def test_inception_model_conv_below_avgpool(self): """ Test winnowing inception model with conv below avgpool """ model = models.Inception3() model.eval() input_shape = [1, 3, 299, 299] input_channels_to_prune = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 32, 45] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [(model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv, input_channels_to_prune)] print(model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv) print(model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv.out_channels, model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv.in_channels) # Call the Winnow API. new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) self.assertEqual(new_model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv[1].out_channels, 32) self.assertEqual( list(new_model.Mixed_5b.branch_pool.conv[1].weight.shape), [32, 184, 1, 1]) del model del new_model
def test_mask_propagation_through_concat(self): """ After the graph is constructed, the Op should have default masks and connectivity for all module types. """ logger.debug("Test default mask and connectivity.") model = SingleConcat() # Test forward pass on the copied model before zeroing out channels of layers. input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224] module_zero_channels_list = [] module = model.conv4 input_channels_to_prune = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 19, 21, 23, 25, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 57, 59, 61, 63 ] module_mask_pair = (module, input_channels_to_prune) module_zero_channels_list.append(module_mask_pair) print("Order of modules in in the API:", [get_layer_name(model, m) for m, _ in module_zero_channels_list]) # API version 2. winnowed_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, module_zero_channels_list, in_place=True, verbose=True) # validate winnowed net # input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape).double() input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape) # winnowed_model.double() winnowed_model.eval() _ = winnowed_model(input_tensor) self.assertEqual(0, 0)
def test_inception_model_conv_below_conv(self): """ Test winnowing inception model conv below conv """ model = models.Inception3() model.eval() input_shape = [1, 3, 299, 299] input_channels_to_prune = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 32, 45] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [(model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_2.conv, input_channels_to_prune)] print(model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv.out_channels) new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) self.assertEqual(new_model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv.out_channels, 56) self.assertEqual( list(new_model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv.weight.shape), [56, 192, 1, 1]) del model del new_model
def test_inception_model_conv_below_split(self): """ Test winnowing inception model with conv below split """ model = models.Inception3() model.eval() input_shape = [1, 3, 299, 299] input_channels_to_prune = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 32, 45] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [(model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv, input_channels_to_prune)] print(model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv.out_channels) # Call the Winnow API. new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) del model del new_model model = models.Inception3() model.eval() input_shape = [1, 3, 299, 299] input_channels_to_prune = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 32, 45] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [(model.Mixed_5b.branch1x1.conv, input_channels_to_prune)] print(model.Mixed_5b.branch3x3dbl_1.conv.out_channels) # Call the Winnow API. new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) del model del new_model self.assertEqual(0, 0)
def _winnow_and_reconstruct_layer(self, orig_layer_db: LayerDatabase, comp_layer_db: LayerDatabase, layer: Layer, comp_ratio: float, perform_reconstruction: bool): """ Replaces a given layer within the comp_layer_db with a pruned version of the layer :param orig_layer_db: original Layer database :param comp_layer_db: Layer database, will be modified :param layer: Layer to prune :param comp_ratio: compression - ratio :return: """ # 1) channel selection prune_indices = self._select_inp_channels(layer.module, comp_ratio) # 2) winnow - in place API _, module_list = winnow_model( comp_layer_db.model, self._input_shape, [(layer.module, prune_indices)], reshape=self._allow_custom_downsample_ops, in_place=True) # 3) data sub sampling and reconstruction if perform_reconstruction: # get original layer reference orig_layer = orig_layer_db.find_layer_by_name( self._data_subsample_and_reconstruction(orig_layer.module, layer.module, orig_layer_db.model, comp_layer_db.model) # 4) update layer database if module_list: self._update_layer_database_after_winnowing( comp_layer_db, module_list)
def test_mask_propagation_through_single_chunk(self): """ After the graph is constructed, the Op should have default masks and connectivity for all module types. """ logger.debug("Test default mask and connectivity.") model = SingleChunk() # Test forward pass on the copied model before zering out channels of layers. input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224] module_zero_channels_list = [] module = model.conv4 input_channels_to_prune = [5, 9] module_mask_pair = (module, input_channels_to_prune) module_zero_channels_list.append(module_mask_pair) print("Order of modules in in the API:", [get_layer_name(model, m) for m, _ in module_zero_channels_list]) # API version 2. _, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, module_zero_channels_list, in_place=True, verbose=True) self.assertEqual(0, 0)
def test_conv_to_conv_mask_propagation(self): """ After the graph is constructed, the Op should have default masks and connectivity for all module types. """ logger.debug("Test default mask and connectivity.") model = SingleResidual() # Test forward pass on the copied model before winnowing. input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224] input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape).double() model.double() model.eval() print( "test_conv_to_conv_mask_propagation(): Testing forward pass before winnowing." ) validation_output = model(input_tensor) # Convert the model back to float. model.float() module_zero_channels_list = [] module = model.conv3 input_channels_to_prune = [1, 3] module_mask_pair = (module, input_channels_to_prune) module_zero_channels_list.append(module_mask_pair) print("Order of modules in in the API:", [get_layer_name(model, m) for m, _ in module_zero_channels_list]) # API version 2. winnowed_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, module_zero_channels_list, in_place=True, verbose=True) # validate winnowed net input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape).double() winnowed_model.double() winnowed_model.eval() test_output = winnowed_model(input_tensor) self.assertTrue(test_output.shape == validation_output.shape) # self.assertTrue(test_output.allclose(validation_output)) # TBD. Why is this failing? print(test_output) print(validation_output) # In the winnowed model, conv3 has in_channels = 62, out_channels = 64 self.assertTrue(winnowed_model.conv3.in_channels == 62) self.assertTrue(winnowed_model.conv3.out_channels == 64) # The winnowed model's bn2 layer has 62 num_features self.assertEqual(winnowed_model.bn2.num_features, 62) self.assertEqual(list(winnowed_model.bn2.weight.shape), [62]) self.assertEqual(list(winnowed_model.bn2.bias.shape), [62]) self.assertEqual(list(winnowed_model.bn2.running_mean.shape), [62]) self.assertEqual(list(winnowed_model.bn2.running_var.shape), [62]) # In the winnowed model, conv2 has in_channels = 64, out_channels = 62 (impacted by layer3 pruning) self.assertTrue(winnowed_model.conv2.in_channels == 64) self.assertTrue(winnowed_model.conv2.out_channels == 62) print( "test_conv_to_conv_mask_propagation(): Successfully validated winnowed model." )
def test_winnowing_multiple_zeroed_resnet34(self): """ Tests winnowing resnet18 with multiple layers with zero planes. """ model = models.resnet34(pretrained=False) model.eval() # Test forward pass on the copied model before zeroing out channels in any layer.. input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [] input_channels_to_prune = [5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 54] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer4[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 54] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer4[0].conv1, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [15, 29, 24, 28, 33, 47, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer3[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [33, 44, 55] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer2[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer2[0].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [55, 56, 57, 58, 59] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer1[1].conv1, input_channels_to_prune)) input_channels_to_prune = [42, 44, 46] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer1[0].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # Call the Winnow API. new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) # compare zeroed out and pruned model output # use double precision for lower absolute error input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape).double() model.double() model.eval() validation_output = model(input_tensor) # validate winnowed net new_model.double() new_model.eval() test_output = new_model(input_tensor) self.assertTrue(test_output.shape == validation_output.shape) # layer1.0.conv2 input channels pruned from 64 --> 61 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[0].conv2.in_channels, 61) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer1[0].conv2.weight.shape), [64, 61, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[0].conv1.out_channels, 61) # layer1.1.conv1 output channels pruned from 64 --> 59 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[1].conv1[1].in_channels, 59) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer1[1].conv1[1].weight.shape), [64, 59, 3, 3]) # layer2.0.conv2 input channels pruned from 128 --> 123 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[0].conv2.in_channels, 123) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer2[0].conv2.weight.shape), [128, 123, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[0].conv1.out_channels, 123) # layer2.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 128 --> 125 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[1].conv2.in_channels, 125) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer2[1].conv2.weight.shape), [128, 125, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[1].conv1.out_channels, 125) # layer3.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 256 --> 245 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer3[1].conv2.in_channels, 245) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer3[1].conv2.weight.shape), [256, 245, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer3[1].conv1.out_channels, 245) # layer4.0.conv1 input channels pruned from 256 --> 245 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[0].conv1[1].in_channels, 245) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer4[0].conv1[1].weight.shape), [512, 245, 3, 3]) # layer4.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 512 --> 501 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[1].conv2.in_channels, 501) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer4[1].conv2.weight.shape), [512, 501, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[1].conv1.out_channels, 501)
def test_winnowing_multiple_zeroed_resnet101(self): """ Tests winnowing resnet18 with multiple layers with zero planes. """ model = models.resnet101(pretrained=False) model.eval() input_shape = [1, 3, 224, 224] list_of_modules_to_winnow = [] # For layer4[1].conv2 layer, zero out input channels 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 44, 54 input_channels_to_prune = [5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 54] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer4[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer4[0].conv1 layer, zero out input channels 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 44, 54 input_channels_to_prune = [5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32, 36, 41, 45, 54] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer4[0].conv1, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer3[1].conv2 layer, zero out input channels 15, 29, 24, 28, 33, 47, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9 input_channels_to_prune = [15, 29, 24, 28, 33, 47, 2, 3, 1, 5, 9] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer3[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer2[1].conv2 layer, zero out input channels 33, 44, 55 input_channels_to_prune = [33, 44, 55] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer2[1].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer2[0].conv2 layer, zero out input channels 1, 12, 13, 14, 15 input_channels_to_prune = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer2[0].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer1[1].conv1 layer, zero out input channels 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 input_channels_to_prune = [55, 56, 57, 58, 59] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer1[1].conv1, input_channels_to_prune)) # For layer1[0].conv2 layer, zero out input channels 42, 44, 36 input_channels_to_prune = [42, 44, 46] list_of_modules_to_winnow.append( (model.layer1[0].conv2, input_channels_to_prune)) # Call the Winnow API. new_model, _ = winnow_model(model, input_shape, list_of_modules_to_winnow, reshape=True, in_place=False, verbose=True) input_tensor = torch.rand(input_shape).double() model.double() model.eval() validation_output = model(input_tensor) # validate winnowed net new_model.double() new_model.eval() test_output = new_model(input_tensor) self.assertTrue(test_output.shape == validation_output.shape) # layer1.0.conv2 input channels pruned from 64 --> 61 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[0].conv2.in_channels, 61) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer1[0].conv2.weight.shape), [64, 61, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[0].conv1.out_channels, 61) # layer1.1.conv1 output channels pruned from 64 --> 59 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer1[1].conv1[1].in_channels, 251) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer1[1].conv1[1].weight.shape), [64, 251, 1, 1]) # layer2.0.conv2 input channels pruned from 128 --> 123 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[0].conv2.in_channels, 123) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer2[0].conv2.weight.shape), [128, 123, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[0].conv1.out_channels, 123) # layer2.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 128 --> 125 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[1].conv2.in_channels, 125) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer2[1].conv2.weight.shape), [128, 125, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer2[1].conv1.out_channels, 125) # layer3.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 256 --> 245 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer3[1].conv2.in_channels, 245) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer3[1].conv2.weight.shape), [256, 245, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer3[1].conv1.out_channels, 245) # layer4.0.conv1 input channels pruned from 256 --> 245 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[0].conv1[1].in_channels, 1013) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer4[0].conv1[1].weight.shape), [512, 1013, 1, 1]) # layer4.1.conv2 input channels pruned from 512 --> 501 # weight (Tensor) : [out_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, kernel_size] self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[1].conv2.in_channels, 501) self.assertEqual(list(new_model.layer4[1].conv2.weight.shape), [512, 501, 3, 3]) self.assertEqual(new_model.layer4[1].conv1.out_channels, 501)