예제 #1
def get_bias_data_per_config(bias_list, sl_list, key_list, mom_labels):
    """ gets bias data from (ex and sl)-solves """
    bias_data = None
    for file_pairs, keys in zip(bias_list, key_list):
        file_ex, file_sl = file_pairs
        aff_ex, aff_sl = aff.Reader(file_ex), aff.Reader(file_sl)
        dat_ex = get_aff_data(aff_ex, keys[0], mom_labels)
        dat_sl = get_aff_data(aff_sl, keys[1], mom_labels)
        if bias_data is None:
            bias_data = dat_ex - dat_sl
            bias_data += (dat_ex - dat_sl)
    bias_data = bias_data / float(len(bias_list))

    return bias_data
예제 #2
def convert_from_file(t_in_fn, t_out_fn):
    print(f"Converting file: {t_in_fn}\n" + f"to file        : {t_out_fn}")
    reader = aff.Reader(t_in_fn)

    with h5.File(t_out_fn, 'w') as h5f:
        for key in reader.ls(""):
            recursion_keypath(reader, key, h5f)

예제 #3
def get_aff_key(aff_file):
    """ Returns the tree structure of an aff-file """
    aff_r = aff.Reader(aff_file)
    loc, tree = '', []
    while bool(aff_r.ls(loc)):
        val = aff_r.ls(loc)
        loc = loc + "/" + val[0]
    return tree
예제 #4
def get_sl_data_per_config(bias_list, sl_list, key_list, mom_labels):
    """ gets data from sl-solve """
    aff_sl_list = [aff.Reader(f_sl) for f_sl in sl_list]
    aff_sl = np.asarray([
        get_aff_data(afr, ksl, mom_labels)
        for afr, ksl in zip(aff_sl_list, key_list)
    sl_data = aff_sl.mean(axis=0)
    for aff_r in aff_sl_list:

    return sl_data
예제 #5
def get_ex_data_per_config(bias_list, sl_list, key_list, mom_labels):
    """ gets data from ex-solve """
    ex_data = None
    for file_pairs, keys in zip(bias_list, key_list):
        file_ex = file_pairs[0]
        aff_ex = aff.Reader(file_ex)
        dat_ex = get_aff_data(aff_ex, keys[0], mom_labels)
        if ex_data is None:
            ex_data = dat_ex
            ex_data += dat_ex
    ex_data = ex_data / float(len(bias_list))

    return ex_data
예제 #6
def check_output_data(p, test_dir='.'):
    aff_r = aff.Reader(test_dir + '/' + p['aff_file'])

    frw_p = np.array(aff_r.read(p['frw_kpath'])).reshape((3, 4, 3, 4))
    bkw_p = np.array(aff_r.read(p['bkw_kpath'])).reshape((3, 4, 3, 4))
    qv = np.empty((16, 3, 4, 3, 4), np.complex128)
    for iG in range(16):
        d = aff_r.read(p['qv_kpath'] + ('/g%d' % iG))
        qv[iG] = np.array(d).reshape((3, 4, 3, 4))

    frw_p1, bkw_p1, qv1 = make_test_res_p(p)
    cmp_data = (np.allclose(frw_p, frw_p1) and np.allclose(bkw_p, bkw_p1)
                and np.allclose(qv, qv1))

    #print y.shape, y1.shape

    dqv = qv - qv1
    print("%e\t%e\t%e" %
          (cplx_norm2(frw_p), cplx_norm2(frw_p1), rdiff(frw_p, frw_p1)))
    print("%e\t%e\t%e" %
          (cplx_norm2(bkw_p), cplx_norm2(bkw_p1), rdiff(bkw_p, bkw_p1)))
    print("%e\t%e\t%e" % (cplx_norm2(qv), cplx_norm2(qv1), rdiff(qv, qv1)))

    return cmp_data
예제 #7
def read_data(t_path, t_key_list, t_auto_first_key=None):
        t_path: pathlib.Path or string
            Represents the path where the *.aff data files are stored. This function
            reads all contained .aff files.
        t_key_list: list of strings
            Represents the keypath key0/key1/key2/... within the .aff files stored
            in t_path.
        t_auto_first_key: int, default: None
            If the first key, i.e. key0 is not the same for all files in t_path and
            automatically insert the one determined by
            If None is given omit this step. The keypath will then be the intersection
            of all keys in `t_key_list`

        Returns: numpy.ndarray
            array representing the correlators in the format
                [ [gauge1], [gauge2], ..., [gaugeN] ]
            where [gauge1] is a numpy.array of the size t_Nt (temporal direction of gauge
            configuration used for the correlator)

        This functions reads all the data in t_path for a given set of t_keys.
        It returns a single np.ndarray containing the data.
        It is assumed that each file corresponds to one configuration.

    if isinstance(t_path, str):
        t_path = Path(t_path)

    # get the key path for the aff files
    keypath = keypath_from_list(t_key_list)

    # get the aff file names
    data_fn_list = [fn.name for fn in t_path.rglob('*.aff')]

    # get the data sizes. It is assumed that all files contain the same size under keypath
    size_reader = aff.Reader(t_path / data_fn_list[0])
    if t_auto_first_key is not None:
        l_keypath = size_reader.ls("")[t_auto_first_key] + '/' + keypath
        data = np.ndarray(shape=(len(data_fn_list),
        data = np.ndarray(shape=(len(data_fn_list), size_reader.size(keypath)),

    # a counter to index [gauge1],[gauge2], ...
    print("Reading files...")
    for i_fn, fn in enumerate(data_fn_list):
        # determine keypath:
        fn = t_path / fn

        # create reader
        reader = aff.Reader(fn)

        # correct the keypath bey key0 if desired
        if t_auto_first_key is not None:
            l_keypath = reader.ls("")[t_auto_first_key] + '/' + keypath
            l_keypath = keypath

        # read the data and store it in the array
        data[i_fn] = np.array(reader.read(l_keypath))

        # finialize this step and go to next gauge file

        f"Done reading! Read {data.shape[0]} files, with sizes = {data.shape[1:]}."

    return data