def add_attribute(self): ''' When add button pressed, open addItem dialog to get new attribute text. AddItem dialog checks for duplicate attribute name. New attribute is added to the model and database ''' ui = DialogAddItemName(self.attribute_type, _("New attribute name")) ui.exec_() newText = ui.get_new_name() if newText is None or newText == "": return Dialog_type = QtWidgets.QDialog() ui = Ui_Dialog_attribute_type() ui.setupUi(Dialog_type) ok = Dialog_type.exec_() valuetype = "character" if ok and ui.radioButton_numeric.isChecked(): valuetype = "numeric" Dialog_assign = QtWidgets.QDialog() ui = Ui_Dialog_assignAttribute() ui.setupUi(Dialog_assign) ok = Dialog_assign.exec_() case_or_file = "case" if ok and ui.radioButton_files.isChecked(): case_or_file = "file" # update attribute_type list and database now_date = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) item = { 'name': newText, 'memo': "", 'owner':['codername'], 'date': now_date, 'valuetype': valuetype, 'caseOrFile': case_or_file } self.attribute_type.append(item) cur = cur.execute( "insert into attribute_type (name,date,owner,memo,caseOrFile, valuetype) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)", (item['name'], item['date'], item['owner'], item['memo'], item['caseOrFile'], item['valuetype'])) sql = "select id from source" cur.execute(sql) ids = cur.fetchall() if case_or_file == "case": sql = "select caseid from cases" cur.execute(sql) ids = cur.fetchall() for id_ in ids: sql = "insert into attribute (name, value, id, attr_type, date, owner) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (item['name'], "", id_[0], case_or_file, now_date,['codername'])) self.fill_tableWidget() self.parent_textEdit.append(_("Attribute added: ") + item['name'])
def add_attribute(self): ''' When add button pressed, opens the addItem dialog to get new attribute text. Then get the attribute type through a dialog. AddItem dialog checks for duplicate attribute name. New attribute is added to the model and database ''' cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("select name from attribute_type where caseOrFile='case'") result = cur.fetchall() attribute_names = [] for a in result: attribute_names.append({'name': a[0]}) check_names = attribute_names + [{ 'name': 'name' }, { 'name': 'memo' }, { 'name': 'caseid' }, { 'name': 'date' }] ui = DialogAddItemName(check_names, _("New attribute name")) ui.exec_() name = ui.get_new_name() if name is None or name == "": return Dialog_type = QtWidgets.QDialog() ui = Ui_Dialog_attribute_type() ui.setupUi(Dialog_type) ok = Dialog_type.exec_() valuetype = "character" if ok and ui.radioButton_numeric.isChecked(): valuetype = "numeric" #self.attribute_names.append({'name': name}) # update attribute_type list and database now_date = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute( "insert into attribute_type (name,date,owner,memo,caseOrFile, valuetype) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)", (name, now_date, self.settings['codername'], "", 'case', valuetype)) self.settings['conn'].commit() sql = "select caseid from cases" cur.execute(sql) case_ids = cur.fetchall() for id_ in case_ids: sql = "insert into attribute (name, value, id, attr_type, date, owner) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (name, "", id_[0], 'case', now_date, self.settings['codername'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() self.load_cases_and_attributes() self.fill_tableWidget() self.parent_textEdit.append( _("Attribute added to cases: ") + name + ", " + _("type: ") + valuetype)
def add_attribute(self): """ When add button pressed, opens the addItem dialog to get new attribute text. Then get the attribute type through a dialog. AddItem dialog checks for duplicate attribute name. New attribute is added to the model and database. """ check_names = self.attribute_names + [{'name': 'name'}, {'name':'memo'}, {'name':'id'}, {'name':'date'}] ui = DialogAddItemName(check_names, "New attribute name") ui.exec_() name = ui.get_new_name() if name is None or name == "": return Dialog_type = QtWidgets.QDialog() ui = Ui_Dialog_attribute_type() ui.setupUi(Dialog_type) ok = Dialog_type.exec_() valuetype = "character" if ok and ui.radioButton_numeric.isChecked(): valuetype = "numeric" self.attribute_names.append({'name': name}) # update attribute_type list and database now_date = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) cur = self.settings['conn'].cursor() cur.execute("insert into attribute_type (name,date,owner,memo,caseOrFile, valuetype) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)" ,(name, now_date, self.settings['codername'], "", 'file', valuetype)) self.settings['conn'].commit() sql = "select id from source" cur.execute(sql) ids = cur.fetchall() for id_ in ids: sql = "insert into attribute (name, value, id, attr_type, date, owner) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (name, "", id_[0], 'file', now_date, self.settings['codername'])) self.settings['conn'].commit() self.load_file_data() self.fill_table() self.parent_textEdit.append("Attribute added to files: " + name + ", type: " + valuetype)