예제 #1
    def process_logfile(self):
        """main function to process logfile

        # replace any known label groups

        # read logfile
        inlines = UTIL.read_text_file(self.logfile, lines=1, verb=self.verb)

        llist = self.make_label_list(inlines)

        if self.show_vals & SHOW_RANK:
            if self.verb: pref = 'rank : '
            else: pref = ''
            lshow = [ll[2] for ll in llist if ll[2] != None]
            print '%s%s' % (pref, ','.join(lshow))
        if self.show_vals & SHOW_ORIG:
            if self.verb: pref = 'orig : '
            else: pref = ''
            if self.show_vals & SHOW_ALL_ORIG:
                lshow = [ll[1] for ll in llist]
                lshow = [ll[1] for ll in llist if ll[2] != None]
            print '%s%s' % (pref, ','.join(lshow))

        return 0
예제 #2
def parse_3col_tsv(fname, verb=1):
    """Read one 3 column tsv (tab separated value) file, and return:
        - status (0 if okay)
        - header list (length 3?)
        - list of onset, duration, label values

      A 3 column tsv file should have an optional header line,
      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
    lines = UTIL.read_text_file(fname, lines=1)
    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** failed parse_3col_tsv for '%s'" % fname)
        return 1, [], []

    # pare lines down to useful ones
    newlines = []
    for lind, line in enumerate(lines):
        vv = line.split('\t')
        if len(vv) == 3:
        elif len(vv) > 0:
            print('** skipping bad line %d of 3col tsv file %s' %
                  (lind, fname))
            if verb > 2: print('   vals[%d] = %s' % (len(vv), vv))
        elif verb > 2:
            print('** skipping empty line %d of 3col tsv file %s' %
                  (lind, fname))
    lines = newlines

    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** parse_3col_tsv for '%s' is empty" % fname)
        return 1, [], []

    # set header list, if a header exists
    header = []
    l0 = lines[0]
        onset = float(l0[0])
        dur = float(l0[1])
        lab = l0[2].replace(' ', '_')  # and convert spaces to underscores
        header = lines.pop(0)

    # now lines should be all: onset, duration, label
    slist = []
    for line in lines:
            onset = float(line[0])
            dur = float(line[1])
            lab = line[2].replace(' ', '_')  # convert spaces to underscores
            print('** bad line 3col tsv file %s: %s' % (fname, ' '.join(line)))
            return 1, [], []
        slist.append([onset, dur, lab])

    return 0, header, slist
예제 #3
    def check_dotfiles(self, show=0, pack=0):
        global g_dotfiles

        home = os.environ['HOME']

        # get list of existing files
        dfound = []
        for dfile in g_dotfiles:
            if os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (home, dfile)):
                print('found under $HOME : %s' % dfile)

        if show:
            for dfile in dfound:
                print(UTIL.section_divider(dfile, hchar='='))
                print('%s\n' %
                      UTIL.read_text_file('%s/%s' % (home, dfile), lines=0))

        if pack:
            import shutil
            package = self.dot_file_pack
            pgz = '%s.tgz' % package
            # maybe user included the extension
            ext = package.find('.tgz')
            if ext >= 0:
                pgz = package
                package = package[0:ext]
            if os.path.exists(package) or os.path.exists('%s.tgz' % package):
                print("** error: package dir '%s' or file '%s' already exists"\
                      % (package, pgz))
                return 1

                print("** failed to make dot file package dir '%s'" % package)
                return 1
            for dfile in dfound:
                shutil.copy2('%s/%s' % (home, dfile), package)
            os.system("tar cfz %s %s" % (pgz, package))
            if os.path.exists(pgz): print('++ dot file package is in %s' % pgz)
            else: print('** failed to make dot file packge %s' % pgz)

        return 0
예제 #4
   def check_dotfiles(self, show=0, pack=0):
      global g_dotfiles

      home = os.environ['HOME']

      # get list of existing files
      dfound = []
      for dfile in g_dotfiles:
         if os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (home, dfile)):
            print 'found under $HOME : %s' % dfile

      if show:
         for dfile in dfound:
            print UTIL.section_divider(dfile, hchar='=')
            print '%s\n' % UTIL.read_text_file('%s/%s' % (home, dfile), lines=0)

      if pack:
         import shutil
         package = self.dot_file_pack
         pgz = '%s.tgz' % package
         # maybe user included the extension
         ext = package.find('.tgz')
         if ext >= 0:
            pgz = package
            package = package[0:ext]
         if os.path.exists(package) or os.path.exists('%s.tgz'%package):
            print "** error: package dir '%s' or file '%s' already exists"\
                  % (package, pgz)
            return 1

         try: os.mkdir(package)
            print "** failed to make dot file package dir '%s'"  % package
            return 1
         for dfile in dfound:
            shutil.copy2('%s/%s' % (home, dfile), package)
         os.system("tar cfz %s %s" % (pgz, package))
         if os.path.exists(pgz): print '++ dot file package is in %s' % pgz
         else: print '** failed to make dot file packge %s' % pgz
예제 #5

    grp = ""
    for x in lll:
        # make new table if grp
        if x[0] != grp:
            grp = x[0]
            fff.write(table_head % (grp))
        fff.write("   * - %s\n" % (x[3]))
        fff.write("     - :ref:`%s <ahelp_%s>`\n" % (x[2], x[2]))
        fff.write("     - %s\n" % (x[4]))


# =================================================================

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # --------------------- get input ------------------------

    print "++ Command line:\n   ", ' '.join(sys.argv)
    (ifile, ofile) = get_arg(sys.argv[1:])

    all_lines = au.read_text_file(ifile)
    lll = parse_field_lines(all_lines)

    write_out_edu_rst(ofile, lll)

    print("++ Done writing educational classification rst!")
예제 #6
    return GG

# =================================================================

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # --------------------- get input ------------------------

    print("++ Command line:\n   ", ' '.join(sys.argv))
    (ifile, inumb, ofile) = get_arg(sys.argv[1:])

    # --------------------- proc it ------------------------

    bad_list_init = au.read_text_file(ifile)
    bad_list_proc = Convert_StrList_to_NumArr(bad_list_init)
    good_list = Invert_BadInd_List(bad_list_proc, inumb)

    good_encoded = au.encode_1D_ints(good_list)

    # ------------------- write out -------------------------

    print("++ OK, the list of good indices in AFNI selector format is:")
    print("\n    %s\n" % good_encoded)

    f = open(ofile, 'w')

    print("   ... which has been written to file: %s" % ofile)
예제 #7
def parse_Ncol_tsv(fname, verb=1):
    """Read one N column tsv (tab separated value) file, and return:
        - ncol: -1 on error, else >= 0
        - header list (length ncol)
        - list of onset, duration, label values, amplitudes?

      An N column tsv file should have an optional header line,
      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
    lines = UTIL.read_text_file(fname, lines=1)
    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** failed parse_3col_tsv for '%s'" % fname)
        return -1, [], []

    # pare lines down to useful ones
    newlines = []
    norig = 0
    for lind, line in enumerate(lines):
        vv = line.split('\t')
        vlen = len(vv)
        if len == 0:
            if verb > 2:                print('** skipping empty line %d of 3col tsv file %s' \
                      % (lind, fname))

        # possibly initialize norig
        if norig == 0: norig = vlen

        # require consistency
        if vlen != norig:
            print('** line %d ncol=%d, mismatch with orig ncol %d' % \
                  (lind, vlen, norig))
            print('** skipping bad line: %s' % line)


    lines = newlines

    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** parse_Ncol_tsv for '%s' is empty" % fname)
        return -1, [], []
    if norig < 3:
        print("** parse_Ncol_tsv: bad ncols = %d" % norig)
        return -1, [], []

    # set header list, if a header exists
    header = []
    l0 = lines[0]
        onset = float(l0[0])
        dur = float(l0[1])
        lab = l0[2].replace(' ', '_')  # and convert spaces to underscores
        header = lines.pop(0)

    # decide whether there are amplitudes
    ainds = []
    if len(lines) > 0 and norig > 3:
        line = lines[0]
        # find all columns that look like floats
        for ind in range(3, len(line)):
                amp = float(line[ind])

    # now lines should be all: onset, duration, label and possibly amplitudes
    slist = []
    for line in lines:
            onset = float(line[0])
            dur = float(line[1])
            lab = line[2].replace(' ', '_')  # convert spaces to underscores
            if len(ainds) > 0:
                amps = [float(line[aind]) for aind in ainds]
            print('** bad line Ncol tsv file %s: %s' % (fname, ' '.join(line)))
            return -1, [], []
        if len(ainds) > 0: slist.append([onset, dur, lab, amps])
        else: slist.append([onset, dur, lab])

    if len(ainds) > 0: nuse = 4
    else: nuse = 3

    return nuse, header, slist
예제 #8
def parse_Ncol_tsv(fname, verb=1, hlabels=['onset', 'duration', 'trial_type']):
    """Read one N column tsv (tab separated value) file, and return:
        - ncol: -1 on error, else >= 0
        - header list (length ncol)
        - list of onset, duration, label values, amplitudes?

      If all hlabels exist in header labels, then extract those columns.
      If all hlabels are integers, extract those 0-based columns.
      The format for hlabels should indicate :
         onset, duration, type and amplitudes, if any:

         onset time, duration, trial type, amp1, amp2, ... ampA

      An N column tsv file should have an optional header line,
      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
    lines = UTIL.read_text_file(fname, lines=1)
    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** failed parse_3col_tsv for '%s'" % fname)
        return -1, [], []

    # pare lines down to useful ones
    newlines = []
    norig = 0
    for lind, line in enumerate(lines):
        vv = line.split('\t')
        vlen = len(vv)
        if len == 0:
            if verb > 2:                print('** skipping empty line %d of 3col tsv file %s' \
                      % (lind, fname))

        # possibly initialize norig
        if norig == 0: norig = vlen

        # require consistency
        if vlen != norig:
            print('** line %d ncol=%d, mismatch with orig ncol %d' % \
                  (lind, vlen, norig))
            print('** skipping bad line: %s' % line)


    lines = newlines

    if len(lines) < 1:
        print("** parse_Ncol_tsv for '%s' is empty" % fname)
        return -1, [], []
    if norig < 3:
        print("** parse_Ncol_tsv: bad ncols = %d in %s" % (norig, fname))
        return -1, [], []

    # decide on column extration indices, based on hlabels and lines[0:2]
    col_inds = tsv_hlabels_to_col_list(hlabels, lines, verb=verb)
    if len(col_inds) < 3:
        print("** failed to make tsv column index list in %s" % fname)
        return -1, [], []

    # set header list, if a header exists
    header = []
    l0 = lines[0]
        onset = float(l0[col_inds[0]])
        dur = float(l0[col_inds[1]])
        lab = l0[col_inds[2]].replace(' ',
                                      '_')  # convert spaces to underscores
        l0 = lines.pop(0)
        header = [l0[col_inds[i]] for i in range(len(col_inds))]

    # decide whether there are amplitudes
    ainds = col_inds[3:]
    #if len(lines) > 0 and norig > 3:
    #   line = lines[0]
    #   # find all columns that look like floats
    #   for ind in range(3, len(line)):
    #      try:
    #         amp = float(line[ind])
    #         ainds.append(ind)
    #      except: pass

    # now lines should be all: onset, duration, label and possibly amplitudes
    slist = []
    oind = col_inds[0]
    dind = col_inds[1]
    lind = col_inds[2]
    for line in lines:
            onset = float(line[oind])
            dur = float(line[dind])
            lab = line[lind].replace(' ', '_')  # convert spaces to underscores
            if len(ainds) > 0:
                amps = [float(line[aind]) for aind in ainds]
            print('** bad line Ncol tsv file %s: %s' % (fname, ' '.join(line)))
            return -1, [], []
        if len(ainds) > 0: slist.append([onset, dur, lab, amps])
        else: slist.append([onset, dur, lab])

    nuse = len(col_inds)

    return nuse, header, slist