toPlainText() ) )+"""' WHERE number = """+str( self.parent.dive['number'] ) ) self.parent.updateListDives() QMessageBox.information( self, "Succes", "The dive has succesfully been edited" ) self.close() except ( sqlite3.Error, ValueError ), e: QMessageBox.critical( self, "Error", str( e ).capitalize() )