예제 #1
def test_vectors():
    sk1 = PrivateKey.from_seed(bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
    pk1 = sk1.get_public_key()
    sig1 = sk1.sign(bytes([7, 8, 9]))

    sk2 = PrivateKey.from_seed(bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))
    pk2 = sk2.get_public_key()
    sig2 = sk2.sign(bytes([7, 8, 9]))
    assert (sk1.serialize() == bytes.fromhex(
    assert (pk1.get_fingerprint() == 0x26d53247)
    assert (pk2.get_fingerprint() == 0x289bb56e)
    assert (sig1.serialize() == bytes.fromhex(
    assert (sig2.serialize() == bytes.fromhex(

    agg_sig = Signature.aggregate([sig1, sig2])
    agg_pk = PublicKey.aggregate([pk1, pk2], True)
    agg_sk = PrivateKey.aggregate([sk1, sk2], [pk1, pk2], True)
    assert (agg_sig.serialize() == bytes.fromhex(
    assert (agg_sk.sign(bytes([7, 8, 9])).serialize() == agg_sig.serialize())

    assert (sig1.verify())
    assert (agg_sig.verify())

        AggregationInfo.from_msg(agg_pk, bytes([7, 8, 9])))
    assert (agg_sig.verify())

    assert (not sig1.verify())

    sig3 = sk1.sign(bytes([1, 2, 3]))
    sig4 = sk1.sign(bytes([1, 2, 3, 4]))
    sig5 = sk2.sign(bytes([1, 2]))

    agg_sig2 = Signature.aggregate([sig3, sig4, sig5])
    assert (agg_sig2.verify())
    assert (agg_sig2.serialize() == bytes.fromhex(
예제 #2
def test2():
    seed = bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
    seed2 = bytes([1, 20, 102, 229, 1, 157])

    sk = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    sk_cp = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    sk2 = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed2)
    pk = sk.get_public_key()
    pk2 = sk2.get_public_key()
    assert (sk == sk_cp)
    assert (sk != sk2)
    assert (pk.get_fingerprint() == 0xddad59bb)

    sk2_ser = sk2.serialize()
    pk2_ser = pk2.serialize()
    pk2_copy = PublicKey.from_bytes(pk2_ser)
    assert (pk2 == pk2_copy)
    assert (pk != pk2)
    assert (len(pk2_ser) == 48)
    assert (len(sk2_ser) == 32)

    message = bytes("this is the message", "utf-8")
    sig = sk.sign(message)
    sig_ser = sig.serialize()
    sig_cp = Signature.from_bytes(sig_ser)
    a1 = AggregationInfo.from_msg(pk, message)
    a2 = sig_cp.get_aggregation_info()
    assert (a1 == a2)
    sig2 = sk2.sign(message)

    assert (len(sig_ser) == 96)
    assert (sig != sig2)
    assert (sig == sig_cp)

    sig_agg = Signature.aggregate([sig, sig2])

    result = sig_cp.verify()
    result2 = sig2.verify()
    result3 = sig_agg.verify()
    assert (result)
    assert (result2)
    assert (result3)
    sk2 = sk
예제 #3
 def sign_prehashed(self, h):
     r = hash_to_point_prehashed_Fq2(h).to_jacobian()
     aggregation_info = AggregationInfo.from_msg_hash(
         self.get_public_key(), h)
     return Signature.from_g2(self.value * r, aggregation_info)
예제 #4
 def sign(self, m):
     r = hash_to_point_Fq2(m).to_jacobian()
     aggregation_info = AggregationInfo.from_msg(self.get_public_key(), m)
     return Signature.from_g2(self.value * r, aggregation_info)
예제 #5
def test_threshold_instance(T, N):
    commitments = []
    # fragments[i][j] = fragment held by player i,
    #                   received from player j
    fragments = [[None] * N for _ in range(N)]
    secrets = []

    # Step 1 : PrivateKey.new_threshold
    for player in range(N):
        secret_key, commi, frags = PrivateKey.new_threshold(T, N)
        for target, frag in enumerate(frags):
            fragments[target][player] = frag

    # Step 2 : Threshold.verify_secret_fragment
    for player_source in range(1, N + 1):
        for player_target in range(1, N + 1):
            assert Threshold.verify_secret_fragment(
                T, fragments[player_target - 1][player_source - 1],
                player_target, commitments[player_source - 1])

    # Step 3 : master_pubkey = PublicKey.aggregate(...)
    #          secret_share = PrivateKey.aggregate(...)
    master_pubkey = PublicKey.aggregate(
        [PublicKey.from_g1(cpoly[0].to_jacobian()) for cpoly in commitments],

    secret_shares = [
        PrivateKey.aggregate(map(PrivateKey, row), None, False)
        for row in fragments

    master_privkey = PrivateKey.aggregate(secrets, None, False)
    msg = 'Test'
    signature_actual = master_privkey.sign(msg)

    # Step 4 : sig_share = secret_share.sign_threshold(...)
    # Check every combination of T players
    for X in combinations(range(1, N + 1), T):
        # X: a list of T indices like [1, 2, 5]

        # Check underlying secret key is correct
        r = Threshold.interpolate_at_zero(
            X, [secret_shares[x - 1].value for x in X])
        secret_cand = PrivateKey(r)
        assert secret_cand == master_privkey

        # Check signatures
        signature_shares = [
            secret_shares[x - 1].sign_threshold(msg, x, X) for x in X
        signature_cand = Signature.aggregate_sigs_simple(signature_shares)
        assert signature_cand == signature_actual

    # Check that the signature actually verifies the message
    agg_info = AggregationInfo.from_msg(master_pubkey, msg)
    assert signature_actual.verify()

    # Step 4b : Alternatively, we can add the lagrange coefficients
    # to 'unit' signatures.
    for X in combinations(range(1, N + 1), T):
        # X: a list of T indices like [1, 2, 5]

        # Check signatures
        signature_shares = [secret_shares[x - 1].sign(msg) for x in X]
        signature_cand = Threshold.aggregate_unit_sigs(signature_shares, X, T)
        assert signature_cand == signature_actual
예제 #6
def test1():
    seed = bytes([
        0, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192, 19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18,
        102, 58, 209, 82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22
    sk = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    pk = sk.get_public_key()

    msg = bytes([100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23])

    sig = sk.sign(msg)

    sk_bytes = sk.serialize()
    pk_bytes = pk.serialize()
    sig_bytes = sig.serialize()

    sk = PrivateKey.from_bytes(sk_bytes)
    pk = PublicKey.from_bytes(pk_bytes)
    sig = Signature.from_bytes(sig_bytes)

    sig.set_aggregation_info(AggregationInfo.from_msg(pk, msg))
    ok = sig.verify()
    assert (ok)

    seed = bytes([1]) + seed[1:]
    sk1 = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    seed = bytes([2]) + seed[1:]
    sk2 = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)

    pk1 = sk1.get_public_key()
    sig1 = sk1.sign(msg)

    pk2 = sk2.get_public_key()
    sig2 = sk2.sign(msg)

    agg_sig = Signature.aggregate([sig1, sig2])
    agg_pubkey = PublicKey.aggregate([pk1, pk2])

    agg_sig.set_aggregation_info(AggregationInfo.from_msg(agg_pubkey, msg))
    assert (agg_sig.verify())

    seed = bytes([3]) + seed[1:]
    sk3 = PrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    pk3 = sk3.get_public_key()
    msg2 = bytes([100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23])

    sig1 = sk1.sign(msg)
    sig2 = sk2.sign(msg)
    sig3 = sk3.sign(msg2)
    agg_sig_l = Signature.aggregate([sig1, sig2])
    agg_sig_final = Signature.aggregate([agg_sig_l, sig3])

    sig_bytes = agg_sig_final.serialize()

    agg_sig_final = Signature.from_bytes(sig_bytes)
    a1 = AggregationInfo.from_msg(pk1, msg)
    a2 = AggregationInfo.from_msg(pk2, msg)
    a3 = AggregationInfo.from_msg(pk3, msg2)
    a1a2 = AggregationInfo.merge_infos([a1, a2])
    a_final = AggregationInfo.merge_infos([a1a2, a3])
    ok = agg_sig_final.verify()

    ok = agg_sig_l.verify()
    agg_sig_final = agg_sig_final.divide_by([agg_sig_l])

    ok = agg_sig_final.verify()

    agg_sk = PrivateKey.aggregate([sk1, sk2], [pk1, pk2])

    seed = bytes([
        1, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192, 19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18,
        102, 58, 209, 82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22

    esk = ExtendedPrivateKey.from_seed(seed)
    epk = esk.get_extended_public_key()

    sk_child = esk.private_child(0).private_child(5)
    pk_child = epk.public_child(0).public_child(5)

    buffer1 = pk_child.serialize()
    buffer2 = sk_child.serialize()

    print(len(buffer1), buffer1)
    print(len(buffer2), buffer2)
    assert (sk_child.get_extended_public_key() == pk_child)
예제 #7
    def aggregate(signatures):
        Aggregates many (aggregate) signatures, using a combination of simple
        and secure aggregation. Signatures are grouped based on which ones
        share common messages, and these are all merged securely.
        public_keys = []  # List of lists
        message_hashes = []  # List of lists

        for signature in signatures:
            if signature.aggregation_info.empty():
                raise Exception(
                    "Each signature must have a valid aggregation " + "info")

        # Find colliding vectors, save colliding messages
        messages_set = set()
        colliding_messages_set = set()

        for msg_vector in message_hashes:
            messages_set_local = set()
            for msg in msg_vector:
                if msg in messages_set and msg not in messages_set_local:

        if len(colliding_messages_set) == 0:
            # There are no colliding messages between the groups, so we
            # will just aggregate them all simply. Note that we assume
            # that every group is a valid aggregate signature. If an invalid
            # or insecure signature is given, and invalid signature will
            # be created. We don't verify for performance reasons.
            final_sig = Signature.aggregate_sigs_simple(signatures)
            aggregation_infos = [sig.aggregation_info for sig in signatures]
            final_agg_info = AggregationInfo.merge_infos(aggregation_infos)
            return final_sig

        # There are groups that share messages, therefore we need
        # to use a secure form of aggregation. First we find which
        # groups collide, and securely aggregate these. Then, we
        # use simple aggregation at the end.
        colliding_sigs = []
        non_colliding_sigs = []
        colliding_message_hashes = []  # List of lists
        colliding_public_keys = []  # List of lists

        for i in range(len(signatures)):
            group_collides = False
            for msg in message_hashes[i]:
                if msg in colliding_messages_set:
                    group_collides = True
            if not group_collides:

        # Arrange all signatures, sorted by their aggregation info
        colliding_sigs.sort(key=lambda s: s.aggregation_info)

        # Arrange all public keys in sorted order, by (m, pk)
        sort_keys_sorted = []
        for i in range(len(colliding_public_keys)):
            for j in range(len(colliding_public_keys[i])):
        sorted_public_keys = [pk for (mh, pk) in sort_keys_sorted]

        computed_Ts = BLS.hash_pks(len(colliding_sigs), sorted_public_keys)

        # Raise each sig to a power of each t,
        # and multiply all together into agg_sig
        ec = sorted_public_keys[0].value.ec
        agg_sig = JacobianPoint(Fq2.one(ec.q), Fq2.one(ec.q), Fq2.zero(ec.q),
                                True, ec)

        for i, signature in enumerate(colliding_sigs):
            agg_sig += signature.value * computed_Ts[i]

        for signature in non_colliding_sigs:
            agg_sig += signature.value

        final_sig = Signature.from_g2(agg_sig)
        aggregation_infos = [sig.aggregation_info for sig in signatures]
        final_agg_info = AggregationInfo.merge_infos(aggregation_infos)

        return final_sig