async def build_data_profile(self, members, limit=50000): """ Used for building a data profile based on a user Members: list of members we want to import for Guild: Guild object Limit: limit of messages to be imported """ for guild in self.client.guilds: for cur_channel in guild.text_channels: adding = False for group in enabled_groups: if str(cur_channel.category).lower() == str(group).lower(): adding = True break if adding:"Logging from {}".format( counter = 0 already_added = 0 async for message in cur_channel.history(limit=limit, reverse=True): if in members: self.database_tools.add_message_to_db(message) "{} scraped for {} users - added {} messages, found {} already added" .format(, len(members), counter, already_added))
def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.client_tools = ClientTools(client) self.database_tools = DatabaseTools(client) insert_channel = "INSERT INTO channels (channel_id, channel_name) VALUES (%s, %s)" update_channel = "UPDATE `gssp_logging`.`channels` SET `channel_name`=%s WHERE `channel_id`=%s;" if not bool(config['discord'].get("skip_scrape")): for guild in client.guilds:"{}: Updating channels".format(str(guild))) for channel in guild.text_channels: try: cursor.execute( insert_channel, (, emoji.demojize( logger.debug("Inserted {} to DB".format( emoji.demojize( except mysql.connector.errors.IntegrityError: cursor.execute( update_channel, (emoji.demojize(, logger.debug("Updated {}".format( emoji.demojize("{}: Updating users".format(str(guild))) for member in tqdm(guild.members, total=len(guild.members), desc="Adding users for {}".format( str(guild))): self.database_tools.add_user(member)"{}: Finished {} users".format( str(guild), len(guild.members)))"{}: Updating roles".format(str(guild))) for role in guild.roles: if != "@everyone": try: cursor.execute(insert_role, (, emoji.demojize(,, int(role.mentionable))) except mysql.connector.errors.IntegrityError: cursor.execute(update_role, (emoji.demojize(, int(role.mentionable), # this is designed to assist with migration, by moving old discord role members over to the new # system seamlessly member_ids = [] for member in role.members: member_ids.append( role_db = DbRole(,, 0, members=member_ids) role_db.save_members()"{}: Finished {} roles".format( guild, len(guild.roles))) cnx.commit() else: logger.warn( "Skipping scraping data from existing servers - data may be out of date" )
def add_guild(guild=None, guild_id=None): """ Create config directory for a new guild :param guild: Guild object provided by discord :param guild_id: Raw number ID of the guild you wish to add """ if guild is not None and guild_id is None: guild_id = made_change = False guild_path = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, guild_id) if not os.path.exists(base_directory): os.makedirs(base_directory) made_change = True if not os.path.exists(guild_path): os.makedirs("{}/{}".format(base_directory, guild_id)) made_change = True if not os.path.exists("{}/bad_words.json".format(guild_path)): with open("{}/bad_words.json".format(guild_path), "w") as bad_words_f: bad_words_f.write(json.dumps({"words": [], "alert_channel": None})) made_change = True if not os.path.exists("{}/settings.json".format(guild_path)): with open("{}/settings.json".format(guild_path), "w") as settings_f: settings_f.write(json.dumps({"staff_roles": []})) if made_change:"Created data for {}".format(guild_id))
async def optout_user(self, user): """ Opt a user out of experiments, and delete their data Returns number of messages deleted """"Deleting data for user ID {}".format( cursor.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = %s", (, )) result = cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM messages_detailed WHERE user_id = %s", (, )) cnx.commit()"Data deleted.")
def load_all_extensions(self): """ This will import all of our extensions, and set extension_imported to the code of the imports """ self.extension_imported = [] for extension in startup_extensions: try: to_load = "{}.{}".format(self.get_path(), extension) self.extension_imported.append(dict(name=extension, module=importlib.import_module(to_load))) self.client.load_extension(to_load)"Loaded {} (from {})".format(extension, to_load)) del(to_load) except Exception as e: exc = '{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e) logger.error( 'Failed to load extension {}\n{}\n{}'.format(extension, exc, traceback.format_exc()))
async def on_ready(): game = discord.Game("Starting") await client.change_presence(activity=game)"Connected to Discord as {} ({})".format(, # This needs to be here, so that all the other cogs can be loaded client.load_extension("ags_experiments.cogs.loader") await set_activity(client) for guild in client.guilds: guild_settings.add_guild(guild) members = [] if not bool(config['discord'].get("skip_scrape")): for guild in client.guilds: if debug:"Found guild {} - {} channels".format(, len(guild.text_channels))) for member in guild.members: name = database_tools.opted_in( if name is not False: if name not in members: members.append(member) "Initialising building data profiles on existing messages. This will take a while." ) await client_tools.build_data_profile(members, limit=None)
async def sync(self, ctx): clone_target = self.client.get_guild( config['discord'].get("clone_server_target")) def generate_progress_embed(m_text, colour=yellow, url=None): em = discord.Embed( title="Server Clone Progress", description="Status: {text}".format(text=m_text), colour=colour) if url is not None: em.add_field(name="Invite link", value=url) return em guild = ctx.guild # we just need to now create an instant invite to *somewhere* on the server progress = await ctx.send(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Dumping existing data from {}".format(guild=guild))) channels = [] roles = [] def get_channel_position(old_id=None, new_id=None): if new_id is None and old_id is None: raise AttributeError for x in range(0, len(channels)): channel = channels[x] # the and is not None prevent us from returning whatever channel has None as an attribute if (channel.get("old_id") == old_id and old_id is not None) or (channel.get("new_id") == new_id and new_id is not None): return x return None def get_channel(old_id=None, new_id=None): position = get_channel_position(old_id=old_id, new_id=new_id) if position is None: return None return channels[position] def add_channel(old_channel, new_channel=None): to_append = (dict(, old_channel=old_channel)) if new_channel is None: to_append['new_id'] = None to_append['new_channel'] = None else: to_append['new_id'] = to_append['new_channel'] = new_channel channels.append(to_append) def set_new_channel(old_channel_id, new_channel): # we don't use the new_channel id, as not merged yet position = get_channel_position(old_id=old_channel_id) new_channel = get_channel_object_dict(new_channel) channels[position]['new_channel'] = new_channel channels[position]['new_id'] = new_channel['id'] def get_role_position(old_id=None, new_id=None): if new_id is None and old_id is None: return None # means we don't have to do unnecesary searches if old_id is not None: old_id = int(old_id) if new_id is not None: new_id = int(new_id) for x in range(0, len(roles)): role = roles[x] # the and is not None prevent us from returning whatever channel has None as an attribute if (role.get("old_id") == old_id and old_id is not None) or ( role.get("new_id") == new_id and new_id is not None): return x return None def get_role(old_id=None, new_id=None): position = get_role_position(old_id=old_id, new_id=new_id) if position is None: return None return roles[position] def add_role(old_role, new_role=None): to_append = (dict(, old_role=old_role)) if new_role is None: to_append['new_id'] = None to_append['new_role'] = None else: to_append['new_id'] = to_append['new_role'] = new_role roles.append(to_append) def set_new_role(old_role_id, new_role): # we don't use the new_role id, as not merged yet position = get_role_position(old_id=old_role_id) roles[position]['new_role'] = new_role roles[position]['new_id'] = def get_role_object_dict(role): if type(role) == dict: return role # if already role, just return it return dict(,, permissions=role.permissions.value, colour=role.colour.value, hoist=role.hoist, mentionable=role.mentionable) def get_role_dicts(roles=roles): backup_roles = roles role_dicts = [] for role in roles: if role.get('old_role') is not None: role['old_role'] = get_role_object_dict(role['old_role']) if role.get('new_role') is not None: role['new_role'] = get_role_object_dict(role['new_role']) role_dicts.append(role) return role_dicts def get_channel_type(channel): if type(channel) == return "Text" if type(channel) == return "Voice" if type(channel) == return "Category" return "Unknown" def get_channel_object_dict(channel): if type(channel) == dict: return channel # already converted new_overwrites = [] overwrites = channel.overwrites for overwrite in overwrites: allow, deny = overwrite[1].pair() if type(overwrite[0]) == discord.role.Role: role = get_role(old_id=overwrite[0].id) if role is None: to_append = dict( grantee=dict(old_id=overwrite[0].id, type="Role")) else: to_append = dict(grantee=dict( old_id=role.get('old_id'), new_id=role.get('new_id'), old_name=role.get('old_role', dict()).get('name'), type="Role")) else: # user overwrite to_append = dict( grantee=dict(id=overwrite[0].id, type="User")) to_append['allow_permission'] = allow.value to_append['deny_permission'] = deny.value new_overwrites.append(to_append) to_return = dict(,, type=get_channel_type(channel), overwrites=new_overwrites, position=channel.position) if to_return['type'] != "Category": if channel.category is not None: to_return['category'] = get_channel_object_dict( channel.category) else: to_return['category'] = None if to_return['type'] == "Text": # do text to_return['topic'] = channel.topic to_return['slowmode_delay'] = channel.slowmode_delay to_return['nsfw'] = channel.nsfw elif to_return['type'] == "Voice": # do voice to_return['bitrate'] = channel.bitrate to_return['user_limit'] = channel.user_limit return to_return def get_channel_dicts(channels=channels): backup_channels = channels channel_dicts = [] for channel in channels: if channel.get('old_channel') is not None: channel['old_channel'] = get_channel_object_dict( channel['old_channel']) if channel.get('new_channel') is not None: channel['new_role'] = get_channel_object_dict( channel['new_channel']) channel_dicts.append(channel) channels = backup_channels return channel_dicts def generate_overwrites(old_channel): overwrites = dict() for overwrite in old_channel['overwrites']: allow = discord.Permissions(overwrite['allow_permission']) deny = discord.Permissions(overwrite['deny_permission']) permission_pair = discord.PermissionOverwrite.from_pair( allow, deny) target = None # we do this incase down the road there's a new type of grantee we haven't handled # if a user isn't in the new server, we can't add overwrites for them if overwrite['grantee']['type'] == "User": target = clone_target.get_member( overwrite['grantee']['id']) # this is the code which will convert the old_id in the overwrite into the new_id elif overwrite['grantee']['type'] == "Role": role = get_role(old_id=overwrite['grantee']['old_id']) if role is not None: target = clone_target.get_role(role['new_id']) else: old_role = ctx.guild.get_role( overwrite['grantee']['old_id']) if == "@everyone": target = clone_target.default_role else: print( "Could not find new role pair for old role with ID {}" .format(overwrite['grantee']['old_id'])) if target is not None: overwrites[target] = permission_pair return overwrites s_channels = guild.channels s_channels.sort(key=lambda x: x.position, reverse=False) for channel in s_channels: add_channel(channel) s_roles = guild.roles s_roles.reverse() for role in s_roles: if != "@everyone": add_role(role) await progress.edit(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Wiping roles of {}".format( clone_target=clone_target))) for role in clone_target.roles: try: await role.delete(reason="Cleaning for copying") except discord.errors.HTTPException: pass await progress.edit(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Wiping channels of {}".format( clone_target=clone_target))) for channel in clone_target.channels: await channel.delete(reason="Cleaning for copying") print("Wiped channels") await progress.edit(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Creating new roles in {}".format( clone_target=clone_target))) for role in get_role_dicts(): old_role = role['old_role']"Adding role{id} - {name}".format( id=role['old_id'], name=role['old_role']['name'])) new_role_to_merge = await clone_target.create_role( name=old_role['name'], permissions=discord.Permissions( permissions=old_role['permissions']), colour=discord.Colour(old_role['colour']), hoist=old_role['hoist'], mentionable=old_role['mentionable']) set_new_role(old_role['id'], new_role_to_merge) get_role_dicts( ) # this converts all the new channels into nice dictionary formats await progress.edit(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Creating new channels in {}".format( clone_target=clone_target))) # first, we add the categories channels_to_add = get_channel_dicts() channels.sort(key=lambda x: x['old_channel']['position'], reverse=False) for channel in channels_to_add: old_channel = channel['old_channel'] if old_channel['type'] == "Category":"Adding category {id} - {name}".format( id=old_channel['id'], name=old_channel['name'])) # build overwrites overwrites = generate_overwrites(old_channel) channel = await clone_target.create_category_channel( old_channel['name'], overwrites=overwrites, reason="Syncing of channels") set_new_channel(old_channel['id'], channel) # this makes sure everything is still in dictionary formats channels_to_add = get_channel_dicts() # now we know all our categories are added, we can add all other channels for channel in channels_to_add: old_channel = channel['old_channel'] if old_channel['type'] != "Category":"Adding {type} channel {id} - {name}".format( type=old_channel['type'], id=old_channel['id'], name=old_channel['name'])) overwrites = generate_overwrites(old_channel) category = get_channel( old_id=old_channel['category'].get('id')) if category is not None: category_id = category['new_id'] # gets the role object that we need to create the channel category = clone_target.get_channel(category_id) if old_channel['type'] == "Text": channel = await clone_target.create_text_channel( old_channel['name'], overwrites=overwrites, reason="Syncing of channels", position=old_channel['position'], topic=old_channel['topic'], slowmode_delay=old_channel['slowmode_delay'], nsfw=old_channel['nsfw'], category=category) elif old_channel['type'] == "Voice": channel = await clone_target.create_voice_channel( old_channel['name'], overwrites=overwrites, reason="Syncing of channels", position=old_channel['position'], bitrate=old_channel['bitrate'], user_limit=old_channel['user_limit'], category=category) channel = get_channel_object_dict(channel) set_new_channel(old_channel['id'], channel) with open(".last_sync.json", "w") as f: f.write( json.dumps(dict(roles=get_role_dicts(roles=roles), channels=get_channel_dicts(channels=channels)), indent=4)) invite = await clone_target.text_channels[0].create_invite( max_age=0, max_uses=0, unique=True, reason="Generating invite link to join with") await progress.edit(embed=generate_progress_embed( "Done!", colour=green, url=invite.url))
import mysql.connector import sys from ags_experiments.logger import logger from ags_experiments.settings.config import config port = config['mysql'].get("port") if port is None: logger.warn("'mysql'.'port' not found in config - defaulting to 3306") config['mysql']['port'] = 3306 try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config['mysql'])"Created connection to MySQL") except mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError as exception: logger.error("{} - check your settings".format(exception)) sys.exit(1) cursor = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cursor_dict = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True)
import mysql from discord.ext import commands from ags_experiments.settings import guild_settings from ags_experiments import set_activity from ags_experiments.client_tools import ClientTools from ags_experiments.database import cnx, cursor from ags_experiments.database.database_tools import DatabaseTools, insert_users, insert_settings, insert_role, \ update_role from ags_experiments.role_c import DbRole from ags_experiments.settings.config import config, strings from ags_experiments.logger import logger if config['discord']['debug'] or bool( os.environ.get('discord_experiments_debug')):"Running in debug mode.") debug = True prefix = config['discord']['prefix_debug'] else:"Running in production mode.") debug = False prefix = config['discord']['prefix'] shard_count = config['discord'].get("shard_count") if shard_count is None: logger.warn( "config['discord']['shard_count'] is not set - defaulting to 1 shard") shard_count = 1 client = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=prefix, owner_id=config['discord']['owner_id'],