def run_example(grid=[(7, 9)], episodes=100, stop_at_goal=False, delay=None, vis=None): env = Board(grid, delay, stop_at_goal, vis) q = QLearningTable(actions=list(range(env.n_actions))) improve_table(env, q, episodes)
def startQLearning(self): self.destroy() startPixel = [ int(self.startPosition[0].get()), int(self.startPosition[1].get()) ] finishPixel = [ int(self.endPosition[0].get()), int(self.endPosition[1].get()) ] print(finishPixel) # random Obstacle coordinat list ex:5x5 [0,3] obstacleCoordinats = self.generateRandomObstacleCoordinats( finishPixel, startPixel) self.env = Environment(startPixel, finishPixel, obstacleCoordinats) # Calling for the main algorithm self.RL = QLearningTable(actions=list(range(self.env.n_actions))) # Running the main loop with Episodes by calling the function update() self.env.after(100, self.update) # Or just update() self.env.mainloop()
def run_file(path): print(path) G = load_graph(path) if len(G.edges()) == 0: print('Graph has no edge') return # print(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()), end=' ') env = Environment(graph=G, root='ndhpro') RL = QLearningTable(actions=G.nodes()) steps = [] all_costs = [] t = time.time() n_epoch = 1000 update(n_epoch, env, RL, steps, all_costs) # print(round((time.time()-t), 2)) get_final_path(path, env, RL, steps, all_costs)
observation = observation_ # Calculating number of Steps in the current Episode i += 1 # Break while loop when it is the end of current Episode # When agent reached the goal or obstacle if done: steps += [i] all_costs += [cost] break # Showing the final route # Showing the Q-table with values for each action RL.print_q_table() # Plotting the results RL.plot_results(steps, all_costs) # Commands to be implemented after running this file if __name__ == "__main__": # Calling for the environment env = Environment() # Calling for the main algorithm RL = QLearningTable(actions=list(range(env.n_actions))) # Running the main loop with Episodes by calling the function update() env.after(100, update) # Or just update() env.mainloop()
class HomePage(tk.Tk, object): def __init__(self): super(HomePage, self).__init__() #self.configure(bg="white") self.startPosition = [tk.StringVar(value=0), tk.StringVar(value=0)] self.endPosition = [tk.StringVar(value=0), tk.StringVar(value=0)] self.title(startPageTitle) self.geometry(startPageResolation) self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): self.startButton = tk.Button(self, text="baslat", command=self.startQLearning), y=130) self.startPositionLabel = tk.Label( self, text="Başlangıç konumu :").place(x=40, y=60) self.endPositionLabel = tk.Label( self, text="Bitiş Konumu :").place(x=40, y=100) self.startPositionComboBoxX = ttk.Combobox( self, values=XCBOptions, textvariable=self.startPosition[0], width=5), y=60) self.startPositionComboBoxX.current(0) self.startPositionComboBoxY = ttk.Combobox( self, values=YCBOptions, textvariable=self.startPosition[1], width=5), y=60) self.startPositionComboBoxY.current(0) # hedef konum labirentin sonuna yaikin olmasi acisindan degerler ters donduruluyor. self.endPositionComboBoxX = ttk.Combobox( self, values=XCBOptions[::-1], textvariable=self.endPosition[0], width=5), y=100) self.endPositionComboBoxX.current(0) self.endPositionComboBoxY = ttk.Combobox( self, values=YCBOptions[::-1], textvariable=self.endPosition[1], width=5), y=100) self.endPositionComboBoxY.current(0) def startQLearning(self): self.destroy() startPixel = [ int(self.startPosition[0].get()), int(self.startPosition[1].get()) ] finishPixel = [ int(self.endPosition[0].get()), int(self.endPosition[1].get()) ] print(finishPixel) # random Obstacle coordinat list ex:5x5 [0,3] obstacleCoordinats = self.generateRandomObstacleCoordinats( finishPixel, startPixel) self.env = Environment(startPixel, finishPixel, obstacleCoordinats) # Calling for the main algorithm self.RL = QLearningTable(actions=list(range(self.env.n_actions))) # Running the main loop with Episodes by calling the function update() self.env.after(100, self.update) # Or just update() self.env.mainloop() def update(self): # Resulted list for the plotting Episodes via Steps steps = [] # Summed costs for all episodes in resulted list all_costs = [] for episode in range(episodeAmount): # Initial Observation print(episode) observation = self.env.reset() # Updating number of Steps for each Episode i = 0 # Updating the cost for each episode cost = 0 while True: # Refreshing environment # self.env.render() # RL chooses action based on observation action = self.RL.choose_action(str(observation)) # RL takes an action and get the next observation and reward observation_, reward, done = self.env.step(action) # RL learns from this transition and calculating the cost cost += self.RL.learn(str(observation), action, reward, str(observation_)) # Swapping the observations - current and next observation = observation_ # Calculating number of Steps in the current Episode i += 1 # Break while loop when it is the end of current Episode # When agent reached the goal or obstacle if done: steps += [i] all_costs += [cost] break # Showing the final route # Showing the Q-table with values for each action self.RL.print_q_table() # Plotting the results self.RL.plot_results(steps, all_costs) def generateRandomObstacleCoordinats(self, finishPixel, startPixel): obstacleAmount = int(env_height * env_width * randomPixelRatio) xList = np.random.randint(env_width, size=obstacleAmount) yList = np.random.randint(env_height, size=obstacleAmount) obstacleCoordinats = [] f = open("./entities/engel.txt", "w") try: for i in range(obstacleAmount): if not (xList[i] == finishPixel[0] and yList[i] == finishPixel[1]) and not ( xList[i] == startPixel[0] and yList[i] == startPixel[1]): newObstacle = [xList[i], yList[i]] obstacleCoordinats.append(newObstacle) f.write("({}, {}, K)\n".format(xList[i], yList[i])) #print(obstacleCoordinats) #test icin for i in range(obstacleAmount): if (xList[i] == finishPixel[0] and yList[i] == finishPixel[1]) or (xList[i] == startPixel[0] and yList[i] == startPixel[1]): print("cakisiyor......") except (e): print( "Dosyaya yazarken veyahut random atama yapilirken bir hata olustu!" ) finally: f.close() return obstacleCoordinats