예제 #1
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: miradam/adjutant
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        Invites a user to the current tenant.

        This endpoint requires either Admin access or the
        request to come from a project_admin|project_mod.
        As such this Task is considered pre-approved.
        self.logger.info("(%s) - New AttachUser request." % timezone.now())

        # Default project_id to the keystone user's project
        if ('project_id' not in request.data
                or request.data['project_id'] is None):
            request.data['project_id'] = request.keystone_user['project_id']

        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %

            if isinstance(errors, dict):
                return Response(errors, status=status)
            return Response({'errors': errors}, status=status)

        response_dict = {'notes': processed['notes']}

        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)
예제 #2
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: miradam/adjutant
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        Unauthenticated endpoint bound primarily to NewProjectWithUser.

        This process requires approval, so this will validate
        incoming data and create a task to be approved
        self.logger.info("(%s) - Starting new project task." % timezone.now())

        class_conf = settings.TASK_SETTINGS.get(self.task_type, {})

        # we need to set the region the resources will be created in:
        request.data['region'] = class_conf.get('default_region')

        # parent_id for new project, if null defaults to domain:
        request.data['parent_id'] = class_conf.get('default_parent_id')

        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %
            return Response(errors, status=status)

        notes = {'notes': ['New task for CreateProject.']}
        create_notification(processed['task'], notes)
        self.logger.info("(%s) - Task created." % timezone.now())

        response_dict = {'notes': ['task created']}

        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)
예제 #3
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        """ Add MFA to an account """
        request.data['user_id'] = request.keystone_user['user_id']
        request.data['delete'] = False

        existing_task = self._reuse_existing_task(request)
        if existing_task is not None:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Existing EditMFA request." %
            return existing_task

        self.logger.info("(%s) - New EditMFA request." % timezone.now())
        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %
            return Response(errors, status=status)

        token = Token.objects.filter(task=processed.get('task'))[0]
        response_dict = {
            'notes': processed.get('notes'),
            'otpauth': self.get_provisioning_uri(request.data['user_id']),
            'token_id': token.token
        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)
예제 #4
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: miradam/adjutant
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        Unauthenticated endpoint bound to the password reset action.
        This will submit and approve a password reset request.
            - name: email
              required: true
              type: string
              description: The email of the user to reset
            - name: username
              required: false
              type: string
              description: The username of the user, not required if using

            - code: 400
              message: Validation Errors
            - code: 200
              message: Success. Does not indicate user exists.

        self.logger.info("(%s) - New ResetUser request." % timezone.now())
        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %
            return Response(errors, status=status)

        task = processed['task']
        self.logger.info("(%s) - AutoApproving Resetuser request." %

        # NOTE(amelia): Not using auto approve due to security implications
        # as it will return all errors including whether the user exists
        self.approve(request, task)
        response_dict = {
            ["If user with email exists, reset token will be issued."]

        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=200)
예제 #5
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        Unauthenticated endpoint bound primarily to NewClientSignUp
        and NewProjectSignUp.

        This task requires approval, so this will validate
        incoming data and create a task to be approved
        self.logger.info("(%s) - Starting new OpenStackSignUp task." %

        class_conf = settings.TASK_SETTINGS.get(self.task_type, {})

        # we need to set the region the resources will be created in:
        request.data['region'] = class_conf.get('default_region')
        # Will a default network be setup:
        request.data['setup_network'] = class_conf.get('setup_network', False)
        # domain_id for new project:
        request.data['domain_id'] = class_conf.get(
            'default_domain_id', 'default')
        # parent_id for new project, if null defaults to domain:
        request.data['parent_id'] = class_conf.get('default_parent_id')

        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %
            return Response(errors, status=status)

        notes = {
                ['New OpenStackSignUp task.']
        create_notification(processed['task'], notes)
        self.logger.info("(%s) - Task created." % timezone.now())

        response_dict = {'notes': ['Sign-up submitted.']}

        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)
예제 #6
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: miradam/adjutant
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        This endpoint requires either mod access or the
        request to come from a project_admin.
        As such this Task is considered pre-approved.
        Runs process_actions, then does the approve step and
        post_approve validation, and creates a Token if valid.
        self.logger.info("(%s) - New EditUser request." % timezone.now())
        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with task." %
            return Response(errors, status=status)

        response_dict = {'notes': processed.get('notes')}
        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)
예제 #7
    def _edit_user(self, request, user_id, remove_role=False, format=None):
        """ Helper function to add or remove roles from a user """
        request.data['remove'] = remove_role
        if 'project_id' not in request.data:
            request.data['project_id'] = request.keystone_user['project_id']
        request.data['user_id'] = user_id

        self.logger.info("(%s) - New EditUser %s request." %
                         (timezone.now(), request.method))
        processed, status = self.process_actions(request)

        errors = processed.get('errors', None)
        if errors:
            self.logger.info("(%s) - Validation errors with registration." %
            return Response({'errors': errors}, status=status)

        response_dict = {'notes': processed.get('notes')}

        add_task_id_for_roles(request, processed, response_dict, ['admin'])

        return Response(response_dict, status=status)