예제 #1
def display_vldb_site_list(params, vldb, indent=""):
    output(indent, "number of sites -> ", vldb.nServers, "\n")
    for i in range(0, vldb.nServers):
        addr = addrcache.resolve(params, vldb.serverNumber[i])
        part = partition.id2part(vldb.serverPartition[i])

        flags = vldb.serverFlags[i]
        if flags & kafs.VLSF_ROVOL:
            ptype = "RO"
        elif flags & kafs.VLSF_RWVOL:
            ptype = "RW"
            ptype = "Back"

        outputf("{:s}   server {:s} partition {:s} {:s} Site\n", indent, addr,
                part, ptype)

    if vldb.flags & (kafs.VLOP_MOVE | kafs.VLOP_RELEASE | kafs.VLOP_BACKUP
                     | kafs.VLOP_DELETE | kafs.VLOP_DUMP):
        output(indent, "Volume is currently LOCKED")
        if vldb.flags & kafs.VLOP_MOVE:
            output(indent, "Volume is locked for a move operation")
        if vldb.flags & kafs.VLOP_RELEASE:
            output(indent, "Volume is locked for a release operation")
        if vldb.flags & kafs.VLOP_BACKUP:
            output(indent, "Volume is locked for a backup operation")
        if vldb.flags & kafs.VLOP_DELETE:
            output(indent, "Volume is locked for a delete/misc operation")
        if vldb.flags & kafs.VLOP_DUMP:
            output(indent, "Volume is locked for a dump/restore operation")
예제 #2
파일: listvol.py 프로젝트: whm/kafs-utils
def display_one_partition(params, vol_conn, partition):
    if "extended" in params:
        ret = kafs.VOLSER_XListVolumes(vol_conn, partition, 1)
        ret = kafs.VOLSER_ListVolumes(vol_conn, partition, 1)

    params["_partname"] = partname = id2part(partition)
    if "quiet" not in params:
        output("Total number of volumes on server ", params["server"], " partition ",
               partname, ": ", len(ret.resultEntries), "\n")

    display_func = display_vol_oneline_summary
    if "fast" in params:
        display_func = display_fast
    elif "format" in params and "extended" in params:
        display_func = display_format_extended
    elif "format" in params:
        display_func = display_format_normal
    elif "extended" in params:
        display_func = display_extended
    elif "long" in params:
        display_func = display_vol_information

    n_online = 0
    n_offline = 0
    n_busy = 0
    volumes = ret.resultEntries
    volumes.sort(key=lambda vol: vol.name)
    for vol in volumes:
        if vol.inUse:
            n_online += 1
        if vol.status == kafs.VBUSY:
            n_busy += 1
        display_func(params, vol)

    if "quiet" not in params:
        if "fast" not in params and "format" not in params:
            output("Total volumes onLine ", n_online, "; Total volumes offLine ", n_offline,
                   "; Total busy ", n_busy, "\n")
        elif "format" in params and "extended" in params:
            output("VOLUMES_ONLINE  ", n_online, "\n")
            output("VOLUMES_OFFLINE ", n_offline, "\n")
            output("VOLUMES_BUSY    ", n_busy, "\n")
예제 #3
파일: listpart.py 프로젝트: whm/kafs-utils
def main(params):
    cell = params["cell"]
    vol_conn = cell.open_volume_server(params["server"], params)

    ret = kafs.VOLSER_ListPartitions(vol_conn)
    partitions = ret.partIDs.partIds

    output("The partitions on the server are:\n")

    parts = ""
    n = 0

    for i in partitions:
        if i != 0xffffffff:
            n += 1
            output("    ", partition.id2part(i))

    output("Total: ", n, "\n")
예제 #4
def main(params):
    cell = params["cell"]
    vol_conn = cell.open_volume_server(params["server"], params)

    if "partition" not in params:
        ret = kafs.VOLSER_ListPartitions(vol_conn)
        partitions = ret.partIDs.partIds
        partitions = [params["partition"]]

    for i in partitions:
        if i != 0xffffffff:
            partname = partition.id2part(i)

                ret = kafs.VOLSER_PartitionInfo(vol_conn, partname)
                part = ret.partition

                output("Free space on partition ", part.name, ": ", part.free,
                       " K blocks out of total ", part.totalUsable, "\n")
            except kafs.AbortVOLSERILLEGAL_PARTITION:
                error("partition ", partname,
                      " does not exist on the server\n")
예제 #5
파일: status.py 프로젝트: whm/kafs-utils
def main(params):
    cell = params["cell"]
    vol_conn = cell.open_volume_server(params["server"], params)

    ret = kafs.VOLSER_Monitor(vol_conn)
    results = ret.result
    if len(results) == 0:
        output("No active transactions on", params["server"].name(), "\n")

    for trans in results:
        outputf("transaction: {:d}  created: {:s}\n", trans.tid, time2str(trans.creationTime))
        output("lastActiveTime:", time2str(trans.time), "\n")
        if iflag & kafs.ITOffline:
            attach_mode = "offline"
        elif iflag & kafs.ITBusy:
            attach_mode = "busy"
        elif iflag & kafs.ITReadOnly:
            attach_mode = "readonly"
        elif iflag & kafs.ITCreate:
            attach_mode = "create"
        elif iflag & kafs.ITCreateVolID:
            attach_mode = "createvolid"
            attach_mode = "{:d}".format(trans.iflags)
        output("attachFlags: ", attach_mode, "\n")
        ourputf("volume: {:d} partition {:s} procedure {:s}",
        output("packetRead: ", trans.readNext,
               " lastReceiveTime: ", trans.lastReceiveTime,
               " packetSend: ", trans.transmitNext,
        output("    lastSendTime: ", trans.lastSendTime, "\n")
예제 #6
def main(params):
    cell = params["cell"]
    vl_conn = cell.open_vl_server(params)

    volname = params["id"]
    if volname.isnumeric():
        volid = int(volname)
        ret = kafs.VL_GetEntryByIDN(vl_conn, volid, 0xffffffff)
        vldb = ret.entry
        if volid == vldb.volumeId[kafs.RWVOL]:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_RWVOL
        elif volid == vldb.volumeId[kafs.ROVOL]:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_ROVOL
        elif volid == vldb.volumeId[kafs.BACKVOL]:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_BACKVOL
            raise AFSException(
                "Requested volume ID not in record for volume ID")
        ret = kafs.VL_GetEntryByNameN(vl_conn, volname)
        vldb = ret.entry
        servflag = 0
        for i in range(0, vldb.nServers):
            servflag |= vldb.serverFlags[i]
        if servflag & kafs.VLSF_RWVOL:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_RWVOL
            volid = vldb.volumeId[kafs.RWVOL]
        elif servflag & kafs.VLSF_ROVOL:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_ROVOL
            volid = vldb.volumeId[kafs.ROVOL]
        elif servflag & kafs.VLSF_BACKVOL:
            servflag = kafs.VLSF_BACKVOL
            volid = vldb.volumeId[kafs.BACKVOL]
            raise AFSException("Requested volume does not exist on any server")

    del vl_conn

    for i in range(0, vldb.nServers):
        if vldb.serverFlags[i] & servflag == 0:

        vol_server = volserver(vldb.serverNumber[i])
        vol_conn = cell.open_volume_server(vol_server, params)
        if "extended" in params:
            ret = kafs.VOLSER_XListOneVolume(vol_conn, vldb.serverPartition[i],
            ret = kafs.VOLSER_ListOneVolume(vol_conn, vldb.serverPartition[i],
        params["server"] = vol_server
        params["_partname"] = id2part(vldb.serverPartition[i])
        vol = ret.resultEntries[0]
        del vol_conn
        raise AFSException("Couldn't examine requested volume")

    if "format" in params and "extended" not in params:
        display_format(params, vldb, vol)
        display_normal(params, vldb, vol)
예제 #7
파일: create.py 프로젝트: whm/kafs-utils
def main(params):
    cell = params["cell"]
    vol_conn = cell.open_volume_server(params["server"], params)
    vldb_conn = cell.open_vl_server(params)

    ret = kafs.VOLSER_XListPartitions(vol_conn)
    partitions = ret.ent

    # The partition must exist on the server
    part = params["partition"]
    if part not in partitions:
        raise AFSException("partition " + id2part(part) +
                           " does not exist on the server")

    # The volume mustn't exist in the VLDB
        ret = kafs.VL_GetEntryByNameN(vldb_conn, params["name"])
        raise AFSException("Volume " + params["name"] + " already exists")
    except kafs.AbortVL_NOENT:

    # We need three volume IDs for the R/W, R/O and backup volumes
    volume_ids = [0, 0, 0]
    ret = kafs.VL_GetNewVolumeId(vldb_conn, 1)
    volume_ids[kafs.RWVOL] = ret.newvolumid
    ret = kafs.VL_GetNewVolumeId(vldb_conn, 1)
    volume_ids[kafs.ROVOL] = ret.newvolumid
    ret = kafs.VL_GetNewVolumeId(vldb_conn, 1)
    volume_ids[kafs.BACKVOL] = ret.newvolumid

    # Begin a volume creation transaction and configure the volume
    ret = kafs.VOLSER_CreateVolume(vol_conn, part, params["name"], kafs.RWVOL,
                                   0, volume_ids[kafs.RWVOL])
    if ret.volid != volume_ids[kafs.RWVOL]:
        raise AFSException("Tried to create volume {:x} but got {:x}".format(
            ret.volid, volume_ids[kafs.RWVOL]))
    transaction = ret.trans

        # Set the maximum quota
        v = 0xffffffff
        info = kafs.volintInfo()
        info.creationDate = v
        info.accessDate = v
        info.updateDate = v
        info.dayUse = v
        info.flags = v
        info.spare0 = v
        info.spare1 = v
        info.spare2 = v
        info.spare3 = v

        if "maxquota" in params:
            info.maxquota = int(params["maxquota"])
            info.maxquota = 5000

        ret = kafs.VOLSER_SetInfo(vol_conn, transaction, info)

        # Set the flags
        ret = kafs.VOLSER_SetFlags(vol_conn, transaction, 0)

        # Create the VLDB entry
        vldb = kafs.nvldbentry()
        vldb.name = params["name"]
        vldb.nServers = 1
        vldb.serverNumber[0] = int(params["server"].addr())
        vldb.serverPartition[0] = part
        vldb.serverFlags[0] = kafs.VLSF_RWVOL
        vldb.volumeId = volume_ids
        vldb.cloneId = 0
        vldb.flags = kafs.VLF_RWEXISTS

        ret = kafs.VL_CreateEntryN(vldb_conn, vldb)

    except Exception as e:
        # If we can't create a VLDB entry, we should probably clean up the
        # volume we've just created, rather than leaving it lying around.
            "VLDB entry or volume creation failed; attempting to delete the volume."
            kafs.VOLSER_DeleteVolume(vol_conn, transaction)
            error("Volume deletion failed")
            ret = kafs.VOLSER_EndTrans(vol_conn, transaction)
            error("Couldn't end volume creation transaction on error\n")
        raise e

    # Polish off
        ret = kafs.VOLSER_EndTrans(vol_conn, transaction)
    except Exception as e:
        error("Couldn't end volume creation transaction on error\n")
        raise e