예제 #1
class ChromiumRule(MappingRule):
    mapping = aenea.configuration.make_grammar_commands('chromium', {
        'open frame': Key('c-t'),
        'close frame [<n>]': (Key('c-w') + Pause('40')) * Repeat(extra='n'),
        'frame [<n>]': Key('c-%(n)d'),
        'west [<n>]': Key('cs-tab:%(n)d'),
        'east [<n>]': Key('c-tab:%(n)d'),

        # url
        'search [<text>]': Key('c-k') + Text('%(text)s'),
        'address': Key('c-l'),

        # search query
        # 'selection': Key('c-c') + Key('c-t') + Pause('90') + Key('c-v') + Key('enter'),
        'quick search': Key('c-t') + Key('c-v') + Key('enter'),
        'voice search': Key('c-1') + Function(mute_microphone),

        # find on a page
        'find [<text>]': Key('c-f') + Text('%(text)s'),
        'bind [<text>]': Text('/') + Pause('50') + Text('%(text)s'),
        'next [<n>]': Key('c-g:%(n)d'),
        'previous [<n>]': Key('cs-g:%(n)d'),

        'history': Key('c-h'),
        'bookmarks': Key('c-h'),

        # navigation
        'back [<n>]': Key('a-left:%(n)d'),
        'reload': Key('c-r'),

        # 'back [<n>]':                      Key('a-left:%(n)d'), -> to global
        'forward [<n>]': Key('a-right:%(n)d'),

        # vimium
        'link': Key('f'),
        'new link': Key('s-f'),
        'number [<n>]': Text('%(n)d'),

        # zoom
        'zoom in [<n>]': Key('c-plus:%(n)d'),
        'zoom out [<n>]': Key('c-minus:%(n)d'),

        # scroll slow
        'slide': Key('c-0'),

    extras = [IntegerRef('n', 1, 100), Dictation('text')]
    defaults = {
        'n': 1,
        'text': ''
예제 #2
    def value(self, node):
        words = node.words()
        print("format rule:", words)

        leading = (words[0] != 'start')
        trailing = False #(words[0] != 'end' and words[0] != 'isolated')
        if words[0] == 'start' or words[0] == 'isolated': words = words[1:]
        capitalize = (words[0] == 'new')
        if words[0] == 'new': words = words[1:]
        words = words[1:]  # delete "phrase"

        if len(words) == 0: return Pause("0")

        formatted = ''
        addedWords = False
        for word in words:
            special = word.split('\\', 1)
            if(len(special) > 1 and special[1] != 'pronoun' and special[1] != 'determiner'):
                formatted += special[0]
                if(addedWords): formatted += ' '
                formatted += special[0]
                addedWords = True
        if capitalize: formatted = formatted[:1].capitalize() + formatted[1:]
        if leading: formatted = ' ' + formatted
        if trailing: formatted += ' '

        global lastFormatRuleWords
        lastFormatRuleWords = words

        global lastFormatRuleLength
        lastFormatRuleLength = len(formatted)

        print("  ->", formatted)
        return Text(formatted)
class MappingTerminal(MappingRule):
    mapping = {
        'open terminal': Key('control:down, alt:down, t, control:up, alt:up'),
        'cancel': Key('c-c'),
        # fzf
        'get command [<text>]': Key('c-r') + Pause('200') + Text('%(text)s'),
        'get file': Key('c-t'),
        'get folder': Key('a-c'),

        # copy/paste terminal
        'copy raw': Key('cs-c'),
        'plop raw': Key('cs-v'),

    extras = [IntegerRef('n', 1, 10), Dictation('text')]
    defaults = {'n': 1, 'text': ''}
class jideaRule(MappingRule):
    mapping = aenea.configuration.make_grammar_commands('jidea', {

        "all actions": Key("cs-a"),
        # Code execution.
        "run app": Key("s-f10"),
        "re-run app": Key("c-f5"),
        "run test": Key("cs-f10"),
        "stop running": Key("c-f2"),

        # Code navigation.
        "navigate to class <text>": Key("c-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.pascal_case_text) + Pause("30") + Key(
        "navigate to class chooser <text>": Key("c-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.pascal_case_text) + Pause("30"),
        "navigate to file <text>": Key("cs-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.camel_case_text) + Pause("30") + Key(
        "navigate to file chooser <text>": Key("cs-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.camel_case_text) + Pause("30"),
        "navigate to symbol <text>": Key("cas-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.camel_case_text) + Pause("30") + Key(
        "navigate to symbol chooser <text>": Key("cas-n") + Pause("30") + Function(format.camel_case_text) + Pause(
        "go to declaration": Key("c-b"),
        "go to implementation": Key("ca-b"),
        "go to super": Key("c-u"),
        "go to (class|test)": Key("cs-t"),
        "go back": Key("a-left"),

        # Project settings.
        "go to project window": Key("a-1"),
        "go to module settings": Key("f4"),
        "go to [project] settings": Key("ca-s"),
        "synchronize files": Key("ca-y"),

        # Terminal.
        "run terminal": Key("a-f12"),

        # Search.
        "find in path": Key("cs-f"),
        "find usages": Key("a-f7"),
        "find <text>": Key("c-f") + Text('%(text)s'),
        "replace <text>": Key("c-r") + Text('%(text)s'),

        # Edit.
        "save [file|all]": Key("c-s"),

        # Code.
        "show intentions": Key("a-enter"),
        "accept choice": Key("c-enter"),
        "go to line": Key("c-g"),
        "go to line <n>": Key("c-g/25") + Text("%(n)d") + Key("enter"),
        "[go to] start of line": Key("home"),
        "[go to] end of line": Key("end"),
        "down": Key("down"),

        # Window handling.
        "tab foo": Key("c-tab"),
        "tab bar": Key("cs-tab"),
        "close tab": Key("c-f4"),

        # Version control.
        "show diff": Key("c-d"),

        # Refactoring.
        "(refactor|re-factor) (this|choose)": Key("cas-t"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) rename": Key("s-f6"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) change signature": Key("c-f6"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) move": Key("f6"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) copy": Key("f5"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) safe delete": Key("a-del"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) extract variable": Key("ca-v"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) extract constant": Key("ca-c"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) extract field": Key("ca-f"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) extract parameter": Key("ca-p"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) extract method": Key("ca-m"),
        "(refactor|re-factor) (in line|inline)": Key("ca-n"),

        # Custom key mappings.
        "(run SSH session|run SSH console|run remote terminal|run remote console)": Key("a-f11/25, enter"),



    extras = [
        IntegerRef("n", 1, 50000)
예제 #5
class MergeRule(MappingRule):
    def _get_next_id():
        if not hasattr(MergeRule._get_next_id, "id"):
            MergeRule._get_next_id.id = 0
        MergeRule._get_next_id.id += 1
        return MergeRule._get_next_id.id

    def get_merge_name():  # returns unique str(int) for procedural rule names
        return str(MergeRule._get_next_id())

    mapping = {"hello world default macro": Pause("10")}
    '''MergeRules which define `auto` (array of strings, 
    each string a file extension for a language) will work
    with auto command and language mode'''
    auto = None
    '''MergeRules which define `pronunciation` will use
    the pronunciation string rather than their class name
    for their respective enable/disable commands'''
    pronunciation = None
    '''MergeRules which define `non` will instantiate
    their paired non-CCR MergeRule and activate it 
    alongside themselves'''
    non = None
    '''MergeRules which define `token_set` will enable
    scanning of directories for use with the 
    "symbol match" command in their language'''
    token_set = None
    '''MergeRules which define `mcontext` with a 
    Dragonfly AppContext become non-global; this
    is the same as adding a context to a Grammar'''
    mcontext = None
    '''app MergeRules MUST define `mwith` in order to
    define what else they can merge with -- this is an
    optimization to prevent pointlessly large global
    CCR copies; mwith is a list of get_name()s'''
    mwith = None

    def __init__(self,

        self.ID = ID if ID is not None else MergeRule._get_next_id()
        self.compatible = {} if compatible is None else compatible
        '''composite is the IDs of the rules which this MergeRule is composed of: '''
        self.composite = composite if composite is not None else set([self.ID])
        self._mcontext = self.__class__.mcontext
        if self._mcontext is None: self._mcontext = mcontext
        self._mwith = self.__class__.mwith
        if self._mwith is None: self._mwith = mwith

        if mapping is not None:
            mapping["display available commands"] = Function(
                lambda: self._display_available_commands())

        MappingRule.__init__(self, name, mapping, extras, defaults, exported)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, MergeRule):
            return False
        return self.ID == other.ID

    ''' "copy" getters used for safe merging;
    "actual" versions used for filter functions'''

    def mapping_copy(self):
        return self._mapping.copy()

    def mapping_actual(self):
        return self._mapping

    def extras_copy(self):
        return self._extras.copy()

    def extras_actual(self):
        return self._extras

    def defaults_copy(self):
        return self._defaults.copy()

    def defaults_actual(self):
        return self._defaults

    def merge(self, other):
        mapping = self.mapping_copy()
        extras_dict = self.extras_copy()
            other.extras_copy())  # not just combining lists avoids duplicates
        extras = extras_dict.values()
        defaults = self.defaults_copy()
        context = self._mcontext if self._mcontext is not None else other.get_context(
        )  # one of these should always be None; contexts don't mix here
        return MergeRule(
            "Merged" + MergeRule.get_merge_name() + self.get_name()[0] +
            self._exported and other._exported,  # no ID

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name if self.pronunciation is None else self.pronunciation

    def copy(self):
        return MergeRule(self.name,
                         self._mapping.copy(), self._extras.values(),
                         self._defaults.copy(), self._exported, self.ID,
                         self.composite, self.compatible, self._mcontext,

    def compatibility_check(self, other):
        if other.ID in self.compatible:
            return self.compatible[other.ID]  # lazily
        compatible = True
        for key in self._mapping.keys():
            if key in other.mapping_actual().keys():
                compatible = False
        self.compatible[other.ID] = compatible
        other.compatible[self.ID] = compatible
        return compatible

    def incompatible_IDs(self):
        return [ID for ID in self.compatible if not self.compatible[ID]]

    def get_context(self):
        return self._mcontext

    def set_context(self, context):
        self._mcontext = context

    def get_merge_with(self):
        return self._mwith

    def _display_available_commands(self):
        for spec in self.mapping_actual().keys():
            print(spec)  # do something fancier when the ui is better
genericKeys = {
    "release all":
    Key("shift:up, ctrl:up, alt:up, win:up"),
    "say <reservedWord>":

    # press keystroke
    "press <pressKey>":
    "<modifier1> <pressKey> [<n>]":
    "<modifier1> <modifier2> <pressKey> [<n>]":

    # keystroke with intervals
    "play <pressKey>": (Key("%(pressKey)s") + Pause('100')) * Repeat(10),
    "play <specials>": (Key("%(specials)s") + Pause('100')) * Repeat(10),
    "play <pressKey> <n>":
    (Key("%(pressKey)s") + Pause('100')) * Repeat(extra="n"),
    "play <specials> <n>":
    (Key("%(specials)s") + Pause('100')) * Repeat(extra="n"),

    # mouse buttons
    "hold tick":