예제 #1
class SetPointAgent(oatomobile.Agent):
    """An agent that predicts setpoints and consumes them with a PID
    def __init__(
            environment: oatomobile.Env,
            setpoint_index: int = 5,
            replan_every_steps: int = 1,
            lateral_control_dict: Mapping[str,
                                          Any] = LATERAL_PID_CONTROLLER_CONFIG,
            longitudinal_control_dict: Mapping[
            fixed_delta_seconds_between_setpoints: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Constructs a setpoint-based agent.

      environment: The navigation environment to spawn the agent.
      setpoint_index: The index of the point to cut-off the plan.
      replan_every_steps: The number of steps between subsequent call on the model.
      lateral_control_dict: The lateral PID controller's config.
      longitudinal_control_dict: The longitudinal PID controller's config.
      fixed_delta_seconds_between_setpoints: The time difference (in seconds)
        between the setpoints. It defaults to the fps of the simulator.
            from agents.navigation.controller import VehiclePIDController  # pylint: disable=import-error
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "Missing CARLA installation, "
                "make sure the environment variable CARLA_ROOT is provided "
                "and that the PythonAPI is `easy_install`ed")

        super(SetPointAgent, self).__init__(environment=environment)

        # References to the CARLA objects.
        self._vehicle = self._environment.simulator.hero
        self._world = self._vehicle.get_world()
        self._map = self._world.get_map()

        # Sets up PID controllers.
        dt = self._vehicle.get_world().get_settings().fixed_delta_seconds
        lateral_control_dict = lateral_control_dict.copy()
        lateral_control_dict.update({"dt": dt})
            "Lateral PID controller config {}".format(lateral_control_dict))
        longitudinal_control_dict = longitudinal_control_dict.copy()
        longitudinal_control_dict.update({"dt": dt})
        logging.debug("Longitudinal PID controller config {}".format(
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        # Sets agent's hyperparameters.
        self._setpoint_index = setpoint_index
        self._replan_every_steps = replan_every_steps
        self._fixed_delta_seconds_between_setpoints = fixed_delta_seconds_between_setpoints or dt

        # Inits agent's buffer of setpoints.
        self._setpoints_buffer = None
        self._steps_counter = 0

    def __call__(self, observation: oatomobile.Observations, *args,
                 **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        """Returns the predicted plan in ego-coordinates, based on a model."""

    def act(self, observation: oatomobile.Observations, *args,
            **kwargs) -> oatomobile.Action:
        """Takes in an observation, samples from agent's policy, returns an
        from oatomobile.utils import carla as cutil

        # Current measurements used for local2world2local transformations.
        current_location = observation["location"]
        current_rotation = observation["rotation"]

        if self._setpoints_buffer is None or self._steps_counter % self._replan_every_steps == 0:
            # Get agent predictions.
            predicted_plan_ego = self(copy.deepcopy(observation), *args,
                                      **kwargs)  # [T, 3]
            # Transform plan to world coordinates
            predicted_plan_world = cutil.local2world(

            # Refreshes buffer.
            self._setpoints_buffer = predicted_plan_world

            # Pops first setpoint from the buffer.
            self._setpoints_buffer = self._setpoints_buffer[1:]

        # Registers setpoints for rendering.
            "predictions").predictions = cutil.world2local(

        # Increments counter.
        self._steps_counter += 1

        # Calculates target speed by averaging speed in the `setpoint_index` window.
        target_speed = np.linalg.norm(
            np.diff(self._setpoints_buffer[:self._setpoint_index], axis=0),
        ).mean() / (self._fixed_delta_seconds_between_setpoints)

        # Converts plan to PID controller setpoint.
        setpoint = self._map.get_waypoint(

        # Avoids getting stuck when spawned.
        if self._steps_counter <= 100:
            target_speed = 20.0 / 3.6

        # Run PID step.
        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(
            target_speed=target_speed *
            3.6,  # PID controller expects speed in km/h!

        return control
예제 #2
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers, one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections) this local planner makes a random choice.

    # minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage (e.g. within 90% of
    # total distance)

    def __init__(self, vehicle, opt_dict={}):
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments with the following semantics:
            dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds. This is typically fixed from server side
                  using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F . In this case dt = 1/F

            target_speed -- desired cruise speed in Km/h

            sampling_radius -- search radius for next waypoints in seconds: e.g. 0.5 seconds ahead

            lateral_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                                    {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}

            longitudinal_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                                        {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._map = self._vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        self._dt = None
        self._target_speed = None
        self._sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self._target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self._target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self._waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=200)


    def __del__(self):
        print("Destroying ego-vehicle!")

    def init_controller(self, opt_dict):
        Controller initialization.

        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments.
        # default params
        self._dt = 1.0 / 20.0
        self._target_speed = 20.0  # Km/h
        self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * 0.5 / 3.6  # 0.5 seconds horizon
        self._min_distance = self._sampling_radius * self.MIN_DISTANCE_PERCENTAGE
        args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.95,
            'K_D': 0.01,
            'K_I': 1.4,
            'dt': self._dt
        args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 1,
            'dt': self._dt

        # parameters overload
        if 'dt' in opt_dict:
            self._dt = opt_dict['dt']
        if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
            self._target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
        if 'sampling_radius' in opt_dict:
            self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * \
                opt_dict['sampling_radius'] / 3.6
        if 'lateral_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_lateral_dict = opt_dict['lateral_control_dict']
        if 'longitudinal_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_longitudinal_dict = opt_dict['longitudinal_control_dict']

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        self._global_plan = False

        # compute initial waypoints
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        # fill waypoint trajectory queue

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.

        :param speed: new target speed in Km/h
        self._target_speed = speed

    def _compute_next_waypoints(self, k=1):
        Add new waypoints to the trajectory queue.

        :param k: how many waypoints to compute
        # check we do not overflow the queue
        available_entries = self._waypoints_queue.maxlen - len(
        k = min(available_entries, k)

        for _ in range(k):
            last_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue[-1][0]
            next_waypoints = list(last_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius))

            if len(next_waypoints) == 1:
                # only one option available ==> lanefollowing
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                # random choice between the possible options
                road_options_list = retrieve_options(next_waypoints,
                road_option = random.choice(road_options_list)
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

            self._waypoints_queue.append((next_waypoint, road_option))

    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan):
        for elem in current_plan:
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        self._global_plan = True

    def run_step(self, debug=True):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.

        :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging

        # not enough waypoints in the horizon? => add more!
        if len(self._waypoints_queue) < int(
                self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5):
            if not self._global_plan:

        if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 0.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False

            return control

        # current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        # target waypoint
        self._target_waypoint, self._target_road_option = self._waypoints_queue[
        # move using PID controllers
        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(self._target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoints_queue):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        if debug:
            draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self._target_waypoint],
                           self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0)

        return control
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory
    of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers,
    one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections)
    this local planner makes a random choice.

    # Minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage
    # (e.g. within 80% of total distance)

    # TODO: Set FPS in constructor
    # FPS used for dt
    FPS = 10

    def __init__(self, agent):
        :param agent: agent that regulates the vehicle
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        self._vehicle = agent.vehicle
        self._map = agent.vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        self._target_speed = None
        self.sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self.target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self.target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        self._pid_controller = None
        # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self.waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=20000)
        self._buffer_size = 10
        self._waypoint_buffer = deque(maxlen=self._buffer_size)
        self._prev_waypoint = None

        self._init_controller()  # initializing controller

    def reset_vehicle(self):
        """Reset the ego-vehicle"""
        self._vehicle = None
        print("Resetting ego-vehicle!")

    def _init_controller(self):
        Controller initialization.

        dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds.
        This is can be fixed from server side
        using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F, since dt = 1/F

        target_speed -- desired cruise speed in km/h

        min_distance -- minimum distance to remove waypoint from queue

        lateral_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                            {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}

        longitudinal_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                            {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        # Default parameters
        self.args_lat_hw_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.75,
            'K_D': 0.02,
            'K_I': 0.4,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_lat_city_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.58,
            'K_D': 0.02,
            'K_I': 0.5,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_long_hw_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.37,
            'K_D': 0.024,
            'K_I': 0.032,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_long_city_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.15,
            'K_D': 0.05,
            'K_I': 0.07,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        self._prev_waypoint = self._current_waypoint

        self._global_plan = False

        self._target_speed = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()

        self._min_distance = 4.5

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.

            :param speed: new target speed in km/h

        self._target_speed = speed

    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan, clean=False):
        Sets new global plan.

            :param current_plan: list of waypoints in the actual plan
        for elem in current_plan:

        if clean:
            for _ in range(self._buffer_size):
                if self.waypoints_queue:

        # Put waypoints from global queue to buffer

        self._global_plan = True

    def get_incoming_waypoint_and_direction(self, steps=3):
        Returns direction and waypoint at a distance ahead defined by the user.

            :param steps: number of steps to get the incoming waypoint.
        if len(self._waypoint_buffer) > steps:
            return self._waypoint_buffer[steps]

                wpt, direction = self._waypoint_buffer[-1]
                return wpt, direction
            except IndexError as i:
                return None, RoadOption.VOID
        return None, RoadOption.VOID

    def run_step(self, target_speed=None, debug=False):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves
        running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.

            :param target_speed: desired speed
            :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging
            :return: control

        if target_speed is not None:
            self._target_speed = target_speed
            self._target_speed = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()

        # Buffer waypoints

        if len(self._waypoint_buffer) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 1.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False
            return control

        # Current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(

        speed = get_speed(self._vehicle)  # kph
        look_ahead = max(2, speed / 4.5)

        # Target waypoint
        self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option = self._waypoint_buffer[

        look_ahead_loc = self._get_look_ahead_location(look_ahead)

        if target_speed > 50:
            args_lat = self.args_lat_hw_dict
            args_long = self.args_long_hw_dict
            args_lat = self.args_lat_city_dict
            args_long = self.args_long_city_dict

        if not self._pid_controller:
            self._pid_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        control = self._pid_controller.run_step(self._target_speed,

        # Purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):
                if i == max_index:
                    self._prev_waypoint = self._waypoint_buffer.popleft()[0]

        if debug:
            carla_world = self._vehicle.get_world()

            # Draw current buffered waypoint
            buffered_waypts = [elem[0] for elem in self._waypoint_buffer]
            draw_waypoints(carla_world, buffered_waypts)

            # Draw current look ahead point
                                        look_ahead_loc + carla.Location(z=0.2),
                                        color=carla.Color(255, 255, 0),

        return control

    def _buffer_waypoints(self):
        """Put waypoints from global queue into the buffer."""
        num_waypoints_to_add = self._buffer_size - len(self._waypoint_buffer)
        for _ in range(num_waypoints_to_add):
            if self.waypoints_queue:
                next_waypoint = self.waypoints_queue.popleft()

    def waypoints_in_buffer(self):
        """True if waypoints exist in buffer."""
        return len(self._waypoint_buffer) > 0

    def _get_projection(self):
        """Get the projection of current vehicle position between prev and target waypoints.

            carla.Location: Location of the current projection point.
            numpy.ndarray: 3D vector formed by the prev and incoming waypoints.
        # Vector between prev and target waypoints
        waypt_location_diff = self.target_waypoint.transform.location - \
        vec_waypoints = np.array([
            waypt_location_diff.x, waypt_location_diff.y, waypt_location_diff.z

        # Vector between prev waypoint and current vehicle's location
        veh_location_diff = self._vehicle.get_location(
        ) - self._prev_waypoint.transform.location
        vec_vehicle = np.array(
            [veh_location_diff.x, veh_location_diff.y, veh_location_diff.z])

        proj_pt = vec_vehicle @ vec_waypoints * \
            vec_waypoints / np.linalg.norm(vec_waypoints)**2

        prev_waypt_loc = self._prev_waypoint.transform.location

        proj_loc = carla.Location(proj_pt[0] + prev_waypt_loc.x,
                                  proj_pt[1] + prev_waypt_loc.y,
                                  proj_pt[2] + prev_waypt_loc.z)

        return proj_loc, vec_waypoints

    def _get_look_ahead_location(self, look_ahead):
        """Get location of look ahead point along path formed by waypoints."""
        proj_loc, vec_waypoints = self._get_projection()
        target_loc = self.target_waypoint.transform.location

        # Distance between current projection point and the incoming target waypoint
        dist_to_next_waypoint = proj_loc.distance(target_loc)

        if look_ahead <= dist_to_next_waypoint:
            # Vector scaled by look ahead distance
            vec_look_ahead = vec_waypoints / \
                np.linalg.norm(vec_waypoints) * look_ahead

            look_ahead_location = carla.Location(
                proj_loc.x + vec_look_ahead[0], proj_loc.y + vec_look_ahead[1],
                proj_loc.z + vec_look_ahead[2])

            # Loop over buffered waypoints to find the section where the look ahead point
            # lies in, then compute the location of the look ahead point
            idx = 0
            while True:
                # If out of waypoints in buffer, use the last waypoint in buffer as look ahead point
                if idx + 2 > len(self._waypoint_buffer):
                    look_ahead_location = self._waypoint_buffer[-1][

                # Comput look ahead distacne in the current section
                look_ahead -= dist_to_next_waypoint

                # Vector formed by start and end waypoints of the current section
                vec = self._waypoint_buffer[idx+1][0].transform.location - \
                vec = np.array([vec.x, vec.y, vec.z])

                dist_to_next_waypoint = np.linalg.norm(vec)

                # If look ahead distance exceeds length of current section, go to next one
                if look_ahead > dist_to_next_waypoint:
                    idx += 1

                # Section found, compute look ahead location
                    # Vector scaled by remaining look ahead distance
                    vec_look_ahead = vec / dist_to_next_waypoint * look_ahead

                    base_waypt_loc = self._waypoint_buffer[idx][
                    look_ahead_location = carla.Location(
                        base_waypt_loc.x + vec_look_ahead[0],
                        base_waypt_loc.y + vec_look_ahead[1],
                        base_waypt_loc.z + vec_look_ahead[2])

        return look_ahead_location
예제 #4
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers, one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections) this local planner makes a random choice.

    # minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage (e.g. within 90% of
    # total distance)

    def __init__(self, vehicle, opt_dict={}):
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments with the following semantics:
            dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds. This is typically fixed from server side
                  using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F . In this case dt = 1/F

            target_speed -- desired cruise speed in Km/h

            sampling_radius -- search radius for next waypoints in seconds: e.g. 0.5 seconds ahead

            lateral_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                                    {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}

            longitudinal_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                                        {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._map = self._vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        self._dt = None
        self._target_speed = None
        self._sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self._target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self._target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self._waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=600)
        self._buffer_size = 5
        self.message_waypoints = 3
        # 当前阶段完成的waypoints个数
        self.finished_waypoints = 0
        self._waypoint_buffer = deque(maxlen=self._buffer_size)

        # initializing controller

    def __del__(self):
        if self._vehicle:
        print("Destroying ego-vehicle!")

    def init_controller(self, opt_dict):
        Controller initialization.

        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments.
        # default params
        self._dt = 1.0 / 20.0
        self._target_speed = 20.0  # Km/h
        self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * 0.5 / 3.6  # 0.5 seconds horizon
        self._min_distance = self._sampling_radius * self.MIN_DISTANCE_PERCENTAGE
        args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.95,
            'K_D': 0.01,
            'K_I': 1.4,
            'dt': self._dt
        args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 1,
            'dt': self._dt

        # parameters overload
        if 'dt' in opt_dict:
            self._dt = opt_dict['dt']
        if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
            self._target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
        if 'sampling_radius' in opt_dict:
            self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * \
                opt_dict['sampling_radius'] / 3.6
        if 'lateral_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_lateral_dict = opt_dict['lateral_control_dict']
        if 'longitudinal_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_longitudinal_dict = opt_dict['longitudinal_control_dict']

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        # print("current waypoint: ", self._current_waypoint)
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        self._global_plan = False

        # compute initial waypoints
        # print("before append len: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
        # self._waypoints_queue.append()
        # self._waypoints_queue.append( (self._current_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius)[0], RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW))
        # self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        # fill waypoint trajectory queue
        # # 计算初始的waypoints
        # self._compute_next_waypoints(k=10)
        # print("after append len: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.

        :param speed: new target speed in Km/h
        self._target_speed = speed

    def _compute_next_waypoints(self, k=1):
        Add new waypoints to the trajectory queue.

        :param k: how many waypoints to compute
        # check we do not overflow the queue
        available_entries = self._waypoints_queue.maxlen - len(
        k = min(available_entries, k)

        for _ in range(k):
            last_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue[-1][0]
            next_waypoints = list(last_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius))

            if len(next_waypoints) == 1:
                # only one option available ==> lanefollowing
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                # random choice between the possible options
                road_options_list = retrieve_options(next_waypoints,
                road_option = random.choice(road_options_list)
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

            self._waypoints_queue.append((next_waypoint, road_option))

    def add_waypoint(self, waypoint):
        Add a new specific waypoint to the waypoints buffer
        from the SUMO simulation server.

        :param waypoint: the specific waypoint passed here 
        # print("initial waypoint: ", waypoint)

        # new_point = self._map.get_waypoint(waypoint)
        new_point = self._map.get_waypoint(waypoint.location)
        # print("point lane type:", type(new_point.lane_type))
        # new_point = new_point.get_left_lane().get_left_lane()
        # new_point.
        # print("new f*****g waypoint: ", new_point)
        # print("type of new point: ", type(new_point))
        # new_point = carla.Waypoint()
        #print("self.current_waypoint: ", self._current_waypoint)
        # print("waypoint in add_waypoint: ", waypoint)
        # new_point.transform = waypoint
        # new_point.transform.location = waypoint.location
        new_point.transform.rotation = waypoint.rotation
        # # new_point.transform.location.y = waypoint.location.y
        # # new_point.transform.location.z = waypoint.location.z
        # new_point.transform.rotation.pitch = waypoint.rotation.pitch
        # new_point.transform.rotation.yaw = waypoint.rotation.yaw
        # new_point.transform.rotation.roll = waypoint.rotation.roll
        road_option = compute_connection(self._current_waypoint, new_point)
        # print("f*****g road option: ", road_option)
        # print("new point: ", new_point)
        self._waypoints_queue.append((new_point, road_option))
        # wp, _ = self._waypoints_queue[-1]
        # wp2, _ = self._waypoints_queue[0]
        # print("element in queue[0]: ", wp2)
        # print("element in queue[-1]: ", wp)
        # print("queue length: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
        # print("waypoint queue add done in local_planner! current length: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan):
        for elem in current_plan:
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        self._global_plan = True

    def get_finished_waypoints(self):
        ret = self.finished_waypoints
        if self.finished_waypoints >= self.message_waypoints:
            self.finished_waypoints = 0
        return ret

    # return True if vehicle is close to the 10th waypoint
    def reached_final_waypoint(self):

    收到新的action package后丢弃现有的路点缓冲

    def drop_waypoint_buffer(self):
        self.finished_waypoints = 0

    def run_step(self, debug=True):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.

        :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging
        # print("current queue len: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
        # print("maxlen: ", int(self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5))
        # not enough waypoints in the horizon? => add more!
        # if len(self._waypoints_queue) < int(self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5):
        #  print("no points here!")
        # if not self._global_plan:
        # self._compute_next_waypoints(k=100)

        # # 队列为空时切换到手动操作模式,待修改
        # if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
        #control = carla.VehicleControl()
        #control.steer = 0.0
        #control.throttle = 0.0
        #control.brake = 0.0
        #control.hand_brake = False
        #control.manual_gear_shift = False

        # return control

        #   Buffering the waypoints
        # print("queue length inside run_step: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
        if not self._waypoint_buffer:
            for i in range(self._buffer_size):
                if self._waypoints_queue:
                    # print("queue length: ", len(self._waypoints_queue))
                    left_point, left_road = self._waypoints_queue.popleft()
                    self._waypoint_buffer.append((left_point, left_road))
                    # right_point, _ = self._waypoint_buffer.popleft()
                    # print("right point is ", right_point)

        # target_waypoint, _ = self._waypoint_buffer[0]
        # print("target_waypoint:", target_waypoint)
        # for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
        #     print("waypoint is ", waypoint)
        # time.sleep(2)
        # current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(

        if not self._waypoint_buffer:
            # control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(0, self._current_waypoint)
            # return control
            return None

        self._target_waypoint, self._target_road_option = self._waypoint_buffer[
        # for i in range(len(self._waypoint_buffer)):
        #     wp, _ = self._waypoint_buffer[i]
        #     print("waypoint in buffer is ", wp)
        # move using PID controllers
        # print("target_waypoint: ", self._target_waypoint)

        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(self._target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1
        # print("len of buffer: ", len(self._waypoint_buffer))
        # for i in range(len(self._waypoint_buffer)):
        #     waypoint = self
        for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            distance = distance_vehicle(waypoint, vehicle_transform)
            # print("min distance: ", self._min_distance, "distance: ", distance)
            # time.sleep(2)
            # 当前车辆和路点的距离小于最小距离,认为已经行驶完成
            if distance < self._min_distance:
                # print("waypoint in enumerate is ", waypoint)
                max_index = i

        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):
                self.finished_waypoints += 1
                print("current finished waypoints is ",

            if debug:
                               self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0)
        # if len(self._waypoint_buffer) == 0:
        #     self.finished_waypoints = self.message_waypoints
        return control
class Colliding_Agent:
    def __init__(self, world, main_agent):
        self.world = world
        self.map = self.world.get_map()
        self.vehicle = None
        self.main_agent = main_agent
        self.target_speed = 20  #Km/Hr # add gaussian
        dt = 0.05
        self.args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.95,
            'K_D': 0.01,
            'K_I': 1.4,
            'dt': dt
        self.args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 1,
            'dt': dt
        self.vehicle_controller = None
        self.waypoint = None

    def create_agent(self, spawn_point):
            blueprints = self.world.get_blueprint_library().filter('vehicle.*')
            blueprints = [
                x for x in blueprints
                if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == 4
            blueprints = [x for x in blueprints if not x.id.endswith('isetta')]

            # spawn_points = list(self.world.get_map().get_spawn_points())

            # print('found %d spawn points.' % len(spawn_points))

            blueprint = random.choice(blueprints)
            if blueprint.has_attribute('color'):
                color = random.choice(
                blueprint.set_attribute('color', color)
            blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'autopilot')
            self.vehicle = self.world.try_spawn_actor(blueprint, spawn_point)
            if self.vehicle is not None:
                print('*Collision* Spawned %r at %s' %
                      (self.vehicle.type_id, spawn_point.location))
                print("No vehicles to spawn")
                return False

            self.vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(self.vehicle, args_lateral=self.args_lateral_dict, \

            print("Unable to import vehicle")

    def destroy(self):
        if self.vehicle is not None:

    def control_agent(self):
        # Control the oncoming vehicle to hit into ego vehicle using Carla's PID
        if self.find_distance(self.vehicle.get_transform(),
                              self.main_agent.get_transform()) < 35:
            if self.waypoint is None:
                # Store the waypoint at the first timestep of lane change
                self.waypoint = self.map.get_waypoint(
                    self.vehicle.get_transform().location, True)
            # print(self.main_agent.get_transform())
            # print(waypoint.next(50)[0].get_left_lane())

            # Use the waypoint 20 m ahead to come and hit the vehicle ()
            target_waypoint = self.waypoint.next(20)[0].get_left_lane()
            # print(target_waypoint)
            control = self.vehicle_controller.run_step(self.target_speed,

    def find_distance(self, main_agent_T, vehicle_T):
        distance = math.sqrt((main_agent_T.location.x - vehicle_T.location.x)**2 + (main_agent_T.location.y - vehicle_T.location.y)**2 \
        + (main_agent_T.location.z - vehicle_T.location.z)**2)
        return distance
예제 #6
class PIDAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, vehicle, opt_dict=None):
        super(PIDAgent, self).__init__(vehicle)

        # Default agent params:
        self.target_speed = 20.0

        # Default PID params:
        self.lateral_pid_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0.01,
            'K_I': 0.6,
            'dt': 0.05
        self.longitudinal_pid_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 1,
            'dt': 0.05
        if opt_dict:
            if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
                self.target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
                self.lateral_pid_dict['dt'] = 1.0 / self.target_speed
                self.longitudinal_pid_dict['dt'] = 1.0 / self.target_speed
            if 'radius' in opt_dict:
                self.radius = opt_dict['radius']
            if 'min_dist' in opt_dict:
                self.min_dist = opt_dict['min_dist']
            if 'lateral_pid_dict' in opt_dict:
                self.lateral_pid_dict = opt_dict['lateral_pid_dict']
            if 'longitudinal_pid_dict' in opt_dict:
                self.longitudinal_pid_dict = opt_dict['longitudinal_pid_dict']
        self.controller = VehiclePIDController(
        self.waypoints = []
        self.max_waypoints = 200

        self.radius = self.target_speed / 3.6  # Radius at which next waypoint is sampled
        self.min_dist = 0.9 * self.radius  # If min_dist away from waypoint[0], move on to next one.

    def add_next_waypoints(self):
        def d_angle(a, b):
            return abs((a - b + 180) % 360 - 180)

        if not self.waypoints:
            current_w = self._map.get_waypoint(self._vehicle.get_location())
        while len(self.waypoints) < self.max_waypoints:
            last_w = self.waypoints[-1]
            last_heading = last_w.transform.rotation.yaw
            next_w_list = list(last_w.next(self.radius))
            # Go straight if possible.
            if next_w_list:
                next_w = min(next_w_list,
                             key=lambda w: d_angle(w.transform.rotation.yaw,
                print('No more waypoints.')

    def run_step(self):
        transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()

        if self.waypoints:
            # If too far off course, reset waypoint queue.
            if distance_vehicle(self.waypoints[0],
                                transform) > 5.0 * self.radius:
                self.waypoints = []

        # Get more waypoints.
        if len(self.waypoints) < self.max_waypoints // 2:

        # If no more waypoints, stop.
        if not self.waypoints:
            print('Ran out of waypoints; stopping.')
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.throttle = 0.0
            return control

        # Remove waypoints we've reached.
        while distance_vehicle(self.waypoints[0], transform) < self.min_dist:
            self.waypoints = self.waypoints[1:]

        # Draw next waypoint
        draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), self.waypoints[:1],
                       self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0)

        return self.controller.run_step(self.target_speed, self.waypoints[0])
예제 #7
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory
    of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers,
    one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections)
    this local planner makes a random choice.

    # Minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage
    # (e.g. within 80% of total distance)

    # FPS used for dt
    FPS = 20

    def __init__(self, agent):
        :param agent: agent that regulates the vehicle
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        self._vehicle = agent.vehicle
        self._map = agent.vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        self._target_speed = None
        self.sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self.target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self.target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        self._pid_controller = None
        self.waypoints_queue = deque(
            maxlen=20000)  # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self._buffer_size = 5
        self._waypoint_buffer = deque(maxlen=self._buffer_size)

        self._init_controller()  # initializing controller

    def reset_vehicle(self):
        """Reset the ego-vehicle"""
        self._vehicle = None
        print("Resetting ego-vehicle!")

    def _init_controller(self):
        Controller initialization.

        dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds.
        This is can be fixed from server side
        using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F, since dt = 1/F

        target_speed -- desired cruise speed in km/h

        min_distance -- minimum distance to remove waypoint from queue

        lateral_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                            {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}

        longitudinal_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                            {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        # Default parameters
        self.args_lat_hw_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.75,
            'K_D': 0.02,
            'K_I': 0.4,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_lat_city_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.58,
            'K_D': 0.02,
            'K_I': 0.5,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_long_hw_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.37,
            'K_D': 0.024,
            'K_I': 0.032,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS
        self.args_long_city_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.15,
            'K_D': 0.05,
            'K_I': 0.07,
            'dt': 1.0 / self.FPS

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(

        self._global_plan = False

        self._target_speed = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()

        self._min_distance = 3

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.

            :param speed: new target speed in km/h

        self._target_speed = speed

    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan):
        Sets new global plan.

            :param current_plan: list of waypoints in the actual plan
        for elem in current_plan:
        self._global_plan = True

    def get_incoming_waypoint_and_direction(self, steps=3):
        Returns direction and waypoint at a distance ahead defined by the user.

            :param steps: number of steps to get the incoming waypoint.
        if len(self.waypoints_queue) > steps:
            return self.waypoints_queue[steps]

                wpt, direction = self.waypoints_queue[-1]
                return wpt, direction
            except IndexError as i:
                return None, RoadOption.VOID
        return None, RoadOption.VOID

    def run_step(self, target_speed=None, debug=False):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves
        running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.

            :param target_speed: desired speed
            :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging
            :return: control

        if target_speed is not None:
            self._target_speed = target_speed
            self._target_speed = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()

        if len(self.waypoints_queue) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 1.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False
            return control

        # Buffering the waypoints
        if not self._waypoint_buffer:
            for i in range(self._buffer_size):
                if self.waypoints_queue:

        # Current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(

        # Target waypoint
        self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option = self._waypoint_buffer[

        if target_speed > 50:
            args_lat = self.args_lat_hw_dict
            args_long = self.args_long_hw_dict
            args_lat = self.args_lat_city_dict
            args_long = self.args_long_city_dict

        self._pid_controller = VehiclePIDController(
            self._vehicle, args_lateral=args_lat, args_longitudinal=args_long)

        control = self._pid_controller.run_step(self._target_speed,

        # Purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        if debug:
            draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self.target_waypoint],
        return control
예제 #8
class NaiveAgent:
    def __init__(self, vehicle, route, target_speed=20):
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._route = route
        self._target_speed = target_speed
        self._driver = IDM(self._vehicle, self._target_speed, TIME_INTERVAL)
        self._world = self._vehicle.get_world()
        self._map = self._world.get_map()
        self._dt = TIME_INTERVAL

        # it works, but still has a little ossilation
        args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.08,
            'K_D': 0.008,
            'K_I': 0.004,
            'dt': self._dt
        args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 0,
            'dt': self._dt
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        self._history = pd.DataFrame(columns=[

    def update_history(self, info_dict):
        self._history = self._history.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True)

    def get_info_dict(timestamp, ego_vehicle_snapshot,
        info_dict = {}
        info_dict['timestamp'] = timestamp.elapsed_seconds
        ego_vehicle_location = ego_vehicle_snapshot.get_transform().location
        info_dict['ego_vehicle_x'] = ego_vehicle_location.x
        info_dict['ego_vehicle_y'] = ego_vehicle_location.y
        info_dict['ego_vehicle_z'] = ego_vehicle_location.z
        info_dict['ego_vehicle_v'] = get_speed(ego_vehicle_snapshot)
        if leader_vehicle_snapshot:
            leader_vehicle_location = leader_vehicle_snapshot.get_transform(
            info_dict['leader_vehicle_x'] = leader_vehicle_location.x
            info_dict['leader_vehicle_y'] = leader_vehicle_location.y
            info_dict['leader_vehicle_z'] = leader_vehicle_location.z
            info_dict['leader_vehicle_v'] = get_speed(leader_vehicle_snapshot)
        return info_dict

    def store_history(self):

    def set_target_speed(self, target_speed):
        self._target_speed = target_speed

    def is_close(self, other_transform, epsilon=0.1):
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        loc = vehicle_transform.location
        dx = other_transform.location.x - loc.x
        dy = other_transform.location.y - loc.y

        return np.linalg.norm(np.array([dx, dy])) < epsilon

    def is_ahead(self, other_transform):
        """Check if ego vehicle is ahead of other"""
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        loc = vehicle_transform.location
        orientation = vehicle_transform.rotation.yaw

        dx = other_transform.location.x - loc.x
        dy = other_transform.location.y - loc.y
        target_vector = np.array([dx, dy])
        norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_vector)

        forward_vector = np.array([
        cos_vector = np.dot(forward_vector, target_vector) / norm_target
        if cos_vector > 1:
            cos_vector = 1
        elif cos_vector < -1:
            cos_vector = -1
        d_angle = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_vector))

        return d_angle > 90

    def get_distance(self, other):
        ego_vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        other_transform = other.get_transform()
        sign = -1 if self.is_ahead(other_transform) else 1

        ego_location = ego_vehicle_transform.location
        other_location = other_transform.location
        dx = ego_location.x - other_location.x
        dy = ego_location.y - other_location.y
        dz = ego_location.z - other_location.z
        target_vector = np.array([dx, dy, dz])
        norm_target = np.linalg.norm(target_vector)
        return sign * norm_target

    def get_front_vehicle_state(self):
        actor_list = self._world.get_actors()
        vehicle_list = actor_list.filter("*vehicle*")
        ego_vehicle_location = self._vehicle.get_location()
        ego_vehicle_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(ego_vehicle_location)

        front_vehicles_info = []
        for target_vehicle in vehicle_list:
            # do not account for the ego vehicle
            if target_vehicle.id == self._vehicle.id:

            # if the object is not in our lane it's not an obstacle
            target_vehicle_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
            # consider absolute value of lane_id is enough for the experiment
            if abs(target_vehicle_waypoint.lane_id) != abs(

            # get the state of front vehiles
            target_distance = self.get_distance(target_vehicle)
            target_speed = get_speed(target_vehicle)
            target_id = target_vehicle.id
            if target_distance > 0:
                    (target_distance, target_speed, target_id))

        if front_vehicles_info:
            front_vehicles_info = sorted(front_vehicles_info,
                                         key=lambda x: x[0])
            return True, front_vehicles_info[0]
            return False, None

    def run_step(self, debug=False):
        # stop if no route to follow
        if not self._route:
            return emergency_stop()

        # purge obsolete waypoints in the route
        index = 0
        for i, waypoint in enumerate(self._route):
            if self.is_close(waypoint.transform):
                if debug:
                    print("Vehicle: {}".format(self._vehicle.get_transform()))
                    print("vehicle is close to obsolete waypoint: {}".format(
                index += 1
            elif self.is_ahead(waypoint.transform):
                if debug:
                    print("Vehicle: {}".format(self._vehicle.get_transform()))
                    print("vehicle is ahead of obsolete waypoint: {}".format(
                index += 1
        if index != 0:
            self._route = self._route[index:]
            if debug:
                print("waypoint remain: {}".format(len(self._route)))
            if not self._route:
                return emergency_stop()

        # follow next waypoint
        target_waypoint = self._route[0]
        if debug:
            print("target waypoint: {}".format(target_waypoint))
            print("waypoint lane id: {}".format(target_waypoint.lane_id))

        # find leader vehicle
        has_front_vehicle, front_vehicle_state = self.get_front_vehicle_state()

        # prepare to add info to history
        world_snapshot = self._world.get_snapshot()
        timestamp = world_snapshot.timestamp
        ego_vehicle_snapshot = world_snapshot.find(self._vehicle.id)
        front_vehicle_snapshot = None

        # get control based on front vehicle state
        if has_front_vehicle:
            front_vehicle_distance, front_vehicle_speed, front_vehicle_id = front_vehicle_state
            front_vehicle_snapshot = world_snapshot.find(front_vehicle_id)
            print("obstacle distance: {:3f}m, speed: {:1f}km/h".format(
                front_vehicle_distance, front_vehicle_speed))

            # stop directly if too close
            if front_vehicle_distance < self._driver.minimum_distance:
                control = emergency_stop()
                desired_speed = self._driver.calc_desired_speed()
                print("target speed: {:1f}".format(desired_speed))
                control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(
                    desired_speed, target_waypoint)
            print("no obstacle, default speed: {}".format(self._target_speed))
            control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(
                self._target_speed, target_waypoint)

            self.get_info_dict(timestamp, ego_vehicle_snapshot,
        return control
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers, one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).
    When multiple paths are available (intersections) this local planner makes a random choice.

    # minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage (e.g. within 90% of
    # total distance)

    def __init__(self, vehicle, dest, opt_dict=None):
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        :param dest: destination of the route (carla.Location Object)
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments with the following semantics:
            dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds. This is typically fixed from server side
                  using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F . In this case dt = 1/F
            target_speed -- desired cruise speed in Km/h
            sampling_radius -- search radius for next waypoints in seconds: e.g. 0.5 seconds ahead
            lateral_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                                    {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
            longitudinal_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                                        {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._map = self._vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        # self._world = world

        self._dt = None
        self._target_speed = None
        self._sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self._target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self.target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self._waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=20000)
        self._buffer_size = 5
        self._waypoint_buffer = deque(maxlen=self._buffer_size)

        # initializing controller
        self._init_controller(dest, opt_dict)

    def _init_controller(self, dest, opt_dict):
        Controller initialization.
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments.
        # default params
        self._dt = 1.0 / 10.0
        self._target_speed = 20.0  # Km/h
        self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * 1 / 3.6  # 1 seconds horizon
        self._min_distance = self._sampling_radius * self.MIN_DISTANCE_PERCENTAGE
        args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0.0,
            'K_I': 0.5,
            'dt': self._dt
        args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_D': 0,
            'K_I': 1,
            'dt': self._dt

        # parameters overload
        if opt_dict:
            print("opt_dict is passed into route_planner")
            if 'dt' in opt_dict:
                self._dt = opt_dict['dt']
            if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
                self._target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
                print("target speed modified to " + str(self._target_speed))
            if 'sampling_radius' in opt_dict:
                self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * \
                    opt_dict['sampling_radius'] / 3.6
            if 'lateral_control_dict' in opt_dict:
                args_lateral_dict = opt_dict['lateral_control_dict']
            if 'longitudinal_control_dict' in opt_dict:
                args_longitudinal_dict = opt_dict['longitudinal_control_dict']

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        self._global_plan = False

        # compute initial waypoints

        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        # fill waypoint trajectory queue
        self._compute_next_waypoints(dest, k=200)

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.
        :param speed: new target speed in Km/h
        self._target_speed = speed

    def _compute_next_waypoints(self, dest, k=1):
        Add new waypoints to the trajectory queue.
        :param k: how many waypoints to compute
        # check we do not overflow the queue
        available_entries = self._waypoints_queue.maxlen - len(
        k = min(available_entries, k)

        for _ in range(k):
            last_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue[-1][0]
            # print("the last waypoint is: " + str(last_waypoint) + "\n")
            next_waypoints = list(last_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius))

            if len(next_waypoints) == 1:
                #print("only one waypoint available")
                # only one option available ==> lanefollowing
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                # choose a waypoint towards the destination
                road_options_list = _retrieve_options(next_waypoints,

                #location = self._current_waypoint.transform.location
                #print("choosing waypoints at x={}, y={}".format(location.x, location.y))

                min_dist = -1
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]

                if (self._current_waypoint.is_junction):
                    #print("vehicle is at a junction")
                    for option in road_options_list:
                        #     if option == RoadOption.LEFT:
                        #         print("left")
                        #     elif option == RoadOption.RIGHT:
                        #         print("right")
                        #     elif option == RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW:
                        #         print("follow")
                        next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

                        dist = dest.distance(next_waypoint.transform.location)

                        if min_dist < 0 or dist < min_dist:
                            road_option = option
                            min_dist = dist

                    #road_option = random.choice(road_options_list)
                    #next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0] # default to lanefollow

                    #print("final road option: " + str(road_option))
                    next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

            self._waypoints_queue.append((next_waypoint, road_option))

    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan):
        for elem in current_plan:
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        self._global_plan = True

    def run_step(self, dest, lane_change, world, debug=False):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.
        :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging

        # if(lane_change == "right"):
        #     print('switch into the right lane')
        #     # change target waypoint to a point on the right lane
        #     right_lane = self._current_waypoint.get_right_lane()
        #     new_waypoint = right_lane.next(5)[0]
        #     # self.target_waypoint = new_waypoint
        #     self._waypoints_queue.clear()
        #     self._waypoint_buffer.clear()
        #     self._waypoints_queue.append((new_waypoint, RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW))
        # elif(lane_change == "left"):
        #     print('switch into the left lane')
        #     # change target waypoint to a point on the right lane
        #     left_lane = self._current_waypoint.get_left_lane()
        #     new_waypoint = left_lane.next(5)[0]
        #     # self.target_waypoint = new_waypoint
        #     self._waypoints_queue.clear()
        #     self._waypoint_buffer.clear()
        #     print(len(self._waypoints_queue))
        #     # print("new waypoint at " + str(new_waypoint))
        #     self._waypoints_queue.append((new_waypoint, RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW))

        # not enough waypoints in the horizon? => add more!
        if not self._global_plan and len(self._waypoints_queue) < int(
                self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5):
            # print("current waypoint: " + str(self._current_waypoint))
            # print("add 100 additional waypoints")
            self._compute_next_waypoints(dest, k=100)

        current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(self._vehicle.get_location())

        if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
            if not current_waypoint.is_intersection:
                self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW

            print("way points queue is empty")
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 1.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False

            return control

        #   Buffering the waypoints
        if not self._waypoint_buffer:
            for i in range(self._buffer_size):
                if self._waypoints_queue:

        # current vehicle waypoint
        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        # target waypoint
        self.target_waypoint, self._target_road_option = self._waypoint_buffer[
        # print("target waypoint at " + str(self.target_waypoint))

        if (lane_change == "right"):
            # print('switch into the right lane')
            # change target waypoint to a point on the right lane
            right_lane = self._current_waypoint.get_right_lane()
            if (not right_lane):
                print("cannot switch into the right lane")
                self.target_waypoint = right_lane.next(5)[-1]
            # self.target_waypoint = new_waypoint
        elif (lane_change == "left"):
            # print('switch into the left lane')
            # change target waypoint to a point on the right lane
            left_lane = self._current_waypoint.get_left_lane()
            if (not left_lane):
                print("cannot switch into the right lane")
                self.target_waypoint = left_lane.next(5)[-1]

        # # set the target speed
        # speed_limit = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()
        # #set highway driving speed to 40 kmh
        # if(speed_limit > 30):
        #     self.set_speed(30)
        # # otherwise, set driving speed to 20 kmh
        # else:
        #     self.set_speed(20)

        # move using PID controllers
        #print("target_speed: " + str(self._target_speed))
        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(self._target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        # if debug:
        draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self.target_waypoint],
                       self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0)

        # if self._target_road_option != RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW not current_waypoint.is_intersection:
        #     self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        return control
예제 #10
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a
    trajectory of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.

    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers,
    one is used for the lateral control and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections) this local planner makes a random choice,
    unless a given global plan has already been specified.
    def __init__(self, vehicle, opt_dict={}):
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments with different parameters:
            dt: time between simulation steps
            target_speed: desired cruise speed in Km/h
            sampling_radius: distance between the waypoints part of the plan
            lateral_control_dict: values of the lateral PID controller
            longitudinal_control_dict: values of the longitudinal PID controller
            max_throttle: maximum throttle applied to the vehicle
            max_brake: maximum brake applied to the vehicle
            max_steering: maximum steering applied to the vehicle
            offset: distance between the route waypoints and the center of the lane
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._world = self._vehicle.get_world()
        self._map = self._world.get_map()

        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self.target_waypoint = None
        self.target_road_option = None

        self._waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=10000)
        self._min_waypoint_queue_length = 100
        self._stop_waypoint_creation = False

        # Base parameters
        self._dt = 1.0 / 20.0
        self._target_speed = 20.0  # Km/h
        self._sampling_radius = 2.0
        self._args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.95,
            'K_I': 0.05,
            'K_D': 0.2,
            'dt': self._dt
        self._args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 1.0,
            'K_I': 0.05,
            'K_D': 0,
            'dt': self._dt
        self._max_throt = 0.75
        self._max_brake = 0.3
        self._max_steer = 0.8
        self._offset = 0
        self._base_min_distance = 3.0
        self._follow_speed_limits = False

        # Overload parameters
        if opt_dict:
            if 'dt' in opt_dict:
                self._dt = opt_dict['dt']
            if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
                self._target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
            if 'sampling_radius' in opt_dict:
                self._sampling_radius = opt_dict['sampling_radius']
            if 'lateral_control_dict' in opt_dict:
                self._args_lateral_dict = opt_dict['lateral_control_dict']
            if 'longitudinal_control_dict' in opt_dict:
                self._args_longitudinal_dict = opt_dict[
            if 'max_throttle' in opt_dict:
                self._max_throt = opt_dict['max_throttle']
            if 'max_brake' in opt_dict:
                self._max_brake = opt_dict['max_brake']
            if 'max_steering' in opt_dict:
                self._max_steer = opt_dict['max_steering']
            if 'offset' in opt_dict:
                self._offset = opt_dict['offset']
            if 'base_min_distance' in opt_dict:
                self._base_min_distance = opt_dict['base_min_distance']
            if 'follow_speed_limits' in opt_dict:
                self._follow_speed_limits = opt_dict['follow_speed_limits']

        # initializing controller

    def reset_vehicle(self):
        """Reset the ego-vehicle"""
        self._vehicle = None

    def _init_controller(self):
        """Controller initialization"""
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        # Compute the current vehicle waypoint
        current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(self._vehicle.get_location())
        self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option = (current_waypoint,
            (self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option))

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Changes the target speed

        :param speed: new target speed in Km/h
        if self._follow_speed_limits:
                "WARNING: The max speed is currently set to follow the speed limits. "
                "Use 'follow_speed_limits' to deactivate this")
        self._target_speed = speed

    def follow_speed_limits(self, value=True):
        Activates a flag that makes the max speed dynamically vary according to the spped limits

        :param value: bool
        self._follow_speed_limits = value

    def _compute_next_waypoints(self, k=1):
        Add new waypoints to the trajectory queue.

        :param k: how many waypoints to compute
        # check we do not overflow the queue
        available_entries = self._waypoints_queue.maxlen - len(
        k = min(available_entries, k)

        for _ in range(k):
            last_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue[-1][0]
            next_waypoints = list(last_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius))

            if len(next_waypoints) == 0:
            elif len(next_waypoints) == 1:
                # only one option available ==> lanefollowing
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                # random choice between the possible options
                road_options_list = _retrieve_options(next_waypoints,
                road_option = random.choice(road_options_list)
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

            self._waypoints_queue.append((next_waypoint, road_option))

    def set_global_plan(self,
        Adds a new plan to the local planner. A plan must be a list of [carla.Waypoint, RoadOption] pairs
        The 'clean_queue` parameter erases the previous plan if True, otherwise, it adds it to the old one
        The 'stop_waypoint_creation' flag stops the automatic creation of random waypoints

        :param current_plan: list of (carla.Waypoint, RoadOption)
        :param stop_waypoint_creation: bool
        :param clean_queue: bool
        if clean_queue:

        # Remake the waypoints queue if the new plan has a higher length than the queue
        new_plan_length = len(current_plan) + len(self._waypoints_queue)
        if new_plan_length > self._waypoints_queue.maxlen:
            new_waypoint_queue = deque(maxlen=new_plan_length)
            for wp in self._waypoints_queue:
            self._waypoints_queue = new_waypoint_queue

        for elem in current_plan:

        self._stop_waypoint_creation = stop_waypoint_creation

    def run_step(self, debug=False):
        Execute one step of local planning which involves running the longitudinal and lateral PID controllers to
        follow the waypoints trajectory.

        :param debug: boolean flag to activate waypoints debugging
        :return: control to be applied
        if self._follow_speed_limits:
            self._target_speed = self._vehicle.get_speed_limit()

        # Add more waypoints too few in the horizon
        if not self._stop_waypoint_creation and len(
                self._waypoints_queue) < self._min_waypoint_queue_length:

        # Purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        veh_location = self._vehicle.get_location()
        vehicle_speed = get_speed(self._vehicle) / 3.6
        self._min_distance = self._base_min_distance + 0.5 * vehicle_speed

        num_waypoint_removed = 0
        for waypoint, _ in self._waypoints_queue:

            if len(self._waypoints_queue) - num_waypoint_removed == 1:
                min_distance = 1  # Don't remove the last waypoint until very close by
                min_distance = self._min_distance

            if veh_location.distance(
                    waypoint.transform.location) < min_distance:
                num_waypoint_removed += 1

        if num_waypoint_removed > 0:
            for _ in range(num_waypoint_removed):

        # Get the target waypoint and move using the PID controllers. Stop if no target waypoint
        if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 1.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False
            self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option = self._waypoints_queue[
            control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(
                self._target_speed, self.target_waypoint)

        if debug:
            draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self.target_waypoint],

        return control

    def get_incoming_waypoint_and_direction(self, steps=3):
        Returns direction and waypoint at a distance ahead defined by the user.

            :param steps: number of steps to get the incoming waypoint.
        if len(self._waypoints_queue) > steps:
            return self._waypoints_queue[steps]

                wpt, direction = self._waypoints_queue[-1]
                return wpt, direction
            except IndexError as i:
                return None, RoadOption.VOID

    def get_plan(self):
        """Returns the current plan of the local planner"""
        return self._waypoints_queue

    def done(self):
        Returns whether or not the planner has finished

        :return: boolean
        return len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0
예제 #11
class LocalPlanner(object):
    LocalPlanner implements the basic behavior of following a trajectory of waypoints that is generated on-the-fly.
    The low-level motion of the vehicle is computed by using two PID controllers, one is used for the lateral control
    and the other for the longitudinal control (cruise speed).

    When multiple paths are available (intersections) this local planner makes a random choice.

    # minimum distance to target waypoint as a percentage (e.g. within 90% of
    # total distance)

    def __init__(self, vehicle, opt_dict={}):
        :param vehicle: actor to apply to local planner logic onto
        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments with the following semantics:
            dt -- time difference between physics control in seconds. This is typically fixed from server side
                  using the arguments -benchmark -fps=F . In this case dt = 1/F

            target_speed -- desired cruise speed in Km/h

            sampling_radius -- search radius for next waypoints in seconds: e.g. 0.5 seconds ahead

            lateral_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the lateral PID controller
                                    {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}

            longitudinal_control_dict -- dictionary of arguments to setup the longitudinal PID controller
                                        {'K_P':, 'K_D':, 'K_I':, 'dt'}
        self._vehicle = vehicle
        self._map = self._vehicle.get_world().get_map()

        self._dt = None
        self._target_speed = None
        self._sampling_radius = None
        self._min_distance = None
        self._current_waypoint = None
        self._target_road_option = None
        self._next_waypoints = None
        self._target_waypoint = None
        self._vehicle_controller = None
        self._global_plan = None
        # queue with tuples of (waypoint, RoadOption)
        self._waypoints_queue = deque(maxlen=600)
        self._buffer_size = 10
        self._waypoint_buffer = deque(maxlen=self._buffer_size)

        # initializing controller

    def __del__(self):
        print("Destroying ego-vehicle!")

    def init_controller(self, opt_dict):
        Controller initialization.

        :param opt_dict: dictionary of arguments.
        # default params
        self._dt = 1.0 / 5.0
        self._target_speed = 35.0  # Km/h
        self._sampling_radius = 30 * 0.5 / 3.6  #self._target_speed * 0.5 / 3.6  # 0.5 seconds horizon
        self._min_distance = self._sampling_radius * self.MIN_DISTANCE_PERCENTAGE
        args_lateral_dict = {
            'K_P': .5,
            'K_D': 0.01,
            'K_I': 0.4,
            'dt': self._dt
        args_longitudinal_dict = {
            'K_P': 0.2,
            'K_D': 0.014,
            'K_I': 0.0258,
            'dt': self._dt

        # parameters overload
        if 'dt' in opt_dict:
            self._dt = opt_dict['dt']
        if 'target_speed' in opt_dict:
            self._target_speed = opt_dict['target_speed']
        if 'sampling_radius' in opt_dict:
            self._sampling_radius = self._target_speed * \
                opt_dict['sampling_radius'] / 3.6
        if 'lateral_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_lateral_dict = opt_dict['lateral_control_dict']
        if 'longitudinal_control_dict' in opt_dict:
            args_longitudinal_dict = opt_dict['longitudinal_control_dict']

        self._current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
        self._vehicle_controller = VehiclePIDController(

        self._global_plan = False

        # compute initial waypoints
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        # fill waypoint trajectory queue

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        Request new target speed.

        :param speed: new target speed in Km/h
        self._target_speed = speed

    def _compute_next_waypoints(self, k=1):
        Add new waypoints to the trajectory queue.

        :param k: how many waypoints to compute
        # check we do not overflow the queue
        available_entries = self._waypoints_queue.maxlen - len(
        k = min(available_entries, k)

        for _ in range(k):
            last_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue[-1][0]
            next_waypoints = list(last_waypoint.next(self._sampling_radius))

            if len(next_waypoints) == 1:
                # only one option available ==> lanefollowing
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[0]
                road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
                # random choice between the possible options
                road_options_list = retrieve_options(next_waypoints,
                road_option = random.choice(road_options_list)
                next_waypoint = next_waypoints[road_options_list.index(

            self._waypoints_queue.append((next_waypoint, road_option))

    def set_global_plan(self, current_plan):
        for elem in current_plan:
        self._target_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW
        self._global_plan = True

    def get_filled_waypoint_buffer(self) -> List[carla.Waypoint]:
        while len(self._waypoint_buffer) < self._buffer_size:
            if self._waypoints_queue:
                # [0] -> get only carla.Waypoint, ignore RoadOption
                next_waypoint = self._waypoints_queue.popleft()[0]
        return self._waypoint_buffer

    def run_step(self, debug=True):
        # not enough waypoints in the horizon? => add more!
        if len(self._waypoints_queue) < int(
                self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5):
            if not self._global_plan:

        if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 0.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False
            return control

        veh_location = self._vehicle.get_location()  # type: carla.Location
        veh_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
            veh_location)  # type: carla.Waypoint
        veh_yaw = self._vehicle.get_transform(
        ).rotation.yaw  # TODO type: float, range TODO
        local_plan = self.get_filled_waypoint_buffer(
        )  # type: List[carla.Waypoint]

        # Calculate best waypoint to follow considering current yaw
        L = 2.9
        fx = veh_location.x + L * np.cos(veh_yaw)
        fy = veh_location.y + L * np.sin(veh_yaw)

        distances = []
        for waypoint in local_plan:
            wp = waypoint.transform.location
            dx = fx - wp.x
            dy = fy - wp.y
            distance = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
        target_idx = np.argmin(distances)
        closest_error = distances[target_idx]

        self._target_waypoint = local_plan[target_idx]

        # Calculate path curvature
        waypoints_to_look_ahead = 6
        reference_waypoint = local_plan[target_idx + waypoints_to_look_ahead]
        ref_location = reference_waypoint.transform.location
        # delta_x = ref_location.x - veh_location.x
        # delta_y = ref_location.y - veh_location.y
        # theta_radians = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
        # FIXME Sometimes yaw oscilates from 179 to -179 which leads to temporarily bad calculations
        distance, relative_angle = compute_magnitude_angle(
            ref_location, veh_location,
            veh_yaw)  #np.rad2deg(theta_radians) - veh_yaw

        # plt.cla()
        # plt.plot([self._vehicle.get_transform().location.x, lookahead_waypoint.transform.location.x], [self._vehicle.get_transform().location.y, lookahead_waypoint.transform.location.y], "-r", label="debug")
        # # plt.plot(, , ".b", label="lookahead")
        # plt.axis("equal")
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.grid(True)
        # plt.title("Rel angle: {}, yaw {}".format(str(angle), yaw))
        # plt.pause(0.0001)

        if abs(relative_angle) < 15:
            target_speed = 50
        elif abs(relative_angle) < 20:
            target_speed = 40
        elif abs(relative_angle) < 30:
            target_speed = 30
            target_speed = 20
            'Relative angle to reference waypoint: {:3d} | Vehicle yaw angle: {:3d} | Target speed {} km/h'
            .format(int(relative_angle), int(veh_yaw), target_speed))

        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        # i, (waypoint, _)
        for i, waypoint in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        if debug:
            #draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self._target_waypoint], self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0, color=carla.Color(0, 255, 0))
            draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [reference_waypoint],
                           veh_location.z + 1.0)

        return control