def run_aequitas(predictions_data_path): ''' Check for False negative rate, chances of certain group missing out on assistance using aequitas toolkit The functions transform the data to make it aequitas complaint and checks for series of bias and fairness metrics Input: model prediction path for the selected model (unzip the selected file to run) Output: plots saved in charts folder ''' best_model_pred = pd.read_csv(predictions_data_path) # Transform data for aquetias module compliance aqc = [ 'Other', 'White', 'African American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'American Indian' ] aqcol = [ 'White alone_scale', 'Black/AfAmer alone_scale', 'AmInd/Alaskn alone_scale', 'Asian alone_scale', 'HI alone_scale', 'Some other race alone_scale', 'Hispanic or Latino_scale' ] display(aqcol) aqcol_label = [ 'no_renew_nextpd', 'pred_class_10%', 'Median household income (1999 dollars)_scale' ] + aqcol aqus = best_model_pred[aqcol_label] print('Creating classes for racial and income distribution', '\n') # Convert to binary bin_var = [ 'no_renew_nextpd', 'pred_class_10%', ] for var in bin_var: aqus[var] = np.where(aqus[var] == True, 1, 0) # Rename aqus.rename(columns={ 'no_renew_nextpd': 'label_value', 'pred_class_10%': 'score' }, inplace=True) print('Define majority rule defined on relative proportion of the class', '\n') aqus['race'] = aqus[aqcol].idxmax(axis=1) # Use quantile income distribution aqus['income'] = pd.qcut( aqus['Median household income (1999 dollars)_scale'], 3, labels=["rich", "median", "poor"]) # Final form aqus.drop(aqcol, axis=1, inplace=True) aqus.drop(['Median household income (1999 dollars)_scale'], axis=1, inplace=True) aq = aqus.reset_index() aq.rename(columns={'index': 'entity_id'}, inplace=True) aq['race'] = aq['race'].replace({ 'Some other race alone_scale': 'Other', 'White alone_scale': 'White', 'Black/AfAmer alone_scale': 'African American', 'Asian alone_scale': 'Asian', 'HI alone_scale': 'Hispanic', 'AmInd/Alaskn alone_scale': 'American Indian' }) # Consolidate types aq['income'] = aq['income'].astype(object) aq['entity_id'] = aq['entity_id'].astype(object) aq['score'] = aq['score'].astype(object) aq['label_value'] = aq['label_value'].astype(object) # Distribuion of categories aq_palette = sns.diverging_palette(225, 35, n=2) by_race = sns.countplot(x="race", data=aq[aq.race.isin(aqc)]) by_race.set_xticklabels(by_race.get_xticklabels(), rotation=40, ha="right") plt.savefig('charts/Racial distribution in data.png') # Primary distribuion against score aq_palette = sns.diverging_palette(225, 35, n=2) by_race = sns.countplot(x="race", hue="score", data=aq[aq.race.isin(aqc)], palette=aq_palette) by_race.set_xticklabels(by_race.get_xticklabels(), rotation=40, ha="right") # Race plt.savefig('charts/race_score.png') # Income by_inc = sns.countplot(x="income", hue="score", data=aq, palette=aq_palette) plt.savefig('charts/income_score.png') # Set Group g = Group() xtab, _ = g.get_crosstabs(aq) # False Negative Rates aqp = Plot() fnr = aqp.plot_group_metric(xtab, 'fnr', min_group_size=0.05) p = aqp.plot_group_metric_all(xtab, metrics=['ppr', 'pprev', 'fnr', 'fpr'], ncols=4) p.savefig('charts/eth_metrics.png') # Bias with respect to white rich category b = Bias() bdf = b.get_disparity_predefined_groups(xtab, original_df=aq, ref_groups_dict={ 'race': 'White', 'income': 'rich' }, alpha=0.05, mask_significance=True) calculated_disparities = b.list_disparities(bdf) disparity_significance = b.list_significance(bdf) aqp.plot_disparity(bdf, group_metric='fpr_disparity', attribute_name='race', significance_alpha=0.05) plt.savefig('charts/disparity.png') # Fairness hbdf = b.get_disparity_predefined_groups(xtab, original_df=aq, ref_groups_dict={ 'race': 'African American', 'income': 'poor' }, alpha=0.05, mask_significance=False) majority_bdf = b.get_disparity_major_group(xtab, original_df=aq, mask_significance=True) min_metric_bdf = b.get_disparity_min_metric(df=xtab, original_df=aq) f = Fairness() fdf = f.get_group_value_fairness(bdf) parity_detrminations = f.list_parities(fdf) gaf = f.get_group_attribute_fairness(fdf) gof = f.get_overall_fairness(fdf) z = aqp.plot_fairness_group(fdf, group_metric='ppr') plt.savefig('charts/fairness_overall.png') # Checking for False Omission Rate and False Negative Rates fg = aqp.plot_fairness_group_all(fdf, metrics=['for', 'fnr'], ncols=2) fg.savefig('charts/fairness_metrics.png') return None
def audit(df, configs, model_id=1, preprocessed=False): """ :param df: :param ref_groups_method: :param model_id: :param configs: :param report: :param preprocessed: :return: """ if not preprocessed: df, attr_cols_input = preprocess_input_df(df) if not configs.attr_cols: configs.attr_cols = attr_cols_input g = Group() print('Welcome to Aequitas-Audit') print('Fairness measures requested:', ','.join(configs.fair_measures_requested)) groups_model, attr_cols = g.get_crosstabs( df, score_thresholds=configs.score_thresholds, model_id=model_id, attr_cols=configs.attr_cols) print('audit: df shape from the crosstabs:', groups_model.shape) b = Bias() # todo move this to the new configs object / the attr_cols now are passed through the configs object... ref_groups_method = configs.ref_groups_method if ref_groups_method == 'predefined' and configs.ref_groups: bias_df = b.get_disparity_predefined_groups(groups_model, df, configs.ref_groups) elif ref_groups_method == 'majority': bias_df = b.get_disparity_major_group(groups_model, df) else: bias_df = b.get_disparity_min_metric(groups_model, df) print('Any NaN?: ', bias_df.isnull().values.any()) print('bias_df shape:', bias_df.shape) aqp = Plot() if len(configs.plot_bias_metrics) == 1: fig1 = aqp.plot_disparity(bias_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_metrics) elif len(configs.plot_bias_metrics) > 1: fig1 = aqp.plot_disparity_all(bias_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_metrics) if len(configs.plot_bias_disparities) == 1: fig2 = aqp.plot_group_metric(bias_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_disparities) elif len(configs.plot_bias_disparities) > 1: fig2 = aqp.plot_group_metric_all(bias_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_disparities) f = Fairness(tau=configs.fairness_threshold) print('Fairness Threshold:', configs.fairness_threshold) print('Fairness Measures:', configs.fair_measures_requested) group_value_df = f.get_group_value_fairness( bias_df, fair_measures_requested=configs.fair_measures_requested) group_attribute_df = f.get_group_attribute_fairness( group_value_df, fair_measures_requested=configs.fair_measures_requested) fair_results = f.get_overall_fairness(group_attribute_df) if len(configs.plot_bias_metrics) == 1: fig3 = aqp.plot_fairness_group(group_value_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_metrics) elif len(configs.plot_bias_metrics) > 1: fig3 = aqp.plot_fairness_group_all(group_value_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_metrics) if len(configs.plot_bias_disparities) == 1: fig4 = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity( group_value_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_disparities) elif len(configs.plot_bias_metrics) > 1: fig4 = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity_all( group_value_df, metrics=configs.plot_bias_disparities) print(fair_results) report = None if is True: report = audit_report_markdown(configs, group_value_df, f.fair_measures_depend, fair_results) return group_value_df, report
# **Question 12**: For the gender and race fields, please plot two metrics that are important for patient selection below and state whether there is a significant bias in your model across any of the groups along with justification for your statement. # **Answer:** Two main metrics for the patient selection are a) what fraction of unsuitable patient would have been included in the study (1 - precision) and b) what fraction of suitable patients is excluded (false negative rate). With the current model there seems to be a bias for the precision regarding the asian group, which show a much lower precision that the other groups (note that this might partially be caused by small sample size). For b) there are slight difference among race and gender groups but they do not seem to be a significant bias according to Aequitas. # In[168]: # how many would be falsly added to the experiment => equally low for all, does not seeom to show bias aqp.plot_group_metric(bdf, 'precision', min_group_size=0.01) # In[169]: aqp.plot_fairness_group(fdf, group_metric='precision', title=True) # In[170]: aqp.plot_group_metric(bdf, 'fnr', min_group_size=0.01) # In[171]: aqp.plot_fairness_group(fdf, group_metric='fnr', title=True) # ## Fairness Analysis Example - Relative to a Reference Group