# matplotlib.pyplot # scipy.stats # importing python libraries (already installed via UI) from datetime import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu from adobe_analytics import Client, ReportDefinition import pandas as pd pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None) # setting client variable with my username and shared secret (from Adobe Analytis user management) client = Client("username", "shared secret") # setting suite variable with the global report suite id suites = client.suites() suite = suites["fairfaxnz-stuffoverall-production"] # can be used to return a list of available metrics, dimensions and segments if the code needs to be updated # print(suite.metrics()) # print(suite.dimensions()) # print(suite.segments()) # running report for top 400 dimensions for 2018-09-01 to 2018-09-15 # dimensions - prop45(Device ID), evar131(AB Testing Segment) # metrics - visits, page views, event22(Article View) report_definition = ReportDefinition( dimensions=[ {"id": "prop45", "top": 400}, {"id": "evar131", "top": 1},
today = date.today() d1 = str(date(today.year, today.month, today.day) - timedelta(days=7)) d2 = str(date(today.year, today.month, today.day) - timedelta(days=1)) d3 = str(date(today.year, today.month, today.day)) # Authenticate your access to adobe analytics API using unique key ( Ask you Adobe administrator to provide you the unique key against your account) # organisation name is the name of organisation as per adobe analytics client = Client('[email protected]:Organisation Name', 'unique Key') # Remeber, Adobe Analytics takes every aurgument as IDs , not their actual names as per workspace so it is important to know the ID's of all dimentions, segemnts, report suites. # get the list of report suites with ID's available in organisation and save them to csv file for future references d = client.suites() df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index') df1.to_csv("path" + '.csv', index=True) # Get the Dimentions of specific report suite suite = client.suites()['Suite-ID'] seg = suite.dimensions() df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(seg, orient='index') df2.head() df2.to_csv("Path" + "dimentions-suite1" + '.csv', index=False) # Get the Segments of specific report suite suite = client.suites()['Suite-ID']