def draw_clonesize_dist(name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300): # name2stat: key = sample name, val = CloneSizeStat # attr = numclones/counts/numclones_cumul/counts_cumul/topfreqs/ # topfreqs_cumul assert len(name2obj) > 0 axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) obj0 = name2obj.values()[0] xlabels = [str(x) for x in obj0.freqs] if attr == 'topfreqs' or attr == 'topfreqs_cumul': xlabels = [str(x + 1) for x in xrange(len(obj0.topfreqs))] xdata = range(0, len(xlabels)) numtop = len(xdata) if attr == 'numclones' or attr == 'numclones_attr': axes.set_yscale('log') linenames = [] lines = [] for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): ydata = obj[attr] if len(xdata) != len(ydata): # HACK continue line, = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=obj.color, marker=obj.marker, markeredgecolor=obj.color, linestyle='-') lines.append(line) linenames.append( drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) labels = cs_get_attr_plot_labels(attr, numtop) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, labels[0], labels[1], labels[2]) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def draw_track_clone_no_matched2(clone, data, groups, outbase, opts=None): if opts is not None: axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) else: axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase) xdata = range(1, len(groups) + 1) offset = 0.02 numpoints = 25.0 for i, x in enumerate(xdata): ydata = sorted(data[i]) halfwidth = min(numpoints, len(ydata)) * offset / 2 currxdata = [] numrounds = int(math.ceil(len(ydata) / numpoints)) for r in xrange(numrounds): numy = min(numpoints, len(ydata) - r * numpoints) for j in xrange(int(numy)): currxdata.append(x - halfwidth + j * offset) axes.plot(currxdata, ydata, ls='none', marker='o', markersize=5) #axes.boxplot(data) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, groups) #drawcommon.set_labels(axes, "Clone %s" % clone, "Groups", "Clone size") axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) axes.set_xlim(0, len(groups) + 1) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outname=outbase)
def draw_diversity_plot_hacktimeseries(group2names, name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300): '''Instead of box plot for each group, keep each sample separately ''' axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) xlabels = ['BL', 'PC', 'W6', 'W14', 'W20'] xdata = range(1, len(xlabels) + 1) cat2group2names = {'None': {}, 'IL7': {}} for catgroup, names in group2names.iteritems(): items = catgroup.split('-') cat = items[0] group = items[1] cat2group2names[cat][group] = names #HACK #sam2color = {'LiBr': "#6baed6", 'BrBu': "#3182bd", 'MeRi': "#08519c", # blue # 'LaBo': "#74c476", 'FoCh': "#31a354", 'JaMa': "#006d2c"} sam2color = {'LiBr': "#525252", 'BrBu': "#969696", 'MeRi': "#cccccc", # gray 'LaBo': "#2171b5", 'FoCh': "#6baed6", 'JaMa': "#bdd7e7"} # blue sam2data = {} sam2marker = {} name2cat = {} for cat, g2n in cat2group2names.iteritems(): for i, group in enumerate(xlabels): # each timepoint names = g2n[group] if i == 0: name2cat[names[0].split('-')[0]] = cat for name in names: sam = name.split('-')[0] y = name2obj[name][attr] if sam not in sam2data: sam2data[sam] = [y] #sam2color[sam] = name2obj[name].color sam2marker[sam] = name2obj[name].marker else: sam2data[sam].append(y) lines = [] linenames = [] for sam, ydata in sam2data.iteritems(): l, = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=sam2color[sam], marker=sam2marker[sam], linestyle='-', markeredgecolor=sam2color[sam]) if sam in name2cat: #legend lines.append(l) linenames.append(name2cat[sam]) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=30) axes.set_xlim(0.5, len(xdata) + 0.5) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Group", ylabel=attr.title()) axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def draw_track_clone_no_matched(clone, data, groups, outbase, opts): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) xdata = range(1, len(groups) + 1) axes.boxplot(data) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, groups) #drawcommon.set_labels(axes, "Clone %s" % clone, "Groups", "Clone size") axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, opts.plotformat, outbase, opts.dpi)
def draw_rarefaction(name2size2sampling, groups, index, outfile, outformat='pdf', dpi=300): # xaxis: sampling size; yaxis: index value +- std axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outformat, dpi=dpi) lines = [] linenames = [] for name, size2sampling in name2size2sampling.iteritems(): if not size2sampling: continue xdata = sorted(size2sampling.keys()) ydata = [] stddata = [] for x in xdata: sampling = size2sampling[x] y = sampling[index] ydata.append(y) stdindex = "%s_std" % index if stdindex in sampling.getitems(): std = sampling[stdindex] stddata.append(std) sampling0 = size2sampling[xdata[0]] color = sampling0.color marker = sampling0.marker if stddata: axes.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=stddata, color=color, markeredgecolor=color, fmt='.') line, = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=color, mec=color, marker=marker, linestyle='-') if not groups: lines.append(line) linenames.append( else: if not in linenames: lines.append(line) linenames.append( drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) # Labeling: title = "%s Rarefaction Curve" % index.title() xlabel = "Sampling size (number of sequences)" ylabel = index.title() drawcommon.set_labels(axes, title, xlabel, ylabel) axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outformat, outfile, dpi)
def draw_track_clone_hack(clone, rows, groups, outbase, opts): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) #sorted_groups = [ # "cd4-naive-baseline", "cd4-naive-postchemo", "cd4-naive-week6", "cd4-naive-week14", "cd4-naive-week20", # "cd4-effector-baseline", "cd4-effector-postchemo", "cd4-effector-week6", "cd4-effector-week14", "cd4-effector-week20", # "cd4-central-memory-baseline", "cd4-central-memory-postchemo", "cd4-central-memory-week6", "cd4-central-memory-week14", "cd4-central-memory-week20", # "cd4-stemcell-memory-baseline", "cd4-stemcell-memory-postchemo", "cd4-stemcell-memory-week6", "cd4-stemcell-memory-week14", "cd4-stemcell-memory-week20", # "cd8-naive-baseline", "cd8-naive-postchemo", "cd8-naive-week6", "cd8-naive-week14", "cd8-naive-week20", # "cd8-effector-baseline", "cd8-effector-postchemo", "cd8-effector-week6", "cd8-effector-week14", "cd8-effector-week20", # "cd8-central-memory-baseline", "cd8-central-memory-postchemo", "cd8-central-memory-week6", "cd8-central-memory-week14", "cd8-central-memory-week20", # "cd8-stemcell-memory-baseline", "cd8-stemcell-memory-postchemo", "cd8-stemcell-memory-week6", "cd8-stemcell-memory-week14", "cd8-stemcell-memory-week20" # ] #sorted_groups = [ # "cd4-N-BL", "cd4-N-PC", "cd4-N-W6", "cd4-N-W14", "cd4-N-W20", # "cd4-E-BL", "cd4-E-PC", "cd4-E-W6", "cd4-E-W14", "cd4-E-W20", # "cd4-cMem-BL", "cd4-cMem-PC", "cd4-cMem-W6", "cd4-cMem-W14", "cd4-cMem-W20", # "cd4-scMem-BL", "cd4-scMem-PC", "cd4-scMem-W6", "cd4-scMem-W14", "cd4-scMem-W20", # "cd8-N-BL", "cd8-N-PC", "cd8-N-W6", "cd8-N-W14", "cd8-N-W20", # "cd8-E-BL", "cd8-E-PC", "cd8-E-W6", "cd8-E-W14", "cd8-E-W20", # "cd8-cMem-BL", "cd8-cMem-PC", "cd8-cMem-W6", "cd8-cMem-W14", "cd8-cMem-W20", # "cd8-scMem-BL", "cd8-scMem-PC", "cd8-scMem-W6", "cd8-scMem-W14", "cd8-scMem-W20" # ] xdata = range(len(groups)) #group2index = {} #for i, group in enumerate(groups): # group2index[group] = i for row in rows: axes.plot(xdata, row, linestyle='-') #ydata = [] #for group in sorted_groups: # index = group2index[group] # ydata.append(row[index]) #axes.plot(xdata, ydata, linestyle='-') drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) #xlabels = [] #for g in sorted_groups: # xlabels.append(get_proper_hack(g)) #drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) #drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, sorted_groups) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, groups) drawcommon.adjust_xticklabels(axes, size='xx-small', rotation=75) drawcommon.adjust_yticklabels(axes, size='xx-small') drawcommon.set_labels(axes, title="Clone %s" % clone, ylabel="Clone size") #drawcommon.set_labels(axes, "Clone %s" % clone, "Groups", "Clone size") drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, opts.plotformat, outbase, opts.dpi)
def draw_track_clone(clone, rows, groups, outbase, opts): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) xdata = range(len(groups)) for row in rows: axes.plot(xdata, row, linestyle='-') drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, groups) drawcommon.adjust_xticklabels(axes, size='xx-small', rotation=75) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, "Clone %s" % clone, "Groups", "Clone size") drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, opts.plotformat, outbase, opts.dpi)
def draw_plot(sam2time2val, outfile, timepoints=None): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile) group2color = {'IL7_baseline': "#c6dbef", 'IL7_postchemo': "#9ecae1", 'IL7_week6': "#6baed6", 'IL7_week14': "#3182bd", 'IL7_week20': "#08519c", 'none_baseline': "#d9d9d9", 'none_postchemo': "#bdbdbd", 'none_week6': "#969696", 'none_week14': "#636363", 'none_week20': "#252525"} groups = ['IL7', 'none'] group2sam = {'IL7': ['LaBo', 'FoCh', 'JaMa'], 'none': ['LiBr', 'BrBu', 'MeRi']} if timepoints is None: timepoints = ['baseline', 'postchemo', 'week6', 'week14', 'week20'] barwidth = (1.0 - 0.25) / len(timepoints) sam_per_group = 3 # number of sample per group xticks = [] ymin = 20 ymax = 0 for i, group in enumerate(groups): xdata = [x + i * sam_per_group + 1 for x in xrange(sam_per_group)] samples = group2sam[group] num_times = len(timepoints) group_xticks = [x + float(num_times) / 2.0 * barwidth for x in xdata] xticks.extend(group_xticks) for j, timepoint in enumerate(timepoints): t_xdata = [x + j * barwidth for x in xdata] color = group2color["%s_%s" % (group, timepoint)] ydata = [] for sam in samples: y = sam2time2val[sam][timepoint] ydata.append(y) ymin = min(ymin, y) ymax = max(ymax, y) line =, ydata, barwidth, color=color, ecolor="#424242") drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) xlabels = ['LaBo_IL7', 'FoCh_IL7', 'JaMa_IL7', 'LiBr_none', 'BrBu_none', 'MeRi_none'] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xticks, xlabels) #axes.set_xlim(xmin=8, xmax=min(maxx, 30)) axes.set_ylim(ymin - 1, ymax + 0.5) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel='Samples', ylabel='Shannon Diversity Index') drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outname=outfile)
def draw_gene_usage(name2obj, attr, type, outbase, genes, opts=None): '''xaxis: genes yaxis: relative usage one line/ sample ''' if opts: axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) else: axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase) #genes = sorted(genes) genes = libcommon.sort_by_gene_number(genes) xdata = range(len(genes)) group2line = {} lines = [] linenames = [] for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): ydata = gu_get_sample_data(obj, attr, type, genes) line, = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=obj.color, marker=obj.marker, markeredgecolor=obj.color, linestyle='-') lines.append(line) linenames.append( if not in group2line: group2line[] = line if len(linenames) > 10: linenames = sorted(group2line.keys()) lines = [group2line[group] for group in linenames] drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) xlabels = [g.lstrip("TRB") for g in genes] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(xlabels) + 0.5) axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Gene", ylabel="%% of total %s" % attr) if opts: drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, opts.plotformat, outbase, opts.dpi) else: drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outname=outbase)
def draw_lendist(name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300, bar=False): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) group2line = {} lines = [] linenames = [] barwidth = (1.0 - 0.35) / len(name2obj) i = -1 minx = 30 maxx = 0 for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): i += 1 xdata, ydata = ld_get_sample_data(obj, attr) minx = min(minx, min(xdata)) maxx = max(maxx, max(xdata)) if not bar: line, = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=obj.color, marker=obj.marker, markeredgecolor=obj.color, linestyle='-') lines.append(line) else: group_xdata = [x + barwidth * i for x in xdata] line =, ydata, barwidth, color=obj.color, ecolor="#424242") #, #edgecolor=g2color[g], ecolor=g2color[g]) lines.append(line[0]) linenames.append( if not in group2line: group2line[] = line if bar: xticks = [x + 0.325 for x in xrange(minx, maxx + 1)] xlabels = [str(x) for x in xdata] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xticks, xlabels) axes.set_xlim(xmin=8, xmax=min(maxx, 30)) axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) if len(linenames) > 10: linenames = sorted(group2line.keys()) lines = [group2line[group] for group in linenames] drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel='Length', ylabel='%% of total %s' % attr) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def diff_plot(x2yvec, outbase, xlabels=[], label="", xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ylabel=""): if not x2yvec: return axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase) if not xlabels: xlabels = sorted(x2yvec.keys()) xdata = range(len(xlabels)) ydata = [x2yvec[x] for x in xlabels] axes.boxplot(ydata) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) # Set limits if xmin: if isinstance(xlabels[0], numbers.Number): xmin += xdata[0] - xlabels[0] + 1 else: xmin = -0.5 if xmax: if isinstance(xlabels[0], numbers.Number): xmax += xdata[0] - xlabels[0] + 1 else: xmax = len(xlabels) + 0.5 if isinstance(xlabels[0], numbers.Number) or isinstance(xlabels[0], tuple): xlabels = [str(x) for x in xlabels] xlabels = [x.replace("TRB", "") for x in xlabels] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, [x + 1 for x in xdata], xlabels) axes.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], ls="-", color="#252525") axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) if ymin and ymax: axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) elif ymin: # axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) axes.set_ylim(bottom=ymin) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) if not ylabel: ylabel = "Difference in %s" % label drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel=label, ylabel=ylabel) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, "pdf", outbase, 300)
def diff_plot(n2diff, genes, outbase): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase) xdata = range(len(genes)) data = [] #for name, ydata in n2diff.iteritems(): #axes.plot(xdata, ydata, linestyle='None', marker='.') for x in xdata: ydata = [n2diff[name][x] for name in n2diff] data.append(ydata) axes.boxplot(data) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) xlabels = [g.lstrip("TRB") for g in genes] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, [x + 1 for x in xdata], xlabels) axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(xlabels) + 0.5) #axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Gene", ylabel="Difference in gene usage") drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, 'pdf', outbase, 300)
def draw_diversity_plot(group2names, name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) xdata = range(1, len(group2names) + 1) xlabels = sorted(group2names.keys()) data = [] for group in xlabels: names = group2names[group] vec = [name2obj[name][attr] for name in names] data.append(vec) axes.boxplot(data) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=30) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Group", ylabel=attr.title()) axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def pair_group_cmp(medvec, vecs, genes, outfile): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile) xdata = range(len(genes)) data = [] #for vec in vecs: #ydata = [v - medvec[i] for i, v in enumerate(vec)] #axes.plot(xdata, ydata, linestyle='None', marker='.') for x in xdata: ydata = [vec[x] - medvec[x] for vec in vecs] data.append(ydata) axes.boxplot(data) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) xlabels = [g.lstrip("TRB") for g in genes] #drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, [x + 1 for x in xdata], xlabels) axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(xlabels) + 0.5) #axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Gene", ylabel="Difference in gene usage") drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, 'pdf', outfile, 300)
def draw_group_pairwise_similarity(group1, group2, vec11, vec12, vec22, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300, xmax=None, xmin=None, ymax=None, ymin=None): # xaxis: G1_G1, G1_G2, G2_G2; yaxis: similarity index axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) xdata = range(1, 4) xlabels = [group1, '%s_%s' % (group1, group2), group2] data = [vec11, vec12, vec22] axes.boxplot(data) #axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color='#3F3F3F', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.05) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) #axes.set_xlabel("Group", size='x-large', weight='bold') #axes.set_ylabel(attr, size='x-large', weight='bold') if not ymax or ymax > 1000: axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) if xmin and xmax: axes.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) else: if xmin: axes.set_xlim(xmin=xmin) elif xmax: axes.set_xlim(xmax=xmax) if ymin and ymax: axes.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) else: if ymin: axes.set_ylim(ymin=ymin) elif ymax: axes.set_ylim(ymax=ymax) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def draw_pca(rownames, rows, outbase, name2obj, var1=None, var2=None): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase) lines = [] linenames = [] g2xdata = {} g2ydata = {} g2color = {} for i, (name, group) in enumerate(rownames): row = rows[i] x = row[0] y = row[1] if group not in g2xdata: g2xdata[group] = [x] g2ydata[group] = [y] g2color[group] = name2obj[name].color else: g2xdata[group].append(x) g2ydata[group].append(y) lines = [] linenames = sorted(g2xdata.keys()) for g in linenames: xdata = g2xdata[g] ydata = g2ydata[g] color = g2color[g] l = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, color=color, markersize=10.0, marker='.', markeredgecolor=color, linestyle='none') lines.append(l) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) if var1 and var2: drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="PC1, %f%%" % var1, ylabel="PC2, %f%%" % var2) else: drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="PC1", ylabel="PC2") drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outname=outbase)
def draw_clonesize_dist_avr(name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300): # name2stat: key = sample name, val = CloneSizeStat # attr = numclones/counts/numclones_cumul/counts_cumul/topfreqs/ # topfreqs_cumul assert len(name2obj) > 0 axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) obj0 = name2obj.values()[0] xlabels = [str(x) for x in obj0.freqs] if attr == 'topfreqs' or attr == 'topfreqs_cumul': xlabels = [str(x + 1) for x in xrange(len(obj0.topfreqs))] xdata = range(0, len(xlabels)) numtop = len(xdata) #if attr == 'numclones': # or attr == 'numclones_cumul': # axes.set_yscale('log') g2ydata = {} g2color = {} for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): ydata = obj[attr] g = if g not in g2ydata: g2ydata[g] = [[y] for y in ydata] g2color[g] = obj.color else: assert len(g2ydata[g]) == len(ydata) for i, y in enumerate(ydata): g2ydata[g][i].append(y) linenames = [] lines = [] #boxwidth = 0.05 #offset = boxwidth + 0.01 offset = 0.05 for i, g in enumerate(sorted(g2ydata.keys())): g_xdata = [x + 0.5 + offset * (i - 1) for x in xdata] g_xdata[0] += 0.35 ydata = g2ydata[g] #axes.boxplot(ydata, positions=g_xdata, widths=boxwidth) mean_ydata = [np.mean(ylist) for ylist in ydata] std_ydata = [np.std(ylist) for ylist in ydata] if attr == "numclones_cumul" or attr == "numclones": mean_ydata = [log10(y) if y > 0 else 2.1 for y in mean_ydata] std_ydata = get_logstd(ydata) line, = axes.plot(g_xdata, mean_ydata, color=g2color[g], linestyle='-', markeredgecolor=g2color[g], marker='o', lw=2) lines.append(line) linenames.append(g) axes.errorbar(g_xdata, mean_ydata, yerr=std_ydata, color=g2color[g], linestyle="None", marker="None") drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(xlabels) + 0.5) if attr != "numclones_cumul" and attr != 'numclones': axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) labels = cs_get_attr_plot_labels(attr, numtop) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, labels[0], labels[1], labels[2]) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def draw_lendist_avr(name2obj, attr, outfile, outfmt='pdf', dpi=300, bar=False): axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outfile, outfmt=outfmt, dpi=dpi) g2x2y = {} g2numsam = {} g2color = {} minx = 30 maxx = 0 for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): xdata, ydata = ld_get_sample_data(obj, attr) g = if g not in g2numsam: g2numsam[g] = 1 g2color[g] = obj.color else: g2numsam[g] += 1 minx = min(minx, min(xdata)) maxx = max(maxx, max(xdata)) for i, x in enumerate(xdata): y = ydata[i] if g not in g2x2y: g2x2y[g] = {x: [y]} elif x not in g2x2y[g]: g2x2y[g][x] = [y] else: g2x2y[g][x].append(y) lines = [] linenames = [] xdata = range(minx, maxx + 1) barwidth = (1.0 - 0.35) / len(g2x2y.keys()) for i, g in enumerate(sorted(g2x2y.keys())): numsam = g2numsam[g] mean_ydata = [] std_ydata = [] for x in xdata: if x not in g2x2y[g]: mean_ydata.append(0) std_ydata.append(0) else: ylist = g2x2y[g][x] + [0] * (numsam - len(g2x2y[g][x])) mean_ydata.append(np.mean(ylist)) std_ydata.append(np.std(ylist)) if not bar: line, = axes.plot(xdata, mean_ydata, color=g2color[g], marker='o', markeredgecolor=g2color[g], linestyle='-') axes.errorbar(xdata, mean_ydata, yerr=std_ydata, color=g2color[g], linestyle='None', marker='None') lines.append(line) else: group_xdata = [x + barwidth * i for x in xdata] line =, mean_ydata, barwidth, yerr=std_ydata, color=g2color[g], ecolor="#424242") #, #edgecolor=g2color[g], ecolor=g2color[g]) lines.append(line[0]) linenames.append(g) if bar: xticks = [x + 0.325 for x in xdata] xlabels = [str(x) for x in xdata] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xticks, xlabels) axes.set_xlim(xmin=8, xmax=min(maxx, 30)) axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel='Length', ylabel='%% of total %s' % attr) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, outfmt, outfile, dpi)
def draw_gene_usage_avr(name2obj, attr, type, outbase, genes, opts, bar=False): '''xaxis: genes yaxis: relative usage one line/ sample ''' axes, fig, pdf = drawcommon.get_axes(outfile=outbase, outfmt=opts.plotformat, dpi=opts.dpi) #genes = sorted(genes) #genes = sorted(genes, key=lambda g: libcommon.get_gene_number(g)) genes = libcommon.sort_by_gene_number(genes) xdata = range(len(genes)) g2ydata = {} g2color = {} for name, obj in name2obj.iteritems(): ydata = gu_get_sample_data(obj, attr, type, genes) g = if g not in g2ydata: g2ydata[g] = [[y] for y in ydata] g2color[g] = obj.color else: assert len(g2ydata[g]) == len(ydata) for i, y in enumerate(ydata): g2ydata[g][i].append(y) barwidth = (1.0 - 0.35) / len(g2ydata.keys()) lines = [] linenames = [] #for g, ydata in g2ydata.iteritems(): for i, g in enumerate(sorted(g2ydata.keys())): ydata = g2ydata[g] ydata = [ylist if ylist else [0.0] for ylist in ydata] mean_ydata = [np.mean(ylist) for ylist in ydata] std_ydata = [np.std(ylist) for ylist in ydata] if not bar: line, = axes.plot(xdata, mean_ydata, color=g2color[g], linestyle='-', markeredgecolor=g2color[g], marker='o') lines.append(line) axes.errorbar(xdata, mean_ydata, yerr=std_ydata, color=g2color[g], linestyle="None", marker="None") else: group_xdata = [x + barwidth * i for x in xdata] line =, mean_ydata, barwidth, yerr=std_ydata, color=g2color[g], ecolor="#424242", edgecolor=g2color[g]) lines.append(line[0]) linenames.append(g) drawcommon.set_legend(axes, lines, linenames) drawcommon.set_grid(axes) drawcommon.edit_spine(axes) xlabels = [g.lstrip("TRB") for g in genes] if not bar: drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xdata, xlabels) else: xticks = [x + 0.325 for x in xdata] drawcommon.set_xticks(axes, xticks, xlabels) axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(xlabels) + 0.5) axes.set_ylim(bottom=-0.005) drawcommon.adjust_ticklabels(axes, xrotation=75) drawcommon.set_labels(axes, xlabel="Gene", ylabel="%% of total %s" % attr) drawcommon.write_image(fig, pdf, opts.plotformat, outbase, opts.dpi)