async def command_paste(message: types.Message): messages_to_delete = [] if message.reply_to_message and != content = message.reply_to_message.text or message.reply_to_message.caption dst = message.reply_to_message member = await bot.get_chat_member(, if isinstance(member, ChatMemberOwner) or ( isinstance(member, ChatMemberAdministrator) and member.can_delete_messages): messages_to_delete.append(dst) else: content = message.get_args() dst = message messages_to_delete.append(dst) if not content or (len(content) < 30 and content.count('\n') < 2): return await message.reply(_("Content to move is too short!")) content = content.encode() response = await hastebin.create_document(content) document_url = hastebin.format_url(response["key"]) text = _( "Message originally posted by {author} was moved to {url} service\n" "Content size: {size} bytes").format( author=dst.from_user.get_mention(as_html=True), url=md.hlink("HasteBin", document_url), size=len(content), ) await dst.reply(text, allow_sending_without_reply=True) for message_to_delete in messages_to_delete: with suppress(TelegramAPIError): await message_to_delete.delete()
async def message_start(message: types.Message): user = message.from_user.full_name source_url = md.hlink("Github", "") await message.answer( f"Привет, {user}!\n" f"Команда /help выведет список доступных команд.\n" f"Команда /settings позволит изменить настройки.\n" f"Исходники: {source_url}", parse_mode="HTML")
async def notify_superusers(chats: Union[List[int], List[str], int, str]): # Generate chats chats = [ { "chat_id": chat_id, "mention": md.hlink(title=f"ID:{chat_id}", url=f"tg://user?id={chat_id}"), } for chat_id in chats ] # Run broadcaster await TextBroadcaster( chats=chats, text=md.hbold("$mention, The bot is running!"), ).run()
async def users(msg: atp.Message, session: AsyncSession): users_list = (await session.execute(select(User))).scalars().all() await msg.answer("Users list\n" + "\n".join([ md.hlink(, f"tg://user?id={}") for user in users_list ]))
async def links(msg: types.Message, state: FSMContext, locale): urls = extractor.find_urls(msg.text) # Return if message not contain urls if not urls: if == await msg.answer( _('No links to music services were found in the message\\.')) return if not == and not is_supported_link( urls[0]): return # Send bot `typing...` await bot.send_chat_action(, action=types.ChatActions.TYPING) # Get user data from state user_data = await state.get_data() # Set layout if it not defined early if user_data.get(LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME) is None: async with state.proxy() as data: data[LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME] = LinksLayout.COMBINED.value for url in urls: new_url = url shazam = Shazam(url) if shazam.is_shazam_url(): new_url = await shazam.find_links() message: List[str] = [] try: linksdata = await odesli.links(url=new_url) except Exception as e: print(e) await msg.answer( _('Unfortunately, we have no data for this link 😥\.')) return entity = linksdata.entitiesByUniqueId[linksdata.entityUniqueId] def links_by_platform(platform: Platform) -> Optional[str]: return getattr(linksdata.linksByPlatform.get(platform), 'url', None) message.append( md.hlink( f"{entity.artistName} - {entity.title}\n", get_streaming_hell_link(, type=entity.type, platform=entity.platforms[0]))) # Compose message text for `SEPARATE` layout if user_data.get(LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME) == LinksLayout.SEPARATE.value: listen_links: list[str] = [] buy_links: list[str] = [] for key, value in platforms.items(): if links_by_platform(key) and value['isStore'] is False: listen_links.append( md.hlink(value['name'], links_by_platform(key))) elif links_by_platform(key) and value['isStore'] is True: buy_links.append( md.hlink(value['name'], links_by_platform(key))) if listen_links: message.append(md.hbold(_('🎧 Listen'))) message.extend(listen_links) message.append( md.hlink( 'VK', get_vk_search_link( f"{entity.artistName} - {entity.title}"))) if buy_links: message.append(md.hbold(_('\n🛍 Buy'))) message.extend(buy_links) # Compose message text for `COMBINED` layout if user_data.get(LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME) == LinksLayout.COMBINED.value: for key, value in platforms.items(): if links_by_platform(key): message.append( md.hlink(value['name'], links_by_platform(key))) message.append( md.hlink( 'VK', get_vk_search_link( f"{entity.artistName} - {entity.title}"))) # Compose message text for `MINIMAL` layout if user_data.get(LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME) == LinksLayout.MINIMAL.value: for key, value in platforms.items(): if links_by_platform(key): message.append( md.hlink(value['name'], links_by_platform(key))) message.append(md.text(' | ')) message.append( md.hlink( 'VK', get_vk_search_link( f"{entity.artistName} - {entity.title}"))) caption = md.text(*message, sep='\n') if user_data.get(LINKS_LAYOUT_NAME) == LinksLayout.MINIMAL.value: caption = md.text(*message, sep='') # Delete user message that contains streaming link bot_member = await bot.get_chat_member(, if == types.ChatType.PRIVATE: await bot.delete_message(, message_id=msg.message_id) elif bot_member.can_delete_messages: await bot.delete_message(, message_id=msg.message_id) # Send found streaming links await msg.answer_photo(photo=entity.thumbnailUrl, caption=caption, parse_mode=types.ParseMode.HTML)