예제 #1
def get_app_index_dashboard(context):
    Returns the admin dashboard defined by the user or the default one.
    # this is a mess, needs cleanup !
    app = context['app_list'][0]
    model_list = []
    app_label = None
    app_title = app['name']
    admin_site = get_admin_site(context=context)

    for model, model_admin in admin_site._registry.items():
        if app['name'] == model._meta.app_label.title():
            split = model.__module__.find(model._meta.app_label)
            app_label = model.__module__[0:split] + model._meta.app_label
            app_title = model._meta.app_label.title()
            for m in app['models']:
                if m['name'] == capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural):
                    mod = '%s.%s' % (model.__module__, model.__name__)

    # if an app has registered its own dashboard, use it
    if app_label is not None and app_label in Registry.registry:
        return Registry.registry[app_label](app_title, model_list)

    # try to discover a general app_index dashboard (with fallback to the
    # default dashboard)
    return _get_dashboard_cls(getattr(
    ), context)(app_title, model_list)
예제 #2
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: dany431/cityfusion
def get_app_index_dashboard(context):
    Returns the admin dashboard defined by the user or the default one.
    # this is a mess, needs cleanup !
    app = context['app_list'][0]
    model_list = []
    app_label = None
    app_title = app['name']
    admin_site = get_admin_site(context=context)

    for model, model_admin in admin_site._registry.items():
        if app['name'] == model._meta.app_label.title():
            split = model.__module__.find(model._meta.app_label)
            app_label = model.__module__[0:split] + model._meta.app_label
            app_title = model._meta.app_label.title()
            for m in app['models']:
                if m['name'] == capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural):
                    mod = '%s.%s' % (model.__module__, model.__name__)

    # if an app has registered its own dashboard, use it
    if app_label is not None and app_label in Registry.registry:
        return Registry.registry[app_label](app_title, model_list)

    # try to discover a general app_index dashboard (with fallback to the
    # default dashboard)
    return _get_dashboard_cls(
        getattr(settings, 'ADMIN_TOOLS_APP_INDEX_DASHBOARD',
        context)(app_title, model_list)
def get_app_index_dashboard(context):
    Returns the admin dashboard defined by the user or the default one.
    # this is a mess, needs cleanup !
    app = context["app_list"][0]
    model_list = []
    app_label = None
    app_title = app["name"]
    admin_site = get_admin_site(context=context)

    for model, model_admin in admin_site._registry.items():
        if app["name"] == model._meta.app_label.title():
            split = model.__module__.find(model._meta.app_label)
            app_label = model.__module__[0:split] + model._meta.app_label
            app_title = model._meta.app_label.title()
            for m in app["models"]:
                if m["name"] == capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural):
                    mod = "%s.%s" % (model.__module__, model.__name__)

    # if an app has registered its own dashboard, use it
    if app_label is not None and app_label in Registry.registry:
        return Registry.registry[app_label](app_title, model_list)

    # try to discover a general app_index dashboard (with fallback to the
    # default dashboard)
    dashboard_cls = getattr(
        settings, "ADMIN_TOOLS_APP_INDEX_DASHBOARD", "admin_tools.dashboard.DefaultAppIndexDashboard"

    if type(dashboard_cls) is types.DictType:
        curr_url = context.get("request").META["PATH_INFO"]

        for key in dashboard_cls:
            admin_site_mod, admin_site_inst = key.rsplit(".", 1)
            admin_site_mod = import_module(admin_site_mod)
            admin_site = getattr(admin_site_mod, admin_site_inst)
            admin_url = reverse("%s:index" % admin_site.name)
            if curr_url.startswith(admin_url):
                mod, inst = dashboard_cls[key].rsplit(".", 1)
                mod = import_module(mod)
                return getattr(mod, inst)(app_title, model_list)
        mod, inst = dashboard_cls.rsplit(".", 1)
        mod = import_module(mod)
        return getattr(mod, inst)(app_title, model_list)
예제 #4
def get_app_index_dashboard(context):
    Returns the admin dashboard defined by the user or the default one.
    # this is a mess, needs cleanup !
    app = context['app_list'][0]
    model_list = []
    app_label = None
    app_title = app['name']
    admin_site = get_admin_site(context=context)

    for model, model_admin in admin_site._registry.items():
        if app['name'] == model._meta.app_label.title():
            split = model.__module__.find(model._meta.app_label)
            app_label = model.__module__[0:split] + model._meta.app_label
            app_title = model._meta.app_label.title()
            for m in app['models']:
                if m['name'] == capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural):
                    mod = '%s.%s' % (model.__module__, model.__name__)

    # if an app has registered its own dashboard, use it
    if app_label is not None and app_label in Registry.registry:
        return Registry.registry[app_label](app_title, model_list)

    # try to discover a general app_index dashboard (with fallback to the
    # default dashboard)
    dashboard_cls = getattr(settings, 'ADMIN_TOOLS_APP_INDEX_DASHBOARD',

    if type(dashboard_cls) is types.DictType:
        curr_url = context.get('request').META['PATH_INFO']

        for key in dashboard_cls:
            admin_site_mod, admin_site_inst = key.rsplit('.', 1)
            admin_site_mod = import_module(admin_site_mod)
            admin_site = getattr(admin_site_mod, admin_site_inst)
            admin_url = reverse('%s:index' % admin_site.name)
            if curr_url.startswith(admin_url):
                mod, inst = dashboard_cls[key].rsplit('.', 1)
                mod = import_module(mod)
                return getattr(mod, inst)(app_title, model_list)
        mod, inst = dashboard_cls.rsplit('.', 1)
        mod = import_module(mod)
        return getattr(mod, inst)(app_title, model_list)
예제 #5
    def init_with_context(self, context):
        self.request = context['request']
        resolved = resolve(context['request'].path)

        admin_site = get_admin_site(context['request'])
        grouped = {}
        for model, model_admin in admin_site._registry.items():
            if not context['request'].user.has_perm('%s.change_%s' % (model._meta.app_label, model.__name__.lower())):
            if hasattr(model_admin, 'admin_menu_group'):
                group_data = getattr(model_admin, 'admin_menu_group')
                if not group_data[0] in grouped:
                    grouped[group_data[0]] = CustomMenuItem(title=group_data[1], url="#")
                path = "%s_%s_" % (model._meta.app_label, model.__name__.lower())
                title = ugettext(model.__name__)
                css_classes = []
                if hasattr(model_admin, 'admin_menu_count'):
                    count = model_admin.admin_menu_count(model)
                    if count > 0:
                        title = '%s (%d)' % (title, count)
                        css_classes = ['bold', 'count']
                        grouped[group_data[0]].css_classes = ['bold']
                item = CustomMenuItem(title=title, url=reverse("admin:%s_%s_changelist" % (model._meta.app_label, model.__name__.lower())), css_classes=css_classes)
                if hasattr(resolved, 'url_name') and resolved.url_name.find(path) == 0:
                    item.force_selected = True
                grouped[model._meta.app_label] = CustomMenuItem(title=model.__name__, url=reverse("admin:%s_%s_changelist" % (model._meta.app_label, model.__name__.lower())))

        if context['request'].user.is_superuser:
            if not grouped.has_key('community'):
                grouped['community'] = CustomMenuItem(u'Сообщество', url='#')
                grouped['community'].children.append(CustomMenuItem(title=u"Пользователи", url=reverse('admin:auth_user_changelist')))
                grouped['community'].children.append(CustomMenuItem(title=u"Группы", url=reverse('admin:auth_group_changelist')))
        if hasattr(self, 'update_menu'):
            grouped = getattr(self, 'update_menu')(grouped)
        self.children += grouped.values()