예제 #1
    def _untarPackages(self, packages, service, untarRootPath, nicelevel=None, pgksNeedSuffix=None, pathSuffix=''):
        untar all the packages

        @params packages - list of dictionary of parsed packages uri
        @throws AgentException
        count = 0
        for pkgDict in packages.itervalues():
            count += 1

            # check if package path exists already
            # if the package is already untarred, move on
            # else create the package path
            pkgName = pkgDict['packageName']
            untarPath = os.path.join(untarRootPath,
                                    '%s%s' % (pkgDict['packageVersion'], pathSuffix if ((pgksNeedSuffix is not None) and pkgName in pgksNeedSuffix) else ''))

            if os.path.exists(untarPath):
                # perhaps another thread has finished extraction, continue with next package

                self.untar(pkgDict['packagePath'], untarPath, nicelevel)

            except AgentException:

            # Note: i. atleast self should have 'rx' so that we can proceed setting 'rx' for group and others
            # ii. since cronus/cronusapp belong to diff group, lets give access to self, group and others.
            # if both belong to same group in future, then just self, group should be enough
            if (not os.name == 'nt'):
                # ensure all parent dir of scripts dir have 'rx' so that we can really navigate to scripts dir and execute
                uname = getuserofpath(untarPath)
                chmod(untarPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)
                cronusPath = os.path.join(untarPath, 'cronus')
                if os.path.exists(cronusPath):
                    uname = getuserofpath(cronusPath)
                    chmod(cronusPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)
                    # now give all scripts 'rx' permission
                    scriptsPath = os.path.join(cronusPath, 'scripts')
                    if os.path.exists(scriptsPath):
                        uname = getuserofpath(scriptsPath)
                        rchmod(scriptsPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)

                #Running as cronus user when higher privilege service (i.e. not chown all the package into the application user)
                if (not isHigherPrivilegeService(service)):
                    import pwd
                    uname = pylons.config['app_user_account']
                    uid = pwd.getpwnam(uname).pw_uid
                    gid = pwd.getpwnam(uname).pw_gid
                    rchown(untarPath, uid, gid)

            self._updateProgress(calcProgress(80, 99, float(count) / len(packages)))
예제 #2
    def _getBuiltThread(self, service, manifest, package, exeName):
        """ here """
        # figure out the path to the cronus scripts
        uname = pylons.config['app_user_account']
        execPath = os.path.join(ManifestController.manifestPath(service, manifest), package, 'cronus', 'scripts', exeName)
        if (isHigherPrivilegeService(service)):
            cmd = execPath
            cmd = utils.sudoCmd([execPath], uname)

        dummy = not os.path.exists(execPath)
        execThread = ExecThread(self._threadMgr, cmd)
        copycontexts(self, execThread, contextutils.CTX_NAMES)
        return execThread, dummy
예제 #3
    def _getBuiltThread(self, scriptName):
        """ build lcm script exec thread """
        # figure out the path to the cronus scripts
        uname = pylons.config['app_user_account']
        execPath = os.path.join(manifestutil.modulePath(self.__service, self.__module), self.__package, 'cronus', 'scripts', scriptName)
        if (isHigherPrivilegeService(self.__service)):
            cmd = execPath
            cmd = utils.sudoCmd([execPath], uname)

        dummy = not os.path.exists(execPath)
        execThread = ExecThread(self._threadMgr, cmd)
        copycontexts(self, execThread, ['service', 'guid'])
        return execThread, dummy
예제 #4
    def _getBuiltThread(self, service, manifest, package, exeName):
        """ here """
        # figure out the path to the cronus scripts
        uname = pylons.config['app_user_account']
        execPath = os.path.join(
            ManifestController.manifestPath(service, manifest), package,
            'cronus', 'scripts', exeName)
        if (isHigherPrivilegeService(service)):
            cmd = execPath
            cmd = utils.sudoCmd([execPath], uname)

        dummy = not os.path.exists(execPath)
        execThread = ExecThread(self._threadMgr, cmd)
        copycontexts(self, execThread, contextutils.CTX_NAMES)
        return execThread, dummy
예제 #5
    def _getBuiltThread(self, scriptName):
        """ build lcm script exec thread """
        # figure out the path to the cronus scripts
        uname = pylons.config['app_user_account']
        execPath = os.path.join(
            manifestutil.modulePath(self.__service, self.__module),
            self.__package, 'cronus', 'scripts', scriptName)
        if (isHigherPrivilegeService(self.__service)):
            cmd = execPath
            cmd = utils.sudoCmd([execPath], uname)

        dummy = not os.path.exists(execPath)
        execThread = ExecThread(self._threadMgr, cmd)
        copycontexts(self, execThread, ['service', 'guid'])
        return execThread, dummy
예제 #6
    def _getBuiltThread(self, service, manifest, package, exeName):
        """ here """
        # figure out the path to the cronus scripts
        uname = configutil.getAppUser()
        execPath = os.path.join(manifestutil.manifestPath(service, manifest), package, 'cronus', 'scripts', exeName)
        if (isHigherPrivilegeService(service)) or not uname:
            cmd = execPath
            cmd = utils.sudoCmd([execPath], uname)

        dummy = not os.path.exists(execPath)
        if not dummy:
            execThread = ExecThread(self._threadMgr, cmd, parentId = self.getUuid())
            contextutils.copyJobContexts(self, execThread)
            # issue 17, not inject ctx for startup and shutdown script
            if exeName == 'startup' or exeName == 'shutdown':
            return execThread
            return None
예제 #7
    def _untarPackages(self, packages, service, untarRootPath, nicelevel=None, pgksNeedSuffix=None, pathSuffix=''):
        untar all the packages

        @params packages - list of dictionary of parsed packages uri
        @throws AgentException
        count = 0
        for pkgDict in packages.itervalues():
            count += 1

            # check if package path exists already
            # if the package is already untarred, move on
            # else create the package path
            pkgName = pkgDict['packageName']
            untarPath = os.path.join(untarRootPath,
                                    '%s%s' % (pkgDict['packageVersion'], pathSuffix if ((pgksNeedSuffix is not None) and pkgName in pgksNeedSuffix) else ''))

            if os.path.exists(untarPath):
                # perhaps another thread has finished extraction, continue with next package

                self.untar(pkgDict['packagePath'], untarPath, nicelevel)

            except AgentException:

            # Note: i. atleast self should have 'rx' so that we can proceed setting 'rx' for group and others
            # if both belong to same group in future, then just self, group should be enough
            # ensure all parent dir of scripts dir have 'rx' so that we can really navigate to scripts dir and execute
            uname = getuserofpath(untarPath)
            chmod(untarPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)
            cronusPath = os.path.join(untarPath, 'cronus')
            if os.path.exists(cronusPath):
                uname = getuserofpath(cronusPath)
                chmod(cronusPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)
                # now give all scripts 'rx' permission
                scriptsPath = os.path.join(cronusPath, 'scripts')
                if os.path.exists(scriptsPath):
                    uname = getuserofpath(scriptsPath)
                    rchmod(scriptsPath, '+rx', sudoUser = uname)

            # issue #16, now add symlink to .appdata for easy access
            appdata_path = manifestutil.appDataPath(service)
            link_path = os.path.join(untarPath, '.appdata')
            LOG.info('Create .appdata symlink from %s to %s' % (link_path, appdata_path))
            utils.symlink(appdata_path, link_path)

            #Running as cronus user when higher privilege service (i.e. not chown all the package into the application user)
            if (not isHigherPrivilegeService(service)):
                uname = configutil.getAppUser()
                uid, gid = utils.getUidGid(uname)
                rchown(untarPath, uid, gid)

            self._updateProgress(calcProgress(80, 99, float(count) / len(packages)))