예제 #1
    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str):
        Chooses the assignment algorithm. e.g. 'frank-wolfe', 'bfw', 'msa'

        'fw' is also accepted as an alternative to 'frank-wolfe'

            algorithm (:obj:`list`): Algorithm to be used

        # First we instantiate the arrays we will be using over and over

        algo_dict = {i: i for i in self.all_algorithms}
        algo_dict["fw"] = "frank-wolfe"
        algo = algo_dict.get(algorithm.lower())

        if algo is None:
            raise AttributeError(f"Assignment algorithm not available. Choose from: {','.join(self.all_algorithms)}")

        if algo in ["all-or-nothing", "msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]:
            self.assignment = LinearApproximation(self, algo)
            raise Exception("Algorithm not listed in the case selection")

        self.__dict__["algorithm"] = algo
예제 #2
    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str):
        Chooses the assignment algorithm. e.g. 'frank-wolfe', 'bfw', 'msa'

        # First we instantiate the arrays we will be using over and over
        if algorithm not in self.all_algorithms:
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Assignment algorithm not available. Choose from: {','.join(self.all_algorithms)}"

        if algorithm.lower() == "all-or-nothing":
            self.assignment = allOrNothing(self)
        elif algorithm.lower() in ["msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]:
            self.assignment = LinearApproximation(self, algorithm.lower())
            raise Exception('Algorithm not listed in the case selection')

예제 #3
class TrafficAssignment(object):
    """Traffic assignment class

    For a comprehensive example on use, see the Use examples page.

        from os.path import join
        from aequilibrae.matrix import AequilibraeMatrix
        from aequilibrae.paths import TrafficAssignment, TrafficClass

        fldr = 'D:/release/Sample models/sioux_falls_2020_02_15'
        proj_name = 'SiouxFalls.sqlite'
        dt_fldr = '0_tntp_data'
        prj_fldr = '1_project'

        demand = AequilibraeMatrix()
        demand.load(join(fldr, dt_fldr, 'demand.omx'))
        demand.computational_view(['matrix']) # We will only assign one user class stored as 'matrix' inside the OMX file

        project = Project()
        project.load(join(fldr, prj_fldr))

        graph = project.network.graphs['c'] # we grab the graph for cars
        graph.set_graph('free_flow_time') # let's say we want to minimize time
        graph.set_skimming(['free_flow_time', 'distance']) # And will skim time and distance

        # Creates the assignment class
        assigclass = TrafficClass(graph, demand)

        assig = TrafficAssignment()
        # The first thing to do is to add at list of traffic classes to be assigned

        assig.set_vdf("BPR")  # This is not case-sensitive # Then we set the volume delay function

        assig.set_vdf_parameters({"alpha": "b", "beta": "power"}) # And its parameters

        assig.set_capacity_field("capacity") # The capacity and free flow travel times as they exist in the graph

        # And the algorithm we want to use to assign

        # since I haven't checked the parameters file, let's make sure convergence criteria is good
        assig.max_iter = 1000
        assig.rgap_target = 0.00001

        assig.execute() # we then execute the assignment

        # Convergence report is here
        import pandas as pd
        convergence_report = pd.DataFrame(assig.assignment.convergence_report)

        # Assignment results can be viewed as a Pandas DataFrame
        results_df = assig.results()

        # information on the assignment setup can be recovered with
        info = assig.info()

        # Or save it directly to the results database
        results = assig.save_results(table_name='example_from_the_documentation')

        # skims are here
        avg_skims = assigclass.results.skims # blended ones
        last_skims = assigclass._aon_results.skims # those for the last iteration

    bpr_parameters = ["alpha", "beta"]
    all_algorithms = ["all-or-nothing", "msa", "frank-wolfe", "fw", "cfw", "bfw"]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        parameters = Parameters().parameters["assignment"]["equilibrium"]
        self.__dict__["rgap_target"] = parameters["rgap"]
        self.__dict__["max_iter"] = parameters["maximum_iterations"]
        self.__dict__["vdf"] = VDF()
        self.__dict__["classes"] = []  # type: List[TrafficClass]
        self.__dict__["algorithm"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = None  # type: list
        self.__dict__["time_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["capacity_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["assignment"] = None  # type: LinearApproximation
        self.__dict__["capacity"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["cores"] = None  # type: int
        self.__dict__["save_path_files"] = False  # type: bool

        self.__dict__["procedure_id"] = uuid4().hex
        self.__dict__["description"] = ""
        self.__dict__["procedure_date"] = str(datetime.today())
        self.__dict__["steps_below_needed_to_terminate"] = 1

    def __setattr__(self, instance, value) -> None:

        check, value, message = self.__check_attributes(instance, value)
        if check:
            self.__dict__[instance] = value
            raise ValueError(message)

    def __check_attributes(self, instance, value):
        if instance == "rgap_target":
            if not isinstance(value, float):
                return False, value, "Relative gap needs to be a float"
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.rgap_target = value
        elif instance == "max_iter":
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, "Number of iterations needs to be an integer"
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.max_iter = value
        elif instance == "vdf":
            v = value.lower()
            if v not in all_vdf_functions:
                return False, value, f"Volume-delay function {value} is not available"
            value = VDF()
            value.function = v
        elif instance == "classes":
            if isinstance(value, TrafficClass):
                value = [value]
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                for v in value:
                    if not isinstance(v, TrafficClass):
                        return False, value, "Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects"
                raise ValueError("Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects")
        elif instance == "vdf_parameters":
            if not self.__validate_parameters(value):
                return False, value, f"Parameter set is not valid: {value} "
        elif instance in ["time_field", "capacity_field"]:
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not string"
        elif instance == "cores":
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not integer"
        elif instance == "save_path_files":
            if not isinstance(value, bool):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not boolean"
        if instance not in self.__dict__:
            return False, value, f"trafficAssignment class does not have property {instance}"
        return True, value, ""

    def set_vdf(self, vdf_function: str) -> None:
        Sets the Volume-delay function to be used

            vdf_function(:obj:`str`:) Name of the VDF to be used
        self.vdf = vdf_function

    def set_classes(self, classes: List[TrafficClass]) -> None:
        Sets Traffic classes to be assigned

            classes (:obj:`List[TrafficClass]`:) List of Traffic classes for assignment

        ids = set([x.__id__ for x in classes])
        if len(ids) < len(classes):
            raise Exception("Classes need to be unique. Your list of classes has repeated items/IDs")
        self.classes = classes  # type: List[TrafficClass]

    def add_class(self, traffic_class: TrafficClass) -> None:
        Adds a traffic class to the assignment

            traffic_class (:obj:`TrafficClass`:) Traffic class

        ids = [x.__id__ for x in self.classes if x.__id__ == traffic_class.__id__]
        if len(ids) > 0:
            raise Exception("Traffic class already in the assignment")


    def algorithms_available(self) -> list:
        Returns all algorithms available for use

            :obj:`list`: List of string values to be used with **set_algorithm**
        return self.all_algorithms

    # TODO: Create procedure to check that travel times, capacities and vdf parameters are equal across all graphs
    # TODO: We also need procedures to check that all graphs are compatible (i.e. originated from the same network)
    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str):
        Chooses the assignment algorithm. e.g. 'frank-wolfe', 'bfw', 'msa'

        'fw' is also accepted as an alternative to 'frank-wolfe'

            algorithm (:obj:`list`): Algorithm to be used

        # First we instantiate the arrays we will be using over and over

        algo_dict = {i: i for i in self.all_algorithms}
        algo_dict["fw"] = "frank-wolfe"
        algo = algo_dict.get(algorithm.lower())

        if algo is None:
            raise AttributeError(f"Assignment algorithm not available. Choose from: {','.join(self.all_algorithms)}")

        if algo in ["all-or-nothing", "msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]:
            self.assignment = LinearApproximation(self, algo)
            raise Exception("Algorithm not listed in the case selection")

        self.__dict__["algorithm"] = algo

    def set_vdf_parameters(self, par: dict) -> None:
        Sets the parameters for the Volume-delay function.

        Parameter values can be scalars (same values for the entire network) or network field names
        (link-specific values) - Examples: {'alpha': 0.15, 'beta': 4.0} or  {'alpha': 'alpha', 'beta': 'beta'}

            par (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary with all parameters for the chosen VDF

        if self.classes is None or self.vdf.function.lower() not in all_vdf_functions:
            raise Exception("Before setting vdf parameters, you need to set traffic classes and choose a VDF function")
        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = par
        pars = []
        if self.vdf.function in ["BPR", "CONICAL"]:
            for p1 in ["alpha", "beta"]:
                if p1 not in par:
                    raise ValueError(f"{p1} should exist in the set of parameters provided")
                p = par[p1]
                if isinstance(self.vdf_parameters[p1], str):
                    c = self.classes[0]
                    array = np.zeros(c.graph.graph.shape[0], c.graph.default_types("float"))
                    array[c.graph.graph.__supernet_id__] = c.graph.graph[p]
                    array = np.zeros(self.classes[0].graph.graph.shape[0], np.float64)

                if np.any(np.isnan(array)):
                    raise ValueError(f"At least one {p1} is NaN")

                if p1 == "alpha":
                    if array.min() < 0:
                        raise ValueError(f"At least one {p1} is smaller than zero")
                    if array.min() < 1:
                        raise ValueError(f"At least one {p1} is smaller than one. Results will make no sense")

        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = pars

    def set_cores(self, cores: int) -> None:
        """Allows one to set the number of cores to be used AFTER traffic classes have been added

            Inherited from :obj:`AssignmentResults`

            cores (:obj:`int`): Number of CPU cores to use
        if not self.classes:
            raise Exception("You need load traffic classes before overwriting the number of cores")

        self.cores = cores
        for c in self.classes:

    def set_save_path_files(self, save_it: bool) -> None:
        """Turn path saving on or off.

            save_it (:obj:`bool`): Boolean to indicate whether paths should be saved
        if self.classes is None:
            raise Exception("You need to set traffic classes before turning path saving on or off")

        # self.save_path_files = save_it
        for c in self.classes:
            c._aon_results.save_path_file = save_it

    def set_path_file_format(self, file_format: str) -> None:
        """Specify path saving format. Either parquet or feather.

            file_format (:obj:`str`): Name of file format to use for path files
        if self.classes is None:
            raise Exception("You need to set traffic classes before specifying path saving options")

        if file_format == "feather":
            for c in self.classes:
                c._aon_results.write_feather = True
        elif file_format == "parquet":
            for c in self.classes:
                c._aon_results.write_feather = False
            raise Exception(f"Unsupported path file format {file_format} - only feather or parquet available.")

    def set_time_field(self, time_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains free flow travel time -> e.g. 'fftime'

            time_field (:obj:`str`): Field name

        if not self.classes:
            raise ValueError("Your need add at least one traffic classes first")

        c = self.classes[0]
        if time_field not in c.graph.graph.columns:
            raise ValueError("Field not in graph")

        if np.any(np.isnan(c.graph.graph[time_field].values)):
            raise ValueError("At least one link free-flow time is NaN")

        if c.graph.graph[time_field].values.min() <= 0:
            raise ValueError("There is at least one link with zero or negative free-flow time")

        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = np.zeros(c.graph.graph.shape[0], c.graph.default_types("float"))
        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"][c.graph.graph.__supernet_id__] = c.graph.graph[time_field]
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = np.array(self.free_flow_tt, copy=True)
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = np.zeros(self.free_flow_tt.shape[0], np.float64)
        self.time_field = time_field

    def set_capacity_field(self, capacity_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains link capacity for the assignment period -> e.g. 'capacity1h'

            capacity_field (:obj:`str`): Field name

        if not self.classes:
            raise ValueError("Your need add at least one traffic classes first")

        c = self.classes[0]
        if capacity_field not in c.graph.graph.columns:
            raise ValueError("Field not in graph")

        if np.any(np.isnan(c.graph.graph[capacity_field].values)):
            raise ValueError("At least one link capacity is NaN")

        if c.graph.graph[capacity_field].values.min() <= 0:
            raise ValueError("There is at least one link with zero or negative capacity")

        self.__dict__["cores"] = c.results.cores
        self.__dict__["capacity"] = np.zeros(c.graph.graph.shape[0], c.graph.default_types("float"))
        self.__dict__["capacity"][c.graph.graph.__supernet_id__] = c.graph.graph[capacity_field]
        self.capacity_field = capacity_field

    # TODO: This function actually needs to return a human-readable dictionary, and not one with
    #       tons of classes. Feeds into the class above
    # def load_assignment_spec(self, specs: dict) -> None:
    #     pass
    # def get_spec(self) -> dict:
    #     """Gets the entire specification of the assignment"""
    #     return deepcopy(self.__dict__)

    def __validate_parameters(self, kwargs) -> bool:
        if self.vdf == "":
            raise ValueError("First you need to set the Volume-Delay Function to use")

        par = list(kwargs.keys())
        if self.vdf.function == "BPR":
            q = [x for x in par if x not in self.bpr_parameters] + [x for x in self.bpr_parameters if x not in par]
        if len(q) > 0:
            raise ValueError("List of functions {} for vdf {} has an inadequate set of parameters".format(q, self.vdf))
        return True

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Processes assignment"""

    def save_results(self, table_name: str) -> None:
        """Saves the assignment results to results_database.sqlite

        Method fails if table exists

            table_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the table to hold this assignment result
        df = self.results()
        conn = sqlite3.connect(path.join(environ[ENVIRON_VAR], "results_database.sqlite"))
        df.to_sql(table_name, conn)

        conn = database_connection()
        report = {"convergence": str(self.assignment.convergence_report), "setup": str(self.info())}
        data = [table_name, "traffic assignment", self.procedure_id, str(report), self.procedure_date, self.description]
            """Insert into results(table_name, procedure, procedure_id, procedure_report, timestamp,
                                            description) Values(?,?,?,?,?,?)""",

    def results(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Prepares the assignment results as a Pandas DataFrame

            *DataFrame* (:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): Pandas dataframe with all the assignment results indexed on link_id

        idx = self.classes[0].graph.graph.__supernet_id__
        assig_results = [cls.results.get_load_results() for cls in self.classes]

        class1 = self.classes[0]
        res1 = assig_results[0]

        tot_flow = self.assignment.fw_total_flow[idx]
        voc = tot_flow / self.capacity[idx]
        congested_time = self.congested_time[idx]
        free_flow_tt = self.free_flow_tt[idx]

        entries = res1.data.shape[0]
        fields = [

        types = [np.float64] * len(fields)
        agg = AequilibraeData()
        agg.create_empty(memory_mode=True, entries=entries, field_names=fields, data_types=types)
        agg.index[:] = res1.data.index[:]

        link_ids = class1.results.lids
        ABs = class1.results.direcs > 0
        BAs = class1.results.direcs < 0

        indexing = np.zeros(int(link_ids.max()) + 1, np.uint64)
        indexing[agg.index[:]] = np.arange(entries)

        # Indices of links BA and AB
        ab_ids = indexing[link_ids[ABs]]
        ba_ids = indexing[link_ids[BAs]]

        agg.data["Congested_Time_AB"][ab_ids] = np.nan_to_num(congested_time[ABs])
        agg.data["Congested_Time_BA"][ba_ids] = np.nan_to_num(congested_time[BAs])
        agg.data["Congested_Time_Max"][:] = np.nanmax([agg.data.Congested_Time_AB, agg.data.Congested_Time_BA], axis=0)

        agg.data["Delay_factor_AB"][ab_ids] = np.nan_to_num(congested_time[ABs] / free_flow_tt[ABs])
        agg.data["Delay_factor_BA"][ba_ids] = np.nan_to_num(congested_time[BAs] / free_flow_tt[BAs])
        agg.data["Delay_factor_Max"][:] = np.nanmax([agg.data.Delay_factor_AB, agg.data.Delay_factor_BA], axis=0)

        agg.data["VOC_AB"][ab_ids] = np.nan_to_num(voc[ABs])
        agg.data["VOC_BA"][ba_ids] = np.nan_to_num(voc[BAs])
        agg.data["VOC_max"][:] = np.nanmax([agg.data.VOC_AB, agg.data.VOC_BA], axis=0)

        agg.data["PCE_AB"][ab_ids] = np.nan_to_num(tot_flow[ABs])
        agg.data["PCE_BA"][ba_ids] = np.nan_to_num(tot_flow[BAs])
        agg.data["PCE_tot"][:] = np.nansum([agg.data.PCE_AB, agg.data.PCE_BA], axis=0)


        dfs = [pd.DataFrame(aed.data) for aed in assig_results]
        dfs = [df.rename(columns={"index": "link_id"}).set_index("link_id") for df in dfs]
        df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)

        return df

    def report(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns the assignment convergence report

            *DataFrame* (:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): Convergence report
        return pd.DataFrame(self.assignment.convergence_report)

    def info(self) -> dict:
        """ Returns information for the traffic assignment procedure

        Dictionary contains keys  'Algorithm', 'Classes', 'Computer name', 'Procedure ID',
        'Maximum iterations' and 'Target RGap'.

        The classes key is also a dictionary with all the user classes per traffic class and their respective
        matrix totals

            *info* (:obj:`dict`): Pandas dataframe with all the assignment results indexed on link_id

        classes = {}

        for cls in self.classes:
            uclass = {}

            if len(cls.matrix.view_names) == 1:
                uclass["matrix_totals"] = {nm: np.sum(cls.matrix.matrix_view[:, :]) for nm in cls.matrix.view_names}
                uclass["matrix_totals"] = {
                    nm: np.sum(cls.matrix.matrix_view[:, :, i]) for i, nm in enumerate(cls.matrix.view_names)
            uclass["network mode"] = cls.graph.mode
            uclass["Value-of-time"] = cls.vot
            uclass["PCE"] = cls.pce
            if cls.fixed_cost_field:
                uclass["Fixed cost field"] = cls.fixed_cost_field
                uclass["Fixed cost multiplier"] = cls.fc_multiplier
            uclass["save_path_files"] = cls._aon_results.save_path_file
            uclass["path_file_feather_format"] = cls._aon_results.write_feather

            classes[cls.__id__] = uclass

        info = {
            "Algorithm": self.algorithm,
            "Classes": classes,
            "Computer name": socket.gethostname(),
            "Maximum iterations": self.assignment.max_iter,
            "Procedure ID": self.procedure_id,
            "Target RGap": self.assignment.rgap_target,
        return info

    def save_skims(self, matrix_name: str, which_ones="final", format="omx") -> None:
        """Saves the skims (if any) to the skim folder and registers in the matrix list

            name (:obj:`str`): Name of the matrix record to hold this matrix (same name used for file name)
            which_ones (:obj:`str`,optional): {'final': Results of the final iteration, 'blended': Averaged results for
            all iterations, 'all': Saves skims for both the final iteration and the blended ones} Default is 'final'
            *format* (:obj:`str`, `Optional`): File format ('aem' or 'omx'). Default is 'omx'

        mat_format = format.lower()
        if mat_format not in ["omx", "aem"]:
            raise ValueError("Matrix needs to be either OMX or native AequilibraE")
        if mat_format == "omx" and not has_omx:
            raise ImportError("OpenMatrix is not available on your system")

        file_name = f"{matrix_name}.{mat_format}"

        mats = Matrices()
        export_name = path.join(mats.fldr, file_name)

        if path.isfile(export_name):
            raise FileExistsError(f"{file_name} already exists. Choose a different name or matrix format")

        if mats.check_exists(matrix_name):
            raise FileExistsError(f"{matrix_name} already exists. Choose a different name")

        avg_skims = self.classes[0].results.skims  # type: AequilibraeMatrix

        # The ones for the last iteration are here
        last_skims = self.classes[0]._aon_results.skims  # type: AequilibraeMatrix

        names = []
        if which_ones in ["final", "all"]:
            for core in last_skims.names:

        if which_ones in ["blended", "all"]:
            for core in avg_skims.names:

        if not names:
            raise ValueError("No skims to save")
        # Assembling a single final skim file can be done like this
        # We will want only the time for the last iteration and the distance averaged out for all iterations
        working_name = export_name if mat_format == "aem" else AequilibraeMatrix().random_name()

        kwargs = {"file_name": working_name, "zones": self.classes[0].graph.centroids.shape[0], "matrix_names": names}

        # Create the matrix to manipulate
        out_skims = AequilibraeMatrix()

        out_skims.index[:] = self.classes[0].graph.centroids[:]
        out_skims.description = f"Assignment skim from procedure ID {self.procedure_id}"

        if which_ones in ["final", "all"]:
            for core in last_skims.names:
                out_skims.matrix[f"{core}_final"][:, :] = last_skims.matrix[core][:, :]

        if which_ones in ["blended", "all"]:
            for core in avg_skims.names:
                out_skims.matrix[f"{core}_blended"][:, :] = avg_skims.matrix[core][:, :]

        out_skims.matrices.flush()  # Make sure that all data went to the disk

        # If it were supposed to be an OMX, we export to one
        if mat_format == "omx":

        # Now we create the appropriate record
        record = mats.new_record(matrix_name, file_name)
        record.procedure_id = self.procedure_id
        record.timestamp = self.procedure_date
        record.procedure = "Traffic Assignment"
        record.description = "Skimming for assignment procedure"
예제 #4
class TrafficAssignment(object):
    bpr_parameters = ["alpha", "beta"]
    all_algorithms = ["all-or-nothing", "msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        parameters = Parameters().parameters["assignment"]["equilibrium"]
        self.__dict__["rgap_target"] = parameters["rgap"]
        self.__dict__["max_iter"] = parameters["maximum_iterations"]
        self.__dict__["vdf"] = VDF()
        self.__dict__["classes"] = None  # type: List[TrafficClass]
        self.__dict__["algorithm"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = None  # type: list
        self.__dict__["time_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["capacity_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["assignment"] = None  # type: LinearApproximation
        self.__dict__["capacity"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["cores"] = None  # type: int

    def __setattr__(self, instance, value) -> None:

        check, value, message = self.__check_attributes(instance, value)
        if check:
            self.__dict__[instance] = value
            raise ValueError(message)

    def __check_attributes(self, instance, value):
        if instance == "rgap_target":
            if not isinstance(value, float):
                return False, value, 'Relative gap needs to be a float'
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.rgap_target = value
        elif instance == "max_iter":
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, 'Number of iterations needs to be an integer'
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.max_iter = value
        elif instance == "vdf":
            v = value.lower()
            if v not in all_vdf_functions:
                return False, value, f"Volume-delay function {value} is not available"
            value = VDF()
            value.function = v
        elif instance == "classes":
            if isinstance(value, TrafficClass):
                value = [value]
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                for v in value:
                    if not isinstance(v, TrafficClass):
                        return False, value, "Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects"
                raise ValueError(
                    "Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects"
        elif instance == "vdf_parameters":
            if not self.__validate_parameters(value):
                return False, value, f"Parameter set is not valid: {value} "
        elif instance in ["time_field", "capacity_field"]:
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not string"
        elif instance == 'cores':
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not integer"
        if instance not in self.__dict__:
            return False, value, f"trafficAssignment class does not have property {instance}"
        return True, value, ''

    def set_vdf(self, vdf_function: str) -> None:
        self.vdf = vdf_function

    def set_classes(self, classes: List[TrafficClass]) -> None:
        self.classes = classes

    def algorithms_available(self) -> list:
        return self.all_algorithms

    # TODO: Create procedure to check that travel times, capacities and vdf parameters are equal across all graphs
    # TODO: We also need procedures to check that all graphs are compatible (i.e. originated from the same network)
    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str):
        Chooses the assignment algorithm. e.g. 'frank-wolfe', 'bfw', 'msa'

        # First we instantiate the arrays we will be using over and over
        if algorithm not in self.all_algorithms:
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Assignment algorithm not available. Choose from: {','.join(self.all_algorithms)}"

        if algorithm.lower() == "all-or-nothing":
            self.assignment = allOrNothing(self)
        elif algorithm.lower() in ["msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]:
            self.assignment = LinearApproximation(self, algorithm.lower())
            raise Exception('Algorithm not listed in the case selection')


    def __collect_data(self):
        if not isinstance(self.classes, list):

        c = self.classes[0]
        if self.time_field not in c.graph.graph.dtype.names:

        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = np.array(
            c.graph.graph[self.time_field], copy=True).astype(np.float64)
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = np.zeros(
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = np.array(self.free_flow_tt,
        self.__dict__["cores"] = c.results.cores

        if self.capacity_field not in c.graph.graph.dtype.names:

        self.__dict__["capacity"] = np.array(
            c.graph.graph[self.capacity_field], copy=True).astype(np.float64)

    def set_vdf_parameters(self, par: dict) -> None:
        Sets the parameters for the Volume-delay function. e.g. {'alpha': 0.15, 'beta':4.0}
        if self.classes is None or self.vdf.function.lower(
        ) not in all_vdf_functions:
            raise Exception(
                'Before setting vdf parameters, you need to set traffic classes and choose a VDF function'
        self.__dict__['vdf_parameters'] = par
        pars = []
        if self.vdf.function in ["BPR"]:
            for p1 in ['alpha', 'beta']:
                if p1 not in par:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'{p1} should exist in the set of parameters provided')
                p = par[p1]
                if isinstance(self.vdf_parameters[p1], str):
                    array = np.array(self.classes[0].graph.graph[p],
                    array = np.zeros(self.classes[0].graph.graph.shape[0],

                if np.any(np.isnan(array)):
                        f'At least one {p} is NaN. Results will make no sense')

                if p1 == 'alpha':
                    if array.min() < 0:
                            f'At least one {p1} is smaller than zero. Results will make no sense'
                    if array.min() < 1:
                            f'At least one {p1} is smaller than one. Results will make no sense'

        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = pars

    def set_cores(self, cores: int) -> None:
        """Allows one to set the number of cores to be used AFTER traffic classes have been added"""
        self.cores = cores
        if self.classes is not None:
            for c in self.classes:
            raise Exception(
                'You need load traffic classes before overwriting the number of cores'

    def set_time_field(self, time_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains free flow travel time -> e.g. 'fftime'
        self.time_field = time_field

    def set_capacity_field(self, capacity_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains link capacity for the assignment period -> e.g. 'capacity1h'
        self.capacity_field = capacity_field

    # def load_assignment_spec(self, specs: dict) -> None:
    #     pass

    # TODO: This function actually needs to return a human-readable dictionary, and not one with
    #       tons of classes. Feeds into the class above
    # def get_spec(self) -> dict:
    #     """Gets the entire specification of the assignment"""
    #     return deepcopy(self.__dict__)

    def __validate_parameters(self, kwargs) -> bool:
        if self.vdf == "":
            raise ValueError(
                "First you need to set the Volume-Delay Function to use")

        par = list(kwargs.keys())
        if self.vdf.function == "BPR":
            q = [x for x in par if x not in self.bpr_parameters
                 ] + [x for x in self.bpr_parameters if x not in par]
        if len(q) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "List of functions {} for vdf {} has an inadequate set of parameters"
                .format(q, self.vdf))
        return True

    def execute(self) -> None:
예제 #5
class TrafficAssignment(object):
    """Traffic assignment class

    For a comprehensive example on use, see the Use examples page.

        from os.path import join
        from aequilibrae.matrix import AequilibraeMatrix
        from aequilibrae.paths import TrafficAssignment, TrafficClass

        fldr = 'D:/release/Sample models/sioux_falls_2020_02_15'
        proj_name = 'SiouxFalls.sqlite'
        dt_fldr = '0_tntp_data'
        prj_fldr = '1_project'

        demand = AequilibraeMatrix()
        demand.load(join(fldr, dt_fldr, 'demand.omx'))
        demand.computational_view(['matrix']) # We will only assign one user class stored as 'matrix' inside the OMX file

        project = Project()
        project.load(join(fldr, prj_fldr, proj_name))

        graph = project.network.graphs['c'] # we grab the graph for cars
        graph.set_graph('free_flow_time') # let's say we want to minimize time
        graph.set_skimming(['free_flow_time', 'distance']) # And will skim time and distance

        # Creates the assignment class
        assigclass = TrafficClass(graph, demand)

        assig = TrafficAssignment()
        # The first thing to do is to add at list of traffic classes to be assigned

        assig.set_vdf("BPR")  # This is not case-sensitive # Then we set the volume delay function

        assig.set_vdf_parameters({"alpha": "b", "beta": "power"}) # And its parameters

        assig.set_capacity_field("capacity") # The capacity and free flow travel times as they exist in the graph

        # And the algorithm we want to use to assign

        # since I haven't checked the parameters file, let's make sure convergence criteria is good
        assig.max_iter = 1000
        assig.rgap_target = 0.00001

        assig.execute() # we then execute the assignment

    bpr_parameters = ["alpha", "beta"]
    all_algorithms = ["all-or-nothing", "msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        parameters = Parameters().parameters["assignment"]["equilibrium"]
        self.__dict__["rgap_target"] = parameters["rgap"]
        self.__dict__["max_iter"] = parameters["maximum_iterations"]
        self.__dict__["vdf"] = VDF()
        self.__dict__["classes"] = None  # type: List[TrafficClass]
        self.__dict__["algorithm"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = None  # type: list
        self.__dict__["time_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["capacity_field"] = None  # type: str
        self.__dict__["assignment"] = None  # type: LinearApproximation
        self.__dict__["capacity"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = None  # type: np.ndarray
        self.__dict__["cores"] = None  # type: int

    def __setattr__(self, instance, value) -> None:

        check, value, message = self.__check_attributes(instance, value)
        if check:
            self.__dict__[instance] = value
            raise ValueError(message)

    def __check_attributes(self, instance, value):
        if instance == "rgap_target":
            if not isinstance(value, float):
                return False, value, 'Relative gap needs to be a float'
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.rgap_target = value
        elif instance == "max_iter":
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, 'Number of iterations needs to be an integer'
            if isinstance(self.assignment, LinearApproximation):
                self.assignment.max_iter = value
        elif instance == "vdf":
            v = value.lower()
            if v not in all_vdf_functions:
                return False, value, f"Volume-delay function {value} is not available"
            value = VDF()
            value.function = v
        elif instance == "classes":
            if isinstance(value, TrafficClass):
                value = [value]
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                for v in value:
                    if not isinstance(v, TrafficClass):
                        return False, value, "Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects"
                raise ValueError(
                    "Traffic classes need to be proper AssignmentClass objects"
        elif instance == "vdf_parameters":
            if not self.__validate_parameters(value):
                return False, value, f"Parameter set is not valid: {value} "
        elif instance in ["time_field", "capacity_field"]:
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not string"
        elif instance == 'cores':
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                return False, value, f"Value for {instance} is not integer"
        if instance not in self.__dict__:
            return False, value, f"trafficAssignment class does not have property {instance}"
        return True, value, ''

    def set_vdf(self, vdf_function: str) -> None:
        Sets the Volume-delay function to be used

            vdf_function(:obj:`str`:) Name of the VDF to be used
        self.vdf = vdf_function

    def set_classes(self, classes: List[TrafficClass]) -> None:
        Sets Traffic classes to be assigned

            classes(:obj:`List[TrafficClass]`:) List of Traffic classes for assignment

        self.classes = classes

    def algorithms_available(self) -> list:
        Returns all algorithms available for use

            :obj:`list`: List of string values to be used with **set_algorithm**
        return self.all_algorithms

    # TODO: Create procedure to check that travel times, capacities and vdf parameters are equal across all graphs
    # TODO: We also need procedures to check that all graphs are compatible (i.e. originated from the same network)
    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str):
        Chooses the assignment algorithm. e.g. 'frank-wolfe', 'bfw', 'msa'

            algorithm (:obj:`list`): Algorithm to be used

        # First we instantiate the arrays we will be using over and over
        if algorithm not in self.all_algorithms:
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Assignment algorithm not available. Choose from: {','.join(self.all_algorithms)}"

        if algorithm.lower() == "all-or-nothing":
            self.assignment = allOrNothing(self)
        elif algorithm.lower() in ["msa", "frank-wolfe", "cfw", "bfw"]:
            self.assignment = LinearApproximation(self, algorithm.lower())
            raise Exception('Algorithm not listed in the case selection')


    def __collect_data(self):
        if not isinstance(self.classes, list):

        c = self.classes[0]
        if self.time_field not in c.graph.graph.dtype.names:

        self.__dict__["free_flow_tt"] = np.array(
            c.graph.graph[self.time_field], copy=True).astype(np.float64)
        self.__dict__["total_flow"] = np.zeros(
        self.__dict__["congested_time"] = np.array(self.free_flow_tt,
        self.__dict__["cores"] = c.results.cores

        if self.capacity_field not in c.graph.graph.dtype.names:

        self.__dict__["capacity"] = np.array(
            c.graph.graph[self.capacity_field], copy=True).astype(np.float64)

    def set_vdf_parameters(self, par: dict) -> None:
        Sets the parameters for the Volume-delay function.

        Parameter values can be scalars (same values for the entire network) or network field names
        (link-specific values) - Examples: {'alpha': 0.15, 'beta': 4.0} or  {'alpha': 'alpha', 'beta': 'beta'}

            par (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary with all parameters for the chosen VDF

        if self.classes is None or self.vdf.function.lower(
        ) not in all_vdf_functions:
            raise Exception(
                'Before setting vdf parameters, you need to set traffic classes and choose a VDF function'
        self.__dict__['vdf_parameters'] = par
        pars = []
        if self.vdf.function in ["BPR"]:
            for p1 in ['alpha', 'beta']:
                if p1 not in par:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'{p1} should exist in the set of parameters provided')
                p = par[p1]
                if isinstance(self.vdf_parameters[p1], str):
                    array = np.array(self.classes[0].graph.graph[p],
                    array = np.zeros(self.classes[0].graph.graph.shape[0],

                if np.any(np.isnan(array)):
                        f'At least one {p1} is NaN. Results will make no sense'

                if p1 == 'alpha':
                    if array.min() < 0:
                            f'At least one {p1} is smaller than zero. Results will make no sense'
                    if array.min() < 1:
                            f'At least one {p1} is smaller than one. Results will make no sense'

        self.__dict__["vdf_parameters"] = pars

    def set_cores(self, cores: int) -> None:
        """Allows one to set the number of cores to be used AFTER traffic classes have been added

            Inherited from :obj:`AssignmentResults`

            cores (:obj:`int`): Number of CPU cores to use
        self.cores = cores
        if self.classes is not None:
            for c in self.classes:
            raise Exception(
                'You need load traffic classes before overwriting the number of cores'

    def set_time_field(self, time_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains free flow travel time -> e.g. 'fftime'

            time_field (:obj:`str`): Field name
        self.time_field = time_field

    def set_capacity_field(self, capacity_field: str) -> None:
        Sets the graph field that contains link capacity for the assignment period -> e.g. 'capacity1h'

            capacity_field (:obj:`str`): Field name
        self.capacity_field = capacity_field

    # TODO: This function actually needs to return a human-readable dictionary, and not one with
    #       tons of classes. Feeds into the class above
    # def load_assignment_spec(self, specs: dict) -> None:
    #     pass
    # def get_spec(self) -> dict:
    #     """Gets the entire specification of the assignment"""
    #     return deepcopy(self.__dict__)

    def __validate_parameters(self, kwargs) -> bool:
        if self.vdf == "":
            raise ValueError(
                "First you need to set the Volume-Delay Function to use")

        par = list(kwargs.keys())
        if self.vdf.function == "BPR":
            q = [x for x in par if x not in self.bpr_parameters
                 ] + [x for x in self.bpr_parameters if x not in par]
        if len(q) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "List of functions {} for vdf {} has an inadequate set of parameters"
                .format(q, self.vdf))
        return True

    def execute(self) -> None:
        """Processes assignment"""