예제 #1
파일: ui_xmat.py 프로젝트: pab2163/afni
   def make_col_type_string(self):
      """return a string showing which columns are main, baseline or motion
         (return error code (0=success) and cormat string)"""

      mat = self.matX

      if not mat.ready:
         return 1, '** no X-matrix to get col types from'

      mstr  = 'Columns by regressor type:\n\n'
      mstr += '    main regressor columns     : %s\n' % \
      mstr += '    chosen regressor columns   : %s\n' % \
      mstr += '    baseline regressor columns : %s\n' % \
      mstr += '    motion regressor columns   : %s\n' % \

      return 0, mstr
예제 #2
    all_lost_labs = ''
    all_lost_vals = ''
    all_lost_vals_list = [] 
    for ii in range( len(lost_ref_labs) ):
        if not(ii % 5) :
            all_lost_labs+= '\n# '
            all_lost_vals+= '\n# '
        all_lost_labs+= '{:<10s} '.format(lost_ref_labs[ii])
        all_lost_vals+= '{:<10d} '.format(lost_ref_vals[ii])

    # for later reporting; makes a string of AFNI-encoded items
    # separated with .. and , (which is NOT used right now), and a
    # simple, comma-separated list in a string
    all_lost_vals_enc_1D = au.encode_1D_ints(all_lost_vals_list)
    all_lost_vals_comma  = ','.join([str(x) for x in all_lost_vals_list])

    # calc physical volumes size of ROIs and masks
    new_inp_vols     = nvox2phys_vol( new_inp_nvox, inp_voxvol )
    ref_vols         = nvox2phys_vol( ref_nvox,     ref_voxvol )

    inp_mask_vol     = nvox2phys_vol( inp_mask_size, inp_voxvol )
    ref_mask_vol     = nvox2phys_vol( ref_mask_size, ref_voxvol )

    # calc fractional volumes of ROIs in mask: vals / N_mask
    new_inp_fracs = nvox2frac_size( new_inp_nvox, inp_mask_size )
    ref_fracs     = nvox2frac_size( ref_nvox,     ref_mask_size )

    # -------------------- make HEADER of file ------------------------
예제 #3
# =================================================================

if __name__=="__main__":

    # --------------------- get input ------------------------

    print("++ Command line:\n   ", ' '.join(sys.argv))
    (ifile, inumb, ofile)  =  get_arg(sys.argv[1:])

    # --------------------- proc it ------------------------

    bad_list_init  = au.read_text_file( ifile )
    bad_list_proc  = Convert_StrList_to_NumArr( bad_list_init )
    good_list      = Invert_BadInd_List( bad_list_proc, inumb )

    good_encoded   = au.encode_1D_ints( good_list )

    # ------------------- write out -------------------------

    print("++ OK, the list of good indices in AFNI selector format is:")
    print("\n    %s\n" % good_encoded)

    f = open(ofile, 'w')

    print("   ... which has been written to file: %s" % ofile)
    print("++ Done.")

예제 #4
    # [PT: May 22, 2018] want INTERSECTION, not union...
    Nlstr = len(lstr)
    if Nlstr < 1:
        sys.exit("Couldn't find any number strings??")
    # put all selectors together
    sss = set(au.decode_1D_ints(lstr[0], imax=maxind))
    for i in range(1,Nlstr):
        ll = lstr[i]
        sss = set.intersection(sss, set(au.decode_1D_ints(ll, imax=maxind)))

    # listify and sort
    list_final = list(sss)

    good_encoded   = au.encode_1D_ints( list_final )

    # ------------------- write out -------------------------

    print("++ OK, the list of good indices in AFNI selector format is:")
    print("\n    %s\n" % good_encoded)

    f = open(ofile, 'w')

    print("   ... which has been written to file: %s" % ofile)
    print("++ Done.")

예제 #5
파일: lib_matplot.py 프로젝트: pab2163/afni
   def plot_mat_by_cols(self, amat, cols=[]):
      """plot the given columns from a single AfniMatrix"""

      if not isinstance(amat, AM.AfniXmat):
         print('** plot_MBC: instance is not AfniXmat')

      if not cols:
         if amat.verb > 1: print('-- plotting default of %d cols' % amat.ncols)
         cols = [i for i in range(amat.ncols)]

      ncols = len(cols)
      if ncols < 1: return

      # create reduced matrix and column labels
      mat = amat.mat[:,cols]

      yformat = FormatStrFormatter('%5.1f')
      if amat.labels:
         labels = N.array(amat.labels)
         labels = labels[cols]
         labels = labels.tolist()

         # create axis formatter string

         striplabs = 1
         for label in labels: # strip trailing '#' if indices are all 0
            ind = regress_index(label)
            if ind > 0: striplabs = 0

         maxlen = 0
         for l in range(len(labels)):
            label = labels[l]
            if striplabs:
               labels[l] = labels[l][0:labels[l].rfind('#')]
            if len(labels[l]) > maxlen: maxlen = len(labels[l])

      for i in range(ncols):
         if i == 0: title = '%s [%s]' % (os.path.basename(amat.fname),
         else     : title = ''

         if self.as_one:
            # then only create one axis
            if i == 0: ax = self.figure.add_subplot(1,1,1,title=title)
            ax = self.figure.add_subplot(ncols,1,i+1,title=title)
         data = mat[:,i]

         # apply y tickmarks
         ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
         width = ymax - ymin
         if ymin*ymax < 0.0: ymean = 0.0
         else: ymean = round((ymin+ymax)/2.0,2)


         amax = round(data.max(),1)

         if self.as_one:                   pass # use default yticks
         elif amax == 1.0 and ymin == 0.0: ax.set_yticks(N.array([ymin,amax]))
         elif ncols > 10:                  ax.set_yticks(N.array([ymin,ymax]))
         else:                       ax.set_yticks(N.array([ymin,ymean,ymax]))

         # now that yticks are set, prevent tight limits
         if not self.as_one:
            if ymin == data.min():
               ymin -= 0.15 * width
               ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))

            if ymax == data.max():
               ymax += 0.15 * width
               ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))

            if amat.run_len > 10 and amat.nruns > 1:
                                      for r in range(amat.nruns+1)]))

         if i < ncols - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([])
         else:             ax.set_xlabel('TRs')

         if self.as_one: ax.set_ylabel('')
         elif amat.labels:
            ax.set_ylabel('%-*s ' % (maxlen,labels[i]), rotation='horizontal')
            rv, plist = self.axis_posn(ax)
            # rcr - fix
            #if rv == 0: ax.set_position((0.2, plist[1], plist[2], plist[3]))
            if rv == 0: ax.set_position((0.15, plist[1], 0.7, 0.7/ncols))
