예제 #1
from aftershoq.interface import Inextnano
from aftershoq.materials import GaAs, AlGaAs
from aftershoq.numerics.runplatf import Local
from aftershoq.qcls import EV2416
import aftershoq.utils.systemutil as su
import aftershoq.utils.debug as dbg

pathwd = "../demo/NextNano"

dbg.open(dbg.verb_modes["chatty"], outfile=pathwd + "/debug.log")

nnroot = "C:/Users/Martin Franckie/Documents/nextnanoQCL_2018_03_29/nextnano/2018_03_29/nextnano.QCL/"

lic = nnroot + "../License/License_nnQCL.lic"

model = Inextnano(nnroot, Local(), GaAs(), lic)

s = EV2416()

for l in s.layers:
    if l.material.name == "AlGaAs":
        l.material.name = "Al(x)Ga(1-x)As"

model.numpar["efield0"] = 0.050
model.numpar["defield"] = 0.005
model.numpar["Nefield"] = 5
model.numpar["NE"] = 400
model.numpar["Nk"] = 400
model.numpar["Nz"] = 100
예제 #2
from aftershoq.materials import *
from aftershoq.qcls import *
from aftershoq.structure import Sgenerator
from aftershoq.interface import Inegf
from aftershoq.numerics.runplatf import Local
import aftershoq.utils.systemutil as su
import aftershoq.utils.debug as dbg
from aftershoq.interface import Isewself
from aftershoq.numerics import Paraopt
import numpy

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Setup debugger:

    dbg.open(dbg.verb_modes['verbose'], "debug.log")
    dbg.debug("Debug file\n\n")

    sep = '\n----------------------------------------------\n'

    print('------ Welcome to the demonstration of -------\n')
    print('               "AFTERSHOQ" \n\n')
    print('       Written by Martin Franckie 2018.')
    print('       Please give credit where credit')
    print('                   is due\n')
    print('Creating semiconductor materials and alloys:\n')
    print('       ( All CBO relative to GaAs )\n')

    # create materials GaAs, AlAs, InAs, alloys:
예제 #3
import aftershoq.utils.systemutil as su
import aftershoq.utils.debug as dbg
from aftershoq.interface import Isewself, Inegf
from aftershoq.numerics import Paraopt, Gaussopt
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
import aftershoq.utils.const as const

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # the working directory:
    path = "/Users/martin/Projects/Optimization/ASQW/ASQWchi2/Mehrans/v3/"
    #path = os.getcwd()+"/"+path

    # Setup debugger:
    dbg.open(dbg.verb_modes['verbose'], path + "/debug.log")
    dbg.debug("Debug file \n\n")

    sep = '\n----------------------------------------------\n'

    print('--- Welcome to the "sewself" demonstration of ---\n')
    print('               "AFTERSHOQ" \n\n')
    print('       Written by Martin Franckie 2018.')
    print('       Please give credit where credit')
    print('                   is due\n')
    print('Creating semiconductor materials and alloys:\n')
    print('       ( All CBO relative to GaAs )\n')

    # create materials GaAs and two AlGaAs:
예제 #4
from aftershoq.qcls import EV2416

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # the working directory:
    path = "../../demo/EV2416/"
    path = os.getcwd() + "/" + path

    # results directory:
    pathresults = "../../demo/results/"


    # Setup debugger:
    dbg.open(dbg.verb_modes['chatty'], pathresults + "/debug.log")
    dbg.debug("Debug file \n\n")

    sep = '\n----------------------------------------------\n'

    print('--- Welcome to the "NEGF" demonstration of ---\n')
    print('               "AFTERSHOQ" \n\n')
    print('       Written by Martin Franckie 2018.')
    print('       Please give credit where credit')
    print('                   is due\n')
    print('Creating semiconductor materials and alloys:\n')
    print('       ( All CBO relative to GaAs )\n')

    # create materials GaAs, AlAs, InAs: