예제 #1
    def test_background_execute_expressions_everywhere(self):
        Ensure that Scan.execute_background() gets applied to records that match the expressions.
        test_bin = 'number'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(50)]

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 3)

        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        scan = self.as_connection.scan(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)
        scan.apply(TEST_UDF_MODULE, TEST_UDF_FUNCTION, [test_bin, 1])
        job_id = scan.execute_background(policy)
        wait_for_job_completion(self.as_connection, job_id)

        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if i == 2 or i == 3:
                assert(bins[test_bin] == i + 1)
                assert(bins.get(test_bin) == i)
예제 #2
    def test_background_execute_with_ops_and_expressions(self):
        Ensure that Scan.execute_background() applies ops to records that match the expressions.
        test_bin = 'Stops_preds'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(50)]

        scan = self.as_connection.scan(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)
        # scan.apply(TEST_UDF_MODULE, TEST_UDF_FUNCTION, [test_bin])

        ops = [
            operations.write(test_bin, 'new_val')

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 3)

        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        job_id = scan.execute_background(policy)
        wait_for_job_completion(self.as_connection, job_id)

        for key in keys:
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['number'] == 2 or bins['number'] == 3:
                assert(bins[test_bin] == 'new_val')
                assert(bins.get(test_bin) is None)
예제 #3
    def test_background_execute_expressions_and_predicate(self):
        Ensure that Scan.execute_background() gets applied to records that match the predicate.
        NOTE: the predicate overrides the expressions
        test_bin = 'Stpredold'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(50)]

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 3)

        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        number_predicate = predicates.equals('number', 4)

        scan = self.as_connection.scan(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)
        scan.apply(TEST_UDF_MODULE, TEST_UDF_FUNCTION, [test_bin])
        job_id = scan.execute_background(policy)
        wait_for_job_completion(self.as_connection, job_id)

        for key in keys:
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['number'] == 4:
                assert(bins[test_bin] == 'aerospike')
                assert(bins.get(test_bin) is None)
    def test_query_apply_with_new_expressions(self):
        Invoke query_apply() with correct policy and expressions

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('age'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('val'), 3)

        policy = {'total_timeout': 0, 'expressions': expr.compile()}
        query_id = self.as_connection.query_apply(
            "test", "demo", self.age_range_pred, "query_apply",
            "mark_as_applied", ['name', 2], policy)


        recs = []

        for i in range(1, 10):
            key = ('test', 'demo', i)
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['name'] == 'aerospike':
        assert len(recs) == 2
        for rec in recs:
            assert rec['age'] == 2 or rec['val'] == 3
    def test_background_execute_with_ops_and_predexp(self, clean_test_background):
        Ensure that Query.execute_background() applies ops to records that match the expressions.
        test_bin = 'tops_preds'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(500)]

        query = self.as_connection.query(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)

        ops = [
            operations.write(test_bin, 'new_val')

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 3)

        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        # Give time for the query to finish

        for key in keys:
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['number'] == 2 or bins['number'] == 3:
                assert(bins[test_bin] == 'new_val')
                assert(bins.get(test_bin) is None)
    def test_background_execute_predexp_and_predicate(self, clean_test_background):
        Ensure that Query.execute_background() gets applied to records that match the predicate
        NOTE: the predicate overrides the predexp
        test_bin = 'tpredold'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(500)]

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('number'), 3)

        number_predicate = predicates.equals('number', 4)

        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        query = self.as_connection.query(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)
        query.apply(TEST_UDF_MODULE, TEST_UDF_FUNCTION, [test_bin])
        # Give time for the query to finish

        for key in keys:
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['number'] == 4:
                assert(bins[test_bin] == 'aerospike')
                assert(bins.get(test_bin) is None)
예제 #7
 def test_or(self):
     expr = exp.Or(
         exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 5),
         exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 10)
     results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
     assert len(results) == 2
         lambda b: b['positive_i'] in (5, 10))
예제 #8
 def test_and(self):
     expr = exp.And(
         exp.GT(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 10),
         exp.LT(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 20)
     results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
     assert len(results) == 9
         lambda b: b['positive_i'] > 10 and b['positive_i'] < 20)
    def test_query_apply_with_bad_new_expressions(self):
        Invoke query_apply() with incorrect policy and expressions

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin(5), 2),
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('val'), 3)

        policy = {'total_timeout': 0, 'expressions': expr}
        with pytest.raises(e.ParamError):
            query_id = self.as_connection.query_apply(
                "test", "demo", self.age_range_pred, "query_apply",
                "mark_as_applied", ['name', 2], policy)
    def test_background_execute_sindex_predexp(self, clean_test_background):
        Ensure that Query.execute_background() only applies to records matched by
        the specified predicate
        test_bin = 't4'
        keys = [(TEST_NS, TEST_SET, i) for i in range(500)]

        #  rec['number'] < 10
        #predexps = [predexp.integer_bin('number'), predexp.integer_value(10), predexp.integer_less()]
        expr = exp.LT(exp.IntBin('number'), 10)
        policy = {
            'expressions': expr.compile()

        query = self.as_connection.query(TEST_NS, TEST_SET)
        query.apply(TEST_UDF_MODULE, TEST_UDF_FUNCTION, [test_bin])
        # Give time for the query to finish

        # Records with number > 10 should not have had the UDF applied
            self.as_connection, keys[10:],
            lambda rec: test_bin not in rec
        #  Records with number < 10 should have had the udf applied
            self.as_connection, keys[:10],
            lambda rec: rec[test_bin] == 'aerospike'
예제 #11
    def test_scan_apply_with_none_set_and_expressions(self):
        Invoke scan_apply() with set argument as None
        It should invoke the function on all records in NS that match the expressions
        expr = exp.And(exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('name'), 'name2'),
                       exp.NE(exp.IntBin('age'), 3))

        policy = {'timeout': 1000, 'expressions': expr.compile()}
        scan_id = self.as_connection.scan_apply("test", None, "bin_lua",
                                                "mytransform", ['age', 2],

        wait_for_job_completion(self.as_connection, scan_id)

        for i in range(5):
            key = ('test', 'demo', i)
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['name'] == 'name2':
                assert bins['age'] == i + 2
                assert bins['age'] == i

        _, _, rec = self.as_connection.get(('test', None, 'no_set'))
        assert rec['age'] == 10
 def test_get_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
     Call to get with expressions in policy with expected failures.
     expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 3)
     with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                                {'expressions': expr.compile()})
 def test_put_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
     Call put with expressions in policy with expected failure.
     expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4)
     with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
         self.as_connection.put(self.keys[0], {'newkey': 'newval'},
                                policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
 def test_remove_bin_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
     Call remove_bin with expressions in policy with expected failure.
     expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4)
     with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
             self.keys[0], ['account_id', 'user_name'],
             policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
    def test_get_with_expressions(self):
        Call to get with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        record = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0],
                                        {'expressions': expr.compile()})

        assert record[2]['account_id'] == 1
    def test_pos_remove_with_expressions(self):
        Call remove with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        records = self.as_connection.remove(self.keys[0],
                                            {'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.exists(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[1] is None
    def test_put_with_expressions(self):
        Call put with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        self.as_connection.put(self.keys[0], {'newkey': 'newval'},
                               policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[2]['newkey'] == 'newval'
    def test_remove_bin_with_expressions(self):
        Call remove_bin with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
                                      ['account_id', 'user_name'],
                                      policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[2].get('account_id') is None and rec[2].get(
            'user_name') is None
    def test_put_new_record_with_expressions(self):  # should this fail?
        Call put a new record with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        key = ("test", "demo", 10)
        self.as_connection.put(key, {'newkey': 'newval'},
                               policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(key)
        assert rec[2]['newkey'] == 'newval'
    def test_select_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call to select with expressions in policy with expected failures.
        expr = exp.And(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 20),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 10))

        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                                      ['account_id', 'acct_balance'],
                                      {'expressions': expr.compile()})
    def test_select_with_expressions(self):
        Call to select with expressions in policy.

        expr = exp.And(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 20),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 20))

        result = self.as_connection.select(self.keys[1],
                                           ['account_id', 'acct_balance'],
                                           {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        assert result[2]['account_id'] == 2 and result[2]['acct_balance'] == 20
    def test_exists_many_with_large_expressions(self):
        Proper call to exists_many with expressions in policy.

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4),
            exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user3'),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 12))

        matched_recs = []
        records = self.as_connection.exists_many(
            self.keys, {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        for rec in records:
            if rec[1] is not None:

        assert len(matched_recs) == 3
예제 #23
    def test_scan_apply_with_correct_policy_and_expressions(self):
        Invoke scan_apply() with correct policy.
        It should invoke the function on all records in the set that match the expressions.
        expr = exp.And(
            exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('name'), 'name4'),
            exp.NE(exp.IntBin('age'), 3),

        policy = {'timeout': 1000, 'expressions': expr.compile()}
        scan_id = self.as_connection.scan_apply("test", None, "bin_lua",
                                                "mytransform", ['age', 2],

        wait_for_job_completion(self.as_connection, scan_id)

        for i in range(5):
            key = ('test', 'demo', i)
            _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
            if bins['name'] == 'name4':
                assert bins['age'] == i + 2
                assert bins['age'] == i
class TestPredEveryWhere(object):
    def setup(self, request, as_connection):
        Setup Method
        self.keys = []
        self.test_data = [{
            'account_id': j,
            'user_name': 'user' + str(j),
            'acct_balance': j * 10,
            'charges': [j + 5, j + 10],
            'meta': {
                'date': '11/4/2019'
        } for j in range(1, 5)]
        self.test_data.append({'string_list': ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4']})
            {'map_bin': {
                'k1': 1,
                'k2': 2,
                'k3': 3,
                'k4': 4

        georec = {
            'id': 1,
            'point': geo_point,
            'region': geo_circle,
            'geolist': [geo_point]

        self.test_data_bin = 'test_data'
        self.keys = [('test', 'pred_evry', i + 1)
                     for i, _ in enumerate(self.test_data)]
        # print('self keys is: ', self.keys)

        for key, data in zip(self.keys, self.test_data):
            self.as_connection.put(key, data)

        # cleanup

        for key in self.keys:
            except e.AerospikeError:

        "ops, expressions, expected_bins, expected_res, key_num",
            (  # test integer equal
                [operations.increment("account_id", 1)
                 ], exp.Eq(3, exp.IntBin('account_id')), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user3',
                     'acct_balance': 30,
                     'charges': [8, 13],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {}, 3),
            (  # test string equal
                [operations.increment("account_id", 1)
                 ], exp.Eq('user3', exp.StrBin('user_name')), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user3',
                     'acct_balance': 30,
                     'charges': [8, 13],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {}, 3),
            (  # test and
                        'charges', 0, 3, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT),
                    operations.increment("acct_balance", -23)
                exp.And(exp.GE(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 10),
                        exp.LE(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 50)), {
                            'account_id': 4,
                            'user_name': 'user4',
                            'acct_balance': 17,
                            'charges': [],
                            'meta': {
                                'date': '11/4/2019'
                        }, {
                            'charges': [0, 1]
                        }, 4),
            (  # test or
                [map_operations.map_put('meta', 'lupdated', 'now')],
                exp.Or(exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user2'),
                       exp.GE(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 50)), {
                           'account_id': 2,
                           'user_name': 'user2',
                           'acct_balance': 20,
                           'charges': [7, 12],
                           'meta': {
                               'date': '11/4/2019',
                               'lupdated': 'now'
                       }, {
                           'meta': 2
                       }, 2),
            (  # test integer greater
                 ], exp.GT(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 2), {
                     'account_id': 3,
                     'user_name': 'user3',
                     'acct_balance': 30,
                     'charges': [8, 13],
                     'meta': {}
                 }, {
                     'meta': None
                 }, 3),
            (  # test integer greatereq
                 ], exp.GE(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 2), {
                     'account_id': 3,
                     'user_name': 'user3',
                     'acct_balance': 30,
                     'charges': [8, 13],
                     'meta': {}
                 }, {
                     'meta': None
                 }, 3),
            (  # test integer less
                 ], exp.LT(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 5), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user4',
                     'acct_balance': 40,
                     'charges': [],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {}, 4),
            (  # test integer lesseq
                 ], exp.LE(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user4',
                     'acct_balance': 40,
                     'charges': [],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {}, 4),
            (  # test string unequal
                [list_operations.list_append('charges', 2)
                 ], exp.NE(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user2'), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user4',
                     'acct_balance': 40,
                     'charges': [9, 14, 2],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {
                     'charges': 3
                 }, 4),
            (  # test not
                [list_operations.list_append('charges', 2)
                 ], exp.Not(exp.NE(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user4')), {
                     'account_id': 4,
                     'user_name': 'user4',
                     'acct_balance': 40,
                     'charges': [9, 14, 2],
                     'meta': {
                         'date': '11/4/2019'
                 }, {
                     'charges': 3
                 }, 4),
            (  # test string regex
                [list_operations.list_append('charges', 2)],
                exp.CmpRegex(aerospike.REGEX_ICASE, '.*4.*',
                             exp.StrBin('user_name')), {
                                 'account_id': 4,
                                 'user_name': 'user4',
                                 'acct_balance': 40,
                                 'charges': [9, 14, 2],
                                 'meta': {
                                     'date': '11/4/2019'
                             }, {
                                 'charges': 3
                             }, 4),
            (  # test list or int
                [list_operations.list_append('charges', 2)],
                    exp.ListGetByValue(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT, 14,
                                       'charges'), 1), {
                                           'account_id': 4,
                                           'user_name': 'user4',
                                           'acct_balance': 40,
                                           'charges': [9, 14, 2],
                                           'meta': {
                                               'date': '11/4/2019'
                                       }, {
                                           'charges': 3
                                       }, 4),
            (  # test list and int
                [list_operations.list_append('charges', 2)],
                    exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                      exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'),
                    120), {
                        'account_id': 4,
                        'user_name': 'user4',
                        'acct_balance': 40,
                        'charges': [9, 14, 2],
                        'meta': {
                            'date': '11/4/2019'
                    }, {
                        'charges': 3
                    }, 4),
            (  # test list or str
                [list_operations.list_append('string_list', 's5')],
                    exp.ListGetByValue(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT, 's2',
                                       'string_list'), 1), {
                                           ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5']
                                       }, {
                                           'string_list': 5
                                       }, 5),
            # (# test list and str TODO Not sure how to write this in expressions
            #     [
            #         list_operations.list_remove_by_index_range('string_list', 0, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE, 2)
            #     ],
            #     exp.LT(
            #         exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE, exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'),
            #         120
            #     ),
            #     exp.CmpRegex(aerospike.REGEX_ICASE, '.*s.*', exp.StrBin('user_name')),
            #     [
            #         exp.string_var('list_val'),
            #         exp.string_value('.*s.*'),
            #         exp.string_regex(aerospike.REGEX_ICASE),
            #         exp.list_bin('string_list'),
            #         exp.list_iterate_and('list_val')
            #     ],
            #     {
            #         'string_list': ['s3', 's4']
            #     },
            #     {'string_list': ['s1', 's2']},
            #     5
            # ),
            (  # test map_key_iterate_or
                [map_operations.map_put('map_bin', 'k5', 5)],
                    exp.MapGetByKey(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_COUNT,
                                    exp.ResultType.INTEGER, 'k3', 'map_bin'),
                    1), {
                        'map_bin': {
                            'k1': 1,
                            'k2': 2,
                            'k3': 3,
                            'k4': 4,
                            'k5': 5
                    }, {
                        'map_bin': 5
                    }, 6),
            (  # test map_key_iterate_and
                [map_operations.map_put('map_bin', 'k5', 5)],
                    exp.MapGetByKey(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_COUNT,
                                    exp.ResultType.INTEGER, 'k7', 'map_bin'),
                    0), {
                        'map_bin': {
                            'k1': 1,
                            'k2': 2,
                            'k3': 3,
                            'k4': 4,
                            'k5': 5
                    }, {
                        'map_bin': 5
                    }, 6),
            (  # test mapval_iterate_and
                [map_operations.map_put('map_bin', 'k5', 5)],
                    exp.MapGetByValue(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_COUNT, 7,
                                      'map_bin'), 0), {
                                          'map_bin': {
                                              'k1': 1,
                                              'k2': 2,
                                              'k3': 3,
                                              'k4': 4,
                                              'k5': 5
                                      }, {
                                          'map_bin': 5
                                      }, 6),
            (  # test mapval_iterate_or
                    map_operations.map_get_by_key('map_bin', 'k1',
                    exp.MapGetByValue(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_COUNT, 3,
                                      'map_bin'), 1), {
                                          'map_bin': {
                                              'k1': 1,
                                              'k2': 2,
                                              'k3': 3,
                                              'k4': 4
                                      }, {
                                          'map_bin': 1
                                      }, 6)
    def test_expressions_key_operate(self, ops, expressions, expected_bins,
                                     expected_res, key_num):
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with expressions.
        key = ('test', 'pred_evry', key_num)

        _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate(
            key, ops, policy={'expressions': expressions.compile()})
        assert res == expected_res

        _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
        assert bins == expected_bins

        "ops, expressions, expected_bins, expected_res, key_num",
        [(  # test mapval_iterate_or
                map_operations.map_put_items('map_bin', {
                    'k5': 5,
                    'k6': 6
                map_operations.map_get_by_key('map_bin', 'k1',
                exp.MapGetByRank(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE,
                                 exp.ResultType.INTEGER, 0, 'map_bin'), 3), {
                                     'map_bin': {
                                         'k1': 1,
                                         'k2': 2,
                                         'k3': 3,
                                         'k4': 4,
                                         'k5': 5,
                                         'k6': 6
                                 }, [('map_bin', 6), ('map_bin', 1)], 6)])
    def test_expressions_key_operate_ordered(self, ops, expressions,
                                             expected_bins, expected_res,
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with expressions using operate_ordered.
        key = ('test', 'pred_evry', key_num)

        _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate_ordered(
            key, ops, policy={'expressions': expressions.compile()})
        assert res == expected_res

        _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
        assert bins == expected_bins

        "ops, expressions, expected, key_num",
        [(  # test mapval_iterate_or
                map_operations.map_get_by_key('map_bin', 'k1',
                    exp.MapGetByRank(None, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE,
                                     exp.ResultType.INTEGER, 0, 'map_bin'),
                    1)), e.FilteredOut, 6)])
    def test_expressions_key_operate_ordered_negative(self, ops, expressions,
                                                      expected, key_num):
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with expressions using operate_ordered with expected failures.
        key = ('test', 'pred_evry', key_num)

        with pytest.raises(expected):
            _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate_ordered(
                key, ops, policy={'expressions': expressions.compile()})

        "ops, expressions, key_num, bin",
            (  # test geojson_within
                [operations.increment('id', 1)
                 ], exp.CmpGeo(exp.GeoBin('point'), geo_circle), 7, 'point'),
            (  # test geojson_contains
                [operations.increment('id', 1)
                 ], exp.CmpGeo(exp.GeoBin('region'), geo_point), 7, 'point'),
    def test_expressions_key_operate_geojson(self, ops, expressions, key_num,
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with expressions.
        key = ('test', 'pred_evry', key_num)

        _, _, _ = self.as_connection.operate(
            key, ops, policy={'expressions': expressions.compile()})

        _, _, bins = self.as_connection.get(key)
        assert bins['id'] == 2

    # NOTE: may fail due to clock skew
    def test_expressions_key_operate_record_last_updated(self):
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with a record_last_updated expressions.

        for i in range(5):
            key = 'test', 'pred_lut', i
            self.as_connection.put(key, {'time': 'earlier'})

        cutoff_nanos = (10**9) * int(time.time() + 2)

        for i in range(5, 10):
            key = 'test', 'pred_lut', i
            self.as_connection.put(key, {'time': 'later'})

        results = []

        expr = exp.LT(exp.LastUpdateTime(), cutoff_nanos)
        ops = [operations.read('time')]

        for i in range(10):
                key = 'test', 'pred_lut', i
                _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate(
                    key, ops, policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        assert len(results) == 5
        for res in results:
            assert res['time'] == 'earlier'

    # NOTE: may fail due to clock skew
    def test_expressions_key_operate_record_void_time(self):
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with a rec_void_time expressions.

        for i in range(5):
            key = 'test', 'pred_ttl', i
            self.as_connection.put(key, {'time': 'earlier'}, meta={'ttl': 100})

        # 150 second range for record TTLs should be enough, we are storing with
        # Current time + 100s and current time +5000s, so only one of the group should be found
        void_time_range_start = (10**9) * int(time.time() + 50)
        void_time_range_end = (10**9) * int(time.time() + 150)

        for i in range(5, 10):
            key = 'test', 'pred_ttl', i
            self.as_connection.put(key, {'time': 'later'}, meta={'ttl': 1000})

        results = []

        expr = exp.And(exp.GT(exp.VoidTime(), void_time_range_start),
                       exp.LT(exp.VoidTime(), void_time_range_end)).compile()

        ops = [operations.read('time')]

        for i in range(10):
                key = 'test', 'pred_ttl', i
                _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate(
                    key, ops, policy={'expressions': expr})

        assert len(results) == 5
        for res in results:
            assert res['time'] == 'earlier'

    def test_expressions_key_operate_record_digest_modulo(self):
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with a rec_digest_modulo expressions.

        less_than_128 = 0
        for i in range(100):
            key = 'test', 'demo', i
            if aerospike.calc_digest(*key)[-1] < 128:
                less_than_128 += 1
            self.as_connection.put(key, {'dig_id': i})

        results = []

        expr = exp.LT(exp.DigestMod(256), 128).compile()

        ops = [operations.read('dig_id')]

        for i in range(100):
                key = 'test', 'demo', i
                _, _, res = self.as_connection.operate(
                    key, ops, policy={'expressions': expr})

        assert len(results) == less_than_128

        "ops, expressions, expected, key_num",
            (  # filtered out
                [operations.increment("account_id", 1)
                 ], exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'),
                           5).compile(), e.FilteredOut, 3),
            (  # incorrect bin type
                        'charges', 0, 3, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT),
                    operations.increment("acct_balance", -23)
                exp.And(exp.GE(exp.StrBin('acct_balance'), 10),
                               50)).compile(), e.InvalidRequest, 4),
            (  # filtered out
                [map_operations.map_put('meta', 'lupdated', 'now')],
                    exp.Or(exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user2'),
                                  50))).compile(), e.FilteredOut, 2),
            (  # empty expressions list
                [map_operations.map_put('meta', 'lupdated', 'now')
                 ], [], e.ParamError, 2),
            (  # expressions not in list
                [map_operations.map_put('meta', 'lupdated', 'now')],
                ('bad expressions', ), e.ParamError, 2),
    def test_expressions_key_operate_negative(self, ops, expressions, expected,
        Invoke the C client aerospike_key_operate with expressions. Expecting failures.
        key = ('test', 'pred_evry', key_num)

        with pytest.raises(expected):
                                       policy={'expressions': expressions})

        "expressions, rec_place, rec_bin, expected",
        [(exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 2), 1, 'account_id', 2),
         (exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user2'), 1, 'account_id', 2),
         (exp.Or(exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user2'),
                 exp.GE(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 30)), 2, 'account_id', 3)])
    def test_pos_get_many_with_expressions(self, expressions, rec_place,
                                           rec_bin, expected):
        Proper call to get_many with expressions in policy
        records = self.as_connection.get_many(
            self.keys, {'expressions': expressions.compile()})

        #assert isinstance(records, list)
        # assert records[2][2]['age'] == 2
        assert records[rec_place][2][rec_bin] == expected

    def test_pos_get_many_with_large_expressions(self):
        Proper call to get_many with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4),
            exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user3'),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 12))

        matched_recs = []
        records = self.as_connection.get_many(self.keys,
                                              {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        for rec in records:
            if rec[2] is not None:

        assert len(matched_recs) == 3
        for rec in matched_recs:
            assert rec['account_id'] == 1 or rec['account_id'] == 3 or rec[
                'account_id'] == 4

    def test_pos_select_many_with_large_expressions(self):
        Proper call to select_many with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4),
            exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user3'),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 12))

        matched_recs = []
        records = self.as_connection.select_many(
            self.keys, ['account_id'], {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        for rec in records:
            if rec[2] is not None:

        assert len(matched_recs) == 3
        for rec in matched_recs:
            assert rec['account_id'] == 1 or rec['account_id'] == 3 or rec[
                'account_id'] == 4

    def test_pos_remove_with_expressions(self):
        Call remove with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        records = self.as_connection.remove(self.keys[0],
                                            {'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.exists(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[1] is None

    def test_remove_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call remove with expressions in policy with expected failure.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 3)
        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                                      policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

    def test_remove_bin_with_expressions(self):
        Call remove_bin with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
                                      ['account_id', 'user_name'],
                                      policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[2].get('account_id') is None and rec[2].get(
            'user_name') is None

    def test_remove_bin_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call remove_bin with expressions in policy with expected failure.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4)
        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                self.keys[0], ['account_id', 'user_name'],
                policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

    def test_put_with_expressions(self):
        Call put with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        self.as_connection.put(self.keys[0], {'newkey': 'newval'},
                               policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0])
        assert rec[2]['newkey'] == 'newval'

    def test_put_new_record_with_expressions(self):  # should this fail?
        Call put a new record with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        key = ("test", "demo", 10)
        self.as_connection.put(key, {'newkey': 'newval'},
                               policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        rec = self.as_connection.get(key)
        assert rec[2]['newkey'] == 'newval'

    def test_put_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call put with expressions in policy with expected failure.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4)
        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
            self.as_connection.put(self.keys[0], {'newkey': 'newval'},
                                   policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

    def test_get_with_expressions(self):
        Call to get with expressions in policy.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 1)
        record = self.as_connection.get(self.keys[0],
                                        {'expressions': expr.compile()})

        assert record[2]['account_id'] == 1

    def test_get_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call to get with expressions in policy with expected failures.
        expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 3)
        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                                   {'expressions': expr.compile()})

    def test_select_with_expressions(self):
        Call to select with expressions in policy.

        expr = exp.And(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 20),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 20))

        result = self.as_connection.select(self.keys[1],
                                           ['account_id', 'acct_balance'],
                                           {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        assert result[2]['account_id'] == 2 and result[2]['acct_balance'] == 20

    def test_select_with_expressions_filtered_out(self):
        Call to select with expressions in policy with expected failures.
        expr = exp.And(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('acct_balance'), 20),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 10))

        with pytest.raises(e.FilteredOut):
                                      ['account_id', 'acct_balance'],
                                      {'expressions': expr.compile()})

    def test_exists_many_with_large_expressions(self):
        Proper call to exists_many with expressions in policy.

        expr = exp.Or(
            exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('account_id'), 4),
            exp.Eq(exp.StrBin('user_name'), 'user3'),
                exp.ListGetByRank(None, aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
                                  exp.ResultType.INTEGER, -1, 'charges'), 12))

        matched_recs = []
        records = self.as_connection.exists_many(
            self.keys, {'expressions': expr.compile()})
        for rec in records:
            if rec[1] is not None:

        assert len(matched_recs) == 3
예제 #25
    def test_not(self):
        expr = exp.Not(exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 5))
        results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})

        assert len(results) == 99
        assert_each_record_bins(results, lambda b: b['positive_i'] != 5)
예제 #26
 def test_integer_lesseq(self):
     expr = exp.LE(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 10)
     results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
     assert len(results) == 11
     assert_each_record_bins(results, lambda b: b['positive_i'] <= 10)
예제 #27
 def test_integer_greatereq(self):
     expr = exp.GE(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 49)
     results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
     assert len(results) == 51
     assert_each_record_bins(results, lambda b: b['positive_i'] >= 49)
예제 #28
 def test_integer_equals(self):
     expr = exp.Eq(exp.IntBin('positive_i'), 5)
     results = self.query.results(policy={'expressions': expr.compile()})
     assert len(results) == 1
     assert_each_record_bins(results, lambda b: b['positive_i'] == 5)